(三起)北师大版五下英语Unit 11 Weather-Lesson 2 Let's Practice.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:9003a).doc

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(三起)北师大版五下英语Unit 11 Weather-Lesson 2 Let's Practice.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:9003a).doc_第1页
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1、 1 Unit 11 WeatherUnit 11 Weather Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lets Practice 一、教材分析: 本节课教学内容为北师大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 11 的第二课时。主要 的教学目的是让孩子们掌握有关天气的词汇和句型 Whats the weather like? 的使用,同时能初步理解和使用 be going to 的句式。这个单元的内容很有生活 气息, 在本单元的第一课时的故事教学中,学生已经初步理解了有关天气的对话 和 be going to 的用法,所以本节课我重点放在 “Whats the weather lik

2、e?” 这个句型的问答训练以及 Weather Report 上。我所授课的自然村,风景秀丽、 依山伴水,特别是萌源广场风光独特,因此“Whats the weather like?”这 个句型的问答训练以及 Weather Report 都是围绕萌源广场展开的。将课文 Lesson 2 中的一些内容做了改动,例如第一部分简单的 Learn to Say,我改成 Weather Report,让学生画一画,说一说,效果更好。 二、学情分析: 本班孩子是我从三年级带上来的,全班 16 个学生,大部分孩子对英语学习 的兴趣比较浓厚,肯学也好学。单词以及升降调的朗读上比较好,拼读单词和背 诵单词是本

3、学期给孩子的任务,对部分孩子来说有难度,而且这个班孩子胆子普 遍较小,在英语课堂上发言比较被动。预测有拍摄的话,课堂活跃度会有很大的 影响。 三、设计思想: 在第一课时我已将天气词汇适当让学生接触, 本节课搭配与萌源广场相关的 天气问题。词汇学习的教学重点在对元音字母、字组和辅音字母、字组发音的辨 别上以便达到拼读的目的。词汇和句型的操练我重点使用了 action 训练 verb 和 be going to,为后文学习做铺垫。之后从孩子们熟悉的生活场景-萌源广 2 场的天气训练 Weather 和 be going to。让学生清楚意识到重点单词和句型中生 活中的应用。接着我让学生编写 Cha

4、nt,不仅复习了单词和句型,而且培养学生 语音语调。然后我利用萌源广场,让学生对下周天气,做一个 Weather Report 的练习,检测学生对 be going to 是否能灵活运用。最后,让学生观看全球变暖 的宣传片,告诫学生保护环境的重要性,希望起到画龙点睛之用。 四、Teaching Material: Teaching Material: Vocabularies: sun-sunny, cloud-cloudy, rain-rainy, snow-snowy, wind-windy。 Sentences: Whats the weather like today? Its sun

5、ny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/fine/windy. What are you going to do ? Im going to ride a bike . Its going to be sunny on Monday . 五、五、 Teaching Aims:Teaching Aims: 1、Enable the students to read, use and pronunciate the weather vocabularies correctly. 2、Enable the students to spell the weather vocabularies ac

6、cording to the simple phonetic skills. 3、Enable the students to understand and use the simple future tense “be going to” correctly in the sentences. 4、Enable the students to express the sentences about the weather and the future action with the right pronunciation and intonation. 5、Improve the stude

7、nts consciousness of environmental protection to protect the environment in their hometown by discussing the weather and describing the weather of the hometown. 六、六、 Possible difficulties:Possible difficulties: 1、Spell the weather vocabularies correctly with the phonetic rules. 2、Describe the senten

8、ces about the weather with the correct pronunciation and intonation. 3 3、Use the verb phrases and the simple future sense “be going to” correctly when the students describe the weather in their hometown. 七七. Teaching aids:. Teaching aids: CAI、a CD-ROM, some exercise papers 八八. Teaching Procedures:.

9、Teaching Procedures: Step1. WarmStep1. Warm- -upup 1. Sing a song Listen to a song of extracurricular English songs, stimulate interest in learning 2.free talk: T: In our world, different weather is in different places ,How to ask and express the weather ? (Show the main points of this lesson.-Whats

10、 the weather like ?) Step Step 2 2:ReviewReview: : 1.Read the weather words with teacher . 2. Find common ground . Tell the students that the last letter of these words is “Y“. The letter “Y“ sounds “|i|“. 3.Read together . Step3Step3. . PresentationPresentation 1.1. Do the Actions :Do the Actions :

11、 Ask the students to follow the teacher. These verb phrases will be used in some activities. 2.2. Look at the verb, guess the weatherLook at the verb, guess the weather T: ride my bike (sunny), take an umbrella (cloudy), read books (rainy), play in the snow (snowy), fly a kite (windy) 3.3.Questions:

12、Questions: (1) Show pictures of students familiar with the square, by observing different weather photos and corresponding sound effects, so that students look and listen to answer the weather problems , but pay attention to correct their pronunciation. Whats the weather like in Mengyuan Square? Its

13、 . (Show the sentences on CAI) 4 (2) Look and Guess: Encourage students to answer the verbs they have learnt . T: Look at the weather ,Its sunny now ,What are you going to do ? StepStep4 4. . Make a chantMake a chant 1.New chant: (1)Show the examples and told them to imitate and say sentences. Whats

14、 the weather like? Its sunny (), sunny (). Ss: Whats the weather like? Its rainy (), rainy (). Whats the weather like? Its snowy (), snowy (). Whats the weather like? Its windy(), windy() Whats the weather like? Its cloudy (), cloudy () (2) Clapping game 2.Practice: Use the two sentences “It is + a

15、weather noun” and “I am going to + a verb phrase” to get the students to guess what the weather is like according to different weather and verb phrases. It is hot and I am going to swim. Its . It is raining and I am going to take an umbrella. Its . It is warm and I am going to play football. Its . I

16、t is cold and I am going to play in the snow. Its . It is cool and I am going to fly a kite. Its . It is cool and there are many clouds in the sky. Its . StepStep5 5. Weather . Weather ReportReport. . Forecast weatherForecast weather in Mengyuan Square:in Mengyuan Square: get the students to finish

17、the weather report in their group. 5 Weather Report Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday StepStep6 6. Summarize. Summarize 1.Look at the pictures and guess :What s the Global warming ? 2. Watch the video ,thing what it wants to tell us. 3. Encourage students to protect the environment in our hometowm. StepStep7 7. . Homework Homework Think about what we can do for our hometown.


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