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1、 2013 贵州安顺英语中考题 第一卷 【2013 贵州安顺】语音(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 根据所给音标,选出正确单词。 【答案】【答案】 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C .单项选择(共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 【2013 贵州安顺】11. “ bookcase is this?” “It must be_.” A. Whos ; Tom B. Whos; Tom C. Whose; Toms D. Whose; Tom 11.【答案】【答案】C 【解析】 考查特殊疑问代词和名词所有格的用法。 Who“谁”, Whose “谁的” 起到形容词性物主代词的用法, 其

2、后可以跟名词。“这是谁的书包?” “这是汤姆的书包”Tom 表示人 Toms 表示汤姆的书包。所以选择答 案 C。 【2013 贵州安顺】12. Our town has changed a lot,_. A. so he has B. so has his C. so is hers D. so has he 12【答案】答案】B 【解析】 考查副词 so 引导的句型的区别。 So+助动词/系动词 be/情态动词+主语: 表示前者后者也, 且前后主语不一致;So+主语+助动词/系动词 be/情态动词:表示对上述情况的强调与肯定,即“确实”。 且前后主语一致。根据句意“我们的城镇发生很大变化,

3、他们的城镇也是。”所以选择答案 B. 【2013 贵州安顺】13. Should a teenager to get a driving license?” “First go to a training centre.” A. be allow B. allow C. be allowed D. allowed 13.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查含有情态动词的被动语态的用法:情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词。所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】14. Doing exercise good for your health. A. be B. am C. is D. are 14.【答

4、案】答案】C 【解析】考查动词作主语的用法。动名词做主语,谓语动词用三单。所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】15. Neither my sister nor I _ been to America before. A. have ever B. have never C. has ever D. has never. 15.【答案】答案】A 【解析】考查代词 neither nor (既不也不)的用法.即:neither nor 短语做主语时要用“就近 原则”即;谓语动词的单复数要受 nor 后面成分的限制。ever(曾经) ,never(从不) 所以选择答案 A 【2013 贵州安顺

5、】16. He often drinks two cups of _ water when he comes back. A. boiling B. boil C. boiled D. boils 16.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查过去分词。过去分词作定语强调被动。“水的烧开应是被烧开”. 所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】17. John often asks his teacher _ help. A. to B. with C. for D. on 17.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查固定搭配“ask.for.” 所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】18. She _ liv

6、e alone. But she _ living alone because she feels lonely. A. used to; doesnt used to B. is used to; was used to C. used to; is not used to D. was used to; doesnt used to 18.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查固定句型的含义区别:used to + do : 过去常常做;be used to + doing : 习惯做。所以 选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】19. “Whos the boy in white T-shirt

7、_ under the tree?” “My friend.” A. stand B. to stand C. stood D. standing 19.【答案】答案】D 【解析】考查动词的现在分词的用法。现在分词作定语强调动作的存在性或正在进行性。所以选择答案 D 【2013 贵州安顺】20. Kate is _ girl. Shes very happy at school. A. a eighteen-year-old B. an eighteen-year-old C. an eighteen-years-old D. a eighteen-years-old 20.【答案】答案】B

8、【解析】考查冠词和数词的用法。在元音音素开头的单词前面用冠词 an;在辅音音素开头的单词前面用冠 词 a;数词和名词用“-”连接,名词用单数。所以选择答案 B 【2013 贵州安顺】21.“Did you borrow the comic book from the library?” “Yes. I_ it for three days. Ill return it this afternoon.” A. borrowed B. kept C. have borrowed D. have kept 21.【答案】答案】D 【解析】考查动词的时态和延续性动词、非延续性动词的用法。for+ 时间

9、段:是现在完成事态的标志。延 续性动词可以和时间段连用,非延续性动词不可以和时间段连用。Borrow 是非延续性动词,keep 是 延续性动词.所以选择答案 D。 【2013 贵州安顺】22. Were not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _ ,we wont go hiking. A. will rain; rains B. will rain; will rain C. rains; rains D. rains; will rain 22.【答案】答案】A 【解析】 考查连词 if 的用法。 If 译为“是否”时, 它引导的是“宾语从句”, 从句的时态要受本

10、句条件的限制, 。 If 译为“如果”时, 它引导的是“条件状语从句”, 从句的时态要用一般现在时表将来, 即: “主将从现”。 所以选择答案 A 【2013 贵州安顺】23. The man has _ friends in this city, so he often stays at home. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little 23.【答案】答案】B 【解析】考查 a few,few,little,a little 的用法区别。a few/few,其后只能跟可数名词复数。a few(一些, 一点)表肯定,few(几乎没有)表否定。Little/

11、a little 其后只能跟不可数名词,a little(一些,一点) 表肯定,Little(几乎没有)表否定。题干说:他经常呆在家里,可推断出:他几乎没有朋友。所以选 择答案 B。 【2013 贵州安顺】24. Vera and Mike come from _ European country. They are in _ same school now. A. a; the B. an; the C. the; the D. an; an 24.【答案】答案】A 【解析】考查冠词的用法。在元音音素开头的单词前面用冠词 an;在辅音音素开头的单词前面用冠词 a; European 的读音是

12、/j u r p i: n/,所以选择答案 A。 【2013 贵州安顺】25. In our school library there _ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them _ growing larger and larger. A. are; is B. is; are C. have; are D. has; is 25.【答案】答案】A 【解析】考查 There be 句型和词组 a number of 与 the number of 的区别:a number of (一定数量的) :

13、 作主语时谓语动词用复数;the number of(的数量) :作主语时谓语动词用三单。所以选择答案 A 【2013 贵州安顺】26. Dad _ the USA in two weeks. A. is leave for B. leaves for C. is leaving for D. left for 26.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查动词的时态。“in+时间段”是一般将来时的标志,leave 等表示地点位置转移的动词的进行时 态可以表达将来含义。所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】27. _ good time they had last weekend! A. How B.

14、 What C. What a D. How a 27.【答案】答案】C 【解析】考查感叹句的用法。What 后面的中心词是名词, How 后面的中心词是形容词或副词,又因 have a good time 是固定结构。所以选择答案 C 【2013 贵州安顺】28. _ children there are in a family,_ their life will be. A. The less, The better B. The fewer, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer 28.【答案】答案】B 【解析】考查形容词比较级的特殊用法

15、。即:the + 比较级,the + 比较级(越越) 。所以选择答 案 B 【2013 贵州安顺】29. To finish the task, were tried three times, and after dinner well try _ time. A. the fourth B. a fourth C. fourth D. four 29.【答案】答案】B 【解析】考查冠词与序数词的用法。定冠词 the+序数词:强调的是顺序、次序。不定冠词 a/an+ 序数词: 强调的是次数的累加。题干说:为了完成任务,我们试了三次,饭后我们将再试一次,累加为四次。 所以选择答案 B 【2013

16、 贵州安顺】30. Tom,_ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one. A. dont B. not C. not be D. dont be 30.【答案】答案】D 【解析】考查祈使句的用法和固定词组 be afraid of。否定祈使句的结构为:dont + 动词原形。所以选择答 案 D 【2013 贵州安顺】.完形填空 (共 15 分,第小题 1 分) The story was a true one and still moved me deeply. Thirty years ago. I got to

17、 know a _31 lady named Rose. She had no kids and lived alone. 32 I went to visit her, I always took Rose some coffee and food. One day she said she 33 me to have hunch. We walked from my work place to a little restaurant on David Street. 34 the way, I began to worry: I knew that she had no money, bu

18、t if I offered to 35 the lunch. I was afraid I would hurt her. There were many people in the 36 and all of them were happy. Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went to 37 in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, she came out and sat with me. She just paid for one meal and we

19、started to 38 the delicious food together. She told 39 that the restaurant let people work for a meal if they had no money, or would give them a free meal if they were not able to work. To my surprise, she also explained that the workers 40 were working there were all volunteers. I 41 remember the b

20、eautiful afternoon I shared with Rose. 42 we had a meal together only once, it was paid by Roses work. The weather was 43 and bright, and everyones smile was warm and bright as well. Im still thinking that life cannot be easy to us, but we can still do 44 for out friends and neighbors. The world wil

21、l be 45 if everybody would like to share happiness with others. It will never be dark if there is a light in everyones heart. 31. A. rich B. poor C. strange D. crazy 32. A. When B. After C. Until D. Unless 33. A. will invite B. was inviting C. is inviting D. to invite 34. A. By B. In C. On D. Out of

22、 35. A. pay for B. ask for C. look for D. care for 36. A. park B. restaurant C. hotel D. bar 37. A. sit B. rest C. stay D. work 38. A. buy B. cook C. enjoy D. drink 39. A. her B. him C. me D. you 40. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 4l. A. never B. still C. hardly D. already 42. A. So B. But C. Thou

23、gh D. Because 43. A. hotter B. cold C. cool D. warm 44. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 45. A. colder B. nicer C. harder D. worse 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,通过我对一个贫困妇女的关照,有一天她请我去小餐馆吃午饭的故事, 一开始我很担心她没钱,没想到她是在那家餐厅通过工作而得到的一顿饭。文章告诉我们生活对我们都不 容易,但是我们仍然可以为我们的朋友和邻居做些事情来分享幸福让世界更美好。 31. 【解析】选 B。语境理解。由下文第

24、二段 I knew that she had no money,可知她是一个贫穷的妇女,所 以选择答案 B。 32. 【解析】选 A。语境理解。根据句意“我去拜访她时,我一直带些咖啡和食物给她”可推测出是当 我去,所以选择答案 A。 33. 【解析】选 B。语境理解与时态判断题。这里的句意是“一天她说她我吃午餐”,主句为一般过去 时,所以是从句也应是相应的过去时态,所以选择答案 B。 34. 【解析】选 C。考查介词的用法。根据句意“路上,我开始担心”可知是在路上,on the way,所以 选择答案 C。 35. 【解析】选 A。语境理解。根据句意“我知道她没有钱,但是如果我提出午餐”可推测

25、出是我提出 给午餐付款,所以选择答案 A。 36. 【解析】选 B。语境理解。由下文的“the restaurant”可知是餐馆,所以选择答案 B。 37. 【解析】选 D。语境理解。根据下文的“let people work for a meal if they had no money,”可推测出她是去 厨房工作为那顿饭,所以选择答案 D。 38. 【解析】选 C。语境理解与逻辑推理。根据句意“我们一起开始美味的食物”可推测出是享受美食, 所以选择答案 C。 39. 【解析】选 C。语境理解。根据下文 To my surprise, she also explained 可以推测出是告诉我

26、,所以选择 答案 C。 40. 【解析】 选 A。 定语从句引导词。 根据先行词 the workers 是人, 排除 which, 空后没有名词, 排除 whose, 此处作主语,所以选择答案 A。 41. 【解析】选 B。语境理解。根据句意“我记得我和 Rose 分享的那漂亮的下午”可推测出是仍然记得, 所在选择答案 B。 42. 【解析】选 C。语境理解。根据句意“我们仅有的一次吃饭,但他是 Rose 工作付款的”可推测出是 让步状语从句,所以选择答案 C。 43. 【解析】 选 D。 语境理解。 根据下文的“and everyones smile was warm and bright

27、 as well.”中的 as well 可知是 warm,所以选择答案 D。 44. 【解析】选 A。语境理解。根据句意“生活对于我们来说不容易,但是我们仍然为我们的朋友和邻居 做”可推测出是做些事情,所以选择答案 A。 45. 【解析】选 B。语境理解。根据句意“世界将会如果大家和别人分享幸福的话”可知是更好,所以 选择答案 B。 .阅读理解 (共 30 分,每小题 2 分) A. 【2013 贵州安顺】 Usually we all go to a store to buy something we need. But today we always want to buy new th

28、ings through the information from advertising and sometimes from TV show. Its quite different from the past. In fact, people have been advertising for thousands of years. Long ago, some men called “criers“(叫卖人) walked up and down the street. They shouted about things that were being sold. Later, peo

29、ple met at one place. This place was a market. Some people came to sell. Other people came to buy. But only those people who were at the market knew what were being sold. When people learned about printing, things changed. Soon there were newspapers. Many people read the newspapers. They saw many ad

30、s in the papers. Later more people saw and listened to the ads on TV. 46. When you go to a store, you want to buy _. A. singers B. advertisement C. things you need D.TV 47. People have been advertising for _. A .thousands of years B. hundreds of years C. one thousand years D. one hundred years 48. L

31、ater people could find the ads _. A. on TV B. in the newspapers C. everywhere D. both A and B 49. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. We go to the store to read the newspaper. B. We go to the store to buy some things we need. C. We go to the store to look at the ad

32、s on TV D. We go to the store to know other people. 50. The main idea of the whole story is _. A. people advertise to sell things B. people cried when they had to advertise C. people went to the market D. people never advertise 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了做广告买东西的发展,它有成千上万年的历史,从一开始的叫卖 到如今的电视广告。 46. 【解析】选 C。细节理

33、解题。由文中第一段的“Usually we all go to a store to buy something we need.”我 们去商店买我们需要的东西,所以选择答案 C。 47. 【解析】 选 A。细节理解题。由文中第二段的“In fact, people have been advertising for thousands of years.” 可知,所以选择答案 A。 48. 【解析】 选 D。 细节理解题。 由文中第二段的“They saw many ads in the papers. Later more people saw and listened to the ad

34、s on TV. ”可知,所以选择答案 B。 49. 【解析】 选 B。 细节理解题。 只有 B 选项与文章第一段的“Usually we all go to a store to buy something we need.”相符,所以选择答案 B。 50. 【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。通读全文,不难看出,文章主要是介绍了人们做广告来买东西的发展, 所以选择答案 A。 B【2013 贵州安顺】 You speak, write a letter, make a telephone. Your words carry a message. People communicate with wor

35、ds. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears (眼泪) in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you

36、are saying “No”. You nod (点头) and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that yo

37、u receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They can help us to know wha

38、t is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about. 51. People communicate _. A. with words only B. in many different ways C. in letters and drawings D. with smiles, tears and hands 52. Signs can carry as many _ as words. A. questions B. examples C. tears and smiles D. messages 53.

39、Which of the following is not talked in the passage as which can help us communicate? A. books and magazines B. TV and films C. newspapers D. radio 54. Communication is important because it can help you to _. A. understand the world and the people around you B. teach each other to speak, write, read

40、 and draw C. know what other people are thinking about D. understand what is happening 55. The best title (题目) for this short passage is _. A. Signs Carry Messages B. The important Communication C. Words, Signs and Drawing D. Ways of Communication 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了人们之间交流的方式是多种多样的。话语、形体语言、标牌、 广播以及

41、媒体都有助于人们之间相互沟通、交流。 51.【解析】选 B。细节理解题。由第二段该句“People can communicate in many other things.”可知,人们可 通过多种方式进行交流。故选 B。 52.【解析】选 D。细节理解题。由第二段该句“Other things can also carry messages.”可知,标记符号也能传 递信息。故选 D。 53.【解析】选 C。细节理解题。由第二段该句“Books, magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others.”可知,书、杂

42、志、电视、收音机和电影有助于人们之间相互交流,C 项“报纸”未涉及到。 54. 【解析】 选 A。 推理判断题。 由第二段尾句“They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.”可推断出, 交流能帮助人们了解世界的周围的人群。 C、 D 的表达单一片面, B 项与此不符,故选 A。 55.【解析】选 D。主旨大意题。通读短文可知,本文主要讲述了人们可通过多种方式进行交流。故选 D。 C 【2013 贵州安顺】 Now many boys wear th

43、e same clothes as girls, and some of them have long hair. So sometimes its difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. One Sunday morning, I went for a walk with my grandfather in the park near my house. After a while, my grandfather was tired, so he sat down on a bench near the pool. “Oh,” my

44、 grandfather said to the person with long curly hair next to him on the bench. “Can you see the person with long hair on the other side of the pool? Is it a boy or a girl?” “Which one?” asks the person with long curly hair. “The one who is eating a hamburger near the pool.” said my grandfather. “He

45、is a boy,” said the person, “hes my son, Han Han.” “Oh,” my grandfather said, “Im sorry, I dont know you are his mother.” “No, Im not his mother. Im his father.” 56. The writers house is near a _. A. clothes store B. bank C. post office D. park 57. One Sunday morning, the writers grandfather _. A. w

46、ent shopping B. went swimming C. went for a walk D. went to the bank 58. Han Hans father _. A. has long curly hair B. is swimming C. is looking for his son D. has short straight hair 59. _ is eating a hamburger. A. The writers grandfather B. Han Han C. The writer D. Han Hans father 60. Which of the

47、following is TRUE? A. Han Han is a beautiful girl with long hair. B. Han Hans grandfather likes walking in the park. C. Han Hans father and the writers grandfather sat on the same bench. D. The writers grandfather is sure that Han Han is a boy at first. 【文章大意】本文是一篇幽默故事。作者和爷爷一起去公园散步,爷爷与坐在身边留着长长卷发的人闲聊 起来,没想到他竟然是一名男子。 56.【解析】选 D。细节理解题。由第二段该句“, I went for a walk with my grandfather in the park near my house.”可知,作者的家在公园附近。故选 D。 57.【解析】选 C。细节理解题。由该句“One Sund


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