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1、人教版高中英语选修8Unit2 Cloning Reading Cloning: Where is it leading us?1,整体设计思路高中英语新课程要求学生的阅读能力达到从阅读中获取主要信息,抓住主要情节,能通过情景及上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象。本课时从人类进行克隆的历史图片导入,根据教学目标,课文内容和学生实际,设计出贴近学生生活实际的教学任务,吸引和组织他们积极参与阅读教学,通过思考,讨论,合作和探究等方式去理解阅读材料获取课文的主要信息,提高语篇分析能力,使得教学体现学生的主体地位。在教学过程中,学生一直处于探索,体会,发现的状态。高中英语新课标倡导任务型的教学模式,教学过程是

2、一种师生交往,积极互动,共同发展的过程。通过这种模式的教学,培养了学生的阅读能力,提高了学生的阅读水平。2,教学背景分析内容分析第一课时由三部分构成。“热身”部分由图片导入,以讨论的形式使学生了解两种不同的克隆;“读前”部分要求学生提出有关克隆的问题,以激发学生对克隆的兴趣;“阅读”部分具体介绍了植物与动物克隆的区别,多莉羊的诞生与死亡以及由此引发的争论,目的是在训练学生阅读技能的基础上了解克隆这门生物技术以及有关的争议。学生分析通过一年半的学习,学生对课堂上的讨论,探究等活动都能积极参与,并且有一定的语言能力。3. 教学目标Knowledge aims:(1) .The students w

3、ill learn the new words and useful expressions in this period.(2) The students will know what a clone is.(3) The students will know the problems of cloning and the advantages of cloning.Ability aimsThe students reading ability will be developed by cooperationEmotional aimsThe students will treat clo

4、ning reasonably after reading.4. 教学重点,难点(1) It is important for students to master the new words and useful expressions in this period.(2) It is important for students to understand the content the text detail.(3) It is difficult students to develop the reading skills.5. 教学过程 Step 1.I. Warming-upTas

5、k1, Show the pictures of cloning history. (Background)Task2, Show the 4 pictures in turn in warming-up and discuss the following questions: 1.It is the most famous sheep in the world Do you know how Dolly is different from other sheep? 2. What can you see in the second picture? 3.Who cut the stem of

6、f the plant and what will he do? 4.What do you know about twins? 5.What is a clone ? (a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant ; to reproduce or propagate asexually.)Step2II Pre-readingTask3, The following statements are about cloning. Read them and decide if they are true or false.

7、Write the letter “T”if the statement is true. Write “F”if it is false. 1.Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. 2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. 3.Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plant. 4.Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. 5.

8、Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants.III. PredicationTask4, Read the title and look at the picture ,please guess what the passage will talk about?Iv.While-reading.Task5,Read the passage carefully and then chose the best answer. 1. Dolly the sheep _. A. looked exactly like the sheep

9、that provides the egg. C.looked like the sheep that give birth to it. D.had the characteristics of all three sheep. 2. What the main idea of paragraph2? A.Cloning has the two major uses. B.The cloning of animals is more complicated than that of plants. C.The procedure of cloning animals is hard to u

10、nderstand. D.How the scientists successful cloned Dolly the sheep 3.From the last paragraph, we can infer_. A.all the government will forbid research into human cloning. . B.some government will permit research into human cloning with the aim of medical aid. C.cloned human beings will produce in som

11、e countries. D.cloning will come to an end because of so many problems. 4.Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning? A.Cloning can be used for medical purposes. B.Large quantities of food can be produced by cloning. C.Cloning can help keep animals from becoming extinct. D.Famous persons

12、who have passed away can be cloned. Task6,Read the passage for details and fill the blanks. Cloning is a way of making an_1_ copy of another animal or plant Cloning plants is _2_ while cloning animals is very complicated. It is a difficult task to _3_. Many attempts to clone mammals failed. But at l

13、ast the determination and patience of scientists_4_ in 1996 with a_5_-the cloning of the Dolly the sheep. Dollys appearance raised a storm of _6_ and had a great _7_ on the _8_and the public imagination. Although Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the original sheep. At present som

14、e countries began to reform their legal systems and _9_ research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK,continued to _10_ evidence of the abundant medical aid the cloning could provide.VI Summary and homework Discuss the following question after class. What are the problems an

15、d advantages of cloning? VIII 教学评价根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题,并赋分(A,B,C,D)1.I know what cloning is.2.I know why cloning is a controversial issue.3.I know how Dolly the sheep was produced.4.I can use the new words in this period.5.I can understand the complicated sentences.6. I can active in group discussions. 板

16、书设计Unit2 cloning Cloning:Where Is It Leading Us? I Warming-up Background II PredicationIII. Cloning:a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plantNew words:Differ, exact,commercial, straightforward, undertake, pay off,breakthrough, arbitrary, objection, impact, moral, forbid, accumulate, attain, obtain, cast down.


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