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1、学校_班级_姓名_学号_-密-封-线-六年级期中英语测试题I.听力部分(20分)一、听音,选出你所听到的短语,每个短语念两遍(5分)( )1.A last MondayB last Sunday( )2.A 1st JanuaryB 3rd January( )3.A boil waterB boil milk( )4.A a bag of riceB a carton of milk( )5.A climb a treeB climb a hill二、听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子念两遍(5分)( )1.A We are swimming.B They are singing.( )2.

2、A It was ten yuan.B They were ten yuan.( )3.A Its salty.B Its sour. ( )4.A I like jeans.B I like boots.( )5.A Turn left.B Turn right.三、听每小题一段小对话,选最佳答案,每段小对话念三遍。(5分)( )1.Are you strong now? A. Oh, yes. B. Oh, no.( )2.What do you like doing?A. I like painting. B. singing.( )3.What subject do you like?

3、A. Chinese. B. maths.( )4.How much are these apples? A. They are ten yuan.B. They are nine yuan.( )5.Where do you live?A. Country. B. City.四、听短文,从相应选项中选出最佳答案,短文读二遍(5分)( )1. Jack is a _. A. doctor B. teacher( )2. His face is a _. A. circle B. square( )3.Is he tall? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt.( )4.

4、His nose is _. A. big. B. small.( )5. How many pupils are there in his class? A. fifty B. fifteenII写(20分)一、按要求在四线三格中写出字母大小写:(5分)1、字母表中,小写字母只占上、中格的字母是:2、字母表中,小写字母只占中格的字母是: 3、字母表最后一个字母是: 二、根据汉语意思写出正确的英语单词(5分)6. There is a _(机器人) on the desk.7. She is buying five _(罐) of fish.8. Lets _(骑)a bicycle afte

5、r school .9. We _(去) to the Zoo with my teacher last Sunday.10. My mothers birthday is in _ (三月).三、根据问句选出恰当答语并抄写在四线三格里。(10分)( )11.Who is that girl? ( )12.Is there any garlic? ( )13.Which ice cream do you like best? ( )14. What subject do you like? ( )15.Whose bike is this?A. English. B. Her sister.

6、C. Its his bike. D. Yes, there is. E. Strawberry ice cream.III单项选择(35分)一、选出下面每组中不属于同一类的词(5分)( )1.A rodeB hadC washes( )2.A saltyB sweetC pepper( )3.A jeansB socksC pack( )4.A sunnyB cheeseC cloudy( )5.A strongB smallC swim二、根据情景选择正确的表达方式(10分)( )6.当你想表达需要帮忙时,你可以说: A. Can you help me, please ? B. hurr

7、y up.( )7.“我用眼睛看。”用英语应该说: A. I see with my eyes.B. I hear with my eyes.( )8.当别人向你致歉时,你应该说: A. OK.B. Thats all right.( )9.当你做了好事别人感谢你时,你应该说: A. Dont thank . B. You are welcome.( )10.当你看见前面有危险需要提醒同学时,你应该说: A Be careful. B. Take care of him .三、从A、B两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线且意思正确的选项(15分)( )11.- _ does Ann go to sc

8、hool? -By bus. A. HowB. What( )12. Mr li _ like chicken. A. dont B. doesnt( )13.在单词make和take 中字母“a”的正确读音是_ A. /ei/B./ai/( )14.My aunts birthday is _ the second of June. A. onB.in( )15. Is there _ here? A. anything hot B. hot anything( )16. It _ strong . Its garlic. A. smellB. smells( )17. Where are

9、your books? They are _ the door. A. inB. behind( )18. Excuse .Where is the bus stop? A. meB. I( )19.I _ in the pool last Sunday. A. swimedB. swam( )20. The monkeys want _ bananas. A. to eatB. eat( )21. Uncle Wang _ fat before. A. wasB. were( )22. Amy arrived the beach. A. inB. at( )23. Dont in class

10、. Lets to the teacher. A. talk, listenB. talks, listens( )24. He _ the dishes at home yesterday. A. wash B. washed( )25. You _ keep quiet in the library. A. shouldntB. should四、找出下列各题中错误的一项并将序号填在提前括号内。(5分)( )26.I go to the beach yesterday. A B C( )27.The weather is cold at winter. A B C( )28.She like

11、s eats chocolate ice cream. A B C( )29.Paul is not playing of the water now. A B C( )30. Mary takes care in her sister?A B C五、句型转换(10分)1. That is an onion.(改为复数句) _ are _.2. Did she fly a kite yesterday?(肯定回答) _ , she _.3. There were some pickles.(变为否定句) There _ _ pickles.4. They go to school on foo

12、t every day. (改为同义句)They school every day .5.A bottle of coke is five yuan twenty.(对划线提问) _ _ is a bottle of coke?六、汉译英(5分)1.我害怕辣椒。 I afraid chillies.2.星期天你们做了什么? What _ you do Sunday?3.贝蒂想要两碗粥。 Betty _ two _of congee.4.我们去动物园吧。_ _ to the zoo.5.一个男孩正在做饭. A boy dinner.七、阅读短文,按要求完成文后练习题,将正确答案的序号填到题前括号

13、内(10分)Dear David, Thank you for your letter. Im very happy in Beijing. Im in Class One, Grade Six. There are twenty boys and thirty girls in my class. My father is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. He likes playing football. My mother is a housewife, she cooks meals for us. I love my famil

14、y and school. Yours Charlie( )1. Charlie is in _. A. ShanghaiB. Beijing( )2. Charlie is in _.A. Class 1 Grade 6B. Class 3 Grade 6( )3. Charlies father teaches _. A. EnglishB. maths( )4. _likes playing football. A. CharlieB. Charlies father( )5.There are _ pupils in Charlies class. A. twentyB. fifty听

15、力部分(英语教师朗读部分)一、听音,选出你所听到的短语,每个短语念两遍(5分)1. last Monday 2. 1st January 3. boil water4. a carton of milk 5. climb a hill二、听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子念两遍(5分)1. They are singing. 2. They were ten yuan. 3.Its sour. 4. I like boots. 5. Turn right.三、听每小题一段小对话,选最佳答案,每段小对话念三遍。(5分)1.A:Are you strong now? B:Oh, yes. 2.A:

16、What do you like doing?B: singing.3.A:What subject do you like? B: Chinese. 4.A:How much are these apples? B:They are nine yuan.5.A:Where do you live? B: Country. 四、听短文,从相应选项中选出最佳答案,短文读二遍(5分)Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young, but he is not old. He has a round face and a big nose. He is n

17、ot tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.参考答案听力部分:一AAABB 二BBBBB 三 ABABA 四 BABAA写1-5 mangoes thirdplaysrunningsang6-10 tomatotinsridewentcool11-15 BCADE单项选择1-5 CCCBC 6-10 AABBA11-25 ABAAA BBABAABABB26-30 ACBCC句型转换1、Those onions2.Yes,did3. werent any4. Didnt see 5. How much汉译英

18、1.am, of2. did, on学校_班级_姓名_学号_-密-封-线-六年级期中英语测试题I.听力部分(20分)一、听音,选出你所听到的短语,每个短语念两遍(5分)( )1.A last MondayB last Sunday( )2.A 1st JanuaryB 3rd January( )3.A boil waterB boil milk( )4.A a bag of riceB a carton of milk( )5.A climb a treeB climb a hill二、听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子念两遍(5分)( )1.A We are swimming.B They

19、 are singing.( )2.A It was ten yuan.B They were ten yuan.( )3.A Its salty.B Its sour. ( )4.A I like jeans.B I like boots.( )5.A Turn left.B Turn right.三、听每小题一段小对话,选最佳答案,每段小对话念三遍。(5分)( )1.Are you strong now? A. Oh, yes. B. Oh, no.( )2.What do you like doing?A. I like painting. B. singing.( )3.What su

20、bject do you like?A. Chinese. B. maths.( )4.How much are these apples? A. They are ten yuan.B. They are nine yuan.( )5.Where do you live?A. Country. B. City.四、听短文,从相应选项中选出最佳答案,短文读二遍(5分)( )1. Jack is a _. A. doctor B. teacher( )2. His face is a _. A. circle B. square( )3.Is he tall? A. Yes, he is. B.

21、 No, he isnt.( )4.His nose is _. A. big. B. small.( )5. How many pupils are there in his class? A. fifty B. fifteenII写(20分)一、按要求在四线三格中写出字母大小写:(5分)1、字母表中,小写字母只占上、中格的字母是:2、字母表中,小写字母只占中格的字母是: 3、字母表最后一个字母是: 二、根据汉语意思写出正确的英语单词(5分)6. There is a _(机器人) on the desk.7. She is buying five _(罐) of fish.8. Lets

22、_(骑)a bicycle after school .9. We _(去) to the Zoo with my teacher last Sunday.10. My mothers birthday is in _ (三月).三、根据问句选出恰当答语并抄写在四线三格里。(10分)( )11.Who is that girl? ( )12.Is there any garlic? ( )13.Which ice cream do you like best? ( )14. What subject do you like? ( )15.Whose bike is this?A. Englis

23、h. B. Her sister. C. Its his bike. D. Yes, there is. E. Strawberry ice cream.III单项选择(35分)一、选出下面每组中不属于同一类的词(5分)( )1.A rodeB hadC washes( )2.A saltyB sweetC pepper( )3.A jeansB socksC pack( )4.A sunnyB cheeseC cloudy( )5.A strongB smallC swim二、根据情景选择正确的表达方式(10分)( )6.当你想表达需要帮忙时,你可以说: A. Can you help me

24、, please ? B. hurry up.( )7.“我用眼睛看。”用英语应该说: A. I see with my eyes.B. I hear with my eyes.( )8.当别人向你致歉时,你应该说: A. OK.B. Thats all right.( )9.当你做了好事别人感谢你时,你应该说: A. Dont thank . B. You are welcome.( )10.当你看见前面有危险需要提醒同学时,你应该说: A Be careful. B. Take care of him .三、从A、B两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线且意思正确的选项(15分)( )11.- _

25、 does Ann go to school? -By bus. A. HowB. What( )12. Mr li _ like chicken. A. dont B. doesnt( )13.在单词make和take 中字母“a”的正确读音是_ A. /ei/B./ai/( )14.My aunts birthday is _ the second of June. A. onB.in( )15. Is there _ here? A. anything hot B. hot anything( )16. It _ strong . Its garlic. A. smellB. smell

26、s( )17. Where are your books? They are _ the door. A. inB. behind( )18. Excuse .Where is the bus stop? A. meB. I( )19.I _ in the pool last Sunday. A. swimedB. swam( )20. The monkeys want _ bananas. A. to eatB. eat( )21. Uncle Wang _ fat before. A. wasB. were( )22. Amy arrived the beach. A. inB. at(

27、)23. Dont in class. Lets to the teacher. A. talk, listenB. talks, listens( )24. He _ the dishes at home yesterday. A. wash B. washed( )25. You _ keep quiet in the library. A. shouldntB. should四、找出下列各题中错误的一项并将序号填在提前括号内。(5分)( )26.I go to the beach yesterday. A B C( )27.The weather is cold at winter. A

28、 B C( )28.She likes eats chocolate ice cream. A B C( )29.Paul is not playing of the water now. A B C( )30. Mary takes care in her sister?A B C五、句型转换(10分)1. That is an onion.(改为复数句) _ are _.2. Did she fly a kite yesterday?(肯定回答) _ , she _.3. There were some pickles.(变为否定句) There _ _ pickles.4. They g

29、o to school on foot every day. (改为同义句)They school every day .5.A bottle of coke is five yuan twenty.(对划线提问) _ _ is a bottle of coke?六、汉译英(5分)1.我害怕辣椒。 I afraid chillies.2.星期天你们做了什么? What _ you do Sunday?3.贝蒂想要两碗粥。 Betty _ two _of congee.4.我们去动物园吧。_ _ to the zoo.5.一个男孩正在做饭. A boy dinner.七、阅读短文,按要求完成文后

30、练习题,将正确答案的序号填到题前括号内(10分)Dear David, Thank you for your letter. Im very happy in Beijing. Im in Class One, Grade Six. There are twenty boys and thirty girls in my class. My father is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. He likes playing football. My mother is a housewife, she cooks meals for u

31、s. I love my family and school. Yours Charlie( )1. Charlie is in _. A. ShanghaiB. Beijing( )2. Charlie is in _.A. Class 1 Grade 6B. Class 3 Grade 6( )3. Charlies father teaches _. A. EnglishB. maths( )4. _likes playing football. A. CharlieB. Charlies father( )5.There are _ pupils in Charlies class.

32、A. twentyB. fifty听力部分(英语教师朗读部分)一、听音,选出你所听到的短语,每个短语念两遍(5分)1. last Monday 2. 1st January 3. boil water4. a carton of milk 5. climb a hill二、听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子念两遍(5分)1. They are singing. 2. They were ten yuan. 3.Its sour. 4. I like boots. 5. Turn right.三、听每小题一段小对话,选最佳答案,每段小对话念三遍。(5分)1.A:Are you strong no

33、w? B:Oh, yes. 2.A:What do you like doing?B: singing.3.A:What subject do you like? B: Chinese. 4.A:How much are these apples? B:They are nine yuan.5.A:Where do you live? B: Country. 四、听短文,从相应选项中选出最佳答案,短文读二遍(5分)Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young, but he is not old. He has a round face and a

34、 big nose. He is not tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.参考答案听力部分:一AAABB 二BBBBB 三 ABABA 四 BABAA写1-5 mangoes thirdplaysrunningsang6-10 tomatotinsridewentcool11-15 BCADE单项选择1-5 CCCBC 6-10 AABBA11-25 ABAAA BBABAABABB26-30 ACBCC句型转换1、Those onions2.Yes,did3. werent any4. Didnt

35、see 5. How much汉译英1.am, of2. did, on六年级下册英语期中测试卷A一、单词辨音。找出下列单词中画线部分读音不同的单词,将序号写在前面括号内。( ) 1. A. cent B. enjoy C. wet D. festival( ) 2. A. cashier B. balloon C. arrive D. cola( ) 3. A. quickly B. hardly C. dry D. cloudy( ) 4. A. photo B. close C. hold D. dollar( ) 5. A. soup B. cloud C. around D. pla

36、yground二、单项填空。从A.B.C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. Im going to have _ American birthday party.A. a B. anC. the( ) 2. _ is the hamburger?Its fifteen yuan.A. How much B. How many C. How long( ) 3. There are lots of trees _ the lake in the park. Lets go and have a rest there.A. on B. in C. around( ) 4. Yesterday she went to the park and _ some photos.A. takeB. took C. takes( ) 5. Look at the black clouds. Its going to be _. Please take your umbrella.A. cloudy B. rainy C. windy三、完成句子。用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. We _ (have) a party tomorrow.2. They went to the zoo yesterday and they _


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