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1、六年级英语上册期中模拟测试听力部分(40分)一、听音,选出你所听到的内容。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、went swimming B、went to some famous parks C、went to the Great Wall2、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、six years old B、six months old C、sixteen years old3、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、a long tail B、four legs C、a round head4、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、 small and cute B

2、、a primary school student C、junior high school5、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、visited my friends B、watched TV C、did my homework二、听音,选出所听到的图片。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C2、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C3、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C4、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C5、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、( )

3、These animals are in danger .2、( )I sometimes play football with him .3、( )Would you like to have dinner ?4、( )I ate a little sweet food this evening .5、( )They dont like bread and rice .四、听音把短文补充完整。(共10个空,每空1分)Tim and Judy _ a lot of _ and _ . They eat a lot of _ and _a lot of water . They eat some

4、 _, _and _ . They also _ some _.笔试部分(60分)一、选出不同类的选项。(共5个小题,每题2分)( )1、A、hamburger B、lunch C、breakfast( )2、A、year B、January C、October( )3、A、uncle B、pizza C、grandparent( )4、A、sandwich B、yesterday C、cake( )5、A、month B、cute C、clever二、判断下列各组划线部分的发音,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。(共5个小题,每题2分)( )1、A、too B、food C、room( )2

5、、A、year B、bear C、near( )3、A、sweater B、breakfast C、head( )4、A、grass B、past C、wash( )5、A、note B、ago C、moment三、单项选择。(共10个小题,每题1分)( )1、Do you play _after school ?A、piano B、music C、football( )2、Ben _born in 2010 in Shenzhen .A、was B、were C、is( )3、Little Mike cant _his mother .A、find B、finds C、finding( )4

6、、Alice often _her homework on Saturdays .A、did B、does C、do( )5、I didnt eat _bread this morning .A、much B、some C、a lot( )6、What did you do on your holiday ? I _ .A、reading books B、watch TV C、bought a story book ( )7、Danny _two hamburgers for breakfast this morning .A、had B、have C、has( )8、_was your su

7、mmer holiday ? It was wonderful .A、How B、Where C、What( )9、What did you _for lunch today ?A、had B、has C、have( )10、Her hair _short and her eyes _big .A、were , were B、were , was C、was , were四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10个小题,每题1分)1、She has big _(eye)and a small mouth .2、The dog has four _(leg).3、My little sister is

8、 six _(month)old .4、Mike _(not go)to school yesterday .5、Did you _(have)dinner at home ?6、In China , people like _(eat)dumplings .7、She _(fly)a kite last Sunday .8、My brother _(visit)the Great Wall last year .9、Would you like _(sing)songs ?10、She likes _(dance)and singing .五、选词填空,完成对话。(共10个空,每空1分)pl

9、ayed visited did ate went were was had are How aboutMike: Hello , Alice . This is Mike . How 1 your holiday ?Alice: Hi , Mike . It was wonderful . I 2 my aunt and uncle in Beijing . We 3to the Great Wall and 4 Beijing Roast Duck .We 5 a good time .I also 6 with my cousins . They 7 short last year .

10、But now they 8 tall and strong . 9 you ? What did you do during the holiday ?Mike: I 10 my homework and cleaned my room .六、写作。(10分)你的暑假是怎样度过的?去了什么地方?做了些什么?心情怎样?不少于五句话。_二、听音,选出所听到的图片。1、sandwich 2、panda 3、Canada 4、visit grandparents 5、the Palace Museum三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。1、These animals arent i

11、n danger .2、I sometimes play football with him .3、Would you like to have breakfast ?4、I ate a little sweet food this evening .5、They like bread and rice .四、听音把短文补充完整。Tim and Judy eat a lot of fruit and vegetables . They eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water . They eat some fish , chicken and eg

12、gs . They also drink some milk .听力答案一、听音,选出你所听到的内容。1、B 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、C二、听音,选出所听到的图片。1、B 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、A三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、F四、听音把短文补充完整。Tim and Judy eat a lot of fruit and vegetables . They eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water . They eat some fish , chicken and eggs .

13、They also drink some milk .笔试答案一、选出不同类的选项。1、A 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、A二、判断下列各组划线部分的发音,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。1、T 2、F 3、T 4、F 5、T三、单项选择。1、C 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、C 7、A 8、A 9、C 10、C四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、eyes 2、legs 3、months 4、didnt go 5、have6、eating 7、flew 8、visited 9、to sing 10、dancing五、选词填空,完成对话。(共10个空,每空1分)1、was 2、visited

14、3、went 4、ate 5、had 6、played 7、were 8、are 9、How about 10、did六、写作。 My summer holidayMy name is Alice . My summer holiday was fun . I went to Beijing with my family .I visited my uncle . We went to the Great Wall , Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum . We also went to some famous parks in Beijing .

15、I took a lot of photos . I had a great time .小学六年级英语期中质量调研试卷 得分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分)( )1. A. hospital B. honey C. holiday( )2. A. wore B. wear C. were( )3. A. train B. rain C. rainy( )4. A. should B. could C. would( )5. A. pointed B. laughed C. wanted( )6. A. together B. weather C. eit

16、her( )7. A. went swimming B. flew kites C. played basketball( )8. A. Palace Museum B. Science Museum C. Summer Palace( )9. A. go away B. fly away C. take away ( )10. A. make friends B. all over the world C. heavy rain二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍,4分)三、听录音,选择相应的答语。(听两遍,5分)( )1. A. Its Wednesday. B. On Wednesday

17、. C. It was Wednesday.( )2. A. I lost my kite. B. Its on the desk. C. Its a kite.( )3. A. He was in Shanghai.B. He went to the Bound. C. He goes to the Shanghai Museum.( )4. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he couldnt. C. Yes, she does.( )5. A. I visited the Tiananmen Square. B. I often help my parents with h

18、ousework. C. He picked oranges.四、听录音,根据所听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分)( )1. A. She went swimming. B. She made new clothes. C. She went shopping.( )2. A. She writes letters. B. She wrote an email. C. She writes emails.( )3. A. Yes, it was. B. No, it isnt. C. No. It was sunny.( )4. A. No, she couldnt. B. Yes

19、, she could. C. Sorry, I dont know.( )5. A. She was in the hospital. B. She was at home. C. She went to a farm.五、听录音,补全短文。(听三遍,6分) It was sunny on Saturday morning. I to my grandparents house. I some presents for them. They very happy. I a lovely cat in their garden. I with it. Then the weather beca

20、me rainy. The cat away.笔试部分(70分)一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(5分)( )1. A. visited B. lived C. climbed D. listened( )2. A. farm B. party C. laugh D. warm( )3. A. pear B. dear C. wear D. bear( )4. A. mother B. summer C. teacher D. her( )5. A. work B. world C. word D. horse二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 变得多云的 2. make a sentence 3.

21、 嘲笑他 4. go well 5. 长城 6. What happened? 7. 写电子邮件 8. e-friends from all over the world 9. 讲故事 10. look out of the window 三、单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. My mother went ,but my father . A. fishing; doesnt B. swimming ;isnt C. shopping; didnt D. climbing; dont( ) 2. Listen, Su Hai .She every morning. She likes . A

22、. is singing; sing; singing B is singing; sings; singing C. sing; sings; singing D. sing; is singing; singing( ) 3. There _ any people in the park yesterday morning. A. werent B. wasnt C. were D was( ) 4. _ work on owers and make honey.A. Lions B. Bees C. Ants D. Bears ( ) 5.Now I can read newspaper

23、s _ news Awith Bto Cfor D. on ( ) 6.Where _ you a week ago? I _ in Beijing Awas;were Bwere;was Cwas;was D. are; am( ) 7.It is _ nowIt often _ here in spring. Araining;rainy B. raining;rains C. rained;rainy D. rainy; rain( ) 8.-Where did you_ last holiday? - I went to a farm and picked a lot of apple

24、s. Ado B. did C. go D. went( )9. Some children are sitting on the grass and_ a chat now. A. had B. have C. having D. are having( ) 10. -Does Mike often_ kites at the weekends? -No, but he_ kites with me last weekends. A. fly; fly B. flew; flew C. fly; flew D. fly; flies四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Anna (no

25、t like) rainy days. She (like) sunny days.2. Long long ago, people (use) horses (carry) things.3. Listen! The girls in the next room (sing) an English song.4. There (be) any honey and hamburgers in the fridge last week.5. It (rain) heavily this morning. But its (wind) now.6. Mrs Li often (come) to w

26、ork early, but yesterday she (be)late.五、根据中文提示,完成句子。(10分)1.昨天他们去公园划船了。They in the park .2.他们刚才看见一些蜜蜂在花间飞舞。They some bees in the flowers just now.3.国庆节那天我们参观了上海博物馆。We visited the Shanghai Museum on .4. 过去你在网上看新闻吗? you on the Internet then?六、按要求改写句子。( 10分)1. I played basketball in the playground.(对划线部

27、分提问) you do in the playground?2. I was at a clothes shop last night. (对划线部分提问)Where last night?3. He ate a cake last night. (用every day改写句子)He a cake .4. I caught some fish there last weekend. (改为一般疑问句) you fish there last weekend?七、阅读短文。( 10分)(A) 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。Three rabbits live in a h

28、ouse. They want to have some coffee one day. So they go toa caf (咖啡馆). When they get to the caf, it starts to rain. They have no umbrella withthem. So the biggest (最大的) rabbit says to the smallest one, “Go home and get the umbrella.”The little rabbit answers, “I will, but you cant drink my coffee.”

29、“We wont,”the other two say. Two hours later (之后) the biggest rabbit says to the medium-sized (中等大小的) rabbit, “Well,I guess he wont come back. Lets drink his coffee.” Just then, they hear a voice (声音) , “If you do so, I will not go to get the umbrella.”( ) 1. The rabbits want to have some coffee.( )

30、 2. Its a fine day so the rabbits go to a caf.( ) 3. The rabbits dont have umbrellas with them.( ) 4. The smallest rabbit doesnt go home and get the umbrella at all.( ) 5. The three rabbits trust (信任) each other.(B)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Mr King is a worker. He is very busy during weekdays (在工作日期间). He likesg

31、oing fishing at weekends.One Sunday, Mr King went fishing with his friend Mr Green. They came to thebank (岸) of the river and began to fish. Half an hour later, Mr King hooked up (钓起) abig fish. But he threw it back to the river. Then he went on (继续) fishing. Another (又)half an hour later, Mr King h

32、ooked up a big fish and threw it into the river again.The third time (第三次), Mr King hooked up a small fish. He was very happy andput it into the pot (罐子). Mr Green was very surprised (惊讶的) and asked, “Why didyou throw the big fish but keep (保留) the small one?” “Cant you see my pot is small?”answered

33、 Mr King.( ) 1. At weekends, Mr King likes .A. going swimming B. going fishing C. going boating( ) 2. Who did Mr King go fishing with on Sunday?A. Mrs Green. B. Miss Green. C. Mr Green.( ) 3. How long (多久) did they fish at the bank of the river?A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. Over (超过) one hour.( )

34、 4. Mr King threw the big fish back to the river because .A. he didnt like eating the big fishB. he thought his pot was too smallC. the small fish were more delicious than the big ones( ) 5. Perhaps Mr King was a man.A. bad B. clever C. foolish八、书面表达。(5分)以“Then and now”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的过去和现在的情况,不少于5句话。Th

35、en and now 小学英语六年级(6A)期中试卷班级_姓名_成绩_听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的选项,并将序号填在题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. mobile B. match C. many D. music( ) 2. A. wear B. were C. warm D. work( ) 3. A. short B. show C. shout D. shirt( ) 4. A. rainy B. angry C. hungry D. cloudy( ) 5. A. right B. white C. night D. bright( ) 6. A. parr

36、ot B. part C. party D. parent( ) 7. A. 6:05 B. 6:15 C.5:45 D. 5:55( ) 8. A. laugh B. little C. lose D lost( ) 9. A. go well B. go in C. go shopping D. go on( )10. A. National Day B. Childrens Day C. Women s Day D. Christmas二、听录音,选择正确的应答,并将序号填在题前括号内。(5分)()1.A. My father. B. My mother is. C. Its my fa

37、ther. ( )2.A. Thanks a lot. B. How nice! C. Its on the chair.( )3.A. At half past four. B. Its five. C. Im twelve. ( )4.A. Its time for lunch. B. Im hungry. C. All right. ( )5.A.Thats great. B. I want to go shopping. C. I wanted to give you a book.三、听录音,根据录音内容选择正确答案。(5分) ( )1. Was it rainy in the morning? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasnt. C. I dont know. ( )2. Who like


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