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1、Unit 2 School Life短语I. WordsBritish, Britain, American, America, lift, elevator, eraser, rubber, fall, autumn, mail, post, vacation, holiday, movie, film, soccer, Home Economics, Computer Studies, even, heroes, taste, tasty, article, geography, language, science, health, healthy, healthily, tonight,

2、 dining, dinner, stationery, admireII. phrases1. Why dont sb. do sth.? - -为什么不(表示一种建议或责备)Why not do sth.?What about doing sth.?How about doing sth.?2.be smarter than people -比人类聪明3.be cleverer than 4.whatshool like-上学是什么样的?Whats the weather like today?-今天天气怎么样?Whats the girl like? -那个女孩像什么样?5.be lik

3、e watching Tv -像看电视6.an advertisement -一个广告7.fewer advertisements-广告少些8.school life/school lives -学校生活9.ideal school-理想的学校10.fint out more about -找出更多11.schools around the world -世界各地的学校12. British English-英式英语13 American English -美式英语14.in Year 8/Grade 8- -在八年级15.a mixed school - -一所混合制学校16.have le

4、ssons together -一起上课17.my favourite subject -我最喜欢的科目18.learn to do sth.- -学做某事19.learn to how to cook and sew -学怎样烹调和缝纫20.how to cook and sew -怎样烹调和缝纫21 know how to cook healthy and tasty meals-知道怎么做健康和美味的菜22.be good for ones health -对某人的健康有益23.keep healthy -保持健康24.how to do things for myself - 怎样自己

5、做事情25.do things for oneself-独立做事26. a Reading Week - 阅读周27.read the most books -读最好的书28.in ones class -在某班29.in class-在课上30.read any books from -从读任何书31.bring in sth -把某物带进来32.we .have to/must tell our English teacher what we are reading 我们得告诉我们的英语老师我们读的内容33.tell sb. what we are reading -告诉某人我们要读什么?

6、34.near the end of each class -在每节课快要结束的时候35.Read all our classmatess books -看所有同学的书36.at the end of37.in the end/at last/finally -最后38.talk to sb. about sth. -告诉某人关于某事39.as well/too/also/either -也40.have a driving lesson41.in 9th grade - 在九年级42.have driving lessons inshool -上驾驶课43.drive sb. To some

7、 place -开车到某地44.drive sb. to schoo-开车到学校45.take sb. to school by car -带某人乘轿车到学校46.take sb. to school in ones car- 在某人的轿车里带某人去学校47.It takes/took sb. time to do sth. -做某事耗费某人一段时间48.It takes less time than taking a bus.-这比乘公共汽车花的时间少些49.take the bus -乘车50.once/twice a week(How often)-一周一次/一周两次51.be five

8、 kilometers away from(How far)-离五千米远52.play softball/baseball/volleyball- 打垒球/篮球/排球53.play the violin -弹钢琴54.spend doing55.spend a lots of time practioning -花许多时间练习56. spend time doing sth- 花时间做某事57.practice doing58.every Monday (How often) - 每周59.go to a buddy club -去伙伴俱乐部60.My home is close to my

9、school.61.The door is closed.62.The door is open.63.help sb. with sth. - 帮助某人做某事64.my hero/heroes - -我的偶像65.have a great time talking to each other-彼此交谈的很开心66.have a great time doing sth - 做某事的过程中很开心67.have a good time doing sth - 做某事开心68.a close friends -一位亲密的朋友69.a kind of ball game -一种球类运动70.a su

10、bject about cooking and sewing -一门有关烹调和缝纫的科目71.on the way home -在回家的路上72.after school/class - 放学后73.with a pleasant taste74.read an article - 读一篇文章75. I .read an article by a girl from the USA-我读了一个美国写得女孩的文章76.an article by a girl -一个女孩写得文章77. someone you admire very much -你非常敬佩的人78.someone sb admir

11、e very much -非常敬佩某人79.a special friend -一位特别的朋友80.talk in the class -在课上交谈81.at the age of 16 - 在16岁时82.at the age of -在- 岁时83.when sb. is 1684.Computer Studies -计算机课程85.home Economics class - 家政课86.Computer Studies lessons -电脑课87.at lunchtime/ during lunchtime -在午餐时间88.Students in 12th grade are ca

12、lled seniors.89.What does the word “hero” mean?“here” -这个单词是什么意思90.What is the meaning of the word “hero”?91.join fewer clubs92.have less free time -空闲时间、业余时间93.morethan (C&U) -比-多(可数/不可数)94.fewerthan (C ) -比-少(可数)95.lessthan(U) - 比-少(不可数)96.the most (C&U)97.the least (U)98.the fewest (C )99.the fun

13、niest girl -最有趣的女孩100.the most points-最多的分数101.the fewest points - 最少的分数102.the most money -最多的钱103.the least money - 最少的钱104.tell funny jokes -讲幽默的笑话105.plant trees -植树106.grow flowers - 种花107.have dinner -吃饭108. most of- -中的大部分109.the Reading Club- 阅读俱乐部110.the music Club -音乐俱乐部111.the Health Club

14、 -健康俱乐部112.the Online Friendship Club -网上友谊俱乐部113.Online Friends - -网友114.be the same as -和-一样115.be different from -与-不同116.the difference(s) between117.the number ofis - 的数量118.a number of119length of.120. in the summertime -在夏季的时间里121.length of summer holiday - 暑期的成绩长假122.time spend on homework -

15、花在作业上的时间123.wear uniforms -穿校服124.do morning exercises - 做早操125.have two days off -有两周的休假126.have a two-day holiday -有一两周的休假127.have more weeks off -有更多学期的休假128. have +时间+off -休一段时间的假129 how many Grade 8 classes-多少八年级的班级130. at your school - 在你们的学校131.hurt ones leg -弄伤某人腿132.stay in hospital - 呆在医院1

16、33.be in hospital -住院134.be in the hospital -在医院里135.be able to do -能做某事136.three months - 三个月137. She wont be able to play basketball for three months他三个月不能打垒球138.look out/take care/be careful - 当心、小心139.look out of -向外看140.take care of -照顾141.be on TV-在电视里142.get a pet monkey143.have cakes for din

17、ner144.hear/listen to145.move to Canada146.Chess Club147.go on a school trip/go on school trips - 学校组织的旅行148.get up late/early- 晚起149.have much (lots of)time for after-school activities 花许多时间进行课外活动150.have an hour for lunch -有一小时的午饭时间151.listen to pop music - 听流行音乐152.quite small153.on one side of o

18、ur school -在我们学校的每一侧154.on the other side of- - 在另一边155.we have a big library with lots of useful books我们有一个大的图书馆,里面有许多有用的书156.tennis court/swimming pool157.have half an hour of homework -花半小时的家庭作业158.at weekends - 在周末159.have a trip to sp - 到某地旅行160.be the same size/colour as -和-一样的尺寸/颜色 III. Sente

19、nces1. Because were smarter than people.2. Whats school like.3. My favourtie subject is Home Economics.4. I like Home Economics best.5. We have to tell our English teacher what we are reading.6. It takes less time than taking the bus.7. We always have a great time talking to each other.8. What does

20、the word hero mean?9. What is the meaning of the word hero?10. It means someone you admire very much.11. John studies more subjects than Nancy.12. Nancy joins fewer clubs than I.13. I have less free time than John.14. She has the most beef.15. Kitty has he least rice.16. How many students are there

21、in your school?17. What the number of students in your school?18. Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British students.19. There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other.20. Every month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre.IV. Grammar1. Comparing two thingsa. 更多的(可数&不可数)morethanb. 更少的(可数)fewerthanc. 更少的(不可数)lessthan2. Comparing more than two thingsa. 最多的(可数&不可数)the mostb. 最少的(可数)the fewestc. 最少的(不可数)the least3. A is the same as B.4. A is different from B.8


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