1、 Sentence is the basic unit of a language in which people communicate with each other in the social activities.Translation Unit:sentence(the most frequently used)v1.Contrast between Chinese and English in Syntax and Corresponding Translation Approaches (第一节:汉英句法特征对比及第一节:汉英句法特征对比及翻译对策翻译对策)v1.Hypotaxi
2、s&Parataxis v2.2.Being Abstract&Being Concretev3.Impersonal subject&personal subjectv4.Stative&Dynamicv5.Subject&TopicEnglish:主语显著(subject-prominent)Chinese:主题显著(topic-prominent)E:SVC,SV,SVO,SVO1O2,SVOC “主语谓语”C:“话题说明”主题(topic)与述题(comment)vExamples:1)家里的事情,你不用管,你干你的正经事去 2)这个人,我听说过。3)饭,他一口没吃。4)鸡我吃了 5)
3、淮河我们一定要修好“主谓句”与“话题句”之间的转换 例1 一口水,他都不喝。译文 He didnt take even a mouthful of water.v例2这以后的路,卢勇走得特别快。天黑的这以后的路,卢勇走得特别快。天黑的时候,他追上了后卫部队时候,他追上了后卫部队,朝花夕拾 中国文学 现代小说卷v译文 Lu finished the rest of the journey quickly.He caught up with the rear-guard before the dark.v2.Approaches to Dealing with the Main Sentence
4、Elements in C-E Translation(第二节(第二节:汉译英中句子主要汉译英中句子主要成分的处理方法)成分的处理方法)2.1.Subject in Chinese and English (汉英中汉英中的主语)的主语)(1)Chinese:multi-language unit English:language unit with nominal property刘宓庆:当代翻译理论:“汉语的主语不限于名词性,不限于施事与受事,不限于与句中动词具有形式的、逻辑的关系,不限于一个,也并不是不可或缺的成分。”va)不限于名词 l Nominal Subj(名词主语):电很有用。(
5、Electricity is useful.)l Adjectival Subj(形容词主语):过谦并不好。(Its not good being too modest.)l Verb Subj(动词主语):学习是第一步。(The first step is to learn.)l Numeral Subj(数词主语):“八八”是个吉利数字。(“88”is a lucky number.)l Phrase Subj(词组主语):你不管就是你的不对了。(Its your fault not to take care of it.)vb)不限于施事或受事1).Agentive Subj(施事主语)
6、:v我很讨厌长篇发言。(I hate long speech.)2).Recipient Subj(受事主语):五个汉堡包够吃吗?(Five hamburgers-is it enough?)3)Topic Subj(表时间的话题主语):明天再谈吧。(Let us talk about it tomorrow.)4)Place Subj(表处所的话题主语):河畔草青青。(Green grass grows along the riverbanks.)5)Instrument Subj(表工具的话题主语):保鲜膜有时也并不保鲜。(Film wrap sometimes cant keep foo
7、d fresh.)v(2)vChinese:“人称主语”(personal subject)主动语态(active voice)无主句(zero-subject)English:“非人称主语”(non-personal subject)被动语态(passive voice)主语不可或缺(subject-indispensable)(3)English:noun indicating time or place as subject (see,find,witness-predicate)例1 在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。例2 中国在1980年成功地发射了第一颗洲际导弹。例3 世纪之交,中
8、国外交空前活跃。v2.2 Establishment of the subjectv (主语的确立)v主语的确立:英语主语的严格性,只能由名词(或)代词担当,例如 vWe can solve the problem.vThis problem can be solved in many ways.)v或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(如动词不定式、动名词、名词性从句一般指主语从句等)来充当。例如:vTo solve this problem needs patience.vWorking ingeniously may help you learn English well.vIt is not
9、known yet whether they will return today.)v2.1 The employment of the original subjectv(直接用原文的主语)v1)如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。v2)如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。v2.2 Substitution For the original subjectv1)鲁迅的骨头是最硬的.vLu Hsuns bones were the hardestv2)胎又瘪了。v3)人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。v2.3 Finding out the
10、proper subjectv1)在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。v 2)北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。v2.4 The use of passive voicev1)公共场所禁止吸烟。vSmoking is forbidden in public places.v2)这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。v4)有明显的迹象表明,一些古老的传统和价值观不再为年轻人所珍藏。v5)可以预见,在一个不太长的时间内,中国必在科学技术方面赶上世界最先进的国家。v2.5 处理无主语的句子v(运用There be的句式)v1)好像有点不大对头。v2)古今中外
11、,在商贸市场上历来都是大鱼吃小鱼。v2.6Supplement of the subject if necessaryv1)健康不佳就无法有效工作。v2)到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为有趣。刘鹗老残游记(p129)2.3 Selection of Predicate(谓语(谓语的选择)的选择)(1)English:SV,SVC,SVO,SVO1O2,SVOC v1 Simple Predicatev vSimple verb verb phrasev1)We PLANT trees in spring every year.v2)The plane TOOK
12、 OFF at seven oclock.v2 Complex predicatev modal verb+infinite verb without“to”v1)These students SHALL VISIT the museum tomorrow.v modal verb+infinite verbv1)You OUGHT TO BEGIN with English 900.v 2)They SEEMED TO RESPECT the old professor very much.v Linking verb+predicative(表语)v 1)Taiwan is an isla
13、nd.2)The weather has turned cold.天气已经变冷了 1 Everybody laughed.2 I am a teacher.3 I bought a ticket.4 Mary lent me her car.5 They elected him president.Chinese:almost any parts of speech,any language unit例1 上海大城市。译文 Shanghai is a big city.例2 我们校园很美。译文 Our campus is very beautiful.例3 老太太今年八十了。译文 The ol
14、d lady is eighty this year.例4 孩子们不在家。译文 The children are not at home.例5 那位女教师态度和蔼。译文 The woman teacher is affable in manner.v(2)English:inflection(inflexion,曲折)language Chinese:uninflection(inflexion)language例1 我喜欢打乒乓球和羽毛球,我丈夫喜欢打篮球和排球。我俩都喜欢球类运动。译文 I like playing table tennis and tennis.My husband li
15、kes playing basketball and volleyball.Both of us like ball games.例2 她喊了一声,倒下去,很快就在雪中冻结了。译文 She gave her last cry and fell,soon to be frozen in the snow.例3 她竟然在那么短的时间内做了那么多的事,他们感到很惊讶。译文 They were amazed that she should have done so much in so short a time.例5 十多年前,机关给我安了部电话。译文 Ten-odd years ago,the in
16、stitution where I worked had a telephone installed in my home.v(4)English:one finite verb(限定 动词)v Chinese:multi-verb “连动句”v李明来学校学习了。妈妈上街买菜了。v我去图书馆看书了。奶奶进城看戏了。(5)English:verb-object(collocation)例1“影响”a)这份辛苦的工作正在影响我的健康。b)粗劣的事物影响儿童自然的生长。C)屋外的噪音影响我的学习。2.4 Position of Attribute例1 不眠之夜(sleepless nights)雷鸣
17、般的掌声(thunderous applause)正在变化中的世界(the changing world)下岗工人(laid-off workers)例2 到场的来宾(the guests present)重要的事情(something important)能找到的最早的版本(the earliest edition obtainable)各种可能的办法(every way possible)唯一可靠的人(the only person reliable)2.5 Position of AdverbialvE:方式状语+地点状语+时间状语v地点或时间状语之间的排列顺序一般从小到大vC:相反v例
18、1:去年五月:in May last year 例2:1975年7月25日早上8点钟:at eight oclock on the morning of July 25,1975v例1:他家住在安徽马鞍山湖东路36号。vHe lives at?3.Translation of Chinese Sentence Patterns(第三节第三节:汉语句型的翻译汉语句型的翻译)v Chinese sentencev v v simple sentence complex sentence1 translation of Chinese simple sentence汉语单句可分为主谓句和非主谓句两种
19、。1)主谓句 名词性谓语、动词性谓语和形容词性谓语主谓句,主谓谓语句。-直译(但不可机械对应)例1 战士们出发了。例2 我的老师给了我一本书。例3 光以波的形式传播。例4 他常常帮助那些有困难的人。v例5 汤姆和他弟弟性格不同。v例7 你明白我的意思吗?v例8 他谁也不羡慕。v例9 这个地区多雨。vItvPeoplevThis areavThere is2)非主谓句非主谓句名词类、动词类、形容词类和叹词类 例1 干杯!译文 To your health!例2 您的票!译文 Your ticket please!/Show your ticket please!例3 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?2.复句
20、的翻译2.1 汉语的复句:联合复句和偏正复句 联合复句(compound sentence):并列关系、连贯关系、递进关系和选择关系。vCompound sentence-two or even more independent sentences are connected with conjunction or comma.vThe category of conjunctionvA:并列关系v例 我爱我的父母,我的父母也爱我。vB:连贯关系v例1 他们来到后,屋子里随即热闹起来。vC:递进关系(不仅 而且或不但 而且)v例 在太阳系中,不但行星,而且太阳本身也在不断运动。vD:选择关系v
21、例1 他要么看电影去了,要么看戏去了。v偏正复句(complex sentence)v Complex sentence:consists of main clause and subordinate clause因果关系:因为。所以转折关系:但是。让步关系:即使条件关系。如果 v2.2 Methods(1)合译法例1 即使是最好的厨师,有时也会做出不好的菜来。译文 The best cook sometimes makes bad dishes.例2 白天不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。译文 A good conscience is a soft pillow.v例3:那座城堡很坚固,在敌人的进
22、攻中起了很好的防御作用。v例4:那座老房子很脏,住在那条街上的人都很讨厌。v例5:她很努力,名声很好。vHer efforts gained her a reputation.v(2)译成并列句 例1.过年对他们来说,比平日更辛苦更操劳,但他们总是想方设法把年过得富足快乐。译文例2:不自由,勿宁死。译文 Give me liberty or give me death.v(3)译成复合句例1你干了这一杯,我就让你走。译文 If you empty your glass,I will let you go.例3 虽说是一枝小草,又无花朵,其妩媚之态,不禁心动神怡,魂消魄散。(红楼梦)译文 tho
23、ugh it was so small and had no blossoms its delicate grace was utterly enchanting.3.特殊句型的翻译v3.1 连谓句例1 老人放下杯子站了起来。译文 The old man put down the glass and stood up.Or:Putting down the glass,the old man stood up.v例2 我没有思索的从外套袋里抓出一大把铜元,交给巡警,说,“请你给他”译文例3 他们常常用电话交谈。译文 例4 他到领导那儿请了个假。译文v3.2 兼语句v我让他去你的办公室一趟。v我
24、请周恩来同志来解释 v3.2.1 MethodvEmployment of SVOC patternv兼语句的宾语补足语还可以由形容词、副词、名词或分词甚至是介词短语来担当。例1 他证明自己值得信赖。译文例2 老师让学生们都进来。译文例3 他们任命这位年轻人为公司的副董事。译文例4 他忽然听见有人轻轻扣窗子。译文例5 地震使所有的房子都成了废墟。译文 例7 我们可以听见孩子们在外面玩。译文v当第一个动词含有“责怪、批评、埋怨、赞扬”等意味时,第二个动词往往要转换成介词短语或状语从句表示原因或结果。例1 母亲责备孩子回家晚。译文例2 老师表扬他乐于助人。译文v3.3“把把”字句字句例1 你最好在
25、月底之前把这台机器修好。译文.例2 十分钟以后,她把双臂浸泡在温水李译文 Ten minutes later she soaked her arms in the warm water.例3 这天气把人热得坐不住。译文例4 这一趟把他累坏了。译文 例5 村里人不把我当外人。译文.例6 我是把那件事当作自己的事情来做的。译文例1 她把头一昂,走了。译文例2 他的好意把我感动得流下了热泪。译文v3.4“得得”字句字句(1)表示能力或可能性的“得”字句:例1 这个教室能坐得下 250 名学生吗?译文例2 他们什么事情都干得出来。译文 例3 有些星星是肉眼看得见的。译文.(2)表示结果或程度的“得”字
26、句:利用习惯搭配“enough to”,“enough for”,“too to”,“too for”。例1 这间屋子热得可以煮土豆了。译文 This room is hot enough to bake potatoes.例2 他常常高兴得什么都忘了。译文v(3)被动句中的“得”字句译为英语的被动句例1 小孩被打得青一块紫一块。译文例2 院子每天都打扫得干干净净。译文其他v例1 这些牛羊长得又肥又壮。译文 The sheep and cattle grow fat and strong.例4 她又来信了,不过比前一封说得更详细。译文 She gave me another letter,gi
27、ving more details.例5 怀特夫妇俩在玛丽皇后号邮船上过得很愉快。译文 The Whites had a good time on board the Queen Mary.4.Translation of long sentencev4.1 Translation of Chinese Chronicle sentence(汉语流水句的翻译)vWhat is Chinese chronicle sentence?vA typical Chinese sentence pattern and its usually rather long.The sequence of wor
28、ds within the sentence is arranged chronologically and logically.v1)老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻找一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门立住了。v2)顷刻之间,滚滚的浊水象堵墙一般压了下来,一古脑连人带车都给冲走了。这情景,直到现在还印在我的脑海里。(3)中国科学技术落后,困难比较多,特别是人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。(邓小平文选第三卷)v4.1.1 translating principlev“汉语的流水句,译成英语时
29、,常常要化简为化简为繁繁,组合成复合句复合句或者长句长句”,或者根据意意群群(thought group)译成几个英语句子。v1)这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知,大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。v The current visit to Taiwan for exchange,brief and cursory as it is,has enabled us to see many places,to visit old friends while making new acquaintances.An importan
30、t topic for discussing at our gatherings was the prosperity of Chinese nation in the 21st century.v2)如今没奈何,把你雇在间壁人家放牛,每月可以得他几钱银子,你又有现成饭吃,只在明日就要去了(儒林外史)vTheres no way out but to set you to work looking after our neighbors buffalo.You will make a little money every month,and you will get your meals th
31、ere too.You are to start tomorrow.v例1 不一会,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。译文 Presently the wind dropped a little.By now the loose dust had all been blown away,leaving the roadway clean,and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.例2 在中国要是没有电脑,生活是难以想象的,可是没有多少年以前,人们还把电脑看成奢侈品,很多人都买不起,再说,电脑也供不应求。译文 It is ha
32、rd to imagine what life would be like in China without the computer.Yet it wasnt so many years ago that a computer was considered a luxury,beyond the reach of many people.Moreover,it was in short supply.v4.2 translation of general long sentencev(一般长句的翻译)v4.2.1 translating stepsv明确核心成分(因果,假设,让步,条件等逻辑
33、关系)v原句成分紧密,难以分割,译成复合句。v成分意义完整,具有相对独立性,译成几个小句子,用连词加以连接。v1)当你步入冰心的书房的时候,怎么也难以相信这位头发梳得光洁的,红唇皓齿,思维敏捷,谈吐幽默俏皮的老太太已经九十几岁,而且有十几年不能随心所欲地走路了。vWhen you walked into Bin Xins study,you will find it hard to believe that the old woman in it,with well combed hair,healthy lip and white teeth,quick in thought and hum
34、orous in conversation,was in his 90s and had been unable to walk for a dozen years.v2)二儿子是一个不知道辛苦和疲劳的、力气比一般伙伴更大的健壮的矿工,又很诚实和守信义,乐意帮助伙伴和朋友,所以矿工们,尤其是青年们都和他做朋友,以得到他的友谊为快乐。vHis second son was a strong miner,stronger than the other miners.No hard work could fatigue him.He was honest and trustworthy,willin
35、g to help others.Therefore,his fellow miners,especially young ones,sought for his friendship and took pleasure in being friends with him.v3)一个人在学问上如果能感觉到趣味,有时候会像是着了魔一般,真能废寝忘食,真能不知老之将至,苦苦钻研,锲而不舍,在学问上焉能不有收获?vA man who is really interested in learning sometimes does act like one possessed.He forgets hi
36、s approaching old age and works very hard even to the neglect of his meals and sleep.Isnt it but natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly achievements?vIf a man is really interested in learning sometimes does act like one possessed,forgetting his approaching old age and working ver
37、y hard even to the neglect of his meals and sleep,isnt it but natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly achievements?vSummaryvMethod:structural analysis+rearrangement of logic(结构分析加逻辑重组)vStrong points:抓住句子的内在结构和主要意义,层次分明,根据具体情况译成复合句或者几个小句子。摆脱汉语影响,译文比较地道,符合英语表达习惯。v有一年冬初,四叔家要换女工,做中人的魏老婆子带她进来了,头上扎着白头绳,乌裙,蓝夹袄,月白背心,年纪大约二十六七,脸色青黄,但两颊还是红的。自己既不肯动,他倒希望虎姑娘快快进屋去,或是命令他干点什么,简直受不了这样的折磨,一种什么也不像而非常难过的折磨。(老舍:骆驼祥子)