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1、.1Food from around the worldChapter 5,Book 4BLongman Welcome to English.2 congeedim sumfried noodlesfried riceroast duckwon ton noodleshotdogshamburgersWhere does it/do they come from?It comes/They come from.3.spaghettipizzapork choppotato skins onion soup French breadsnails.4cold noodlessushichicke

2、n currySatay.5Making suggestions or giving offersShall we.?I am a tourist.Would you like.?.6.7Making suggestions or giving offersI am free this Sunday.Today is very hot.Tomorrow is Maggies birthday.Tony is at the hotel.Mary is sick.8 learn to read.9 People around the world eat different food.Some pe

3、ople like eating insects.They say they are very tasty to eat.You can eat many kinds of insects like grasshoppers,crickets and ants.You can also cook them in many different ways.For example,you can fry them,boil them or roast them.They are very good for you because they dont have a lot of fat.Would y

4、ou like to try some?Now youre going to read a story about Charlie and Cherry.What food did they try at the food fair?.10ButterfliesBeesAntscicadapupaMothsWasps.11BeetlesStinkbugsBackswimmersGrasshoppersCricketsLocusts.12How do we cook insects?roastingboilingfrying.13Whats the most unusual food you h

5、ave ever tried?Charlie and Cherry went to a food fair and tried some very unusual food.Can you guess what it might be?. words:tastestallThe girl made a face at the taste of the medicine.那女孩尝到药味后,露出了一脸苦相。It tastes like chocolate.它吃起来像巧克力。he sells fruits at a market stall.她在市场的货

6、摊上卖水果。.21New words:kinds ofdelicious Who cooked this?Its delicious.谁做的?味道好极了。.22Fried grasshopper.23crunchysaltyThey tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass.它们吃起来脆爽带浓浓的草香。Salty food makes one thirsty.咸的食物令人口渴。.24 Sorry,I didnt mean to frighten you.对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。frightenwormThe bird had a worm in i

7、ts beak.鸟儿嘴里叼着一条虫。.25look worriedcanMrs.Chow looked a bit worried.My sister and I do not look alike.It was always canned peas for Sunday lunch.26Sentence patternoffer sb.sth.Ex:He offered Cherry a fried grasshopper too.Ex:A man showed Charlie some fried grasshopper.show sb.sth.Rhys offered him an ap

8、pleI showed them where the gun was.27Q1:Did Charlie and Cherry like the insects they tried?Q2:How did the honey pot ants taste?Q3:How did the fried grasshoppers taste?.28Q4:Why was their mother surprised when they got home?Q5:Why did Cherry tell her mother the worms were chocolate ones?.29.30.31Giving offers.


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