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1、【英语】七年级英语下册选词填空难题及答案经典1一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空power station, washing machine, at least, come back, be important to, take the medicine, on time, switch on, make sure(1)Mr. Green is attending a meeting in Paris now. He will _ in 5 days. (2)David caught a cold and _ three times a d

2、ay. (3)I prefer washing clothes by hand to washing clothes with a _. (4)We wont go to the park because of the rain. _ everyone knows it. (5)The electricity is off because the storm damaged the _. (6)Its too dark in the room. Please _ the light. (7)I want to go on holiday next Monday, for _ a week. (

3、8)Eating more vegetables _ your health. (9)It is snowing heavily. I am afraid I cant get to the train station _. 【答案】(1)come back(2)took the medicine(3)washing machine(4)Make sure(5)power station(6)switch on(7)at least(8)is important to(9)on time 【解析】【分析】power station发电厂;washing machine洗衣机;at least至

4、少;come back回来;be important to对.重要;take the medicine吃药;on time及时;switch on打开;make sure确保,确信(1)句意:格林先生现在正在巴黎参加会议,他5天后将回来。根据句意可知格林先生在巴黎,所以5天后回来,will后面用动词原形,故填come,back。(2)句意:David感冒了,一天吃三次药。根据caught a cold可知David感冒了,所以需要吃药。caught表明时态是一般过去时,所以take用过去式took,故填took,medicine。(3)句意:我洗衣服更喜欢手洗而不是洗衣机洗。根据常识可知洗衣服

5、要么手洗要么洗衣机洗,故填washing,machine。(4)句意:因为下雨我们不去公园了,确保每个人都知道。根据句意可知下雨不去公园,所以确保每个人知道这个消息,make sure+句子,意思是确保.。故填Make,sure。(5)句意:因为暴风雨破坏了发电厂,所以停电了根据常识可知发电厂发电,发电厂坏了肯定会停电,power station发电厂,故填power,station。(6)句意:房间里太黑了,请打开灯。天黑了所以开灯,switch on打开,please后面用动词原形,故填switch,on。(7)句意:我想下周一去度假,至少一周。at least至少,故填at,least。

6、(8)句意:吃更多的蔬菜对你的健康是重要的。根据常识可知吃蔬菜对身体健康是重要的,be important to对.重要,主语Eating more vegetables是动名词,动名词做主语谓语动词用单数,时态是一般现在时,所以be动词用is,故填was,important,to。(9)句意:天正在下大雪,我恐怕不能准时到达火车站。根据It is snowing heavily.天正在下大雪,可知不能够准时到达目的地,故填on,time。【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。2选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填

7、空。in many ways, cut down, spread across, thousands of, as a result, because of(1)We cant go to the park _ the bad weather. (2)In order to make energy and paper, people _ too many trees. (3)Tom didnt sleep well last night. _, he felt sleepy in class. (4)The news _ the country and all of us knew it. (

8、5)English are quite different from Chinese _. (6)Every year, _ travellers come to visit Shenzhen. 【答案】(1)because of(2)cut down(3)as a result(4)spread across(5)in many ways(6)thousands of 【解析】【分析】in many ways,在很多方面,用很多方法; cut down,砍伐, spread across, 传播,蔓延;thousands of,数以千计的; as a result,结果,因此; becaus

9、e of 因为(1)句意:因为天气恶劣,所以我们不能去公园。由句意可知恶劣天气是不能去公园的原因,bad weather是名词,应选表示原因的介词,故填because of。(2)句意:为了制造能源和纸张,人们砍伐的树木太多了。根据常识,人们用砍伐的木材获取热量和木造纸,根据句意,动词要用一般现在时,主语是people,可数名词复数,动词用原形,故填cut down。(3)句意:汤姆昨晚睡得不好。因此他在课堂上感到昏昏欲睡。根据句意可知,上课昏昏欲睡是他睡不好的结果,故填as a result。(4)句意:消息传遍全国,我们都知道。有句子结构可知,缺少谓语动词,根据句意应选spread acr

10、oss,且后句的用过去式knew,可知前句也要用一般过去时,spread的过去式与原形相同,故填spread across。(5)句意:英语和汉语在很多方面有很大的不同。由句子结构,可知句子结构完整,缺少地点状语,根据句意,故填in many ways。(6)句意:每年都有数以千计的游客来深圳旅游。空格后travellers,可数名词复数,前面可用表示数量的修饰词,故填hundreds of。【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意单词在语境中进行必要的变形,同时要熟记一些固定短语和搭配。3选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空next to, feel proud of, on the other

11、 side of, at the bottom of, all the way, save ones life(1)The water in the river is so clear that you can see the water plants _ it. (2)Jims home caught fire last week and a fireman _. (3)My home is _ a river, so I always go for a walk by the river after supper. (4)Theres nothing but woods _ the roa

12、d. (5)Im a big fan of Jay Chou and l will support him _. (6)Jack often gets No. 1 in his class. His parents _ him. 【答案】(1)at the bottom of(2)save his life(3)next to(4)on the other side of(5)all the way(6)feel proud of 【解析】【分析】next to,靠近feel proud of,感到骄傲; on the other side of,在.对面; at the bottom of,

13、 在.底部all the way“(一路上)一直;从头到尾”, save ones life救某人的命(1)句意:河中的水非常清澈,你可以看到水底的水植物。因为水清,才能看到水的底部,应填at the bottom of.(2)句意:吉姆的家上周着火了,一个消防员救了他的命。句中缺少动词,由Jim家着火,消防员,可知应填save his life,根据last week ,caught,动词应该用一般过去时,故填saved his life。(3)句意:我家靠近一条河,所以晚饭后我总是在河边散步。在河边散步,可知家与河较近,故填next to。(4)句意:在路的对面除了树木什么也没有。ther

14、e be +sth.+地点,句子缺少地点状语。故填at the other side of。(5)句意:我是周杰伦的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持他。既然是忠实粉丝,就应该一直支持,故填all the way。(6)句意:杰克经常在班上获得第1名。他的父母感到骄傲。第一名,父母应该感到骄傲,feel proud of。由前句often gets,可知应该用一般现在时,主语parents,故应该用动词原形,故填feel proud of。【点评】考查短语在语境中的运用能力。注意根据词汇在语境中词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。4根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容

15、完整正确。 is full of make peace popular main roles most Beijing opera is our national opera with a history of over 200 years. Its music and singing came from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four _in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera _famous stories, beautiful facial(

16、脸部的) paintings, wonderful gestures(手势) and fighting. Some of the stories are from history books, but _are from famous novels. The people in the stories usually cant agree with each other. They become angry, unhappy, sad and lonely. Then they find a way to _with each other. Everyone is usually happy

17、in the end. Beijing opera is an important part of Chinese culture. In China, it used to be _with old people, while young people didnt like it very much. However, more and more young people, and even some foreigners, are becoming interested in it nowadays.【答案】 main roles;is full of;most;make peace;po

18、pular 【解析】【分析】本文是对京剧的介绍,它是我国的国粹,有200多年的历史。它有西皮和二黄两种,分生、旦、净、丑四个角色。京剧是中国文化中重要的一部分,越来越多的人对它感兴趣。 is full of充满;make peace和平;popular受欢迎的;main roles主角;most大部分 (1)句意:京剧有生、旦、净、丑四个主要角色。根据下文Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.可知这里是说京剧的四个角色,结合选项,可知答案选main roles。 (2)句意:京剧里有很多著名的故事、美丽的脸谱、精彩的手势和打斗。根据下文Some of the stories ar

19、e from history books, but _3_ are from famous novels.可知此处是说京剧里有很多著名的故事,结合选项,可知答案选is full of。 (3)句意:有些故事来自历史书籍,但大多数来自著名小说。根据句意Some of the stories are from history books, but _3_ are from famous novels.结合剩余选项,可知此处应选择most。 (4)句意:然后他们找到了一种和平相处的方法。根据下文Everyone is usually happy in the end.可知是他们找到了一种和平相处的方

20、法,结合剩余选项,可知答案选make peace。 (5)句意:在中国,它曾经很受老年人的欢迎。根据下文while young people didnt like it very much.然而年轻人不太喜欢它,可知前后表示转折的关系,既然年轻人不喜欢它,那老年人应该是喜欢它的,结合剩余选项,可知答案选popular。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。5阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从每个方框内所给11个词汇中选择10个意义相符的词汇,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处。 free I short true he

21、avy question maybe in on everywhere life Hello, everyone. Im Betty and this is Tom. He is a robot. He is very important in my _. He is a little _ but he can help me do many things. Sometimes I ask him _ about my homework, and he can give me right answers. When I go shopping, he usually carries the s

22、hopping bag for _. He can also help me do the _ housework and never feels tired. _ the future, I think he will help me do more things. He will go _ with me. _ he will fly in the air and take me home when I meet traffic jams. So I will have more _ time to do what I like. I hope it can come _ one day.

23、【答案】 life;short;questions;me;heavy;In;everywhere;Maybe;free;true 【解析】【分析】主要讲了Betty介绍了机器人Tom可以帮助Betty做很多事情。 free空闲的;I我;short矮的;true真实的;heavy重的;question问题;maybe可能;in在.里面;on在.上面;everywhere到处;life生活 (1)句意:在我生活里他是非常重要的。in ones life,在某人的生活中,故填life。 (2)句意:他有点矮但是他可以帮助我做许多事情。Tom虽然矮但是可以帮助我,short,矮的,is后面用形容词,故

24、填short。 (3)句意:有时我问他作业方面的问题。ask sb. questions问某人问题,故填questions。 (4)句意:他通常为我拿购物袋。for sb.为某人,for是介词,所以sb.用宾格,I 的宾格是me,故填me。 (5)句意:他也可以帮助我做沉重的家务,从不感觉累。让人感到累的家务都是沉重的,即heavy,housework是名词,所以用形容词heavy修饰,故填heavy。 (6)句意:在将来,我认为它将帮助我做更多事情。in the future,在将来,故填In。 (7)句意:他将和我去每个地方。go everywhere,去每个地方,故填everywhere

25、。 (8)句意:或许它将在空中飞行。当发生交通拥挤时或许Tom会飞起来,故填Maybe。 (9)句意:所以我将有更多的时间做我喜欢做的。根据上文说遇到塞车时可以用飞的方式回家,这样可以节约时间,因此是free time,自由时间,故填time。 (10)句意:我希望一天它可以实现。come true,实现,故填true。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。6选词填空 both, make, they, work, successful, piece Vienna, on the River Danube, i

26、s the capital of Austria. Lots of musicians went there to study and _.Johann Strauss the elder wrote and played music for traditional dances. His dance music _ him famous. Johann Strauss the younger was also _. He wrote more than 150 waltzes. The Blue Danube waltz is one of _. Mozart was another fam

27、ous musician. He could play _ the piano and the violin before he was six. He wrote hundreds of wonderful _ of music in his life.【答案】 work;made;successful;them;both;pieces 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍了维也纳的两名著名的音乐家施特劳斯以及莫扎特。 both 两者都;make让,制造; they 他们;work工作;successful 成功的;piece,首,条。 (1)句意:许多音乐家去那里学习和工作。work,工作,动词

28、,因前面有不定式符合to,其后跟动词原形,故填work。 (2)句意:他的舞曲使他出名。固定短语,make sb+形容词,让某人保持某种状态;由前文语句Johann Strauss the elder wrote and played music for traditional dances. 提示可知,此句要用一般过去时,故填made。 (3)句意:年轻的约翰施特劳斯也很成功。 successfully,成功的,固定短语be successful,成功,故填successful。 (4)句意:蓝色多瑙河华尔兹就是其中之一。one of+名词复数形式,其中之一;they,他们,在of后面要用宾

29、格,故填them。 (5)句意:他六岁以前就能弹钢琴和小提琴。固定短语,bothand,两者都,故填both。 (6)句意:他一生中创作了数百首美妙的音乐作品。piece,首,可数名词,由题干中的hundreds of 提示可知,piece要用复数形式,故填pieces。 【点评】此题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定短语与基本句型。7选词填空 take, two, buy, market, enjoy, underground Today is 1st June. Betty and Jenny are in Paris. They arrived

30、 _ days ago. Yesterday, they visited the Louvre Museum. And in the evening, they _ their dinner in a French restaurant. This morning they went to the street _. Betty loved them. And she _ her grandma a present. In the afternoon, they went to the Eiffel Tower by _.Tomorrow theyre going to visit a fam

31、ous palace and _ a trip on the River Seine by boat.【答案】 two;enjoyed;markets;bought;underground;take 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Betty与Jenny到巴黎去旅游,参观了很多的景点。 take 带;two 二; buy 买;market 市场;enjoy 喜欢;underground 地铁。 (1)句意:他们两天前到的。由days提示,可知此句需要数词,故填two。 (2)句意:晚上,他们在一家法国餐馆享用晚餐。enjoy the dinner,享用晚餐,因发生在过去,要用过去式,故填enjoye

32、d。 (3)句意:今天早上他们去了街边市场。根据下文a present提示可知他们去了市场,market可数名词,要用复数形式,故填markets。 (4)句意:她给奶奶买了件礼物。buy,购买,其过去式是bought,故填bought。 (5)句意:下午,他们坐地铁去了埃菲尔铁塔。固定短语by underground,乘坐地铁,故填underground。 (6)句意:明天他们将参观一座著名的宫殿,乘船游览塞纳河。固定短语take a trip,游览,因前面有be going to ,要用动词原形,故填take。 【点评】此题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,

33、同时熟记固定短语与基本句型。8选词填空 luck middle kind candy special(1)What size noodles would you like, small or_? (2)I dont like_. Theyre too sweet. (3)Its_for me to meet you here. (4)I like the_in the restaurant. (5)She likes these two _of books. 【答案】 (1)middle(2)candies(3)lucky(4)specials(5)kinds 【解析】【分析】luck幸运;m

34、iddle中间;kind种类;candy糖果;special特殊特别 (1)句意:你想要什么尺寸的面条,小的还是中等的?根据句意可知是小的还是中等的,所以用middle,故填middle。 (2)句意:我不喜欢糖果,它们是太甜了。根据句意可知糖果是甜的,空格前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以candy用复数candies,故填candies。 (3)句意:对于我来说这这里遇见你是幸运的。Its+形容词+for sb. to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是怎样的,luck的形容词是lucky,故填lucky。 (4)句意:我喜欢这家餐馆的特色菜。the后面用名词,根据句意可知特色菜有许多,

35、所以用specials,故填specials。 (5)句意:我喜欢这两种书。two kinds of,两种.,故填kinds。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。9选词填空 tell they join music good(1)Our school needs two_. (2)My parents want me_the art club. (3)Some boys in our class like_stories. (4)Li Yundi can play the piano very_. (5)I h

36、ave some photos, I can show _to you this afternoon. 【答案】 (1)musicians(2)to join(3)telling(4)well(5)them 【解析】【分析】tell告诉, they他们,join加入, music音乐, good好的 (1)句意:我们学校需要2为音乐家。根据空缺处前有two修饰,可知应该填入名词复数,故答案为musicians。 (2)句意:我的父母想让我参加艺术俱乐部。根据短语want sb to do sth,想让某人做某事,可知空缺填入to join,短语,join the club,加入俱乐部,故答案为

37、to join。 (3)句意:我们班上一些男孩子喜欢讲故事。根据短语like doing sth,喜欢做某事,可知空缺填入telling,故答案为telling。 (4)句意:李云迪可以很好的弹钢琴。根据空缺处修饰play,可知应该填入副词,well,好的,故答案为well。 (5)句意;我有一些照片,我这个下午可以向你展示他们。根据短语show sth to sb,向某人展示某物,可知空缺填入them,做show的宾格,故答案为them。 【点评】考查了选词填空,结合句子前后,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词正确形式,即可。10用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

38、taste, music, clean, between, weekend(1)Jenny wants to be a _. (2)Our classroom is big and _. (3)Im usually free _8 p.m. and 10 p.m. (4)What do you like to do on _? (5)The bread _ good in that store. You can go to buy some. 【答案】 (1)musician(2)clean(3)between(4)weekends(5)tastes 【解析】【分析】 taste,尝起来,mu

39、sic,音乐,clean,干净的,between,在.之间,weekend,周末 (1)句意:Jenny想当名音乐家。根据不定冠词a可知其后应是名词单数,music的名词是musician,音乐家,故填 musician。 (2)句意:我们的教室又大又干净。根据 Our classroom is big and 可知and后是形容词,修饰classroom用clean ,故填 clean。 (3)句意:我通常在晚上8点到10点有空。between.and.,固定搭配,在.和.之间,故填 between。 (4)句意:你在周末都喜欢做什么?on weekend,固定搭配,在周末,此处表示泛指,故用名词复数,故填 weekends。 (5)句意:那家商店的面包尝起来很好,你可以去买一些。描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是bread,第三人称单数故谓语动词是单数,面包是尝起来好,taste,故填 tastes 。 【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意词性,主谓一致和时态的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。


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