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1、Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 12 The five peasPeriod 1授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:词汇学习:see the world, one by one 句型复习: Five peas lived together in a pod. Well leave this pod and see the world.过程与方法:通过读完完整故事,帮助学生感受五颗小豌豆的命运变化,激发阅读兴趣。情感态度与价值观:通过故事阅读,对自己未来有所思考与规划。教学重点:词汇学习:see the world, one by one教学难点:句型复习: Fiv

2、e peas lived together in a pod. Well leave this pod and see the world.教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 出示安徒生的照片,让学生说说他是谁。T: look at this man. Whos he ?S1:hes Andersen.T: what stories did he write?S2: he wrote” the emperors new clothes”, “the ugly duckling”T: today well read his story” the five peas”.Whil

3、e-task procedures1. 播放完整故事的视频,让学生整体了解故事内容。提问,请个别学生回答。1) What is the story about?2) What did the fifth pea want to do?3) What happened to the fifth pea at last?2. 出示故事的前五幅图,请学生仔细观察图片,回答问题。Picture11) What can you see in the picture?2) What colour is the pod?3) Where do the peas live?Picture21) Who is

4、in the picture?2) Where do the peas live?3. 教学图2至图3内容。1) 播放图1的录音,学生边听边逐句跟读,然后回答问题。2) 播放图2和图3的录音,请学生逐句跟读。教师解释其中生词和词组并重点朗读,如pick the pod ,excited, takeout of, make good bullets.然后教师提问,学生回答。4. 播放图4和5的录音,请学生逐句跟读,尽量模仿录音中人物的语音语调。教师对其中的单词。词组。句子等进行解释并带领学生朗读,如lazy, happy, anywhere, do something useful。然后请学生根

5、据豌豆的话语,指出图中的豌豆分别是第几颗。Post-task activities1. 完整播放图1至图5的故事录音,然后让学生分角色朗读图1至图5的故事文本。2. 请学生说说,如果他是一颗豌豆,他的愿望是什么?然后提问以留悬念:豌豆们的愿望会实现吗?T: Will the pea dreams come true?板书设计Unit 10 The five peassee the world, one by one Five peas lived together in a pod. Well leave this pod and see the world.Module 4 Things w

6、e enjoyUnit 12 The five peasPeriod 2授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:词汇学习:look out of 句型复习:The first pea fell on a roof and a bird ate it.过程与方法:了解故事的发展和结局,帮助学生简历豌豆的理想与命运之间的联系。情感态度与价值观:通过故事阅读,对自己未来有所思考与规划。教学重点:词汇学习:look out of教学难点:句型复习:The first pea fell on a roof and a bird ate it.教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 小组活

7、动。请学生在小组内分角色大声朗读图1至图5的故事文本。2. 出示图1至图5,鼓励学生根据关键词复述故事。Picture 1: lived together grow bigger and stronger, leave this pod, See the world.Picture 2:grew bigger and bigger, picked the pod, excitedPicture 3:took out of make good bullersWhile-task procedures1.出示故事的图6和图7,请学生仔细观察图片,回答问题。 Picture 6 Where are

8、the peas? Picture 71) What is wrong with the girl?2) What is out of the girls window?2.播放图6的录音,请学生逐句跟读。教师对其中的生词、词组进行解释并重点朗读,如roof, yard, hit a window, grow into a plant with some green leaves等。出示鸽子、两只母鸡、水桶、窗户的图片,让学生按照豌豆的序号1-5给图片标号 S1: The first pea fell on a roof, and a bird ate it. 3. 播放图7的录音,让学生边听

9、边录音边看图片。然后让学生回答问题。1) what was the matter with the girl?2) What did she see out of her window?3) What did she think of the plant?4) How was the girl a few weeks later?5) Did the fifth peas dream come true?4. 让学生集体朗读图6和7的故事文本,模仿录音中的语音语调。Post-task activities请学生根据故事内容,填空完成下面的练习,可同桌合作完成任务。The first pea w

10、anted to _,but he _.The second pea wanted to _,but he _.The third and the fourth peas wanted to _, but they _.The fifth pea wanted to _, and he _.板书设计Unit 12 The five peaslook out of The first pea fell on a roof and a bird ate it.Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 12 The five peasPeriod 3授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与

11、技能:复习巩固前两课时的内容。过程与方法:表演课本剧,感受故事总人物的性格和心理。情感态度与价值观:通过故事阅读,对自己未来有所思考与规划。教学重点:复习巩固前两课时的内容。教学难点:复习巩固前两课时的内容。教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 教师出示故事图片,根据课文内容提出问题,请学生根据图片回答。1) Where do the five peas live?2) What will they do?2. 请学生仔细观察图1至图7,根据图片互相提问。S1: What can you see in Picture 1?S2: I can see a big green p

12、od and five peas.S1: Where are the five peas?S2: They are in the big green pod.While-task procedures1.打乱顺序出示下列句子,让学生按照故事发展的顺序排列。 1)Five peas lived together in a pod. They wanted to leave the pod and see the world. 2) A boy picked the pod and put it in his pocket. The peas were excited. 3)the boy too

13、k the peas out of the pod. 4)Five peas had different dreams. 5)One by one, the peas flew into the sky. 2.学生分组,说一说如果自己是颗豌豆,愿望是什么?为什么?启发学生理想要切合自身实际,切勿好高骛远。再让学生谈谈自己未来的理想或打算。3. 播放故事动画,让学生完整观看故事。4. 根据学生的情况,可以找出原文The five peas from a pod让学生阅读,感受原文生动的语言和丰富的情节。还可以引导学生阅读学校图书馆内的书目,或教师推荐的英文书目,并尝试做简单的报告或口头介绍。Po

14、st-task activities分组演出课本剧。在其他组表演是,观众担当评委,负责记录表演情况。教师可以制作观察记录表格,印发给学生。最后选出最佳表演奖、最佳编剧奖等。Group:_PronunciationScenarioActing skillsTotalBest actorBest actress板书设计Unit 12 The five peas Five peas lived together in a pod. They wanted to leave the pod and see the world. A boy picked the pod and put it in his pocket. The peas were excited. the boy took the peas out of the pod. Five peas had different dreams.One by one, the peas flew into the sky.


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