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1、3P 教学法与任务型教学教学法与任务型教学法法 Xu YingjunFeb.19,20133P 教学法与任务型教学教学法与任务型教学法法 1.Task-based approach 2.3P methods 3.Relationship between the two 4.Analyses of the two 1.Task-based approachFive major formations with the further development of communicative approach:functional approach 功能型教学法 negotiated approac

2、h 协商型教学法 natural approach 自然型教学法 content-based approach 内容型教学法 task-based approach 任务型教学法 Task-based approach originated in mid-1980s represented by Nunan,an American,who wrote some academic research works as a result of widespread interest in the functional views of language and communicative langu

3、age teaching and marked the formation of task-based teaching model that stresses the autonomy of language teachers and learners and have become the international mainstream in education.1.Task-based approach English Curriculum Standard issued by the Educational Ministry of the Peoples Republic of Ch

4、ina points out the curriculum proposes the task-based teaching mode in which students,under the guidance of the teacher,achieve the target and experience the success by means of perceiving,observing,practicing,participating and cooperating.In course of learning,students adjust their affection and st

5、rategies to shape positive attitude towards learning and improve their ability to use language in reality.1.Task-based approach English Curriculum Standard issued by the Educational Ministry of the Peoples Republic of China points out the curriculum proposes the task-based teaching mode in which stu

6、dents,under the guidance of the teacher,achieve the target and experience the success by means of perceiving,observing,practicing,participating and cooperating.In course of learning,students adjust their affection and strategies to shape positive attitude towards learning and improve their ability t

7、o use language in reality.1.Task-based approach1.Task-based approach 本课程倡导任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。1.Task-based approachDefinition A task is an activity,which requires learners to use language,with emphasis on meaning,to attain an

8、objective.In other words,a task can be considered as a piece of classroom work,which involves learners in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form(Hosseini,et al.2010)1.Task-based approachDefinition From a pedagogical perspective,an activity or act

9、ion which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language(i.e.as a response).1.Task-based approachDefinition Breen(1987:23)defined the task as any structured language learning endeavour which has a particular objective,appropriate content,a specified working procedure,and a rang

10、e of outcomes for those who undertake the task.Task is therefore assumed to refer to a range of workplans which have the overall purpose of facilitating language learning from the simple and brief exercise type,to more complex and lengthy activities such as group problem-solving or simulations and d

11、ecision making.1.Task-based approachDefinition Breen(1987:23)defined the task as any structured language learning endeavour which has a particular objective,appropriate content,a specified working procedure,and a range of outcomes for those who undertake the task.Task is therefore assumed to refer t

12、o a range of workplans which have the overall purpose of facilitating language learning from the simple and brief exercise type,to more complex and lengthy activities such as group problem-solving or simulations and decision making.1.Task-based approachDefinition It is evident that the current inter

13、est in tasks stems largely from what has been termed the communicative approach to language teaching.Tasks can be analysed in terms of their goals,input data,activities,settings and roles(Nunan 1989:20).1.Task-based approachGoals the objective that a learning task should attain.Goals,in fact,express

14、 the task designers intention of making students learn some knowledge or master certain language techniques through fulfilling the task.Goal can be categorized into four:communication,social culture,learning-how-to-learn and language and cultural awareness.1.Task-based approach Input data the basic

15、materials of the composition of a task.Activities learners specific operation of the materials.Settings the planned background that the task set explicitly or implicitly in and out of class.1.Task-based approach Roles roles consisting of both learner and teacher roles.The former one refers to the pa

16、rt the learners play in implementing learning tasks and the latter to the function of teachers while students are completing the task and their relationship with the learners.1.Task-based approach Learners Role Factors constituting the foundation for learners to complete the task:Affection Previous

17、knowledge or experience Previous acquired abilities and techniques 1.Task-based approach Teachers Role Five points The types of role the teacher is expected to play;The control over the learners learning ways the teacher gains;The degree of the teachers responsibility for learning contents;The commu

18、nicative form between teacher and students;Teachers supervision and assessment of the task completion.2.3P methods “3P”methods is formed in 1970s,which is the product of the mode of Communicative Language Teaching and can be divided into 3 stages:presentation(演示)practice(操练)production(成果)2.3P method

19、s 在教学过程中教师通过对语言知识的呈现和操练让学生掌握,然后再让学生在控制或半控制之下进行假设交际,从而达到语言的输出,形成学习成果。3.Relationship between the two 任务型教学法和“3P”教学法一样都属于交际语言教学法的分支。Howatt(1984)把交际法分为“弱版(weak versions)”和“强版(strong versions)”两大派。弱版交际法以著名的3P课程(PPP lesson)为代表,强版交际法则形成了以任务型教学法为代表的TBL课程。3.Relationship between the two 任务型教学法的基本学习步骤为 pre-tas

20、k(前任务)、task cycle(任务环)和语言聚焦(language focus)三个部分,它强调的是学生学习的过程,与“3P”教学法刚好是个相反的过程。在常规的“3p”教学模式中,任务通常体现为production中的综合运用式练习,用来巩固所学的语法结构、语言功能或词汇。而在任务型教学的模式中,学生通常以完成任务的活动开始学习,待任务完成后,教师再把学生的注意力引到活动中使用的语言上,并对学生使用的语言进行纠正和调整。4.Analyses of the two 任务型教学的优点:任务型教学注重真实场景下的、以明确目标为导向的语言交际活动;它要求学生通过完成任务的学习活动来掌握真实、实用

21、和有意义的语言。学生在参与课堂活动时是带着极大的兴趣和热情的,所以整个课堂是一种积极有效的学习过程。4.Analyses of the two 任务型教学的优点:它提倡以教师教学为主导、以学生的学习为主体的教学活动。在教学过程中教师不再是高高在上的权威和主宰,而是以组织者、引导者、顾问或者同伴的身份出现,学生的学习也成为一种满足需要、发展兴趣、提高能力的过程。4.Analyses of the two 任务型教学的优点:它倡导体验、实践、参与、探究、交流和合作的学习方式,学生在参与教师或教材精心设计的任务活动中认识语言,运用语言,发现问题,找出规律,归纳知识和感受成功。4.Analyses o

22、f the two 任务型教学的缺点:课堂效率低,难以保证大班额课堂教学任务的完成。课堂的组织和任务的设计与实施过分依赖教师的教学能力和教学水平,故在目前很难保证大面积的教学质量的提升。课堂中学生的个体活动难以有效监督和控制,反馈效率低。4.Analyses of the two“3P”教学法的优点:强调以结构功能交际为主的教学模式,加大了语言的输入输出量,大大提高了课堂目标语言的操练频率。教学以演示(presentation)操练(practice)成果(production)为基本步骤,教师便于组织和控制课堂,提高了课堂教学效率。强调语言结构的分析和词汇、句式、语法的学习,大大提高了语言运

23、用的准确性。4.Analyses of the two“3P”教学法的缺点:强调语言的结构和功能,忽视了儿童语言习得的规律,造成课堂教学效果并不是很理想。儿童的语言习得是靠在真实语境下的实践体验而进行的,片面的语言结构分析和假设的交际情景并不能激发他们真正的语言学习兴趣和参与的动机。以教师为中心,忽视了学生在学习中的主体地位,从而导致学生学习兴趣减弱,教学效果低下。课堂缺乏真正的交际性。现实的交际充满风险性和不可预测性,说话人不可能预期对方会说什么,也无法预先准备如何应答。在3P课程中,前两个阶段都是受控制的,第三阶段似乎是学生自由发挥,但事实上,学习者很可能会把精力集中在前两个阶段所操练过的

24、语言形式上。4.Analyses of the two 总之,在“3P”教学法中学生对于语言的运用是建立在知识层面上的,而并非是真实的生活交际需要。所以它是一种以教师的教为中心的知识单向传递的过程,它忽视了学生在学习中的地位和其真正的学习需要。ThaThank youFrequency and Proportions Frequency or:observed frequency Proportions or:relative frequencies Table 2.4(b)Frequency table of the lengths of 100 utterances(in morphemes)of an adult addressing a child aged 3 years See page 14Some pictures


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