1、HOMEISSUESTEAMINFO2021工 作 总 结 I 存 在 不 足 I 解 决 方 案 I 工 作 计 划Storekeeper,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of warehouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distribution of materials and equip
2、ment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at any time,ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep the warehouse neat and be
3、autiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store neatly and accurately.时间:20XX.X.XX光阴荏苒,岁月如梭,20 xx不知不觉在指尖悄然逝去,20 xx年迎面而来。回想过去,面对眼前,展望未来!有进步的喜悦,亦有工作中失误的愧疚。即将过去的一年是我们全体仓库人员接受挑战勇敢迈进的一年。用心思量总结工作当中的利弊、得失。从教训中汲取经验,为以后的工作做好了充分的准备。20 xx年仓库主管总结报告如下:前言IStorekeeper,as the name suggests,is to g
4、ive full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of warehouse items01仓管工作总结02存在的不足03解决方案04来年工作计划Warehouse management work summaryExisting shortcomingsSolutionWork plan for the coming yearHOMEISSUESTEAMINFOStorekeeper,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of t
5、he warehouse through the management of warehouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distribution of materials and equipment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at
6、any time,ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep the warehouse neat and beautiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store neatly and accurately.仓管工作总结Warehouse management work summary1、坚持执行
7、公司的早会制度,提高员工精神面貌;为了提高工作效率,确保工作能按时、保质保量地完成;提高工作效率对前一天的工作做总结,找出不足加以改善,并做好当天工作计划;坚持开早会提高内部人员士气,加快了各类信息的流动,能及时地发现并解决问题。开早会的各项好处仓管工作总结Warehouse management work summary2、及时收发物料定期进行管员对所管辖的物料及时的进行收发整理;定期自盘,合格物料及时清点进仓,仓管员及时做好帐务处理;确保帐、物、卡的一致,使仓库账务做到日清月结。仓管工作总结Warehouse management work summary3、坚持自盘督促仓执行6S工作,做
8、好物料的标识和防护。改善工作环境,做到让人一目了然,规划仓库物料的区域标识;仓管工作总结Warehouse management work summary4、调整物料摆放,实行仓库定位工作了解各仓管员的所管区域物料摆放后,针对于仓储规划的不明确,做了一个相应的仓储区域规划整改方案图。对物料现场的大面积区域划分进行了相应的调整再次细分与标识,以更有利于现场物料管理。避免仓管员在备料过程中存在找不到料,及找料时间太长,为了提高他们的工作效率,要求他们对库位表及时更新,对于部分仓管没有做库位表的,要求他们对这一缺陷进行了整改。现所有货架基本都已贴上了库位表,做到了,方便不本职仓管员走到物料区短时间内
9、也能及时的找到所需物料。仓管工作总结Warehouse management work summary5、退供应商不良品的及时处理;每周统计不良品给相关部门并及时跟进,在相关部门的协助下,不良品得到了及时的处理;6、加大了物料的追踪工作对即将断货的物料进行合理追踪,并和采购、生产等个个部门积极沟通,确保到料及时。降低生产滞留。HOMEISSUESTEAMINFOStorekeeper,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of wareh
10、ouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distribution of materials and equipment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at any time,ensure the timely supply of materia
11、ls and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep the warehouse neat and beautiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store neatly and accurately.存在的不足Existing shortcomings1、工作效率比较低:据调查,仓库工作人员每天都在不停的做事,其工作态度值得嘉奖,但错误也是天天都有,工作缺乏条理性,即“有苦劳
12、,没有功劳”;2、仓库区域划分不明确,没有工作平面图。部分仓库没有严格的规划,如:合格区,不合格区,待检区,退料区,呆滞物料区等。HOMEISSUESTEAMINFOStorekeeper,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of warehouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distributio
13、n of materials and equipment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at any time,ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep t
14、he warehouse neat and beautiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store neatly and accurately.解决方案Solution对工作效率比较低的解决方案对所有工作人员日常工作流程及工作方式进行全面梳理调整,并及时纠正错误,使得他们的工作方式及流程都能得到及时优化,简化。降低犯错几率,提高工作效率;对仓库区域划分不明确的解决方案部分仓库必须重新整理:规划出合格区、不合格区、呆滞料区、报废区等。并做出每个仓库的平面分布图。HOMEISSUESTEAMINFOStorekeepe
15、r,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of warehouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distribution of materials and equipment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure
16、that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at any time,ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep the warehouse neat and beautiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store nea
17、tly and accurately.来年工作计划Work plan for the coming year1、保证工作顺利开展确保平时的收发业务顺畅,及时发料,及时进仓,保证车间的正常生产,做到及时处理各部门反映的问题;2、仓库人员的换岗在20 xx年上半年完成所有仓管员的岗位调换工作,可以培养仓库人员的多方面能力,熟悉多的物料,在其他人员调休的情况下可以帮忙处理业务。发展多面手人员,作好人员储备,为以后的工作打基础;3、建全仓库流程建全仓库收、发、存、管的业务流程,使每个人都可以按制度作业仓库流程,做到任何一个人都可以在短时间内接手本部门的任何一项工作;4、仓库的整体规划做好仓库的整体规划
18、,规划和建立仓库平面图及相关标示牌;来年工作计划Work plan for the coming year5、建立数据化绩效考核从帐、物、卡相符程度;报料及时;库容;做账及时等多方面综合员工失误次数,从而计算出员工失误率。以失误率来判定员工的绩效考核。不在以模糊的印象来决定员工的工作表现,而是以准确数据来确定员工的工作能力;来年工作计划Work plan for the coming year6、实行A、B、C、管理法,做好物资盘点工作,确保帐卡物三相符;A、B、C管理法是将产品分为三大类重点盘点A类物资(占仓库资产的70%)A类物资具有占资金大等特点,方便仓储人员盘点,可做为每月全盘点。重点
20、!结尾语HOMEISSUESTEAMINFO汇报完毕工 作 总 结 I 存 在 不 足 I 解 决 方 案 I 工 作 计 划Storekeeper,as the name suggests,is to give full play to the function of the warehouse through the management of warehouse items.Job responsibilities include:do a good job in the acceptance,bookkeeping and distribution of materials and e
21、quipment in and out of the warehouse according to regulations,and ensure that the accounts are consistent.Master the inventory status at any time,ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment,and give full play to the turnover efficiency.Clean the warehouse regularly,keep the warehouse neat and beautiful,and arrange the materials and equipment by category.Store neatly and accurately.汇报人:时间:20XX.X.XX