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1、高二英语上学期复习试题II单选:1. Since you like the fur coat so much, why not buy it? Well, I cant afford _ coat. A. that expensive a B. a that expensive C. that an expensive D. an expensive that2. How is it that you are late for class again? _.A. By bus and then on foot B. Its quite all rightC. Because I missed

2、the bus D. Its far from school 3. As we know, the sooner coastal populations are _ a coming tsunami (海啸), the greater their chances of escaping. A. used to B. informed with C. warned of D. known about4. It was 2 hours wait by the time the announcement , saying my flight wascanceled.Ahad been made Bw

3、as made Cmade Dwas making 5. I told you that you shouldnt waste your time playing the computer games, _?A. didnt I B. did I C. should you D. shouldnt you6. Always acting in a strange way, Einstein must have _to people around to be mad. A. shown B. imagined C. appeared D. thought7. He never thought t

4、hat they would choose him _ captain of the football team though he was already in _ late twenties. A. /; his B. a; his C. the; the D. a; the8. Mr. Green told his children to keep in _ the rules of safety when they swam.A. minds B. mind C. their minds D. their mind9. _ the reason may be, physical pun

5、ishment to children is illegal(违法). A. For whatever B. Whatever C. No matter how D. However10. I dont feel very well. I think Im _ with the flu. A. going up B. dropped in C. getting in touch D. coming down11. , the dancers practice hard to make their dreams come true .AInstead of being disabled BBei

6、ng disabled CDisabled as they are DIn case of being disabled12. Do you like swimming in a lake? _. I think swimming in big rivers is a lot more interesting.A.No problem B. Not so badly C.Probably not D.Not all that much13. Understanding the culture habits of another nation, especially _ containing a

7、s many as different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.A. the one B. one C. that D. those 14. During the voyage the sailor caught a deadly disease _, in those days, medical science was helpless.A. that B. which C. to which D. against which15. The room is furnished _.A. with a modern

8、 furniture B. with a set of modern furnitureC. for a piece of modern furniture D. for some modern furnitureII. Cloze test.May Paxton graduated from the Missouri School for the Deaf at Fulton near the year 1909. Three years later she went to 1 Dr. Katherine B. Richardson about becoming a nurse. Dr. R

9、ichardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, Missouri. She had never 2 of a deaf nurse. Dr. Richardson told May that her pay would be very 3 and that the work would be difficult. 4 , May said that hard work did not frighten her. Dr. Richardson thought well of her, and 5 May as

10、 a student nurse.Dr. Richardson never 6 her decision. In fact, she was so pleased with Mays work that she later accepted two other deaf woman. The first was Miss Marian Finch of Aberdeen, South Dakota, who was 7 of hearing. The second was Miss Lillie “Bessie” Speaker of St. Joseph, Missouri. These t

11、hree were called “the 8 angels(天使) of Mercy Hospital” during the time they worked there.May and Marian did not 9 each other before Marian was hired by the hospital. When Marian first 10 to the hospital, Dr. Richardson introduced May to Marian. She showed them to the room they were to share. During t

12、he next two days, the two girls wrote 11 to each other. Finally, other 12 asked Marian if she knew that May was deaf. Marian ran to the bedroom and asked May in sign if she really was deaf. May answered in sign. Then, 13 the joke sunk in, the two girls burst into laughter.May was always conscientiou

13、s(认真的) about 14 orders. Only once did she disobey Dr. Richardson. It took a lot of time to 15 for all the sick children. 16 , Dr. Richardson asked the nurses not to take the time to hold the new babies when they were 17 . However, May hated to see the babies cry. When 18 was not around, she found ti

14、me to hold them. This small change helped the nursery to run much more 19 . When Dr. Richardson discovered what May was doing, she recognized that Mays 20 had improved the nursery, and decided to overlook Mays disobedience.1. A see B watchC findD report2. A spokenB thoughtC heardD talked3. A littleB

15、 lowC muchD high4. A ThereforeB HoweverC LaterD Naturally5. A acceptedB regardedC praisedD admired6. A madeB consideredC regrettedD followed7. A tiredB proudC ashamedD hard8. A silentB quietC wiseD calm9. A likeB recognizeC knowD greet10. A wentB cameC calledD drove11. A articlesB papersC notesD not

16、ices12. A relativesB doctorsC patientsD nurses13. A asB beforeC untilD since14. A giving B passingC checkingD following15. A lookB careC askD seek16. A Whats moreB Still worseC As a resultD No doubt17. A cryingB sittingC smilingD lying18. A MarianB MayC Dr. RichardsonD Bessie19. A quicklyB slowlyC s

17、moothlyD naturally20. A actionsB viewsC strengthsD mistakesIII Reading comprehensionAIn the United States, friendships can be close, constant, intense, generous, and real, yet fade away in a short time if circumstances (环境) change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetin

18、g for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while- then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it left off and are delighted. In the States, you can feel free to visit peoples homes, share their holidays, enjoy their children an

19、d their lives without fear that you are taking on a lasting obligation. Do not hesitate to accept hospitality (款待) because you cannot give it in return. No one will expect you to do so for they know you are far from home. Americans will enjoy welcoming you and be pleased if you accept their hospital

20、ity easily. Once you arrive there, the welcome will be full and warm and real. Most visitors find themselves readily invited into many homes there. In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain a home, offering what is felt as “merely” home cooked food, not “doing something” for your

21、guest. It is felt that restaurant entertaining shows more respect and welcome. Or for various other reasons, such as crowded space, language difficulties, or family custom, outsiders are not invited into homes. In the United States, both methods are used, but it is often considered more friendly to

22、invite a person to ones home than to go to a public place, except in purely business relationships. So, if your host or hostess brings you home, do not feel that you are being shown inferior (差的) treatment. Dont feel neglected (被忽视) if you do not find flowers awaiting you in your hotel room either.

23、Flowers are very expensive there, hotel delivery (递送,投递) is uncertain, arrival times are delayed, changed, or canceled so flowers are not customarily (通常) sent as a welcoming touch. Please do not feel unwanted! Outward signs vary in different lands; the inward welcome is what matters, and this will

24、be real.1. In the United States, you will find friendships _ if circumstances change.A. die suddenly B. pass awayC. disappear gradually D. last forever2. Americans _ their foreign friends to make a return for their hospitality.A. ask B. wish C. never allow D. dont expect3. In some other countries, g

25、iving a dinner party at home is considered _ than in a restaurant.A. less friendly B. less hospitableC. more natural D. more popular4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Flowers are available at all time.B. Flowers are expensive.C. Flowers are signs of outward welcome.D.

26、 Flowers are not necessarily sent to guests.5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. American Hospitality B. American FriendshipsC. American Invitation D. American WelcomeBIn the days when Hayes was President, the White House was still a small crowded place. There were no back

27、 door or side doors and so people coming and going had to use the formal front entrance. Once in the course of a formal reception at the White House the British Ministers wife whispered to Mrs. Hayes that she had to leave early and asked whether it was possible for her to slip away unnoticed by a si

28、de door. Mrs. Hayes called her son Hayes Junior who knew every corner and nook (隐蔽处) of the White House like the palm of his own hands. As there were no back or side doors through which the Ministers wife could slip out, Hayes Junior thought of the basement which was used to store coal, old furnitur

29、e, and other old things. So he led the Ministers wife into the basement and showed her way out through a small door beside the coal storage place which led the way up on to the street. Luckily there was no one around to witness the unusual appearance of the British Ministers wife from underground. S

30、he stealthily (暗地里、悄悄的) found her carriage and hurriedly drove away. Back safely in the Ministers residence (官邸), she chuckled (咯咯笑) with delight at her most unusual and exciting “escape” from the White House.1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?A. Hayes was Preside

31、nt of the US, who preferred to live in a small crowded place.B. There was only one entrance to the White House.C. Now the White House is no longer what it used to be.D. No matter who they were, they had to use the front door.2. What does the phrase “like the palm of his own hands” mean? It means _.A

32、. thoroughly B. clearly C. completely D. wholly3. Which do you think is TRUE?A. Formal receptions were given at the White House once a month.B. President Hayes family consisted of three persons.C. The British Ministers wife was invited to the reception during her visit to the US.D. None of the above

33、 is true.4. The reason why the wife of the British Minister left the reception was _.A. that she had something urgent to doB. that something happened to her husbandC. that she felt excited to escape from the White HouseD. unknown to us5. The Ministers wife returned to her residence _.A. safely and e

34、xcitedlyB. by a carriage passing byC. through a back door of the basementD. without being noticed by anybody阅读表达:My wife and I have tried to teach some good habits of saving and managing of money in our children from their very first income. And now all three of our teenagers have healthy balances i

35、n their college funds and have learned the value of money.The following are good tips for helping your kids _.1. Start Saving Early. One of the tools we have used is starting a savings account for the kids college years when they were about 9 or 10. Even at $10 every two weeks, the savings added up

36、to a noticeable balance by the time they were older teens.2. Set Spending and Savings Patterns Early. Our rule at home is that 10% of each childs earnings is used for charitable contributions. An additional 40%goes into a savings account that Mom or Dad has to sign for to withdraw funds. The remaini

37、ng 50% can be used at the childs will, and we also set up an additional savings account for them to use for this play money. By setting some patterns while they are under your roof, kids can form good spending and budgeting habits.3. Consider a Matching Saving Fund. Some parents I have talked with e

38、ncourage savings by matching dollar for dollar what their children put into a college fund. This pattern allows them to see first hand their parents attitudes towards money management.4. Family Financial Meetings. About once a year, we take one of our weekly family meetings to discuss family finance

39、s. We take out Mom and Dads monthly income and then go through the family budget with the children. This helps them see how Mom and Dad budget and how much things cost in the real world. The thing used in everyday life and transportation costs are usually the most shocking for them, which helps them

40、 see the balance is important in any budgeting process.1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? Children can use the left 50% according to their own needs, and we also open an account in the bank

41、 for them, so they can also use the money freely._3. Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.) _4. Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) _5. Translate the

42、underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese. _书面表达请你给中国日报写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及你的看法。原因:1. 家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不在家赚钱养家。2. 部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿让她们上学。3. 部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。看法:1. 每个儿童包括女孩都应有受教育的机会。 2. 全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对未来将起到重要的作用。要求:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译。 2. 语句要连贯通顺。3. 字数在100个左右。4. 开头已给出。Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. _测试题1单选:15 ACCBA 610 CABBD 1115 CDBDB完形:Key: 1-5 ACBBA 6-10. CDACB 1115. CDADB 16-


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