1、 1.the termination of a very sick persons life 2.relieving patients of their sufferinghttp:/www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/euthanasia/http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasiahttp:/www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9138862/Locked-in-sufferer-Tony-Nicklinson-was-once-very-active-and-outgoing.htmlTony Nicklins
2、on,who suffers with locked-in syndrome,has welcomed a ruling allowing him to ask courts to declare that a doctor can end the indignity and misery of his life.If you were Mr.Nicklinson,what would be your choice?EUTHANASIAEUTHANASIA TOURISM TOURISM The people live in the countries where euthanasia is an illegal activity.so they need to travel in countries legalizing euthanasia like Netherland for assisted suicide.Do you agree euthanasia should be legalized?1.Definition2.Three types3.legal/illegal countries