1、National FlagOne of the simplest flags,as well as one of the easiest to recognize,the Japanese flag comprises a white background with a striking red disk in the center.Since the sun rises in the east,Japan is often called The Land of The Rising Sun.The disk in the center of the flag is called Hinoma
2、ru(日之丸/太阳旗),which means disk of the sun.The white background of the flag is said to represent honesty and purity.The location of Japan in the worldJapan is an island country located outside the east coast of Asia.AsianJapan Pacific北海道本本州州四国九州九州Japan is made up of 4 major islands and about several th
3、ousands small islands.Everybody konws the Diaoyu Islands trouble between Everybody konws the Diaoyu Islands trouble between China and Japan.China and Japan.But can you point out where the Diaoyu Islands isBut can you point out where the Diaoyu Islands is?Everybody konws the Diaoyu Islands trouble be
4、tween Everybody konws the Diaoyu Islands trouble between China and Japan.China and Japan.But can you point out where the Diaoyu Islands isBut can you point out where the Diaoyu Islands is?Language-JapaneseThe Japanese writing system consists of 3 different character sets:vHiragana 平假名vKatakana 片假名 v
5、Kanji(several thousands of Chinese characters)汉字Hiragana(平假名)Katakana(片假名)私学生-我是学生。I am a student.主语/subject学生谓语/predicate提示助词,把句子里的主题提示出来,放在名词/数词/代词之后。此时读wa。-是助动词,表示断定,相当于English中的to beKanji-漢字vKanji,one of the three scripts used in the Japanese language,are Chinese characters,which were first intr
6、oduced to Japan in the 5th century via Korea.The common characters in Chinese and Japanese with different meaningsv漢字中国語意味日本語意味v娘 母亲 女儿v丈夫 男性配偶 结实 v大丈夫 有志气的男子 没关系v汽車 机动车 火车v手紙 卫生纸 信v切手 毒手 邮票v検討 反省 研究调查v勉強 不情愿 学习v面白肤色白 有趣v無料無料/有料有料 没本事没本事/有本事(有本事(Cantonese)免费免费/收费收费Content:vScenery 自然景观 -张莹 vFood 食物-
7、浩富 vEconomic Technology 经济与科技-梓燊vEtiquette&Custom 礼仪习俗-金天vAnime 动漫 -永结 by 张莹张莹TokyoTOKYOlTokyo is the capital of Japan.It is both the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world.Its one of the biggest global economy center.l The land mark of Tokyo is the Tokyo Tower.Its the highest
8、 tower in Tokyo and it is 333 meters high.The Tokyo Tower was modeled on The Eiffel Tower.First StepAsakusa Temple 浅草寺浅草寺 Asakusa Temple Asakusa Temple was built in 628.It is the most age-old temple in Tokyo.In the Edo Age,the general Leyasu Tokugawa named here as the place for shogunates to pray.Di
9、sney Theme ParkSecond StepDisney Theme ParkThe most famous landmark for kids is the Disney Theme Park in Tokyo.It is the largest Theme Park in Asia and was modeled on American Disney Park.There are two features of it.First,the Disney Theme Park created everything movable.Second,all the parks continu
10、e renewing every year.Third StepTokyo Animation Fair (for short:TAF)东京动漫展东京动漫展Tokyo Animation FairTokyo Animation Fair is the most influential anime conventions in the world.You can see cosplayers strut their stuff every where.Kyoto京都KyotoKyoto has always been an attractive tourist destination with
11、beautiful scenic spots and mild temperature.Kyoto is the hometown of Japaneses heart and with a strong tinge of folk customs.Forth StepKiyomizu templeKiyomizu templeKiyomizu was built in 1633.It is the testimony of Kyotos history.Four seasons have their own characteristics when you stand in the temp
12、le youll feel completely relaxed and happy with poetic grace.The simple court proper stands out on the bluff.In Japan it is in beautiful surroundings,so it becomes the best choice for suiciders.Okinawa 冲绳Okinawa Fifth step OkinawaOkinawa is between Taiwan and Jiuzhou.It has a long history.It named k
13、ingdom of liuqiu.Its the hometown of Karate.There are sand into a beautiful beach and rippling in the sea,and thus the most suitable for leisure.we can appreciate the coastal scenery,and enjoy the pleasure of walking for a ride.rich in subtropical plantsMount Fujisix stepMount Fuji is the No.1 peak
14、in Japan.The altitude is 3776 meters.Its No.1 active volcano in the world.At present,its in the sleeping.Mount Fuji comes from the Japanese local dialect which mean immortal.In mountainous Japan,most of the mountains are part of mountain ranges.Mt.Fuji,however,soars into the sky alone.Located almost
15、 in the center of the country,this well-proportioned cone-shaped mountain has been worshiped by the Japanese people since ancient times,and is a well-known symbol of Japan in other countries.The highest peak in Japan(3,776meters),Mt.Fuji,is a relatively young volcano.The mountain is said to have occ
16、urred in 1707.For almost 300 years since then,Mt.Fuji has been quiet and retained its rarely noble figure,but some experts say that it will surely awake again.vMt.Fuji has different views,changing with the seasons and even as the time flows during a day.Views from different viewpoints give different
17、 impressions.In winter,it is covered with pure white snow.In summer,its bluish torso(躯干)躯干)wears a delicate crown of snow and stands in the mist.v This Mt.Fuji is beautiful and magic,isnt it?Ueno上野seventh stepv In Japanese,the cherry is called”Sakura”,which is generally believed to be a corruption o
18、f the word“Sakura”(blooming)from the name of Princess Kono-Hana-Sakura-Hime.vCherry is nation flower,but it only has 7 days florescence.From March 15th to April 15th is cherry blossom festival.vIn the festival,people sit under the tree to drink all of drinking with great enjoyment.v樱时樱时 春天春天v花见花见 赏樱
19、花赏樱花The cherry blossom is the flower of flowers to Japanese people.It symbolizes their national character.This is because the life of a samurai(日本武士日本武士)of feudal times was proverbially(众所周知)(众所周知)compared to the short-lived cherry blossoms that last”no more than three days”,for a samurai was always
20、 ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his master.Another meaning is“what the cherry is among flowers is the samurai among men”.The Japanese are very proud of their Sakura.Of all flowers,the cherry blossoms appeal most to the aesthetic taste of(审美品位)(审美品位)the Japanese people.The Japanese peopl
21、e are never so jubilant(欢欣雀欢欣雀跃跃),cheerful,optimistic and youthful as they are at the time of”Sakura”blossom.v樱花具有很好的收缩毛孔和平衡油脂的功效,而且还含 有丰富的天然维生素A、B、E,樱叶黄酮还具有美容养颜,强化黏膜,促进糖分代谢的药效,是可以用来保持肌肤年轻的青春之花。Floridv樱花:生命、幸福一生一世永不放弃,命运的法则就是循环v山樱:向你微笑、精神美v西洋樱花:善良的教育v冬樱花:东方的神秘v重瓣樱花:文静v樱花草:除你之外别无他爱v山樱花:纯洁/高尚/淡薄Hokkai
22、do北海道Hokkaidoeighth stepHokkaidoThe Hokkaido of northern in Japan.Its famous of the charming snowy scene.Every year all over the worlds people would go there for joining in the snow festival in February.You can go skiing and enjoy snow sculpture.by 梅浩富梅浩富let us go into the world of Japanese gourmet握
23、寿司握寿司箱寿司箱寿司Sushi刺身Sashimi天天妇妇罗罗tempura拉面拉面stretched noodlesra-men 章鱼烧 JPY 300=RMB 24.6香蕉 超贵 一根 JPY 98 约 RMB 8鸡汤酱油拉面 JPY 750=RMB 61.5烤扇贝 JPY 500=RMB 42by 吴梓燊吴梓燊Economy&TechnologyEconomy&Technologyof Japanof JapanEconomy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyJapan is a RICH and POOR country.Economy and
24、TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyJapanGDP:53,000 billion dollars(the third in the world)GDP per capita:45,774(18th in the world)ChinaGDP:83,000 billion dollarsGDP per capita:5,432(87th in the world)So we can say Japan is rich.Economy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyArea:377.8 thousand square kilo
25、metersLacing resources:iron,coal,oil So we can say Japan is poor.Economy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologySome famous companies of Japan:SONYcamerasvideosps3,pspcomputersmobile phones.Economy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyToshibalaptopsTVsprintersair conditionersfridges.Economy and Technolo
26、gyEconomy and TechnologyMitsubishicarsheavy Industriesmetallic material.Economy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyPanasonicEconomy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyCanonEconomy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyTOYOTAHONDAEconomy and TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyRobotsEconomy and Technolog
27、yEconomy and TechnologyWhy Japan can be so developed and advanced?lThe help from USA after the second World WarlReform;paying great attention to development of science and technology lInvesting a lot in educationBad artists copy,good artists steal.拙工抄,巧匠盗。They are rigorous to everything.Economy and
28、TechnologyEconomy and TechnologyWe will be better than them one day.Its not far.by 韩金天韩金天日本习俗,礼仪v鞠躬礼仪鞠躬礼仪v日本人相互见面多以鞠躬为礼。比较熟悉的人见面互相鞠躬以二三秒钟为宜;如果遇见好友,腰弯的时间要稍长些;在遇见社会地位比较高的人和长辈的时候,要等对方抬头以后把头抬起来,有时候甚至要鞠躬几次。v他们在社交场合上也施握手礼。v日本的乡村礼节礼仪方式也较多,女子在送亲友告别时,一般多施跪礼(即屈膝下跪);男子的告别礼是摇屐礼(即手持木屐在空中摇动)。日本虾夷族(阿伊努)人相会的礼节是先双手合
29、十,然后缓缓举向额前,掌心向外,男拍胡须,女拍上唇,再相互握手。v鞠躬是日本的传统问候方式,现在已渐为握手所代替,在日本旅游,如果主人伸出手来就握手,如果主人鞠躬,最好回以鞠躬礼,鞠躬时两手垂放,v身子弯到与腰平。如果日本人回家,一般是开门的先鞠躬,v 回来的人再回以鞠躬。v不一定的,比如在日本有很明显的男女尊卑之分,v一般的是女人先向男人鞠躬v在日本鞠躬还分站式鞠躬和跪式鞠躬:v站式鞠躬:“真礼”以站姿为预备,然后将相搭的两手渐渐分开,贴着两大腿下滑,手指尖触至膝盖上沿为止,同时上半身由腰部起倾斜,头、背与腿呈近90度的弓形(切忌只低头不弯腰,或只弯腰不低头),略作停顿,表示对对方真诚的敬意
31、行礼”时将两手沿大腿移至中部,余同“真礼”。“草礼”只将两手搭在大腿根,略欠身即可。v跪式鞠躬:“真礼”以跪坐姿预备,背、颈部保持平直,上半身向前倾斜,同时双手从膝上渐渐滑下,全手掌着地,两手指尖斜相对,身体倾至胸部与膝间只剩一个拳头的空档(切忌只低头不弯腰或只弯腰不低头),身体呈45度前倾,稍作停顿,慢慢直起上身。同样行礼时动作要与呼吸相配,弯腰时吐气,直身时吸气,速度与他人保持一致。“行礼”方法与“真礼”相似,但两手仅前半掌着地(第二手指关节以上着地即可),身体约呈55度前倾;行“草礼”时仅两手手指着地,身体约呈65度前倾。v镜饼由来镜饼由来v镜饼()是指 v供奉给神灵的扁圆形的年糕,日本
34、小豆汤,也有的把切开的镜饼作成“”(油炸年糕)。就是将其切成小片,放置10天,使其晾干,然后,放入油里炸,蘸上 盐和黄豆酱油。v忘年会忘年会v忘年会()是日本组织或机构在每年(西历)年底举行的传统习俗。聚会中,大家回顾过去一年的成绩,准备迎接新年的挑战。v一般忘年会会以宴会形式在居酒屋举行,同事们一边喝酒,一边互相勉励并回顾过去的一年。v这种习俗与日本的新年会同样是日本传统年中行事的重要一部分v榻榻米榻榻米v现在日本家庭的房间大多分有洋室与和室,洋室又称西式房间,与我们现在房间的布置差不多,有椅子,沙发,床等,而和室又称日式房间,没有椅子,沙发,床,只是在地板上铺着叫榻榻米的草垫子,其作用相当
41、与司机等人对答。v5、温泉酒店温泉酒店均禁止穿着泳衣进入公用浴池。在进入公用浴池前,要在休息室内宽衣,将衣 服放在筐子里面,围上备用毛巾进入浴池。入浴的方式是:先坐在花洒前的小凳上将身体洗干净;如果没有花洒,可用小浴盆装水洗干净身体后入浴。v6、与日本人约会要提前提前510分钟到达分钟到达,不能失约。有事拜访应事先通知,冒然登门会被视为极不礼貌的行为。v7、在上下台阶特别是乘坐电动扶梯时,请一定遵守左行左行(东京地区)或右行右行(大阪)的习惯。v8、参加商务活动商务活动时要求正装,应事前准备好交换礼物、名片。v9、参加讨论、交流活动讨论、交流活动时请多提问,避免冷场。v10、如在公务场合公务场
42、合要单独交换名片、派发资料及合照时,请听从指挥,顺序而行。by 黄永结黄永结Do you still remember those scenesa a梦来梦来名探名探侦侦美少女戦士美少女戦士坊主坊主子子百百变变魔法魔法Guess Game:OK!Face to everybody,then listen to the music,and guess what the name of this anime is.1.Anime is adapted from Japanese manga(日(日本漫画)本漫画)Charateristics of the Anime2.In most of the
43、 anime,the leading role are always the child or teenager.Many of them are intelligent,brave or have exceptional abilities.3.Differences range from realism face,body proportions,hair to body parts.1)disproportionate(不成比例的不成比例的)figure:characters have very long legs and slim,attractive figure,especiall
44、y in Beautiful type animations.The heads of some anime characters are unusually large,even larger than his body,maybe doing so to emphasis exceptional intelligence.2)Big Eyes:Anime eyes sometimes span half of the face.Eyes in anime are usually very expressive.The creator think big eyes can easily re
45、flect characters emotion.Audience favor the eyes.3)Hair:Anime hair is very stylicized,The most popular hair style is the grass cut,with long strands poking out of the hair.Anime hair also comes in bright unnatural colors.Ranging from purple to red,to pink.4)The beautification of death:the death always followed by amazing beauty of scence,which made death full of another kind of beauty.5)Love for nature scenery:Japanese special love for sakura(樱花樱花)Influence on the worldEND Thanks終