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1、鲁教版(五四学制)七年级上册英语期末复习各单元知识点提纲 Unit 1 知识点复习19.嘴巴 mouth 复数 mouths 20.圆形的 round 21.脸 face 22.眼睛 eye 23.歌手 singer 24.艺术家 artist 25.犯罪活动 crime 26.罪犯 criminal 27.放 put 28.描述 describe 29.不同地 differently形容词 different 30.另一;又一 another 31.结尾 end 32.真正的 real 副词 really 33.牛仔裤 jeans 1. 卷曲的 curly 2. 直的 straight 3.

2、 高的 tall 反义词 short 4. 中等的 medium 5. 瘦的 thin 反义词 heavy 6. 身材 build 7. 今晚 tonight 8. 小的 little 9. 电影院 cinema 10.眼镜 glasses 11.以后 later 12.英俊的 handsome 13.漂亮的 beautiful 14.演员 actor 15.女演员 actress 16.人 person 17.人们 people 18.鼻子 nose 1. 他长什么样? What does he look like ?2. 他们留直发还是卷发? Do they have straight h

3、air or curly hair?3. 他不高不矮,他中等身高。He isnt tall or short .He is of medium height .4. 她们告诉他罪犯长什么样。They tell him what the criminal looks like .5. 人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述得不一样。Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently .6. 他擅长踢足球。He is good at pl

4、aying soccer.7. 他想画好每一位罪犯的画像,但是这项工作有时是困难的。He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal ,but this job sometimes difficult .1.中等身高 be of medium height 2.中等身材 be of medium build3.一点 a little 4.去看电影 go to the cinema 5.戴眼镜 wear glasses 6.最后 in the end 7.一会儿见 see you later 8.大眼睛 big eyes 9.圆脸 round fa

5、ce 10.金色的头发 blonde hair 11.一份有趣的工作 an interesting job 12.警局绘画师 police artist 13.告诉某人 tell sb. 14.的照片 the picture of 15.在报纸上 in newspaper 16.在电视上 on television 17.每位罪犯 each criminal 18.以同样的方式 the same way 19.对同一个人的描述不同 describe the same person differently 20.记得清楚 remember well 21.另一位女士 another woman

6、22.最后 in the end 23.首先first of all 24.擅长做某事 be good at doing 25.对.有好处 be good for Unit 1 短语默写Unit 2 知识点整理1. 面条 noodle2. 羊肉 mutton3. 牛肉 beef4. 卷心菜 cabbage5. 土豆 potato pl.potatoes6. 特色菜;特殊的 special7. 愿意 would8. 还;仍然 yet9. 大号的 large 10. 小号的 small11. 中号的 medium12. 女服务员waitress pl.waitresses13. 点菜 order1

7、4. 大小;尺码 size15. 碗 bowl16. 肉 meat17. 饺子 dumpling18. 粥 porridge19. 洋葱 onion 20. 鱼 fish21. 烙饼 pancake22. 世界 world23. 答案;回答 answer24. 不同地 different25. 蜡烛 candle26. 年龄 age27. 吹 blow28. 如果 if29. 将要 will30. 糖果 candy pl.candies31. 幸运的 lucky 32. 海藻 seaweed33. 健康 health 健康的 healthy34. 受欢迎的 popular35. 想法;主意 i

8、dea1. 蜡烛的数量就是这个人的年龄。The number of candles is the persons age.2.过生日的人必须许愿并且把蜡烛吹灭。The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.3.如果他或她一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛,这个愿望就会实现。If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.4.在英国,人们有时把一颗糖放进蛋糕里,吃到这颗糖的孩子是幸运的。In the UK,people someti

9、mes put a candy in a birthday cake.The child with the candy is lucky.5.在韩国,人们在生日那天吃蛋糕和一碗海带汤。他们认为海带汤有益于健康。In Korea, people have cakes and a bowl of seaweed soup for a birthday.They think seaweed soup is good for health.6.在中国,过生日吃蛋糕正变得流行。In China , it is getting popular to have cake on ones birthday.7

10、.他们从来不把面条切断,因为长面条是一种长寿的象征。They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. 8. 所有这些生日食物可能不相同,但想法是一样的。他们给过生日的人带来好运All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are the same. They bring good luck to the birthday person.9. 你想要哪种面条?What kind of noodles would

11、 you like?10. 你想要多大的?What size would you like ?11. 您要点餐吗?May I take/have your order?1. 愿意 would like 2.点菜 take ones order 3.世界各地 around the world-all over the world 4. 一大碗牛肉面 one large bowl of beef noodles 5.许愿 make a wish=make wishes 5. 吹灭 blow out 7.英国 the UK 8.受欢迎的 get popular 9.切碎 cut up10. 给带来好

12、运 bring good luck to 11.使成为现实 e true 12.想要某物 would like sth. 13.想要做某事would like to do sth. 14.想要某人做某事 would like sb. to do sth. 15. 还不确定 not sure yet 16.没有肉 no meat=not any meat 17.在不同的国家in different countries 18.蜡烛的数量 the number of candles 19许多学生 a number of students 20.一口气 in one go 21.对健康有好处 is g

13、ood for health 22.长寿的象征 a symbol of long life 23.缺乏 be short of 24. 戴上眼镜 put on your glasses22.快地 fast23.机器人 robot24.导游 guide25.礼物 gift26.所有事物 everything27.感兴趣的 interested 28.有趣的 interesting29.黑暗的 dark30.任何地方 anywhere31.笑 laugh32.邀请 invite33.开始 start34.提供;给 give pt.gave35.极好的 wonderful36.是am/is-was

14、are-were37.变得 become-became38.开始 begin-began39.吹 blow-blew40.带来 bring-brought41.买 buy-bought42.教 teach-taught1. 农民 farmer2. 其他的 else3. 相当 quite4. 任何东西 anything5. 种植 grow pt.grew 6. 采;摘 pick pt. picked7. 极好的 excellent8. 干净的 clean9. 担心 worry pt.worried10.昨天 yesterday 11.花 flower12.变得 get pt.got13.幸运地

15、luckily14.太阳 sun15.博物馆 museum16.油画 painting17.可爱的 lovely18.缓慢的 slow 19.使人兴奋的 exciting20.昂贵的 expensive21.便宜的 cheapUnit 3 知识点复习43.游泳 swim-swam44.看见 see-saw45.画 draw-drew46.吃 eat-ate47.拿;取 take-took48.交谈 talk-talked49.去 go-went50.骑 ride-rode短语必备1.散步 went for a walk 2.挤奶 milked a cow 3.喂鸡 fed chickens 4

16、.骑马 rode a horse 5.拍照 took some photos 6.很多 quite a lot7. 太多乐趣 so much fun 8.带领某人参观 show sb. around9. 和农民交谈 talked with a farmer 10.你真幸运 lucky you 11.出现 come out 12.在乡下in the countryside 13.在晚上看星星 watch the stars at night 14.去钓鱼 went fishing 15.爬山 climb a mountain 16.参观消防站 visit a fire station 17.沿途

17、 along the way 18.令人兴奋的一天 an exciting day 19.学了很多关于机器人的知识 learn a lot about robots20.教我们如何制作机器人模型 taught us how to make a model robot21.给某人买某物 buy sth for sb.=buy sb. sth22. 太多人 too many people 23.总的说来 all in all 24.一点也不 not at all 25.下象棋 play chess 26.对.感兴趣 be interested in 对.不感兴趣 be not interested

18、 in 句子必会1.-你看到奶牛了吗? Did you see any cows?-是的;我看到了很多。Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.2.卡罗尔摘了一些草莓并且把它们带回了家。Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.3.随后,导游教我们如何做机器人模型。Then,the guide taught us how to make a model robot.4.我也拍了很多很棒的照片。I took a lot of great photos,too.5.一切都与机器人有关,我对那方面不感兴趣。Everything

19、 was about robots and Im not interested in that.6. 在那之后,我去了礼物商店并且给父母买了一些可爱的礼物。After that,I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents.7. 房间非常黑,拍照非常困难,因此我没有拍照。The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos,so I didnt take any.8. 那儿有太多的人,并且我真的看不见也听不清导游说的话。There w

20、ere too many people and I couldnt really see or hear the guide.9. 我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。I didnt like the trip at all.10. 妈妈为我举办了一场聚会。她把我的朋友邀请到家里来。My mother had a party for me.She invited my friends to my home.1. 去 go-went2. 学习 study-studied3. 喂 feed-fed4. 告诉 tell-told5. 停留 stay-stayed6. 丢失 lose-lost7. 找到 find

21、-found8. 听 hear=heard9. 说 say-said10. 跑 run -ran11. 唱歌 sing-sang12. 游泳 swim-swam13. 飞 fly-flew14. 带;花费 take-took15. 放 put-put16. 保持 keep-kept17. 坐 sit-sat18. 得到 get-got19. 看见 see-saw 20.读 read-read21.写 write-wrote1. 海滩 beach pl.beaches2. 羽毛球 badminton 3. 绵羊 sheep pl.sheep4. 自然的 natural5. 蝴蝶 butterfl

22、y pl.butterflies6. 游客 visitor7. 疲倦的tired 令人疲倦 tiring 8. 老鼠 mouse pl.mice9. 幼小的 baby10.语言 language11.飞 fly pt.flew12.高的 high 高度 height13.印度 India 14.月亮 moon15.惊奇 surprise16.蛇 snake17.惊慌的 scared 18.移动 move 现分 moving19.跳 jump 20.弄醒 wake pt.woke 21.森林 forestUnit 4 知识点复习1. 去看电影 went to the cinema 2. 去划船w

23、ent boating 3. 在湖边野营camped by the lake 4. 去沙滩went to the beach 5. 打羽毛球played badminton 6.从事导游工作work as a guide 7.为英语考试而学习studied for the English test 8. 超过两百多种蝴蝶over 200 kinds of butterflies 9.生活习惯living habits 10.有点累 kind of tired 11.熬夜做某事stay up late to do 12.看足球赛watch the soccer game13.很快跑开quickl

24、y run away 14.学习一门外语 learn a second language15.害怕某物 be afraid of sth. 16.唱歌弹吉他 sang and played the guitar 17.去图书馆went to the library 18.放风筝flew a kite 19.swam in a swimming pool 在泳池游泳 20.名胜古迹interesting places 21.作为一个特殊的礼物 as a special gift 22.漫长的汽车旅程 a long bus ride 23.搭帐篷 put up tents 24.生火 make a

25、 fire 25.保持温暖 keep warm 26.给彼此讲故事 tell each other stories 27.向外看 look out of 28.大吃一惊 get a terrible surprise 29.上下跳动 jump up and down 30.有用的一课 a very useful lesson 31.写一首新歌 wrote a new song32.帮妈妈做晚餐 help mom cook dinner 33.练习弹吉他 practice playing the guitar34.冲.大声叫嚷(生气)shout at 35.冲.大喊 shout to 36.看一

26、个有趣的谈话节目 see an interesting talk show 1. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆当导游。2. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! 他们有一座蝴蝶馆,里面有200多种蝴蝶。3. Thats why its important to learn a second language.那就是为什么多学一门语言是重要的。4. As a special gift,our parents took

27、 us to India for a holiday. 作为一个特殊的礼物,父母带我们去印度度假。5. But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.但我如此累以至于很早去睡觉了。6. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.在那里我们搭起帐篷,生火取暖并做饭。7. When we looked out of our tent, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.当我们从帐篷向外看时,看到一

28、条大蛇正在火堆附近睡觉。8. I was so scared that I couldnt move. 我如此害怕以至于不敢动。9. He also told me it was important not to go near a snake. 他还告诉我不要靠近蛇是重要的。10. This was a very useful lesson for me.这对我来说是重要的一课。19.雨伞 umbrella 20.湿的 wet-干燥的 dry21.在.下面 below22.足够的 enough23.饥饿的 hungry24.小山 hill25.鸭 duck26.不喜欢 dislike27.像

29、.一样 as 28.马来西亚 Malaysia29.马来西亚人 Malaysian 30.买 buy pt.bought31.使人享受的 enjoyable1. 我自己 myself2. 你自己 yourself3. 母鸡 hen 4. 好像;似乎 seem5. 厌倦的bored 使人厌倦的 boring6. 日记 diary pl.diaries7. 活动 activity pl.activities8. 决定 decide9. 尝试 try pt.tried10.滑翔伞运动 paragliding11.鸟 bird12.自行车 bicycle13.建筑物 building14.商人 tra

30、der15.想知道 wonder16.差别 difference 不同的 different 不同地 differently17.等待 wait 女服务员 waitress18.顶部 topUnit 5 知识点复习1. 在假期 on vacation 2.待在家stayed at home 3.去纽约went to New York City 4. 拜访我叔叔visited my uncle 5. 去夏令营went to summer camp 6. 去山区went to the mountains 7. 去沙滩 went to the beach 8. 参观博物馆visited museum

31、s 9.去中央公园 go to Central Park 10.为考试而学习study for tests 11.买一些特殊的东西buy anything special 12.见一些有趣的人meet anyone interesting 13.去一些有趣的地方go anywhere interesting 14. 好久不见 Long time no see 15.黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Waterfall 16.大多数时间most of the time 17.拍了很多照片took quite a few photos 18.那你呢What about you 19.第一次 fir

32、st time 20.没什么事可做 nothing much to do 21.写日记 keep(kept) a diary22.似乎无聊 seem to be bored=seem bored 23.决定做某事 decide to do sth. 24.做决定 make a decision 25.尽某人最大努力做某事 try ones best to do sth.26.试一下 have a try 27.骑自行车 ride(rode) a bicycle 28.想要做某事 feel like doing=want to do=would like to do 29.一把雨伞 an umb

33、rella 30.因为 because of 31.没有那么好 not as good32.到达 arrive in 32.中国商人 Chinese traders 33.在过去 in the past34.100年前 100years ago 35.徒步到山顶 walk up to the top 36.喜欢在这座城市漫步enjoy walking around the town37.开始下小雨 start raining a little 38.太多人 too many people39.等了一个多小时火车 wait over an hour for the train40.雨下得很大 r

34、ain really hard 41.带足够的钱 bring enough money42.足够有趣 interesting enough 43.忘记做某事 forget to do sth.44.有两个小时 another two hours 45.从山顶上 from the top of the hill46.购物中心 shopping center 47.继续做某事 keep doing48.升起 come up 49.发现 find out 50.兴奋地 in excitement 句子必会:1.我大部分时间待在家阅读和休息。I just stayed at home most of

35、the time to read and relax.2. 你去了一些有趣的地方吗?Did you go anywhere interesting?3. 似乎仍然没有人觉得无聊。Still no one seemed to be bored.4. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 5. 我感觉我像一只鸟一样。I felt like I was a bird.6. 我想知道过去这里的生活是什么样子的。I wonder what lif

36、e was like here in the past.7. 一天的差异多大啊!What a difference a day makes!8. 我们想徒步走到山顶但是后来下起了小雨,所以我们决定做火车。We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.9. 因为糟糕的天气,我们看不到山下的任何东西。And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.10.饭菜尝起来很好

37、吃因为我太饿了! The food tasted great because I was so hungry!11.同学们告诉我继续走,所以我就继续前进了。My classmates told me to keep going,so I went on. 12. 大家都兴奋地跳上跳下。Everyone jumped up and down in excitement. 复合不定代词some (某些)any(任何)every(每个)no(没有)one(人)someoneanyoneeveryoneno onebody (人)somebodyanybodyeverybodynobodything

38、(事)somethinganythingeverythingnothingwhere(地点)somewhereanywhereeverywherenowhere 21.牙科医生 dentist22.杂志 magazine23.然而 however24.比 than 25.几乎;差不多 almost26.没有一个;毫无 none27.较少 less28.得分;点 point1. 一次 once2. 两次 twice3. 互联网 Internet4. 节目 program5. 忙的 full6. 摆动 swing pt.swung7. 大概;或许 maybe8. 最小 least9. 咖啡 cof

39、fee10.结果 result11.百分之 percent12.在线的 online13.电视节目 television14.虽然;尽管 although15.凭借;穿过 through16.头脑 mind17.身体 body pl.bodies18.在一起 together19.消失;死亡 die pt.died20.作者 writerUnit 6知识点复习1. 几乎从不 hardly ever 2.使用互联网 use the Internet 2. 摇摆舞 swing dance 4.至少 at least 5.垃圾食品 junk food6. 例如 such as 7.多于 more t

40、han 8.少于 less than 9.帮忙做家务 help with housework 10.一两次 once or twice11.去看电影 go to the movies 12.最喜欢的节目 favorite program13.对我来说相当忙 quite full for me 14.上钢琴课 have piano lessons15.大概一月一次 maybe once a month 16.熬夜 stay up late17.吃一顿健康的早餐 eat a healthy breakfast 18.做运动 do sports=play sports 19.提高英语 improve

41、 English20.对健康有好处 be good for health 21.想让某人做某事 want sb. to do22.询问某人关于某事ask sb.about sth. 23.要求某人(不)做某ask sb.(not)to do sth. 24.在空闲时间 in ones free time 25.业余活动free time activities 26.每周四至六次 four to six times a week 27.一点也不 not .at all 28.感到惊奇 be surprised 29.为了玩 for fun 30. .的答案 the answer to =the key to 31.最受欢迎的 most popular 32.做某事的最好方式 the best way to do sth. =the best way of doing sth.33.开始做某事start doing sth 34.大概一到三次maybe one to three


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