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1、新高考全国卷I同源文本语法填空练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (一)豆腐营养丰富,高蛋白、低脂肪。具有降血压、降血脂、降胆固醇的功效。生熟皆可,老幼皆宜。其蛋白质可消化率高,是养生摄生、益寿延年的美食佳品。豆腐可热食,可凉拌,可火锅,可作馅,可煮炒炖煮,也可荤素搭配,堪称“百搭”食材。以豆腐为原料的菜肴多达数千种,涵盖了全国各地,中医认为豆腐味甘性凉,具有益气和中、生津润燥、清热解毒的效果。古往今来,广受欢迎。我一直觉得在所有的食物清单中,豆腐是最朴素的。它软软糯糯,好嚼食有营养;晶莹洁白,易配色又百搭。豆腐是父亲最喜爱的食物之一。在我的印象里,父亲几乎是每逢赶集必买豆腐。现在一看见豆腐,我就会想

2、起在我和弟弟在幼小时候父亲经常讲的“珍珠翡翠白玉汤”的故事。我喜欢豆腐炖的汤,又或许贪恋的不是汤,更是家的味道和小时候的回忆。Until I lived in China, I had only ever tasted vacuum-packed, rubbery, 36 (taste)supermarket tofuthe kind that lasts for months in the refrigerator. I 37 (consume) it, bitterly, during a brief vegetarian phase in my early 20s, and never

3、again. But eating homemade tofu, warm and lightly steaming, sliced on its muslin wrapping cloth with a 38 (wear) and heavy cleaver(剁刀), is an amazing enjoyment. The texture is smoother than the 39 (fine) ricotta(奶酪); the aroma comforting and beany; the flavor light, with fresh soybean overtones. Its

4、 so fragile and so delicate 40 if you dont eat it immediately, you have to keep it 41 (float) in a water bath to cushion it from 42 (injure).I would always take it home and add a few drops of sesame oil and a touch of the best soy sauce. 43 (local) buy their tofu in the morning, when its freshest, a

5、nd cook it the same day. Finding fresh tofu in China isnt challenging, 44 its made everywhere. But for the best homemade tofu, youll need to go into 45 countryside, to an open-air market. The best Ive ever tasted was in Yunnan province at the Yousuo Friday Market, outside Dali. (193)(二)以前,只知道蟹好吃,从没考


7、开水作战。烫死的夹人虫浑身通红,堆积如山,发出一股诱人的鲜美香味。巴解闻着后,好奇地取过一只细看,把甲壳掰开来,一闻香味更浓。他想:味道喷香扑鼻,肉不知能不能吃?便大着胆子咬一口,嘴里便觉味道鲜透,堪称人间美味。巴解越吃越香,接连又吃一只。大家见他吃得津津有味,都跟着吃起来,无不大喜觉得味道香极了。当地的百姓获悉后,也就纷纷捉拿夹人虫吃,又很快传遍四面八方。从此,先民们都不怕夹人虫了,被人畏如猛兽的害虫一下成了家喻户晓的美食。大家为了感激敢为天下先的巴解,把他当成勇士,解字下面加个虫字,称夹人虫为蟹,意思是巴解征服夹人虫,是天下第一食蟹人。Hairy CrabThere is one sing

8、le seasonal delicacy prized by Shanghais food lovers 36 all others: the sweet flesh and creamy roe of the hairy crab. In the first days of early autumn, Shanghai locals start to pester(纠缠)their vendors(商贩), and, once hairy crab season starts in earnest, its a 37 (stop) three-month-long feast. The be

9、st crabs appear earlyin the 38 (nine) lunar month for females, when the roe is at its peak, and in the 10th lunar month for males, 39 the flesh is at its sweetest. The usual accompaniment to the crab is Shaoxing wine, said 40 (banlance) the cooling properties of the crab in traditional Chinese medic

10、ine perfectly. Its hard to beat 41 on hairy crab in one of the many restaurants around the edge of Yangcheng Lake, an hour northwest of Shanghai, where its claimed the best crabs are foundheavy for their size, with the flesh clean and the females full of roe. On a clear autumn day, the lake is 42 (g

11、lory) dark blue, and you can drink cold beer or warm Shaoxing wine sitting outside at a table. Some of these spots will even undertake 43 mess and bother for you, removing the meat and discarding the 44 (shell). Then again, wheres the fun in 45 ? (206)(三)“乌干菜,白米饭。既是味道的融合又是颜色的搭配。今问度娘,方知梅干菜制作要领,也才明白原来


13、鲜,做汤特佳。梅干菜单独蒸软下饭,也别有风味,俗语“乌干菜,白米饭。Meigancai (Dry Pickled Mustard Greens)Wrinkled and deep brown, meigancai looks more like soft, dark tobacco than 36 cooking ingredient at first glance. But one sniff of its strong, beefy aroma is enough 37 (hint) at its culinary(烹饪的) potential. The salted, fermented

14、(已发酵的), dried, and aged mustard green is a of Chinas eastern city of Shaoxing, where its sold in the tiny wine shops and dry-goods stores 38 line Canqiao Straight Street. Thanks to its intense fresh character, the pickled green is right at home in Shaoxings local cuisine, which is abundant 39 foods

15、like fermented amaranth, stinky tofu, 40 (dry)fish, and rice wine, each with its own 41 (unique) savory flavor.I first 42 (taste) meigancai in a dish of slow-cooked pork bellythe luscious 43 (sweet) and soft texture of the belly fat contrasting with the rich saltiness and yeasty aroma of the ferment

16、ed green. But its also a not-so-secret key ingredient in 44 (count) preparations, with wisps of its dark leaves deepening the flavor of steamed baozi and crisp flatbreads, and small handfuls 45 (add) nuance to soups and braises.(181)(四)烤包子(维语叫“沙木萨”)是维吾尔族人民喜爱的食品。新疆各城乡巴扎的饭馆、食摊,大街小巷多都卖这种食品,如同北京夹肉烧饼和天津的


18、子蒸熟揭笼或烤包子从馕坑取出那阵子,厨师常提高嗓门,拉着长声喊:“依木拉音。” 相传在1000多年前,有个叫依木拉音艾利克斯拉木的圣人,是主管食品的神,他的烤包子或薄皮包子做得最好,于是后人就拿他的名字作为招徕顾客的牌子。Samsa (Uyghur(维吾尔族) Mutton-Stuffed Bread)On my first visit to Kashgar(喀什格尔), in far-west China, I sat down at a street stall 36 three Uyghur men were making samsas, unleavened pockets of wh

19、eat dough that are filled with mutton, 37 (fold) over like envelopes, and then baked in a deep outdoor pit oven called a tanur. 38 (able)to speak the local language, I held up my fingers for three and poured 39 (I) a bowl of saffron-colored tea. Nearby, a group of men 40 (wear) embroidered green pra

20、yer caps dug into 41 order of their own, breaking off pieces of salt-flecked crust(酥皮) 42 (take) out the meaty filling. When my samsas arrived, puffed and scorched from the tanur, I followed suit, tearing one open so the blistered brown skin crackled and steam shot out. Inside 43 small, tender piece

21、s of mutton and glistening morsels of perfectly 44 (season) mutton fat, meltingly soft and deeply satisfying. Xiao long bao may be my favorite street food in China, 45 samsas are certainly the open-air highlight of Kashgar. (169)(五)汉语里有一个成语叫“雨后春笋”,是指春天下大雨后发出来的竹笋,而且一下子就长出来很多。比喻新生事物迅速大量地涌现出来。还有一个成语叫“春

22、笋怒发”,指的是春天的竹笋迅速茂盛地生长。比喻好事层出不穷地产生。二者都是美好的寓意。笋或竹笋(bamboo shoot),指幼竹茎秆的幼嫩生长部分。竹笋味甘鲜脆,是一大美食,其营养丰富,是中国的传统佳肴。竹笋一年四季皆有,但惟有春笋、冬笋味道最佳。俗话说“尝鲜无不道春笋”,通常清明节前后是品尝春笋的最佳时令。笋生长破土成为竹子的速度非常快,因此竹笋实际可采集的时间很短,属于较珍贵的食材。烹调时无论是凉拌、煎炒还是熬汤,均鲜嫩清香,是人们喜欢的佳肴之一。竹笋的笋头刚露出土面为采收适期,过迟采收,纤维多、具苦味。竹笋,又称玉兰片,在一年中,冬、春、夏三季均可吃到鲜笋。鲜笋含水量高,毛竹春笋含水量

23、为90%,冬笋为85%,属鲜嫩食品,不耐贮藏和长途运输。作为蔬菜,其味清香鲜美,被视为菜中珍品。竹笋不能生吃,单独烹调时有苦涩味,与肉同炒则味道特别鲜美。竹笋可做汤可烧菜,能做出许多美味佳肴。竹笋食用有着悠久的历史,相传周成王临死前,命召公、毕公率邻诸侯拥戴康王登基,是曰以笋席款待,可见笋宴在当时被认为是规格很高的宴席。Bamboo Shoots With Anhui HamAnhui, in Chinas east, is famous for its bamboo forestsits 36 the epic bamboo fight scenes from Crouching Tiger

24、, Hidden Dragon were filmed. Bamboo forests mean bamboo shoots, fresh and green in early spring but 37 (large)and full-flavored in winter. Each shoot, the size of a rhino horn, 38 (dig)from deep under the earth on steep hillsides covered with feathered jade bamboo forests. Below the 39 (tower) green

25、 bamboo canopy, a tiny visible tuft is often the only clue to the underground presence of a 40 (size) shoot. Bamboo is common in many of Anhuis dishes, and the regions cold mountain mists are driven away with a warming bowl of bamboo shoot and ham stew, 41 (heat) in a deep pot on a burner. Larou sun

26、 bao (bao meaning both the pot and the method of slow cooking over a low flame) 42 (feature) the local air-dried ham, pink and intensely flavored, and tender, finely sliced bamboo. 43 cooking, the bamboo shoots hold 44 slight crunch and taste like freshly cooked baby corn, while 45 (they)starchiness

27、(淀粉质) lends a milky quality to the soup.(186)附:参考答案(一)36. Tasteless 37. consumed 38. worn 39. finest 40. that41. floating 42. injury 43. Locals 44. as 45. The(二)36.above 37. nonstop 38. ninth 39. when 40. to balance 41. dining 42. gloriously 43. the 44. shells 45. that(三)36.A 37. to hint 38. that 39. with 40.dried41.uniquely 42. tasted 43.sweetness 44.countless 45. Adding(四)36. where 37. folded 38. Unable 39. myself 40. wearing 41. an 42. to take 43. were 44. seasoned 45. But(五)36. where 37. larger 38. is dug 39. towering 40. sizable41. heated 42. features 43. Despite 44. a 45. their 5


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