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1、B3 Unit 1 Words and expressions agonyn 痛楚,苦难I was in agony.agony aunt 知心阿姨(a person,usually a woman,who gives advice to people with personal problems,especially in a regular magazine or newspaper article)help out 帮一把help sb out 帮助某人摆脱(困境)Please help me out with this problem.let down 使失望,辜负 The worst

2、 feeling is having let my parents down.let off steam 发出怒火,宣泄情绪 Letting off the steam is important to a persons mental health.let alone 更不用说 let go(of)放开/手;释放steamn U蒸汽,水蒸气steam engine 蒸汽机loose adj.未固定牢固的,控制不严的 If a tooth feels very loose,your dentist may recommend you to take it out.loosen v.解开,松开,(

3、使)放松adj.+en-v.loose-loosen tight-tightendeep-deepen weak-weakenwide-widen fast-fastenn.+en-v.length-lengthen strength-strengthenfright-frighten threat-threatenendanger enlarge enrichlipn(嘴)唇My lips are sealed.守口如瓶lipstick 口红sinksink Loose lips sink ships.祸从口出祸从口出 这是二战时流行的一句著名口号。当时到处挂着的宣传画上都可以看到这样的警句

4、。这句话告诫人们,战争年代到处都可能有敌人的间谍和奸细,如果我们口疏泄密,随时都可能引起重大的破坏和事故。sink(sank,sunk)v vi&vt(使)下沉;(使)沉没(使)下沉;(使)沉没 反反 float:My fathers ship was sunk in World War II.2011 湖南改 vi(高度)下降;倒下;坐下:(高度)下降;倒下;坐下:The sun was starting to sink.2010 浙江She let out a sigh and sank into a chair.vi 消沉;陷入;降低;减弱:消沉;陷入;降低;减弱:Her heart s

5、ank as the list ended without her name.I was worried and sank in thought.The population of the village sank to just a few families.n C 面盆;洗碗池面盆;洗碗池sink 语义网络语义网络图图sink下沉;下落下沉;下落基本义基本义船船下沉下沉(具体物)(具体物)身体身体下沉下沉(由物及人)(由物及人)情绪情绪下沉下沉(由具体到抽象)(由具体到抽象)程度上程度上下沉下沉(由具体到抽象)(由具体到抽象)降低;减弱降低;减弱高度高度下沉下沉(高度)(高度)消沉;陷入消

6、沉;陷入(高度)下(高度)下降降倒下;坐下倒下;坐下(使)下沉;(使)沉没(使)下沉;(使)沉没 Life and DeathWalter Savage Landor I strove with none for none was worth my strife;Nature I loved,and,next to nature,art I warmed both hands before the fire of life;It sinks,and I am ready to depart.读下面的诗歌并体会sink的含义生与死(译)杨绛 我和谁都不争,和谁争我都不屑;我爱大自然,其次是艺术;

7、我双手烤着生命之火取暖;火萎了,我也准备走了。一、用适当的介词填空。一、用适当的介词填空。1.The fish food will gradually sink _ the bottom of the tank.2.She sank back _ her seat,tired.3.She just sat there,sunk _ thought.二、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.The kids watched as the coin _(沉入池底).2._(她心里一沉)as she read the results.tointoin

8、sinkHer heart sank sank to the bottom of the pool3.Fred entered without knocking and,very out of breath,_(坐进椅子里).(2008 安徽改)4.Soon afterward,waves crashed over the boat,and it _(开始下沉).(2013 四川)5.Susans husband Mark watched her _(陷入绝望)and he was determined to use every possible means to help his wife.

9、(2010 湖北)sink into hopelessness/despair/desperationbegan/started to sink sank into a chair不要纠缠于谁对谁错,重要的是要找到解决的办法。亨利福特 亨利福特(Henry Ford,18631947),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。他也是世界上第一位使用流水线大批量生产(mass produce)汽车的人。他的生产方式使汽车成为一种大众产品,它不但革命了工业生产方式,而且对现代社会和文化起了巨大的影响。faultfault n U(对错误所负的)责任;过失;过错:(对错误所负的)责任;过失;过

10、错:Im really sorry its all my own fault.C 缺点;缺陷;故障:缺点;缺陷;故障:Everybody has his faults.The sweater had a fault in it and I had to take it back.指人时,意为“缺点;弱点”,和shortcoming同义;指事物时,意为“缺陷;毛病;瑕疵”。find fault(with)找茬儿;抱怨;挑剔:找茬儿;抱怨;挑剔:The fault-finder will find fault in everywhere and anytime,even in paradise!L

11、ife can be great when you are not busy finding fault with it.2015 福建你知道网球比赛中,专业术语“发球失误”如何表达吗?其实fault还有个意思就是“(网球比赛中)发球失误”,而double fault就是“双误”,即网球连续两次发球失误,失一分。【词汇拓展】fault,error,mistake辨析辨析 fault 指对指对“过失、过错过失、过错”应负的责任,强调应负的责任,强调“过过”。Its my fault that we missed the bus.error 与与mistake意义相近,但较为正式。意义相近,但较为

12、正式。There must be an error in our calculations.The letter was sent to you in error.mistake 在日常英语中用得最为广泛,指用词或数字上的错误、在日常英语中用得最为广泛,指用词或数字上的错误、口误、笔误,也可指决定错误,强调口误、笔误,也可指决定错误,强调“误误”。Im not blaming you we all make mistakes.I picked up your bag by mistake.一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.He has many f

13、aults,but dishonesty isnt one of them._2.There is a fault in the electrical system._3.She believes it was the doctors fault that the patient died._二、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.He is such a man who is always _(挑剔)other people.2.“I dont think _(是是我的过错)that the TV blew up.I just turned

14、 it on,thats all,”said the boy.3.Parents are _(有责任)for the change in their children.缺点故障过错/责任fault its my faultfinding fault withat faultresolovevt 解决(问题、困难)resolve/solve/settle/deal with a problemstrategy n.计谋,策略,行动计划 a strategy for doing sth./to do sth.做某事的策略 Were working on new strategies to impr

15、ove classroom efficiency.我们正筹划新的提高课堂效率的策略。strategy n U&C 战略;战略部署战略;战略部署 the skill of planning the movements of armies in a war or an example of doing this:military strategy defence strategies概念类词汇需要借助英语释义学习 C 策略;计策策略;计策 a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose:learning/economic strate

16、gies to develop a strategy for dealing with unemployment U 策划;规划策划;规划 the process of planning sth or putting a plan into operation:marketing strategy【词汇拓展】strategic adj 战略(上)的战略(上)的写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.We invited Dr Smith to share with us effective strategies for learning English._2.T

17、he coach called a time-out(暂停)to discuss strategy._3.The president held a meeting to discuss military strategy with the general yesterday._4.The company must first resolve questions of strategy._策略战略战术strategy规划signaln.信号,暗号 a danger/warning/traffic signal a signal for sb.to do sth.(给某人)做某事的信号 When

18、he got up from the table,it was the signal for us to leave.v.发信号,示意signal at/to sb.向某人发信号/示意signal for sth.示意要某物signal to sb.to do sth.示意某人做某事breath n.呼吸 take a deep breath;hold ones breath;out of breath breathe v.呼吸 breathe deeplypull ones weght 做好分内事,尽责 这个习惯用语最早是从划船来的。大家都知道,划船的时候大家要齐心协力,每个人都要出力,船才

19、会前进。You have to pull your own weight.concern (1)n.忧虑,担心,关切 show/express concern about 对.表示担心/关切 I am writing to express my concern about the plan to build a highway near our village.(2)vt.使忧虑,使担心 The rising confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus(新型冠状病毒)concerns us greatly.(3)vt.与.有关,关于The book con

20、cerns how to develop communication skills.There is no need to concern yourself with this matter.After all,it has nothing to do with you.其他用法concerned a.担忧的;有关的concerned parents 担忧的父母 parents concerned 有关的父母I called the police because I was concerned about his safety.As far as.be concerned 就.而言 As fa

21、r as friendship is concerned,we should keep it by trust and understanding.a concern 一件令人担心的事(抽象名词具体化)Food safety is a great concern now.concerning (介词)涉及,关于He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.This article _(关于)some studying methods.is aboutis/has to do with 温故知新concernsco

22、ncernEveryday English 关于;与关于;与有关有关 to be about sth;涉及;牵涉涉及;牵涉 to affect/involve sb/sth:The film concerns a girl who goes to Africa as a volunteer.Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you.使担心使担心 to worry sb:It concerned her that her son hadnt been back home.concern oneself wi

23、th 正式用语正式用语 关心;担心:关心;担心:A good doctor should always concern himself with his patients.concern vt U 担心;忧虑担心;忧虑 a feeling of worry about sth important:the growing concern about/for/over continuing high unemployment U 关心关心 a feeling of wanting to protect and help sb/sth:Thank you for your concern.2014

24、四川书面表达I appreciate everyones concern and help at this difficult time.C 担心的事;关心的事担心的事;关心的事 sth that worries you or that is important to you:The quality of books is a main concern to editors.What are your main concerns as a student?concern n 抽象名词具体抽象名词具体化化concern的名词释义和动词相关concern担心的事;关心的事担心的事;关心的事(抽象名

25、词具体化)(抽象名词具体化)关于;与关于;与有关;有关;涉及;牵涉涉及;牵涉使担心使担心担心;忧虑担心;忧虑关心关心 nvconcerned adj 不用于名词前不用于名词前 有关的;有关联的:有关的;有关联的:be concerned with/in:Her job is something concerned with computers.People concerned in the event were all punished.担忧的;关心的担忧的;关心的 worried about sth,or caring about sb:be concerned about/for:Im a

26、 bit concerned about/for her safety.Parents are all concerned about/for their children.【词汇拓展】关注的;关切的关注的;关切的 believing that sth is important:be concerned with:More people are concerned with the protection of endangered animals.Many of my students were more concerned with theirgrades than with the kno

27、wledge they gained.as far as be concerned 就就而言;关于:而言;关于:As far as Im concerned,riding bicycles is a good solution to air pollution.Im doing fine as far as history is concerned,but my math is not good.一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词。个适当的单词。1.Officials should concern themselves _ public affairs.2.The meetin

28、g was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests.3.The news shocked the public,leading to great concern _ students safety at school.(2010 重庆)withwithforabout/for/overconcern二、用二、用concern的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.The letter has been given to person _.2.One of the _ that peop

29、le have is the side effects of treatment.3.As far as Americans are _,a lot of our hotels are below average.4.As a grassroots singer,she reads everything she can get hold of _ music,and takes every opportunity to improve herself.(2014 福建)concernedconcernsconcerningconcerned三三、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给

30、提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.Nowadays people _ _(更关心他们所居住的环境).(2013 四川)2._(就我个人而言),riding bicycles is a good solution.(2011 江西书面表达)3.Parents _(关注孩子们的课程选择).(2009 山东)4.There was no evidence that he _(与任何犯罪活动有关).are more concerned about/for theAs far as Im concernedare concerned with childrens subject selectionwa

31、s concerned in/with any criminal activityenvironment where they live annoyed adj.恼怒的,烦恼的 annoying adj.令人烦恼的 annoy v.使恼怒 She was annoyed with herself.adjust v.适应,使习惯 adjustment n.调整 adjustable adj.可调整的adjust sth.to sth.调整.以适合adjust to(doing)sth.习惯/适应(做)某事adjust oneself to sth.使某人自己适应某事 Youll quickly

32、adjust yourself to student life.make adjustments to.(对.)进行调整(to为介词)adjust根据所给提示,在空白处填入适当单词。根据所给提示,在空白处填入适当单词。It took a few seconds for her eyes to _(适应)(适应)to the strong sunlight.adaptadjust词源解读词源解读 vt 调整;调节调整;调节:adjust the indoor temperature 2008 福建 Watch out for the sharp bends and adjust your spe

33、ed accordingly.vi&vt(使)适应;(使)习惯(使)适应;(使)习惯(adapt):Over the years,we all learned to adjust and to become more comfortable with each other.调整具体的事物adjust词源义为词源义为“调整调整”(to correct,remedy)调整抽象的事物(行为、想法等),以适应新环境:It took him a while to adjust to working night shifts.:Youll quickly adjust yourself to studen

34、t life.注意to是介词注意:在日常英语中常用注意:在日常英语中常用get used to,而不用,而不用adjust。常用搭配常用搭配well-adjusted 能适应环境的【词汇拓展】adjustable adj 可调整的;可调节的:可调整的;可调节的:an adjustable seat一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The automatic(自动的)temperature-controlling system mentioned above can adjust the water temperature.(2016 湖南)_2.S

35、tudents do not adjust their sleep patterns(模式)well.(2014 四 川)_3.My father is adjusting the focus of the camera._4.The lifestyle is so very different it takes a while to adjust._调节水温调整调节焦距适应adjust二、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式二、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.She felt she had adjusted _ the idea of being a mo

36、ther very well.2.My parents had trouble adjusting to _(live)in an apartment.3.The height of the chair is _(adjust).4.She made a few minor _ (adjust)to the machine.tolivingadjustableadjustments duty n.义务,责任 have a duty to do sth.有义务做某事 Its ones duty to do sth.做某事是某人的义务 do ones duty 承担责任,履行职责 It is ev

37、eryones duty to make our school a pleasant place to learn in.on duty 值班,值勤 off duty 下班,不值勤 duty翻译下列词块:翻译下列词块:student on dutyduty n C&U(道德或法律上的)责任;义务:(道德或法律上的)责任;义务:a sense of duty It is the duty of every citizen to ask what he can do for his community.2013 福建 To obey the laws is everyones duty.C 用复数

38、用复数(工作)任务;职责:(工作)任务;职责:One of her duties is to report any absentees.The duties before me are certain to be heavy.U 值班:值班:Report for duty at 8 am.C&U(购物缴纳的)税;关税:(购物缴纳的)税;关税:duty-free shops import duties常用搭配常用搭配do ones duty 尽自己的责任:尽自己的责任:The parents had done their duty.2017 全国on/off duty 值值/下班;值下班;值/不

39、值勤:不值勤:He goes on duty at 8 am and comes off duty at 5 pm.duty 语义网络语义网络图图义务义务duty基本义基本义道德或法律上道德或法律上的的义务义务上班上班/在岗的在岗的义务义务购物缴纳额外购物缴纳额外费用的费用的义务义务工作中承担的工作中承担的义务义务(购物缴纳的)税;(购物缴纳的)税;关税关税(工作)任务;职责(工作)任务;职责值班值班(道德或法律上的)(道德或法律上的)责任;义务责任;义务根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1._(每个人都有责任遵守)traffic rules to

40、 keep our society in order and going on the right track.(2015 江苏书面表达)2.Doing volunteer work gives the girl _(责任感).3.Several months later,I finally received a call asking me to _(报到).(2014 广东)4.Mary _(上班)at half past ten.It is everybodys duty to observe a sense of dutyreport for dutygoes on duty duty

41、accident n.意外事件,偶然因素 accidental adj.意外的,偶然的 accidentally adv.by accident=by chance 偶然地 by design=on purpose 故意地coreadj 核心的(课程、团体等)Chinese,maths,English are our core subjects.core values 核心价值观ensure v.确保,保证 ensurance n.确定,确信 ensure sb.sth.向某人保证.ensure that=make sure that 确保.A good sleep will ensure y

42、ou a quicker recovery.良好的睡眠会确保你更快康复。complexity n 复杂性adj complex=complicatedforgive-forgave-forgiven vt.原谅,宽恕 forgive sb.sth.原谅某人某事 forgive sb.for(doing)sth.原谅某人做某事They forgave us our rudeness.I have tried to forgive him for what he said.criticise/criticize v.批评,指责 criticise sb.for(doing)sth.因某事指责某人例

43、如:The report strongly criticises the police for failing to deal with the problem quickly.critical adj.批评的,危急的,关键的critic n.评论家,批评家criticism n.批评,评论embarrassment n.尴尬,难为情embarrass v.使尴尬 embarrassed adj.(人)尴尬的embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的be an embarrassment to sb.对某人来说是个为难的事boxingn 拳击(运动)boxer n 拳击手tangledadj

44、 纠结的;复杂的a tangled webtangled emotions 混乱的情绪webn 蜘蛛网;错综复杂的事物;网络on the web n website 网站a tangled web of realationships 复杂的关系网weavev 编,织weave-wove-wovenweaver n 纺织工deceivevt 欺骗deceive sb about sthdeceive sb into doing sthdeceive yourselfjustifyvt 证明(别人认为不合理的事)有道理;为.辩护justify yourselfadj a just judge 一个

45、公正的法官n Justice has been served.正义得以伸张beautiful beautifyfrankadj 坦率的,坦诚的,直言不讳的be frank about sthto be frank=to be honest 坦白地说tear(1)n.眼泪,泪水He burst into tears and rushed out of the room.他突然哭起来,冲出了房间。(2)vt.tear-tore-torn 撕裂,撕碎,扯破 She tore the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.她把信撕碎扔进了垃圾桶。latter

46、 n.后者 the former.the latter.前者.后者.late adj.be late for later adv.后来;以后 see you later.latest adj.最新的 最近的 the latest news lately adv.近来,最近=recentlymoreoveradv 此外,而且“此外”大全:besidesin additionadditionallywhats moremoreoverfurthermore independent adj.独立的,自主的 be independent of.不依赖.Tom is now much more inde

47、pendent of his parents.Tom 现在不那么依赖他父母了。independence n.独立 independently adv.独立地 depend v.依靠 depend on/upon 依靠,取决于 dependent adj.依赖的apartadv 分离,分开Its difficult to tell the twins apart.apart from 除了apartment n 公寓fencen 栅栏,围栏,篱笆A good fence makes a good neighbor.1.When Jack heard the bad news,his heart

48、_(下沉)and his face turned pale.2._(担心)about his sons safety,the old man turned to the police for help.3.Peter found a job after graduation and beame more _(独立)of his parents.4.To be _(坦率),I dont like hiking;it is not my cup of tea.5.The deer bent to drink water in the river with its front legs wide _

49、(分开).6.She was unable to _(为.辩护)her action of leaving the important document in her car.7.After hearing the boys story,Hiller was moved to _(眼泪)and decided to help him.8.I am too tired to help clean the room._(而且),I have to prepare for the test tomorrow.9.In order to _(确保)success,we must have a comp

50、lete and practical plan.10.When your parents _(批评)you for your mistakes,you should not talk back and listen first.即学即练1.When Jack heard the bad news,his heart _(下沉)and his face turned pale.2._(担心)about his sons safety,the old man turned to the police for help.3.Peter found a job after graduation and


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