人教版选修六英语课件:Unit 5 The power of nature Grammar period 3.ppt

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1、高二英语高二英语Book6Unit5 第三节第三节Grammar Revision of Ving form 本课时重、难点本课时重、难点 重点: 动词动词-ing形式的作用形式的作用 动词动词-ing形式在做状语时的作用形式在做状语时的作用 难点难点: 动词动词-ing形式的一般式与完成式的区别形式的一般式与完成式的区别 1. 说出下列动词的现在分词形式:说出下列动词的现在分词形式: work_ sleep_ study_ take_ make_ dance_ cut _ put _ begin_ lie _ tie _ die _ 2. 动词动词-ing形式的作用:形式的作用: 观察下列例

2、句,思考划线部分作用。观察下列例句,思考划线部分作用。 (1) This is an interesting book. ( ) (2) The man sitting by the window is our maths teacher. ( ) (3) Seeing the teacher entering the room, the students stood up. ( ) (4) I saw the boy walking on the street yesterday. ( ) (5) Playing football is his favorite sport. ( ) (6)

3、 I didnt stop working last night. ( ) (7) My work is teaching English. ( ) 定语定语 定语定语 状语状语 宾补宾补 主语主语 宾语宾语 表语表语 归纳总结:归纳总结: 动词动词-ing是是_中的一种,中的一种, 单独使用时,能在句中做除单独使用时,能在句中做除_之外的任何之外的任何 其他句子成分。如:主语、宾语、表语、定语、其他句子成分。如:主语、宾语、表语、定语、 状语、宾补等。状语、宾补等。 在语态上,动词在语态上,动词-ing表示表示_(主动(主动/被动的被动的 动作。在时间上,动词动作。在时间上,动词-ing一般

4、表示一般表示_ (正在进行(正在进行/已经完成)的动作。已经完成)的动作。 动词非谓语形式动词非谓语形式 谓语谓语 主动主动 正在进行正在进行 Exercise 1 1). _ the child to bed, she began to correct the students homework. A. Sending B. Being sent C. Sent D. Having sent 2). Be careful when / while _ (cross) the street. 3). _ ( 听到这个消息听到这个消息) , we got excited. crossing He

5、aring the news D Exercise 2: 1).她被蛇咬了三次后,她看见蛇后就害怕。她被蛇咬了三次后,她看见蛇后就害怕。 _, 2).正在进行的那个会议非常重要。正在进行的那个会议非常重要。 _ she feels frightened when seeing the snake. Having been bitten by the snake for three times The meeting being hold now is of great importance. V-ing doing having done 一般式一般式 完成式完成式 being done ha

6、ving been done 主动主动 被动被动 1)_him the answer several times, I didnt know whether he could understand. 2)_the answer several times , he still couldnt solve the question. Having told Having been told Exercise 3: 用用having been told having told填空填空 主动主动 被动被动 归纳归纳 主句主语为动作的主句主语为动作的发出者发出者。 主句主语为动作的主句主语为动作的承受

7、者承受者。 1. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists 2. Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early. 3. Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before 4. Having studied volcanoes now for many years, I am still The ving form as an

8、adverbial v-ing 作状语时表示的动作是作状语时表示的动作是主语动作的一部分主语动作的一部分, 与谓语表示的动作或状态与谓语表示的动作或状态同时或几乎同时发生的同时或几乎同时发生的, 或是或是先于谓语动词发生先于谓语动词发生,它的,它的逻辑主语与句子的主逻辑主语与句子的主 语一致语一致。v-ing 作状语常表示作状语常表示时间、条件、原因、时间、条件、原因、 方式、伴随、让步、结果方式、伴随、让步、结果,多用逗号跟句子其他成,多用逗号跟句子其他成 分隔开。分隔开。 I felt tired. I went to bed early. I had worked hard all da

9、y. I went to bed early. Feeling tired, I went to bed early. Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early. 作时间状语作时间状语 Walking along the street, I met Mary. (=While I was walking along the street, ) Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. 作原因状语作原因状语 Being tired, I stopped to take a rest. (=Beca

10、use I was tired, ) Not knowing her address, we couldnt get in touch with her. 作条件状语作条件状语 Turning to the left, you will find the school. (=If you turn the left, ) If you work hard, youll succeed. =Working hard, youll succeed. 作让步状语作让步状语 Working hard as he did, he was still unable to support the whole

11、 family. Knowing where I live, he never comes to see me. =Though he knows where I live, he never comes to see me. 作伴随状语作伴随状语 I stood there, waiting for her. (=, and waited for her.) Following Mike, they started to climb. The children laughed and talked merrily, and they ran out of the room. The chil

12、dren ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily. 当动词当动词-ing形式表示的动作和句子谓语动词形式表示的动作和句子谓语动词 表示的动作同时发生时用一般式;在句子谓表示的动作同时发生时用一般式;在句子谓 语动词表示的动作之前发生时用完成式。如:语动词表示的动作之前发生时用完成式。如: Seeing the stranger coming towards him, little Jim ran away as fast as he could. (see和和ran几乎同时发生)几乎同时发生) Having studied Engli

13、sh for three years, he can read brief stories in English. (study发生在发生在read之前)之前) 动词动词-ing形式作状语的时态形式作状语的时态 动词动词-ing 的完成式,即:的完成式,即: Having +P.P(过去分词过去分词), 主语主语+谓语谓语 1. After she had finished her work, she went home. 2. As we have invited him here to speak, wed better go to his lecture. Having finished

14、 her work, she went home. Having invited him here to speak, wed better go to his lecture. 当句子的主语执行动词当句子的主语执行动词-ing形式表示的动作时,形式表示的动作时, 动词动词-ing形式用主动式;当句子的主语承受动形式用主动式;当句子的主语承受动 词词-ing形式表示的动作时,动词形式表示的动作时,动词-ing形式用被形式用被 动式。如:动式。如: He listened to the tape, making notes now and then. (he执行执行make表示的动作)表示的动作

15、) Being called by a stranger, he realized what would happen. (he承受承受call表示的动作)表示的动作) 动词动词-ing形式作状语的语态形式作状语的语态 句子的主语既不执行也不承受动词句子的主语既不执行也不承受动词-ing形式形式 表示的动作时,就得给动词表示的动作时,就得给动词-ing形式加上它形式加上它 自己的逻辑主语,通常用普通格名词或主自己的逻辑主语,通常用普通格名词或主 格代词充当。此时“逻辑主语格代词充当。此时“逻辑主语 + 动词动词-ing 形式”称为“独立结构”。如:形式”称为“独立结构”。如: Her moth

16、er being ill, she had to ask for leave to take care of her. 由于母亲病了,她不得不请假照顾她。由于母亲病了,她不得不请假照顾她。 动词动词-ing形式作状语的独立结构形式作状语的独立结构 1.当动词当动词-ing形式作状语时,可与引导相应形式作状语时,可与引导相应 状语从句的连词连用,以明示属什么状语。状语从句的连词连用,以明示属什么状语。 When landing on the island, they found some local people welcoming them. He moved his lips as if s

17、aying something. 2. 当动词当动词-ing形式作方式状语时,可与形式作方式状语时,可与by连连 用。用。 We learn a foreign language by correcting mistakes while using it. 连词与动词连词与动词-ing形式短语连用形式短语连用 动词动词-ing形式的否定式是在其前面加形式的否定式是在其前面加not, 如果它用了助动词构成完成式或被动式,如果它用了助动词构成完成式或被动式, 就在助动词前面加就在助动词前面加not。如:。如: Not knowing his telephone number, I couldnt

18、ring him. Not having been informed of the meeting, I failed to attend it. 动词动词-ing形式的否定式形式的否定式 有些有些v-ing短语已成为固定的惯用语,常被看短语已成为固定的惯用语,常被看 作句子的插入语,常见的有:作句子的插入语,常见的有: generally speaking 一般说来一般说来 strictly/ honestly/ frankly/ roughly/ broadly/ speaking 严格地严格地/诚实地诚实地/坦白地坦白地/粗略地粗略地/泛泛地说泛泛地说 Talking of / abou

19、t 谈到谈到 considering 考虑到考虑到/鉴于鉴于 Judging from/ by 根据根据判断判断 Taking all / everything into consideration 从从 各方面考虑各方面考虑 Allowing for 考虑到考虑到 1.“You cant catch me!” Janet shouted, _ away. A. run B. running C. to run D. ran B Practice 解析:答案解析:答案B。running away在此作在此作 shouted的伴随状语,由的伴随状语,由Janet发出这一发出这一 动作。动作。 2

20、. The storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area. A. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having caused D 解析:答案解析:答案D。题意:暴雨过去了,只留。题意:暴雨过去了,只留 下给这一地区造成的巨大损害。由上下文下给这一地区造成的巨大损害。由上下文 逻辑意义看,此处应表示自然而然的结果,逻辑意义看,此处应表示自然而然的结果, 故用动词故用动词-ing作结果状语。作结果状语。 3. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly reali

21、zed that he had left his wallet at home. A. to wait B. have waited C. having waited D. to have waited C 解析:答案解析:答案C。此处为动词。此处为动词-ing的完成式的完成式 作时间状语,表明该动作发生在作时间状语,表明该动作发生在realized 之前。之前。 4. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffered C. T

22、o suffer D. Suffered A 解析:答案解析:答案A。由。由already提示,动词提示,动词-ing 的动作发生在谓语之前,故须用动词的动作发生在谓语之前,故须用动词-ing 的完成式。的完成式。 5. The secretary worked all night long, _ a long speech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing B 解析:答案解析:答案B。后面的动词充当伴随状语,。后面的动词充当伴随状语, 且与主语且与主语the secretary

23、是主动关系,因此是主动关系,因此 用动词用动词-ing形式。形式。 1. _ every approach she could think of, she finally solved the problem. A. To attempt B. Having attempted C. Attempt D. Attempted 2. Those wild flowers look like a soft colorful blanket _ the hill. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover B A Choose the best answ

24、er. 3. _ to quit smoking, Mr. Wood threw away all his _ cigarettes. A. Determined; remained B. Determining; remaining C. Determining; remained D. Determined; remaining 4. This change was caused by both natural and human factors, with the human factors _ the lead. A. to take B. being taken C. taking

25、D. taken D C 5. _ the poor equipment at the school, he decided to donate some of his own. A. To have seen B. Seeing C. To see D. Being seen 6. _ your child set more realistic goals, lets have a meeting with him tomorrow. A. Helped B. To help C. Help D. Having helped B B 7. The number of people _, sa

26、y, the meaningless activity, is not important at all. A. will attend B. attending C. have attended D. attend 8. _ with such developments, many newspapers are turning to subjects related to peoples daily lives. A. Faced B. To face C. To be faced D. Facing B A 9. _ the championship, he was awarded one

27、 million dollars. A. Won B. Winning C. Having won D. Being won 10. _ only book knowledge, you will not be able to work well. A. Had B. Have C. Having D. To have 11. I saw a lot of children playing in the garden, most of them _ girls. A. are B. being C. were D. having C C B 12. The old man could not

28、sleep at night, his wrongs _ him no peace. A. gave B. give C. being giving D. giving 13. The decision _, what is to be done now is how to carry it out. A. made B. has been made C. having being made D. being made 14. _ in the queen for half an hour, I suddenly realized that I had left my wallet at ho

29、me. A. To wait B. Waiting C. Having waited D. To have waited D C C 15. “We cant go out in this winter,” said Ted, _ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. had looked 16. Finding her car stolen, _. A. a police was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for e

30、verywhere D. she hurried to a police for help 17. _ a reply, he decided to write again. A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received A D C 18. _ the room, I found the recorder stolen. A. Entering B. To enter C. Enters D. Entered 19. “What on earth have you done?” m

31、other said _ to the broken vase on the ground. A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing 20. _ by car, we visited many places. A. Travel B. Traveling C. To travel D. Having travelled A A B 1.如果时间允许,我会去看望我的老师。如果时间允许,我会去看望我的老师。 2. 我们发现他躺在床上,听着我们发现他躺在床上,听着MP3。

32、3. 通过讨论,我们找到了解决这道数学题通过讨论,我们找到了解决这道数学题 的方法。的方法。 Time permitting, Ill go to see my teacher. We found him lying on the bed, listening to MP3. We found the way to work out this math problem by discussing it. Translate the sentences into English, using v-ing as adverbials. 4. 那位领导整夜未睡,考虑第二天做什么。那位领导整夜未睡,考

33、虑第二天做什么。 5. 挨了同学们的批评后,他不再去网吧打挨了同学们的批评后,他不再去网吧打 电子游戏了。电子游戏了。 6. 过街时要小心。过街时要小心。 The leader stayed all the night, thinking of what to do the next day. Having been criticized by his classmates, he didnt go to the Internet bar to play computer games any more. Be careful when crossing the street. 1. _ the

34、 wrong bus, Martin found himself in an unfamiliar district. 2. _ her opinion about protecting the environment, she left the meeting. 3. _ the precious necklace, she had no money left. 4. _ all day at home writing, the novelist went out for a walk in the evening. 5. _ early for his date, Mark spent t

35、ime reading the newspaper. Complete the sentences with the ving form of the verbs: arrive, give, spend, take, and buy. Having taken Having given Having bought Having spent Having arrived Rewrite the sentences using the present or the ving form of the underlined verbs. (P. 37 Ex. 3) 3. Waking up in t

36、he middle of the night, she saw her room was as bright as day. 4. Having stopped the car, we fond ourselves trapped in thick fog and couldnt see clearly ahead. 5. Having spent all night reading the documents, I was very tired the next day. 6. Having never seen a rainbow before as a child, he was very excited. 1. Review the ing form and finish exercises 1-2 on page 71. 2. Preview the reading passage on page 39.


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