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1、广东省高考英语冲刺背诵材料 引言 经过高三全体英语老师的辛勤努力和协同作战, 2012 届廉江市安铺中学高考考前辅导资料经过近一个月的筹措现今终于付梓。这是一份绝密资料!这是一份夺取高考胜利的必读力作!本资料包括三个系列,即 高考考前知识回归巩固习题、 作文高频短语集、易错词汇集 。 望同学们在这黄金时段加倍努力,只争朝夕,有计划、有目的地做好高考考前复习迎考准备工作。 第一部分 高考英语写作常用谚语 1人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光。 2活到老,学到老。 3千里之行,始于足下。 4事实胜于雄辩。 5. 万事开头难。 6条条大路通罗马 7.只工作而无娱乐会使人愚钝。 8.一天一个苹果,医生远离

2、我 9.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 10.无绝人之路。 11.先工作,后娱乐。 12.成功来自勤奋。 13.入乡随俗。 14.不可半途而废。 15.不可以貌取人。 16.良好的开端是成功的一半。 17.一心不可二用。 18.有志者事竟成。 19.三思而后行。 20.患难见真情。 21.机不可失,时不再来。 22.失败是成功之母。 23.一箭双雕。 24.熟能生巧。 25.健康胜于财富 26.光阴一去不复返。 27.良好的开端是成功的一半 28.事实胜于雄辩。 29.说起来容易做起来难。 30.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 31.自信是走向成功的第一步。 32.今日事,今日毕。 33.有利必有弊。 3

3、4.黄金并非万能。 35.失去健康,钱再多也没用。 36.团结就是力量 37.时不我待。 38.光阴似箭。 39.时间就是金钱。 40.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 42.没有追求就没有收获。 43.三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。 44.健康就是幸福。 45.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 46.自助者天助。 47.知识就是力量。 48.做人诚信为本。 49.万事先难后易。 参考答案 1.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 2.It is never too old to learn. 3.A thousand mile trip begins with

4、 one step. 4.Actions speak louder than words. 5.All beginnings are hard. 6.All roads lead to Rome. 7.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 8.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 9.An idle youth, a needy age. / A young idler, an old beggar. 10.As one door closes, another door opens. 11.Busines

5、s before pleasure. 12.Diligence is the mother of success. 13.Do as the Romans do. 14.Do nothing by halves. 15.Dont judge by appearance. 16.Well begun is half done. 17.No man can do two things at once. 18.Where there is a will, there is a way. 19.Think twice before you do./Look before you leap 20.A f

6、riend in need is a friend indeed. 21.Do it now. 22.Failure is the mother of success. 23.Kill two birds with one stone. 24.Practice makes perfect. 25.Health is above wealth. 26.Time past cannot be called back again. 27.A good beginning is half done. 28.Facts speak plainer than words. 29.Easier said t

7、han done. 30.Nothing is too difficult in the world if you set your mind into it. 31.Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 32.Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 33.Every advantage has its disadvantage. 34.Gold will not buy anything. 35.Wealth is nothing w

8、ithout health. 36.Unity is strength. 37.Time and tide wait for no man. 38.Time flies. 39.Time is money. 40.The early bird catches the worm. 42.Nothing seek, nothing find. 43.Two heads are better than one. 44.Health is happiness. 45.He laughs best who laughs last. 46.God helps those who help themselv

9、es. 47.Knowledge is power. 48.Honesty is the best policy. 49. All things are difficult before they are easy. 第二部分 . 高考高频率而形式你们又常写错的单词(必须弄清词义,再背写): 1.ability n.能力;才能 2.absence n.不在;缺席 3.accident n.事故,意外事 4.abroad ad.到(在)国外 5.achieve vt.达到、取得 6.activity n.活动 7.actual adj.实际的;现实的 8.afford vt.付得起费用;抽得出时

10、间 9.against prep.反对 10.advise v. advice n.建议 11.affect vt. 影响 12.aircraft n.飞机(单复同) 13.ancient adj.古老的 、古代的 14.anger n.愤怒 adj.angry 15.anxious adj.焦急的、忧虑的 16.apology n.道歉、谢罪 vi.apologize 17.appreciate vt 欣赏、感激 18.argue v. argument n.争论 19.attack. vt.攻击、袭击 20.attract v.吸引、引起 21.average adj.平均的;普通的 n.

11、 22.awake awoke-awoken vt.唤醒 adj.醒着的 23.balance n.平衡 24.behaviour n.行为、举止; vt.behave 25.belief n.信条、信念 26.belong vi.附属;属 27.bravery n.勇气 adj.brave 28.breath n. breathe vi.呼吸 29.brief n.简洁的 30.broad adj.宽大的 31.born adj.出生的、天生的 32.burial n.埋葬 bury vt. 33.business n.工作、职业;生意、交易;事业 34.buy-bought-bought

12、v.买 1.born 2.develop development 3.environment 4.uni versity 5.college 6.affect effect-effort 7.writing;waiting 8.true-truth-truly 9.fortunately 10.hospital 11.argument 13.actually 14.bravery 15.cigarette 16.proud 17.search 18.noisy 19.separate 20.terrible 21.letter/litter/little 22.traveller 24.hum

13、our humorous 25.northern 26.furniture(家具 ) 28.changeable 30.unforgetable 31.tour 32.carve(雕刻) 33.source (来源) 34.struggle(挣扎) 35.knowledge 36.owe-owing 37.silence Thursday tie (tied tied tying) towel (毛巾 ) truly truth twentieth unfortunately visitor viewer(观众)millionaire mistake(mistook, mistaken) mo

14、del modern musician ninth noisily November nowadays painter Paris (要大写) passenger(乘客) petrol physicist pilot(飞行员) playroom(游戏室) poem poet poisonous(有毒) political politician politics pride professor(教授) pronounce pronunciation proud province purse(钱包) pyramid quality(质量) quilt1.health/healthy 2.heard

15、 3.height 4.heavily 5.hide/hid/hidden 6.hold/held(举行。召开) 7.horrible 8.hungry 9.hurt/hurt 10.immediately 11.independent 12.information 13.interest 14.introduction 15.invitation 16.January 18.journey 21.knives 22.knowledge 23.laughter 24.lay/laid(产卵放置) 25.learnt/learnded 26.lend/lent 27.librarian 28.l

16、ittle/less 29.luckily 30.majority 31.lie/lay/lain;lie/lied(撒谎) 32.mean/meant 33.method 35.strict(严格) 36.leaf/leavesraise, reality, reasonable, receive, recommend,(推荐) recycle,(循环。回收) refrigerator,(冰箱) regular, remain, present, requirement, research, restaurant , retire, revision, reward, revolution,

17、 ride (rode, ridden),(骑车) ring (rang, rung), (铃响) rise (rose, risen), (上升) rubbish, safety, salary,(工资) satellite,(卫星) satisfaction, Saturday, scene, science , secretary, senior, separate, serious, service, September, shake(shook, shaken), (摇) shoot (shot, shot) , signal,single,(信号。单一) silence, simi

18、lar, sincerely, sleep (slept, slept), smell s(smelt, smelt), society,(社会) soldier, sorrow, southern , spare, special. easily ad. 容易地 eat ( ate, eaten ) v. 吃 effect n. 效果,作用 effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试 eighth num. 第八 encourage vt. 鼓励 energetic adj. 精力旺盛的 enlarge vt. 扩大 environment n 环境 especially adv. 尤其,特别 examine vt. 检查,诊查 except prep. 除 -之外 expect vt. 预料;盼望;认为 experience n. 经验;经历 expert n. 专家,能手 explanation n. 解释,说明 fall (fell, fallen) vi. 落 (下 ),降落;倒 familiar adj. 熟悉的 farthest adj.besides;In addition;furthermore 5.充分利用空余时间 make full use of spare time 6.抓住机会尽可能提高我的口


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