2019新人教版英语选择性必修第一册 第五单元测评试题(含听力) (2份打包).docx

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1、第五单元测评第五单元测评 (时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:Whats wrong with the baby,Madame? W:Three days ago,he began to cough,sneeze and have a running nose.Yesterday,he began to

2、 have a fever. 1.What happened to the baby yesterday? A.He began to cough. B.He began to sneeze. C.He had a fever. 答案 C M:Lets go to the movies at the Student Club at the weekend. W:Id like to,but Im going to a lecture by Dr Smith.Thanks anyway. 2.What is the woman going to do at the weekend? A.Go t

3、o the cinema. B.Go to a lecture. C.Go to the Student Club. 答案 B W:Tom,hurry up!Its 7:50 now and we are supposed to get there in half an hour. M:Thats easy.Well ride our bicycle there. 3.How will the speakers go there? A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By bike. 答案 C W:Two tickets for tomorrow evenings film,plea

4、se. M:What time will you come,Madam?At 7:00 pm or 9:00 pm? W:At 7:00.I want to go to bed before 10:00 pm. 4.When will the womans film begin? A.At 7 pm. B.At 9 pm. C.At 10 pm. 答案 A W:OK,Simon,Im really hungry.Lets go out to dinner. M:Yeah,OK,me too.Theres an Italian restaurant near my home.There is s

5、omething delicious to eat. W:Good idea! 5.Where are the speakers talking? A.In a restaurant. B.At the womans house. C.At the mans house. 答案 C 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第

6、 6、7题。 W:How are you doing today?How many in your group today? M:Fine,thank you.There will be five of us.The rest will be along shortly. W:Right this way,please.Something to drink first? M:Just water,please. W:Would you like to see a menu first or wait for your friends? M:Ill wait.Maybe I would like

7、 some bread before they get here.Please bring me the menu and let me have a look. W:Certainly,sir.If you need anything else,please let me know,and Ill be happy to get it for you right away. 6.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At a supermarket. B.At the cinema. C.At the restaura

8、nt. 答案 C 7.What does the woman do? A.She is a customer. B.She is a waitress. C.She is a policewoman. 答案 B 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 W:Whats your plan for the coming summer holiday? M:Well,I will go back to my hometown in the countryside. W:To see your grandparents? M:Yes,I will also do some farming. W:

9、You mean you know how to farm? M:Yeah.I grew up there and always helped on the farm.To be honest,its a bit tiring to do farming. W:Can I go there with you?Id like to learn to do some farming. M:Sure,as a city girl,you may find it funny to spend your holiday in the countryside.My grandparents would b

10、e very happy to see you. W:Are you sure? M:Of course.They are always kind and friendly. 8.What does the man think of farming? A.Tiring. B.Funny. C.Exciting. 答案 A 9.What can we learn about the speakers? A.The woman knows how to farm. B.The man used to live in the countryside. C.The man is studying in

11、 the countryside. 答案 B 10.What are the speakers talking about? A.The mans grandparents. B.Farming in the countryside. C.Plan for the summer holiday. 答案 C 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。 M:Hello. W:Hi.What can I help you with? M:Im looking to volunteer here. W:Oh good!We can always use more volunteers.When do

12、 you want to start? M:Im looking to start this Saturday.Where can I work? W:You can either work in the garden or in the kitchen. M:Hmm.I dont have any experience doing either. W:Thats alright.You dont need any. M:Ok,well where do you need the most help? W:Good question.Probably in the garden. M:What

13、 would I have to do? W:Well,weve planted about half of the crops,but the rest still need to be planted. M:Will someone be able to show me how to do that? W:Of course.You will also be watering and weeding. M:Thats something I know how to do. W:Great! 11.What is the man doing? A.Applying for a job. B.

14、Looking for volunteer work. C.Asking the way. 答案 B 12.When will the man start working? A.This Thursday. B.This Friday. C.This Saturday. 答案 C 13.Where does the man decide to work? A.In the kitchen. B.In the garden. C.In the clinic. 答案 B 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。 M:Hey,Catherine!How are you? W:Im fine,To

15、m.Im so glad that the final exams are finally over. M:Yeah!To celebrate it,Im going to the rock concert tonight.What about you? W:I havent thought much about it.Maybe just stay at home and watch TV.I really need to relax. M:Oh,no,that would be boring.Why not come with me? W:That sounds great! M:But

16、you will have to buy your own ticket. W:Are you running out of money again?I can treat you. M:Wow!How did you get so much money? W:You know,I have a part-time job as a waitress at the Student Center.Anyhow,now that the summer holiday has begun,Id love a night out. M:Since you have been so great abou

17、t buying the tickets,why dont I take us out to supper? W:You have got a deal. 14.What are the speakers? A.They are students. B.They are teachers. C.They are clerks. 答案 A 15.What does the woman decide to do tonight at last? A.Stay at home and watch TV. B.Watch a movie at the Student Center. C.Go to a

18、 rock music concert. 答案 C 16.What does the woman work as at the Student Center? A.A waitress. B.A librarian. C.A teacher. 答案 A 17.What will the man do? A.Buy their tickets. B.Treat the woman to supper. C.Borrow some money. 答案 B 听第 10段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。 Good morning,everyone.First let me introduce myse

19、lf.My name is Jack and Im 17,the oldest child in my family.My mother and brother and sister are all performers.My mother wears wonderful performing clothes and dances across a stick.Sometimes she plays a violin at the same time.Unbelievable!My brother is six years younger than me,and my sisters four

20、teen.My dads a host for performances.Hes good at his job because he has a loud voice.He introduces the performers and makes sure the acts start and finish on time.We are a happy family.And we dont have dogs or cats as pets at home.The only animal in our family is a rabbit.My mother,my brother and my

21、 sister only work for eight months,and they travel around from place to place.I think its a great life. 18.What does the speaker think of his mothers performance? A.Amazing. B.Dangerous. C.Interesting. 答案 A 19.Why can the speakers father do a good job? A.He can dance well. B.He has a loud voice. C.H

22、e has a good sense of balance. 答案 B 20.What animal does the speakers family have? A.A horse. B.A dog. C.A rabbit. 答案 C 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Mart n Ram rez from Argentina I think it is okay for scientists to grow genetically-engineer

23、food because they can develop better food and this can help with the hunger problem all around the world.Scientists can help us to have more and better meats to eat by cloning only the superior animals.I dont think that we should worry so much about genetically-engineered food. Angela Fernandez from

24、 Mexico I dont know if the tomatoes we find in supermarkets are genetically manipulated or not.What I do know is that they are very bad!A tomato grown with sun and soil is much better.In the case of strawberries,actually,most strawberries we can find are very tasty.I guess,however,they have been gen

25、etically manipulated,too. Vera Sirotkina from Russia If we manipulate vegetable genes,we can also do with human genes.So it may be possible that a substance which is left in food could get into a human body while the person is eating.Then,is it possible that this substance could modify the persons g

26、enetic structure? Pinar M fftler from Turkey I dont agree with the idea that scientists should not grow genetically-engineered food because it is not safe.If they want to make progress,they should do experiments.Its important to keep trying.If they dont keep trying,they will never be able to develop

27、 new technologies.Maybe these technologies wont be successful in the beginning,but if scientists keep trying,they will develop new ways. 【语篇解读】本文叙述了四人对转基因食品发表的观点。 21.Of the people about,who is obviously against genetically-engineered food? A.Pinar Mfftler from Turkey. B.Martn Ramrez from Argentina.

28、C.Vera Sirotkina from Russia. D.Angela Fernandez from Mexico. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据“What I do know is that they are very bad!”可知,Angela Fernandez 明显反对转 基因食品。 22.As far as Pinar Mfftler is concerned, . A.developing such food is a better way to solve world hunger B.experimenting on such food shouldnt be all

29、owed C.new technologies will make such food safer to eat D.this kind of food is much better and tastier 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据“Maybe these technologies wont be successful in the beginning,but if scientists keep trying,they will develop new ways.”可知,C项正确。 23.What do we infer about Martn Ramrez? A.He doubts

30、whether such food is safe. B.He worries that the crops will spoil. C.He doesnt like vegetables and fruits. D.He is in favor of cloning animals. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据“Scientists can help us to have more and better meats to eat by cloning only the superior animals.”可知,他支持克隆动物。 B In Colonial days,farm famili

31、es worked from sunrise to sunset and sometimes longer.People had little time for play.They did not have a chance to see other people as much as we do today.But sometimes they were able to turn hard work into good times and still visit with their neighbors. In Virginia,Indian corn was an important cr

32、op.In late autumn after the weather had turned cold,the corn was ready to be harvested.Each ear had a cover of leaves called the husk(壳).The colonists pulled ears of corn from the dry stalks and stored the ears of corn.Later,they held a corn husking-party. On a clear night in November,neighboring fa

33、milies gathered to husk(剥去的壳)the corn.They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds(垛) on the floor.Then everyone went to work. Most of the corn was yellow or white.But from time to time,a red ear was found.The person who found it was supposed to have good luck. As people worked toge

34、ther,they enjoyed each others company.There was cider(苹果酒) to drink and cakes and cookies to eat.Corn husking was a favorite with boys and girls because they liked the chance to have a party. 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了殖民地时期人们是如何庆祝丰收的。 24.When and where were corn husking parties held? A.They were held in barns at

35、 night. B.They were held in the fields at night. C.They were held on farms during the day. D.They were held on farms on moonless nights. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的第二句“They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds on the floor.”可知,他们是晚上在粮仓里面庆祝。 25.Why did boys and girls like corn huskings?

36、A.They liked the chance to dress up. B.They liked to have parties. C.They liked to count the ears of corn. D.They liked to do hard work. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据文章最后一句中的“because they liked the chance to have a party”可知,他们喜 欢聚会。 26.What is the passage mainly about? A.It is about harvesting an important crop.

37、B.It is about Indians during Colonial days. C.It is about dances held in colonial barns. D.It is about how to husk corn. 答案 A 解析主旨大意题。从总体上看,文章主要讲述了当地人们收获玉米的过程,故选 A项。 27.How would the person feel when he found a red corn? A.He would feel very happy. B.He would feel very sorry. C.He would feel very wo

38、rried. D.He would feel very satisfied. 答案 A 解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The person who found it was supposed to have good luck.”可知,由 于发现红色玉米的人将有好的运气,所以他会很高兴。 C Dear Sir, There is a plan to build a new supermarket on the edge of the Whitefields housing estate(住宅区),on the land where the local library now is.I liv

39、e at Whitefields,and I would like to express my concern about this plan.It is not that I am completely against the idea of building a supermarketI just think that as a community we need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before committing ourselves. It is clear that the library is under-us

40、ed and in poor condition.It is also clear that there are very few shops near here and a supermarket would be a good thing to have.But the people who want to build the supermarket seem to think that no one wants the library any more,and that it isnt a must because of the Internet and so on.Is this ne

41、cessarily true,especially for elderly people?What about young people who dont have the Internet at home and need to go to the library to do their homework?Where can they study if they have to share a room with a younger brother or sister? On the other hand,there is an argument that a new supermarket

42、 would not only bring more choice of shopping and more convenience for local people,but it would also bring some much-needed jobs for younger people in the townand this is a good point.What we need to do is consider the effect a supermarket will have on our quality of life.Certainly local people,inc

43、luding me,will find shopping a lot easier and more convenient.But there will also be extra traffic.In a few years from now,the roads in and around will be full of cars in the daytime and delivery lorries at night,and not only thatwe will have got used to it,too.Are more jobs and more convenience wor

44、th such an influence on our daily lives?Perhaps,but this is what we have to ask ourselves. I believe that all the people of Whitefields,and the authority,need to discuss this question in an open- minded wayand I hope that by the time a decision is taken,we will have had a full and fair discussion of

45、 the issues involved,and that the local authority will have really listened to everyones view.Is that too much to ask? Yours faithfully, Tom Watkins 【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。作者通过书信的形式向有关部门建议要谨慎考虑把图书馆改 建为超市的计划。虽然超市能方便人们的日常生活,提供就业机会,但图书馆能丰富没有网络的人的 精神世界,帮助学生完成作业,这一点是超市无法取代的。因此作者希望有关部门能够慎重考虑。 28.The supporters of

46、the supermarket probably think . A.the library is no longer needed B.the library is too poor to be rebuilt C.the supermarket brings down goods price D.supermarket increases local workers income 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But the people who want to build the supermarket seem to think that no one wants the

47、library any more”可知,支持建超市的人是因为他们觉得不再有人想要图书馆了。 29.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.Shopping convenience. B.Job opportunity. C.Life quality. D.Traffic condition. 答案 D 解析词义猜测题。it作代词时,代表前文已提到过的一件事物。前文中提到“the roads in and around will be full of cars in the daytime and deliver

48、y lorries at night(这个住宅区的路白天会塞满车,晚上有运 输卡车)”可知,此处的 it指的是交通情况。 30.What is the authors attitude toward the plan? A.Approving. B.Neutral. C.Negative. D.Confident. 答案 C 解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I would like to express my concern about this plan.It is not that I am completely against.”可知,作者写这封信的目的是为了表达自己对于这个计划的担心,而且作者希望 有关部门能权衡利弊后再做出决定,说明作者对这个计划的态度是消极的。 31.Why is the letter written? A.To promote effective public reading. B.To call for concern over an urban project. C.To discuss ways of improving life quality. D.To express dissatisfaction with public equi


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