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    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Project1 My family and friends全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Project2 A puppet show全部教案(共4课时).doc--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit1 Hello全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit2 I’m Liu Ta全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit3 My friends全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit4 My family全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit5 Look at me全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit6 Colours全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit7 Would you like a pie全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册Unit8 Happy New Year!全部教案(共4课时).docx--点击预览
    • 南通崇川区牛津译林版三年级英语上册教学计划及进度表.docx--点击预览


课 题:英语 3A 教案Project1 My family and friends 第一课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标教学目标1.复习打招呼用语和自我介绍用语:Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening./Hello./Hi./Im=I am/Are you?2.能在不同的情景中选择正确的交际用语和别人交流。3.拓展 Whats your name?和 My name is来询问别人的姓名。教学重难点教学重难点1能在不同的情景中选择正确的交际用语和别人交流。2.拓展 Whats your name?和 My name is来询问别人的姓名。课前准备课前准备卡片,ppt教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greetinga T:Good morning/afternoon,class.b.T:Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon,XX.Step 2 Revision1.Review:Hello/Hi,Ima.PPT 出示 Liu Tao,“自我介绍”复习:Hello,ImPPT(播放录音):Hello,class.Im Liu Tao.b.复习 Im=I am(出示头饰)T:Hi,Im Wang Bing.I am Wang Bing.出示 Im=I am2.拓展 My name isa.PPT 出示 Yang Ling 和杨玲的自述T:Look,Yang Ling is here,too.She can say a rhyme.Lets listen it together.PPT(录音):Hello.Hello.Im Yang Ling.I am Yang Ling.I have a doll.My name is Yang Ling.I love dolls.教学调整 b.T:Please try to read it.教师出示、教读:My name is PPT:My name is=Im=I amPPT:Try to read(教师拿出 Yang Ling 的头饰)4.Review:Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Play a game-看图猜句子出示一些图片,让学生猜用哪句句子。b.出示句子,读句子Good morning/afternoon/evening.c.Lets chant.Good morning.早上好。早上六点起,上学别迟到。Good afternoon.下午好。过完中午 noon,操场真热闹。Good evening.晚上好。过完晚上六点后,别忘功课复习好。5.Review:Are you?Yes,I am.No,Im not.ImT:I have some friends.Do you know them?教师出示一些卡通人物(遮去部分)让学生猜6.拓展 Whats your name?a.T:We also can use Whats your name?to ask the names.教师出示 Whats your name?读句子。b.Work in pairsT:Please use the sentences to work in pairs.7.Review the song and the rhyme.PPT:Liu Tao,让学生对他唱 Good morning 或者 Good afternoon。(根据具体上课的时间)T:Lets have a fun.Now,lets sing a song-Good morning.PPT:Mike,遮去部分,让学生问:Are you?PPT:No,Im not./Yes,Iam.T:Lets say a rhyme with Mike-Are you Mike?8.PPT 出示改变的小诗T:Look,our lovely friends are coming.Try to read it,please.Hi.Hi.Are you Bobby?Yes.Yes.Youre right.Hi.Hi.Are you John?No.No.Im Sam.Step 3 Consolidation一、连词成句(1)you,Wang Bing,are(?)_(2)name,Miss Li,is,my(.)_(3)your,whats,name(?)_(4)am,Helen,I(.)_二、选择题()1.当你早上遇见迈克,你会对他说:A Good afternoon B Good morning()2.-_,Yang Ling.-Good afternoon,Miss Li.A Good afternoon.B Good morning C Hello()3.-_,Miss Li.-Hello,Mike.A Good morning B Hi C HelloStep 4 Homework1.Finish the exercises2.Review Unit 1 and Unit 2Step 5 Blackboard Design板书设计Project1 My family and friendsWhats your name?Are you?Im=I amMy name is Yes,I am.No,Im not.教学反思:本课时主要复习教学反思:本课时主要复习 Unit1,2 两个单元的日常用语,儿歌等。由于第一单元主要学习了打招呼的用语,第二单元主要学习了询问别人名字的日常用语,教师两个单元的日常用语,儿歌等。由于第一单元主要学习了打招呼的用语,第二单元主要学习了询问别人名字的日常用语,教师可以设计适当的情景,让学生能够在不同的情境下正确使用所学的知识,通过形式多样的练习更好地帮助学生巩固所学知识。可以设计适当的情景,让学生能够在不同的情境下正确使用所学的知识,通过形式多样的练习更好地帮助学生巩固所学知识。课 题:英语 3A 教案Project1 My family and friends 第二课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标教学目标1.复习句型:This is 和 Hes/Shes2.复习第三单元和第四单元的词汇3.拓展复习 Whos he/she?教学重难点教学重难点1.复习句型:This is 和 Hes/Shes2.复习第三单元和第四单元的词汇3.拓展复习 Whos he/she?课前准备课前准备PPT 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greetinga.T:Good morning/afternoon,class.b.T:Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon,XX.Step 2 Revision1.Introduce yourself Hello,class.My name is Im.(年龄)I love you,my friends.2.Teach:Whos he/she?T:Please try to read it.出示、教读:Whos he/she?T:Youre all my friends.Look,they are my friends,too.Can you tell meWhos he/she?(出示书本上的人物)S:教学调整 3.Review:hes=he is 和 shes=she isT:We knowhes=he is,shes=she is.出示 hes=he is 和 shes=she isPlay a game:Brain storm游戏规则:例如老师说 Hes,学生拍两下手并且回答 He is4.Review:This isHes/Shes my friend.T:Look,this is Mike.He is my friend.Can you introduce your friend to me.5.Review:Unit 4 Story timea.T:We are friends,we all love one another.And we love our family.Mike wants to introduce his family members to you.放光盘 Unit 4 Story time出示单词:father mother brother sister b.Guessing game 猜家庭成员My fathers father is my grandpa.My mothers mother is my grandma.出示单词:grandpa grandmaMy fathers sister is my aunt.My mothers brother is my uncle.出示单词:aunt uncle6.Sing a song-Family songStep 3 Consolidation1.听录音,给下列句子排序。()1.This is my father.()2.This is my sister,Helen.()3.This is my family.()4.This is my mother.()5.This is my brother,Tim.()6.This is me.2.Sing a song-GoodbyeT:Its time to say goodbye.Lets sing Goodbye to end our class.Step 4 Homework1.Finish the exercises2.Review:Unit 3 and Unit 4Step 5 Blackboard Design板书设计Project1 My family and friendsI love youThis ishes=he is shes=she is教学反思:教学反思:学生在学习第四单元时,最难读的就是 This is.本课时也正好复习了该句学生在学习第四单元时,最难读的就是 This is.本课时也正好复习了该句型,教师更加要关注学生发音的方法,和发音的位置,很多学生容易 th 字母组合的发音发型,教师更加要关注学生发音的方法,和发音的位置,很多学生容易 th 字母组合的发音发成/d/.因此教师可以将 this,father,mother,brother 等单词放在一起练习,比较。本课成/d/.因此教师可以将 this,father,mother,brother 等单词放在一起练习,比较。本课时还将单词的缩写形式和完全形式进行了学习和巩固,让学生初步了解英文缩写形式的简便,时还将单词的缩写形式和完全形式进行了学习和巩固,让学生初步了解英文缩写形式的简便,同时还适当介绍名词所有格,让学生初步理解认识。同时还适当介绍名词所有格,让学生初步理解认识。课 题:英语 3A 教案 Project1 My family and friends 第三课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标教学目标能根据卡片内容综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语和句型等语言知识,开展综合语言实践活动。教学重难点教学重难点能根据卡片内容综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语和句型等语言知识,开展综合语言实践活动。课前准备课前准备PPT,人物卡片,字母卡片教学过程教学过程S Step1 复习回顾Good morning,class.Lets greet our friends.Hi/Hello.教学调整 Step2 新知呈现1.T:Lets listen to the song ABC song.Try to sing.2.T:Now lets play a guessing game.T:The letters are your friends now.Lets act them and guess who A is or who B is and so on.学生用身体表示字母 AaNn 中的任意一个,互相猜一猜对方是哪个字母。You use these sentences to ask and answer.3.T:Now look at the screen.Here comes a new friends Alice.Lets say Hello to Alice together.Step3 Listen and readListen and read the text.Step4 Act in pairs T:(带上 Alice 的名片,对学生说)Hello,everyone.Look,Alice has a heart.The people on the heart are Alices family members.This is her father.This is her mother.And this is Alice.If you are Alice.Who wants to introduce your family?Take out your family photos.Introduce your family members in your group.Step5 自主学习 21.Draw timeT:Now lets draw our family on the heart.Turn to Page 67.First lets draw your father,your mother and you in different places.Then lets cut off the heart from the English book.2.Follow me.Lets talk about our family.You can use these sentences.“This is./He is./She is.”A.Talk about your family in your group.B.Some of you will introduce your family to the whole class.Step 5 Blackboard Design板书设计 Project1 My family and friends Hello/Good morning.Im.This is my.This is me.教学反思:教学反思:本单时主要让学生复习 26 个字母,并能够使用心形卡片介绍自己和家人。26本单时主要让学生复习 26 个字母,并能够使用心形卡片介绍自己和家人。26个字母按照正确的顺序背诵默写,学生觉得很简单,但是让他们随意认读其中的一个,有些个字母按照正确的顺序背诵默写,学生觉得很简单,但是让他们随意认读其中的一个,有些学生还是有些难度的。所以教师要充分利用好课堂上的时间,设计一些游戏或比赛,帮助学学生还是有些难度的。所以教师要充分利用好课堂上的时间,设计一些游戏或比赛,帮助学生灵活认读 26 个字母,并区分一些相似的字母。生灵活认读 26 个字母,并区分一些相似的字母。课 题:英语 3A 教案 Project1 My family and friends 第四课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读单词 father,mother,brother,sister,friend.2.能熟练地、会读、会说句型 Hes/Shes和 This is my friend/3.能熟练地运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语向他人介绍自己的家人和朋友。4.能够用英语介绍别人的家人。教学重难点1.能熟练地、会读、会说句型 Hes/Shes和 This is my friend.2.能熟练地运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语向他人介绍自己的朋友。课前准备PPT教学过程Step1 Warming up1.GreetingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.Lets greet our friends.Hi/HelloT:Hello,Im Miss Wang.2.Sing a song Family song3.Show me your heart.Who wants to introduce your family members?教学调整 Step 2 Presentation and practice1.T:Look at your hearts.There are only your family members on it now.Your friends are very important,too.So lets write our friends names on the heart.(让学生认识的朋友的重要性,在心形的手臂上写上自己的朋友的名字)Look,my friends names are Paul and Alice.So I write them here.Follow me.You can write the names on the hands,too.(教师示范在心形卡片上写上自己的朋友的名字)学生把朋友的名字写在自己的心形卡片上面。T:Let me see,who your friend is.2.Then glue it to your friends hearts.3.The teacher put the hearts on the blackboard.4.Talk about your friends.You can do it like this.教师将自己的心形卡片贴在黑板上,用英语介绍自己的朋友T:Hi.Im Jenny.This is Paul.Hes my friend.This is Alice.Shes my friend,too.Step3 Work in groups 1.Group work.2.Some of you will introduce your friends to the whole class.Step4 Do some exercises 选择正确的答案:()1.你想向周围的朋友介绍自己,你可以说:A.Hi,Im Tina.B.Hi,are you Tina?C.Hi,Tina.()2.你告诉别人你不是苏海,应该这样说:AYes,Im not Su Hai.B.No,I am Su Hai.C.No,Im not Su Hai.()3.你把你的英语老师介绍给爸爸妈妈时,你应该说:AShes Cheng.B.Hes Mr Cheng.C.Shes Miss Wang.()4.你想告诉别人,王兵也是你的朋友,你应该说:A.Hes Wang Bing.Hes my friend,too.B.Shes my friend,too.C.Hes Wang Bing.Hes my friend.()5.你想把刘涛介绍给山姆,你应该说:A.Sam,this is Liu Tao.B.Liu Tao,this is Sam.Step 6 Homework1.Finish the exercises2.Prepare Unit 5Step 5 Blackboard Design板书设计 Project1 My family and friendsHi.Im.This is.Hes my friend.This is.Shes my friend too.教学反思:教学反思:本单元是前面四个单元的总结,所以在复习的基础上,学生还需要完成一些练本单元是前面四个单元的总结,所以在复习的基础上,学生还需要完成一些练习,补充习题 上的练习比较简单,可以课上老师放录音,让孩子独立完成。练习与测试习,补充习题 上的练习比较简单,可以课上老师放录音,让孩子独立完成。练习与测试练习题型多样,有的练习比较难,所以教师要挑选一些难易程度相当的练习,让学生作为家练习题型多样,有的练习比较难,所以教师要挑选一些难易程度相当的练习,让学生作为家作完成,还有一部分较难的教师可以课上讲解,一些超纲的可以跳过不做。作完成,还有一部分较难的教师可以课上讲解,一些超纲的可以跳过不做。课 题:英语 3A 教案Project 2 A puppet show 第一课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.复习九个服饰类单词:a shirt,a skirt,a T-shirt,a jacket,a cap,a sweater,a coat,a dress,a blouse2.复习八个颜色类单词 yellow,red,brown,black,white,blue,green,orange3.复习句型 Look at及其回答 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!4.复习句型:What colour is?及其回答 Its5.拓展 Look,this is/thats的句型6.熟练表演Nice clothesWho is wearing yellow today?教学重难点1.复习九个服饰类单词:a shirt,a skirt,a T-shirt,a jacket,a cap,a sweater,a coat,a dress,a blouse2.复习八个颜色类单词 yellow,red,brown,black,white,blue,green,orange3.复习句型 Look at及其回答 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!4.复习句型:What colour is?及其回答 Its5.拓展 Look,this is/thats的句型课前准备卡片,PPT教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1.Greeting2.Sing the songs and say rhymesA表演书上的Nice clothesWho is wearing yellow today?Step 2 Free talk and revision1.Free talk:日常用语T:Hello,I like yellow.What do you like?S:I like T:Do you like?教学调整 S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.I like2.RevisionA.Magic eyes T:Lets play a game.快速闪现的可以是图片,再到单词,词组,最后加大难度,闪现句子。B句型复习(1).复习 Look at Its nice./How nice!/Great!/Its great.出示第五单元课文对话,让学生跟读,然后全班读。注意当别人夸奖你了,不要忘记说 Thank you(谢谢你)its=it is 拓展 Look,this is a出示各类学过的物品类的图片T:Look at theS:Its nice./How nice!/Great!/Its great.T(出示句型):Look,this is aS:Its nice./How nice!/Great!/Its great.(还可以用 big,small,bright 等等)Pair work同桌之间对话练习(2)复习 What colour is?Its出示第六单元课文对话,跟读,然后全班读colour,颜色。在这一单元我们会学到八种颜色,所以 colour 后需要加 s,表示复数形式。orange 还是一种水果的名称,橘子,一只橘子就是 an orange。出示词组:an orange orange.red and yellow,红黄相间。如果有两种颜色,我们就可以用 and 来连接,表示相间。Step 3 Consolidation出示场景:Clothing shopT:Lets go to the clothing shop.Look,this is a/Look at thisSs:T:What colour is this?S:ItsWork in pairs.出示书本四个单词和图片:a doll,a CD,a car,a ball,学生拼读。T:Whats this?S:Its a 让学生挑选服饰来说 出示场景 Fruit shop/Toy shop 等等Step 3 Homework1.write words2.read sentences板书设计:Project 2 A puppet showLook at my How nice!What colour is it?Its.教学反思:本课时在复习衣服和颜色的单词和句型时,按照单元划分进行复习,如果适当整合,效果会更好。教学反思:本课时在复习衣服和颜色的单词和句型时,按照单元划分进行复习,如果适当整合,效果会更好。课 题:英语 3A 教案Project 2 A puppet show第二课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标教学目标1复习六个食品类单词:an ice cream,an egg,a cake,a sweet,a pie,a hot dog.2.复习五个玩具类单词:a CD,a toy car,a ball,a doll,a robot.3.复习句型 Would you like?/What about?Yes,please./No,thank you.4.复习句型:Whats this/that?及其回答 Its 和 This is for you.5.学习做一个木偶,并能用英语介绍他。教学重难点教学重难点1复习六个食品类单词:an ice cream,an egg,a cake,a sweet,a pie,a hot dog.2.复习五个玩具类单词:a CD,a toy car,a ball,a doll,a robot.3.复习句型 Would you like?/What about?Yes,please./No,thank you.4.复习句型:Whats this/that?及其回答 Its 和 This is for you.课前准备课前准备PPT,卡片,教学调整 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting2.Sing the songs and say rhymesWould you like?Happy New Year!Step 2 Free talk 1.Free talk:日常用语T:Hello,Id like a hot dog.What would you like?S:Id like T:What about?S:Yes,please./No,thank you.T:What colour is it?S:Its T:Whats this?S:Its 教师再出示句型:The is for you.让学生回答问题:Thank you!两组问,两组答。Step 3 Revision1.Draw your puppetAT 在投影仪上展示老师画的 puppet,演示给学生看第一步应该怎么做。BTalk about your puppetT:Look!Is this a boy or a girl?S:A girl.T:Can you ask her name?S:Hi,whats your name?C.学生自己操作T:Now,its your turn.注意个别动手能力比较差的学生DSay something about your puppet.My puppets name is She is wearing a and.Hello,Im Look at my Its I have big/small eyes/ears.Step 4 HomeworkTry to say something about your puppetWrite a small passage(My puppet)Step5 Blackboard Design 板书设计:Project 2 A puppet showA:Whats this/that?B:Its.教学反思:动手做木偶,并用英文就介绍自己的木偶,选择不同的场景进行对话练习,这些活动都是学生喜欢参与的活动,教师不仅要让学生学得快乐,而且要引导学生在活动中学得扎实。教学反思:动手做木偶,并用英文就介绍自己的木偶,选择不同的场景进行对话练习,这些活动都是学生喜欢参与的活动,教师不仅要让学生学得快乐,而且要引导学生在活动中学得扎实。课 题:英语 3A 教案Project 2 A puppet show 第三课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.掌握五至八单元学习过的单词和句型。2.能够灵活运用所学句型进行对话。教学重难点1.掌握五至八单元学习过的单词和句型。2.能够灵活运用所学句型进行对话。课前准备PPT,人物卡片教学过程Step 1.Warming up 1 Greeting 2.课前准备:Sing songs and say rhymesLets learn.A bottle Numbers教学调整 T:Now lets start our English lesson.Step 2 Presetation1.场景:朋友:Su Hai Yang Ling Helen and Mike 买礼物 A toy shop进入 Toy shop 的通关密语:唱一首有关玩具的歌 My lovely doll复习 toy 类的单词T:Whats this/that?/What are these/those?S:Its a/They areWork in pairs营业员 2(PPT):Would you like a/some,please?S:Yes,please./No,thank you.营业员 2(PPT):What about a/someS:Yes,please.营业员 2(PPT):Here you are.S:Thank you.Work in pairsa.出示图片,教授单词 birthday,讲解人物T:Im happy,now.Look,they are our friends.They are happy,too.They are having a birthday party.出示单词:birthdayir/:/birthday bird shirt skirt T-shirtT:I can see a mouse.What can you see.S:I can see a dog/cat/monkey.(出示单词,虽然学过了,但是有必要复习一下。)Step 3 Consolidation(1)Happy birthday to you.(2)This is for you.Thank you.Whats this in English?Its a star.(3)Happy New Year.Step 4 Homework1.Recite the words of Unit5-82.Make a dialogue and write downStep5 Blackboard Design 板书设计:Project 2 A puppet showWhat colour is it?Its.Happy New Year!This is for you.Thank you!教学反思:情景的创设是英语学习的比较好的方式,通过情景对话,让学生将已学的知识灵活运用,并和日常生活紧密结合在一起。教学反思:情景的创设是英语学习的比较好的方式,通过情景对话,让学生将已学的知识灵活运用,并和日常生活紧密结合在一起。课 题:英语 3A 教案Project 2 A puppet show 第四课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.掌握五至八单元学习过的单词和句型。2.能够灵活运用所学句型进行对话。教学重难点1.掌握五至八单元学习过的单词和句型。2.能够灵活运用所学句型进行对话。课前准备PPT,人物卡片教学过程Step 1 Greeting2.Sing the songs and say rhymesHappy New Year!For you and me My lovely dollStep 2 Free talk and revision出示 Wang Bing:T:Whos he?S:Hes Wang Bing.Today is Wang Bings birthday.教学调整 出示题目:Project 2 Wang Bings birthdayT:Wang Bing would like to have a birthday party.Lets help him.Lets buy some nice food.1.场景:买生日聚会用的食物T:Look!This is a snack bar.想要进 Snack bar 必须说通关密语:Say a rhyme about food(说一个关于食物的小诗)Rice is nice For you and me At a snack barT:What can you see?S:I can see a/some所有学生扮作 Wang Bing.T:Now,you are Wang Bing.营业员(PPT):Can I help you?S:Id like a,please./A,please.营业员 1(PPT):Here you are.S:Thank you.2.场景:Wang Bing 的生日聚会,送礼物 Wang Bing 的朋友们送礼物时可以说什么?让学生扮演不同的角色来送礼物,老师扮 Wang Bing.Sing a song-Happy birthday to you!Step 3 ConsolidationA当我们来询问别人是否需要吃某样东西的时候,就要用到句型 Would you like?你想要吗?What about 怎么样?这个句子一般情况下是不单独使用得,一定得有上文的,在述说了某一事情之后,转向另一事物时,才用到这一句式。对于别人征求意见的询问,我们可以用“Yes,please.好的,太感谢了。”或者“No,thank you.不,谢谢你。”来回答。不管是否需要,我们都需要礼貌的回答。B“Happy New Year!新年快乐!”的回答也是“Happy New Year!新年快乐!”“Happy birthday!生日快乐!”的回答是“Thank you.谢谢你。”C This is for you.这是给你的。当你把礼物送给别人时,你可以这么说。还可以用 It s for来表达它是送给某人的。当别人送了你礼物不要忘记说 Thank you.。DWhats this?这个是什么?Whats that?那个是什么?这两个问题的回答都是 Its a/an 它是一个Step 4 HomeworkFinish the exercises.Step5 Blackboard Design 板书设计:Project 2 A puppet show Whats this?Its a This is for you.Thank you.教学反思:小学生学习英语需要知识不断地再现,就像滚雪球一样,日积月累,自然他们的知识储备会越来越多,所想表达的内容就会越来越丰富。教学反思:小学生学习英语需要知识不断地再现,就像滚雪球一样,日积月累,自然他们的知识储备会越来越多,所想表达的内容就会越来越丰富。课 题:英语 3A 教案Unit 1 Hello 第一课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标教学目标1.初步感知英语,能听懂、会读、会说交际用语:Hi/Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon.并理解运用到日常生活中去。2.能认识课文中的五个人物:Miss Li,Mike,Yang Ling,Su Hai,Liu Tao 和单词class.3.培养学
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