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1、FIRE FIGHTING MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE 消防管理程序消防管理程序 1. Purpose 目的目的 We set up this procedure for definitude the standard of IWAY about general conditions and legal compliance. 为使本公司免遭火灾危害,对各项消防设施和活动进行管理,遵守消防安全的所有法律 法规,包括服从政府部门的消防检查,特制定本程序文件。 2. Scope 适用范围适用范围 The procedure will be available for Italsofa

2、 本程序适用于意特尔公司。 3. Reference 参考文件参考文件 IWAY standard IWAY 执行标准 Competence & awareness training procedure 能力意识培训管理程序 “Emphasis company management criterion for fire fighting” 重点单位消防安全管理十项规范 4. Definition 定义定义 4.1. Emphasis company for fire fighting 消防重点单位 All storage & machining area and factory relativ

3、e with foam & wood and easy to fire are emphasis companies for fire fighting based on some regulations. Our company is cognized for this. 根据消防有关管理规定,凡是棉、木材等的堆场和加工单位以及较易发生火灾的单 位即是消防重点单位。本公司被认定为消防重点单位。 4.2. Emphasis area for fire fighting 消防重点部位 Bigger fire fatalness areas defined by related regulatio

4、n are emphasis area for fire fighting. There are spray paint position, wood machining area, production storage, wood material storage and chemical storage, etc. Some areas are cognized to emphasis area for fire fighting in our company are as below. Adhibit wood frame position, wood cutting position,

5、 spray-glue position, production storage, foam storage, chemical storage and wood material storage, etc. 根据消防有关管理规定,火灾危险性大的的部位,例如喷漆、木工房、物资集中的 成品仓库原材料仓库以及化学品仓库等为消防重点部位。本公司被认定的消防重点 部位的有:粘木架工序、木架加工工序、喷胶工序、成品仓库、海绵仓库、化学品 仓库和木材原料仓库等。 4.3. Emphasis work for fire fighting 消防重点工种 Those types of work which ea

6、sily cause to fire accident because of carelessness operation or disobey rules actions are emphasis work for fire fighting. Such as electrician, woodwork, 3rd storage keeper, etc. 是指在操作过程中不慎或违反操作规程有可能造成火灾事故的岗位操作人员。 例如: 电工、木工、丙类仓库保管等岗位的操作人员等。 5. Responsibility 职责职责 5.1. According to the principle of

7、fire fighting management (who charge who take charge), the general manager will be the first principal for this. He/She will be responsible for fire fighting management. 根据消安全管理“谁主管,谁负责”的原则:总经理作为公司消防第一负责人, 负责整个公司的消防工作。 5.1.1. The responsibility of the fire fighting manager 消防安全责任人职责: Enforc

8、e the fire fighting regulation and guarantee the safety of the company. 执行消防法规,保障单位安全 Plan the fire fighting work as a whole and approve to implement the fire fighting regulation. 统筹安排消防,批准实施消防工作制度 Make sure necessary fire fighting budget and organization. 提供必要消防经费和组织保障 Co

9、nfirm the responsibility of fire fighting of each grade. 确定逐级消防安全责任 Organize the inspection of fire fighting for avoiding the potential problem of fire. 组织防火检查,消除火灾隐患 Set up a fire fighting team. 建立义务消防队 Organize & conduct the fire fighting proposal in advanced. 组织制定灭火和应急预

10、案 5.2. General Manager of plant is responsible for or assign related person to organize and supervise the routine fire fighting works. 总经理负责或指派相关人员组织和协调相关日常的消防管理工作。 5.3. Maintenance dept. will be responsible for routine maintenance & patrol work to the facility of fire fighting. 维修部门负责对消防设施实行日常的维护和点

11、检工作。 5.4. EHS dept. will be responsible for routine management of fire fighting. EHS 部门负责日常的消防管理工作。 5.4.1. Responsibility of administrant of fire fighting 消防安全管理人职责 Draw out annually work plan of fire fighting. Execute routine fire fighting management work. 拟订年度消防工作计划,组织实施日常消防安全管理工作。 5.4.1.

12、2. Organize to draw out fire fighting regulation & procedure and make sure its implement. 组织制订消防制度和消防安全的操作规程并保障检查督促其落 实。 Draw out the proposal of budget using and organization guarantee. 拟订消防安全工作的资金投入和组织保障方案。 Conduct & implement the inspection of fire fighting and corrective action

13、 of potential problem. 组织实施防火检查和火灾隐患整改工作。 Conduct & implement the maintenance to fire fighting equipment and fire extinguisher & sign. Make sure its effectiveness. Insure no barrier on corridor of evacuation & emergency exit. 组织实施对本单位消防设施、 灭火器材和消防安全标志的维护保养, 确保其完好有效,确保疏散通道和安全出口畅通。 O

14、rganize & manage the fire fighting team. 组织管理义务消防队。 Organize the training to employee for fire fighting knowledge and skill. Organize the drill of fire put out & evacuation. 在员工中组织开展消防知识、技能的宣传教育和培训,组织灭火和 应急疏散预案的实施和演练。 Other fire fighting related working. 单位消防安全责任人委托的其他消防安全管理工作。 5.5

15、. HR dept. is responsible for organizing to conduct training of fire fighting and keeping the record. 人事部门负责组织对员工进行消防管理的培训并保存记录。 6. Procedure 程序程序 6.1. General requirement of fire fighting work 总的消防工作要求 6.1.1. General Manager should organize a meeting with related management persons for discussing a

16、nd reviewing the plan and budget at beginning of the year. Make his/her suggestion and approve it. 每年的年初,总经理应该组织有关消防管理人员开会,布置当年的消防工 作,审核消防工作计划和资金需求,提出意见和建议并批准; 6.1.2. A regular meeting for fire fighting & safety will be needed. 定期由消防安全责任人或消防安全管理人召集消防安全例会,总结及部署 消防安全工作。 6.1.3. Fire fighting & safety g

17、uideline are all needed at each emphasis area & work position. Every dept. manager must fulfill the responsibility to each related person as the 1st responsible. 各个消防重点部位和消防重点工种牵涉到的部门必须制订切实可行的消 防安全责任制度和岗位消防安全责任制度,每个部门的负责人作为本部门 的消防第一责任人必须将消防安全责任落实到部门内相关人员。 6.1.4. Should comply with fire fighting law

18、& regulation, submit to inspection from authority. Close the corrective actions in time and keep the record. 应遵守消防安全的法律法规,服从政府部门的消防检查。对检查中提出的 整改措施应当在限期内及时整改,并保存书面记录。 6.2. About fire 关于火灾 6.2.1. Shall document any fires and serious incidents that can cause a fire, including corrective and preventive

19、actions. If required by law, a report shall be sent to the authorities. 应当记录发生过的火灾或严重的可能引起火灾的意外,并包括整改和预防 措施,如果有法律要求的话,火灾记录应呈报相关政府部门。 6.3. Fire extinguisher and fire equipment 灭火器材和消防设施 6.3.1. Fire extinguisher & fire equipment allocation & maintenance 灭火器材和消防设施的配置及养护 . Our company shall hav

20、e the appropriate fire fighting equipment. Placing and maximum distance shall comply with applicable laws and regulations and/or specific approvals from the fire authorities. In the absence of laws, regulations or specific approvals covering this issue, there shall be a maximum distance of 25 meters

21、 between individual fire fighting devices. 公司应当根据消防法律法规的要求配备适当的消防器材在生产 现场,设置点和最大间距应符合相关的法律法规及/或政府消防 部门的特批和要求。 在无法律法规或特批的情况下, 灭火器材的 最大间距不得大于 25 米。 The fire fighting equipment must be marked in such a way that it is easily identified, also from a distance. It must be easily accessible for co-

22、workers and maintained in good working order. Fire hydrants/hoses must always be kept unlocked. 灭火器材应明显标识,从远处即能辨认。灭火器材必须易于被员 工取用, 并适当维护以保持性能良好。 消防栓 (水带) 不得上锁。 All fire fighting equipment must be appropriately maintained. Our company shall have an internal review process to regularly, at lea

23、st every months, check that fire fighting equipment is functioning with documented maintenance records and/or stickers/tags placed on the equipment. 所有的灭火器材必须进行适当地养护。 公司应建立内部定期检查 程序, 至少每个月检查一次灭火器材的功能, 并保存记录, 和/或 在灭火器材上张贴吊牌。 All fire fighting equipment cannot be obstructed forever. 所有的消防设施都不

24、能被阻挡。 Sound & light alarm system of fire fighting and emergent broadcast system must be appropriately maintained. We must test its function at least per half year and keep the record. Sound & light alarm system of fire fighting control center is located in guard room. Must keep no obstruct

25、surround it forever. Some people who are not authorized cannot operate it. Guard is responsible for keeping the alarm record. 消防声光报警系统和应急广播系统必须进行适当的养护。 至少每 半年测试一次以保证其正常的功能, 并保存记录。 消防声光报警 系统主控机设置在警卫室, 主控机周围不能有障碍物。 任何未经 授权人员不得擅自操作该主机。警卫负责保存报警记录。 Fire pump facility must be appropriately mainta

26、ined. Maintenance dept. will be responsible for keep the maintenance record. 消防泵房设施必须进行适当的养护,维修部门保存养护记录。 Cascade and fog sensor system must be appropriately maintained and will be kept the record by maintenance dept. Fog sensor system must be tested by maintenance dept. semi-annually at lea

27、st and keep the record. 消防喷淋系统和烟感设施必须进行适当的养护, 维修部门保存养 护记录。烟感功能至少每半年进行一次测试并保存记录。 All manual alarm button system must be appropriately maintained and will be kept the record by maintenance dept. Each point must be tested semi-annually at least and keep the record. 车间所有的手动报警系统必须进行适当的养护, 维修部门保存

28、养 护记录。每个报警点至少每半年得到一次测试并保存测试记录。 All fireproofing separate roll door in workshop must be appropriately maintained. Its transmission equipment must be tested quarterly at least keep the record. 车间防火隔断卷帘门设施必须进行适当的养护, 至少每季度进行 一次传动机构的测试并保存记录。 Maintenance dept. must insure all evacuation

29、 signs and emergency light should be available. 维修部门必须保证各应急疏散标志和应急灯的完好。 6.4. Evacuation plan 紧急疏散计划 6.4.1. Escape routes & emergency exits 疏散路径和紧急出口 We shall - as a minimum - have two independent emergency exits per working area. All exits that shall function as emergency exits shall be mar

30、ked with luminescent or illuminated signs. Emergency exits shall ensure a fast evacuation of all workers. We also shall ensure all emergency exit(s), access routes and fire fighting equipment are free from obstruction. 我们应该保证公司每个区域至少有两个独立的紧急出口。 所有的 紧急出口必须配置有灯箱的或自发光的出口标志。 紧急出口的设 置应保证所有员工能够快速撤离。 我们亦应保

31、证所有的紧急出口、 逃生路径、消防门以及灭火器材均无阻碍。 Emergency exits shall open outwards. Sliding doors, used as emergency exits, must always be kept open during work hours. Otherwise, the sliding doors must be equipped with an encased, built-in EXIT door. 紧急出口门必须朝外开启。若以移门/卷帘门作为紧急出口时, 必须在工作时间内保持开启, 否则在移门/卷帘门上必须加装

32、一 个可以外推的逃生门。 Its acceptable for smaller workshops (less than 100m 2 and less than 6 people regularly in the workshop) to have only one exit, if the exit is immediately accessible from all parts of the workshop. 对于较小的车间(小于100 平方米和工作人数通常少于6 人)可 以只设一个出口,该出口必须设在从车间任何一处都易于到达的 位置。 6.4.2. Evacuati

33、on alarm bell 疏散警铃 We shall have an independent and functioning evacuation alarm bell with continuous sound to notify all employees about fog and/or fire and to ensure a safe evacuation of the employees. 我们应配备独立的、功能良好的、可持续报警的警铃,向所有员工 发出烟雾或火灾警告,以保证员工安全撤离。 The alarm can be manually o

34、r automatically activated, but must after activation evoke a continuous signal by itself. The alarm bell must also function during power-off. 警报可以通过手动或自动启动,但启动后必须可自行发出持续的 信号。警铃在断电情况下必须仍能正常工作。 The signal must be possible to hear or observe in all parts of the production when the factory is o

35、perating. 在工作期间,报警信号必须在所有的生产区域均能被听到或看到。 6.4.3. Evacuation plan & Evacuation drills 疏散计划及疏散演习 We shall have evacuation plans (please refer to attachment 1). An evacuation plan shall include a map where you can easily identify your position and the way out. The plan shall show emergency exits

36、, appropriate meeting area(s), location of fire alarms and a means to contact the fire brigade. 我们应制订紧急疏散计划 (请参见附件附件 1 1) , 包括一份能清楚辩 识所处位置及逃生路径的疏散图。 疏散计划应显示紧急出口、 适 当的集合地、警铃按钮的位置及火警电话等。 Evacuation plans shall be placed at appropriate designated locations. As a minimum evacuation plans shall

37、be available at the main entrance(s) of the factory production unit(s), at least one per floor. 疏散计划应放置在指定的适当位置。 至少张贴于生产单位的主 要出口处, 应保证每层都有。 We shall perform evacuation drills at least twice in every twelve-month period. These drills must involve all production shifts and departments. In cas

38、e of an evacuation, we shall ensure that designated persons are responsible for performing a head count to ensure all co-workers have evacuated the building and are accounted for. 我们应至少每12 个月进行两次疏散演习。所有班次和部门均须 参加。在演习中,我们应指定清点人数的负责人以确认所有员工 均已从现场撤离到达集合地点。 Records of evacuation drills must be maintaine

39、d. Minimum requirements of recorded information: 1) The time it took to evacuate 2) Date of drill and who participated 3) The results of the drill and any corrective actions needed 演习的记录应予保存。记录内容至少应包括: 1)疏散所用时间; 2)演习的日期及参加人员; 3)演习的结果及需要的整改措施。 6.4.4. Censorship 消防检查制度 We shall set up a censo

40、rship for fire fighting & safety. The guard will be responsible for the patrol & recording. Correct the wrong action or report in time (the check list please refer to attachment 2). 我们应当建立和规范消防安全巡查制度, 由警卫负责每日进行消 防安全巡查,并进行情况记录,及时纠正违规行为或及时报告。 ( 检查表请参见附件附件 2 ) We shall conduct the regular chec

41、k per month by EHS/Maintenance dept./Guard related person. Mostly we shall focus on the corrective action & protective action implement status. We shall keep the record which must be signed by inspector & by-inspector (the check list please refer to attachment 3 ). 每月由消防安全管理人员联合维修部门人员、 警卫队长等进行消 防防火检

42、查, 主要检查火灾隐患的整改情况以及防范措施的落实 情况等。 防火检查应当填写检查记录, 检查人员和被检查部门负 责人应当在检查记录上签名。(检查表请参见附件附件 3 3) 6.5. Fire operation management 动火作业管理 6.5.1. The temporary work which generate any bright fire or hot/sparkle must be gotten fire work permit from EHS dept. Include but not limit to welding, cutting, grinding, sol

43、dering, pipe heat process or steel construction welding, etc. 任何明火或会产生高热/火花的临时工序, 包括但不限于电焊、 切割、 磨工、 锡焊、管路热加工以及钢结构烧焊等作业,必须要在 EHS 部门开具动火许 可证。 6.5.2. Any dept. or vendor which needs to conduct fire work must fill the fire permit according the attachment 4 form. The permit should be hung up on the opera

44、tion site after signed by the manager and EHS manager. The certification & ID documentation of the operator must be filed in EHS dept. 部门内或部门委托的工程施工单位需要进行动火作业的按照附件附件 4 4 的要求 填妥“动火作业许可证”,获得委托部门主管和安全主管的签字认可后,悬 挂在动火作业现场明显处。 具体动火作业的人员的相关操作证和身份证明的 复印件在 EHS 部门备案。 6.5.3. Adequate extinguisher must be equip

45、ped on site and flammability & easier explode materials must be cleaned up. After that you can start to operate. The guard must reinforce the precaution. 动火作业现场必须按照许可证上的规定做好清除一切易燃易爆材料, 配备足 够的灭火器材等一切安全工作方可开始进行动火作业, 警卫必须在现场周围 加强警戒。 6.5.4. The vendor shall equip adequate & intact PPE to related operato

46、rs. 承包商必须在作业之前给相关作业人员配备足够的完好的个人防护设备。 6.5.5. EHS dept. is entitled to stop its operation or order they drop out if vendor violate upper regulations 承包商如有违反上述规定者,EHS 部门有权中止其现场作业,直至退出公 司。 6.6. Competence and training please refer to “competence & awareness training procedure” 能力和培训请参见“能力意识培训管理程序” 附件附件 1; 附件附件 2; 附件附件 3; 附件附件 4


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