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1、11.dream v.梦想梦想,想象想象 (dreamed-dreamed/dreamt-dreamt)dream of/about(doing)sth.梦想;幻想梦想;幻想Yao Ming never dreamed of/about becoming a famous NBA player.dream of a better future dream that+clause The enemy would never dream that we could move so fast.May you dream a happy dream tonight!祝你今晚做个好梦!祝你今晚做个好梦!

2、22.to be honest:说实在的;实话说说实在的;实话说 =to tell the truth;honestly speakingTo be honest,I dont want to attend the meeting.Its honest of sb.to do sth.=sb.is honest to do sth.某人做某事是诚实的。某人做某事是诚实的。Its honest of you _(tell)us the truth.to tell 3I shall be honest _ you.He is honest _ doing business.The eyewitne

3、ss is honest _ his evidence.be honest with sb be honest about sth be honest in(doing)sth 对人坦诚对人坦诚,诚恳诚恳withinabout如实说如实说,做某事做某事在某方面诚实在某方面诚实43.attach v.系上,附加系上,附加 attachment n.附属,附带附属,附带 attach toHell attach the label to your luggage.他会把标签他会把标签系在系在你的行李你的行李上上。This hospital is attached to the medical co

4、llege nearby.这个医院这个医院附属附属附近的那所医学院。附近的那所医学院。5How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver?你怎么能把这次事故的责任你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于归于出租出租车司机呢?车司机呢?attach importance/value to sth/doing sth认为认为有重要性有重要性/价值价值Do you attach any importance to what he said?64.form v.组成组成,制作,养成,培养制作,养成,培养But just how do

5、 people form a band?但是,人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的?但是,人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的?form the habit of 养成养成的习惯的习惯As a result,he forms the habit of climbing mountains on weekends.7be formed of 由由组成组成The band is formed of one girl and two boys.=The band is made up of one girl and two boys.n.形状,外形,形式,表格形状,外形,形式,表格Ice,snow and steam

6、are different forms of water.Please fill the form.请填写这张表格。请填写这张表格。in the form of 以以形式形式in form形式上形式上,情况良好情况良好81.They are different _.A.in the form B.in a form C.in form D.in forms2.When heated,the water is _ steam.A.in the form of B.in a form of C.in form of D.in forms of CA95.earn vt.赚得赚得,使得到使得到 He

7、 earns about 3000 yuan per month.He earns a little money every month.As a result,he has to live a simple life.His braveness earned him the reputation.他的英勇使他获得荣誉。他的英勇使他获得荣誉。earn ones living=make a living 谋生谋生 106.play jokes/a joke on开玩笑开玩笑,戏弄某人戏弄某人No one like to be played jokes on by others.for/as a

8、joke只是为了开玩笑只是为了开玩笑Its for a joke.make fun of取笑取笑laugh at嘲笑嘲笑play a trick/tricks on sb.捉弄某人捉弄某人have a joke with sb.与某人说笑话与某人说笑话make a joke about sb/sth拿某人或某事开玩笑拿某人或某事开玩笑 1112 8.familiar adj.熟悉的,亲近的熟悉的,亲近的1)be familiar with sth.=have a good knowledge of 某人通某人通 晓某物晓某物 He is familiar with English.2)be f

9、amiliar to sb.=be well known to sb 被某人所知被某人所知She looks familiar to me,but I dont remember her name.139.or so大约大约 1)or so“大约;大约;左右左右”,通,通 常位于常位于数量词之后数量词之后。after a year or so 2)about,some,around 均为均为“大大 约约”之意,但它们放在之意,但它们放在数词之前数词之前。Three whales species or so are in danger.About three whales species are

10、 in danger.There are some/about/around fifty students in our class.1410.break up打碎;分裂;解体;驱散;结束;打碎;分裂;解体;驱散;结束;(学校学校)放假放假船在礁石上撞得粉碎。船在礁石上撞得粉碎。The ship was broken up on the rock.警察来了,驱散了人群。警察来了,驱散了人群。The police came and broke up the crowd.他们的友谊破裂了。他们的友谊破裂了。Their friendship has broken up.15break down出故障

11、;拆毁;失败;精神崩溃;出故障;拆毁;失败;精神崩溃;(身体身体)垮垮The car breaks down suddenly.break into破门而入破门而入The thief broke in/into the palace last night.你们学校什么时候放假你们学校什么时候放假?When will your school break up?16break off 中断;断交;突然停止中断;断交;突然停止The electricity was broken off by the flood.break out 爆发;突然发生爆发;突然发生The war broke out in

12、 1943.break away from脱离;摆脱脱离;摆脱He broke away from the union.17181920212223Classical music Rock n RollOrchestraRapFolk musicJazzCountry musicChoral2425P34 Reading2627The Beatles 28The Monkees29 The Monkees301.What are the benefits if students form a band to play in the street?2.When did“The Monkees”b

13、reak up and when did it reunite?3.Why was“The Monkees”successful in their work?They can earn _ and can also give them _ to realize their _.“The Monkees”broke up in about_ and it reunited in_.Because they were _ their work and they _.some extra moneya chancedream1970the mid-1980sserious aboutworked v

14、ery hard31Read the text as quickly as you can and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph1:Dreaming of _Paragraph 2:How musicians_.Paragraph 3:How the band _.Paragraph 4:How the Monkees became serious about_.being famous musician or singer.form bandsgot their starttheir business32TFFTTF33

15、The Monkees is made of a band of four _,who _each other as well as played music.They gave so good _ that their fans supported then fiercely.A year _ they became more serious about their work,The Monkees _ and played their own music.The band _ in about 1970,but _in the mid-1980s.musiciansplayed jokes

16、 onperformancesor soproduced their own recordsbroke upreunited3435review363738先行词在从句中做介词宾语,介词有两种位置一是紧跟在先行词后;二是位于句尾或动词后。Prep.+whomwhich介词+关系代词引导的定语从句39This is the house.A famous writer once lived in it.This is the house in which a famous writer once lived.where40I will never forget the day.I joined t

17、he League on the day.I will never forget the day on which I joined the League.when41Bob found the dictionary.I had been looking for it.Bob found the dictionary(that)I had been looking for.*如果介词与其前面的动词是固定搭配的动词短语,介词不可前置。4243解析:考例解析:考例 1 中关系代词指代中关系代词指代“窗子窗子”,故用,故用 which,答案为答案为 D.典型考例典型考例 2 The gentlema

18、n _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.A.who B.about whom C.whom D.with whom 解析:考例解析:考例 2 中关系代词指代人,故用中关系代词指代人,故用 whom,它又和后面,它又和后面的的 told 构成固定搭配构成固定搭配 tell sb.about sb./sth.,故答案为,故答案为 B。4445典型考例典型考例 2 In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,_ many people have got home.A.

19、whose time B.that C.on which D.by which 解析:答案为解析:答案为 D。根据句意。根据句意“到下午到下午 5:30 时,许多人已经时,许多人已经到家了到家了”,且定语从句中又用了完成时,故应用介词,且定语从句中又用了完成时,故应用介词 by。461.Do you like the book she spent$10?2.Do you like the book she paid$10?3.Do you like the book she learned a lot?4.Do you like the book she often talks?5.He bu

20、ilt a telescope he could study the skies.on whichfor whichfrom whichabout whichthrough which471.China is a beautiful country,_ _ we are proud.2.Do you remember the day _ _ you joined our club?3.This is the house _ _ I lived two years ago.4.In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ _ she could

21、 turn for help.5.In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ _ she could ask for help.of on which in which to whomfrom whom which“preposition+which/whom”:486.In his room,we saw a big table _ _ there were 3 magazines.7.Glasses,_ _I cant see clearly,are really important for me.8.This is the man _

22、 _ I learned the news.9.The pen _ _ I write every day is broken.10.The man _ _ I bought the picture is over 80.11.Can you give me some paper _ _ I can write a note?on without which from whom with which for/from whom onwhichwhich49505152注意:在这种结构中,若把介词移至句尾,注意:在这种结构中,若把介词移至句尾,whom和和which必须省略。必须省略。I hav

23、e found a room in which to put my things.(正正)I have found a room which to put my things in.(误误)I have found a room to put my things in.(正正)531.Ill never forget the days_ we worked together.2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago.4.I went to the pl

24、ace _ I visited ten years ago.5.This is the reason _ he was late.6.This is the reason _ he gave.when/in whichwhichwhere/in whichwhichwhy/for whichthat/which几种易混的情况几种易混的情况及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词54Multiple choiceA D D B D 55 C B C D A 56which in which/where who whom which on which/whenand where where 或或 where there which for which57写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits58谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal59


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