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1、unit 1 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1a-1c Section A 2a-2d Section A Grammar Focus-3c Section B 1a-1e Section B 2a-2e Section B 3a-Self Check 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 To learn the past simple tense. To learn to talk about

2、past events. To learn to enjoy different kinds of activities, to enjoy life. Objectives Warming-up We went on a vacation, vacation, vacation. We went on a vacation. And what do you think we saw? And what do you think we saw? And what do you think we saw? Other people on vacation. People on vacation.

3、 People on vacation. Thats the only thing we saw. On vacation go fishing go to summer camp visit museums go hiking go to the beach go sightseeing go to the mountains Vacation Activities stay at home Where did you go on vacation? Who did you go with? Did you have a good time? She visited the USA. She

4、 went to New York City. Where did she go on vacation? Where did they go on vacation? They went to the museum. Where did you go on vacation? I went to the Great Wall. Group work He went to summer camp. /kmp/ Where did he go on vacation? 露营地露营地, , 阵营阵营 Where did you go on vacation? I went to Beijing C

5、ity. They went to the mountains. Where did they go on vacation? They went to the beach. Where did they go on vacation? Where did she go on vacation? She stayed at home. He visited his grandparents. Where did he go on vacation? 1. stayed at home _ 2. went to New York City _ 3. visited my uncle _ 4. w

6、ent to summer camp _ 5. went to the mountains _ 6. went to the beach _ 7. visited museums _ Match the activities with the pictures a-g. 1a b d c g a e f 1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3. Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 2 Listen and number the people in the picture 1-5. 1b 1 1 1c Make conversations about the

7、 people in the picture. A: Where did Tina go on vacation? B: She went to the mountains. Where did Bob go on vacation? He visited his uncle. Where did Tom go on vacation? He went to summer camp. Where did Sally go on vacation? She stayed at home. She went to New York City. Where did Xiang Hua go on v

8、acation? Where did he go on vacation? He went to the beach. 动词过去式动词过去式 动词原形动词原形 went stayed visited did was had go stay visit do is have 1. Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假了?你去哪儿度假了? I went to the mountains. 我去了山区。我去了山区。 这是一个这是一个特殊疑问句特殊疑问句。由。由“特殊疑问词助动词主语特殊疑问词助动词主语 动词原形动词原形+其他其他? ?” ” 构成构成。 由于是询问

9、已发生的动作由于是询问已发生的动作(过去的事情过去的事情),所以助动词用,所以助动词用 过去式过去式did,其后的动词用原形。,其后的动词用原形。 Language Points Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去了哪儿?你昨天去了哪儿? I visited my friends. 我去拜访了朋友。我去拜访了朋友。 2. I stayed at home. 我待在家里。我待在家里。 1)stay可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 当当它它作不作不及物动词时就不能直接接宾语,其后及物动词时就不能直接接宾语,其后接接 相相应的介应的

10、介词短词短语,表地点语,表地点 或或表状表状态。态。 e.g. stay in the office 继续任职继续任职 (掌权掌权) stay awake 不睡不睡 (醒着醒着) stay in the army 留在部队中留在部队中 stay at home 呆在家中呆在家中 Were staying in the same hotel. 我们住在同一家旅馆。我们住在同一家旅馆。 2) home与与house, family的区别的区别 home指“家”这个概念,包括“住处”和“家人”。指“家”这个概念,包括“住处”和“家人”。 house则指“房子”、“住宅”,侧重于建筑结构。则指“房子”

11、、“住宅”,侧重于建筑结构。 family则指“家庭成员”。则指“家庭成员”。 当当family作整体概念时,谓语动词用作整体概念时,谓语动词用单数单数; 看作一个个成员时,谓语动词用看作一个个成员时,谓语动词用复数复数。 I watched TV at home last night. 我昨晚在家里看电视。我昨晚在家里看电视。 This house is very beautiful. 这房子真漂亮。这房子真漂亮。 My family is a small but happy one. 我家人不多但很幸福。我家人不多但很幸福。 My family are watching TV. 我的家人在

12、看电视。我的家人在看电视。 3. She visited her uncle. 句中句中visit是是及物动词,后直接跟宾语及物动词,后直接跟宾语,当其后接,当其后接表表 示人示人的词语时译为的词语时译为 “拜访拜访”。当其后接”。当其后接表示地点表示地点的名的名 词时,译为“词时,译为“参观参观”。”。 e.g. visit the Summer Palace 参观颐和园参观颐和园 visit还可以作名词“拜访,参观”,构成短语还可以作名词“拜访,参观”,构成短语 pay a visit to/be on a visit to译为“访问(某人)”译为“访问(某人)” “参观(某地)”“参观(

13、某地)” We paid a visit to our teacher yesterday. 我们昨天去拜访了我们的老师。我们昨天去拜访了我们的老师。 Ex:We are _a visit _our English teacher now. A. on;on B. to;on C. to;to D. on;to 1. My host family tried to cook _ for me when I studied in New Zealand. A. different something B. different anything C. something different D.

14、anything different 2. The man has _ friends in this city, so he often stays at home. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little C B I. 单项选择。 Exercises 1. Lucy did her homework yesterday evening. (改为否定句改为否定句) Lucy _ _ _ _ yesterday evening. 2. I had lunch at my friends home. (改为一般疑问句,并改为一般疑问句,并 作肯定回答作肯定回答

15、) _ you _ _ at your friends home? _, _ _. didnt do her homework Did have lunch Yes I did II. 根据要求改写下列句子。 3. Jim went to the beach last Sunday. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ Jim _ last Sunday? 4. They played basketball yesterday. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ they play basketball? 5. The students had great fun in the

16、park. (改为同义句改为同义句) The students _ _ _ _ in the park. Where did go When did had a good/great time 1. 你假期去哪儿了?你假期去哪儿了? 2. 你假期去什么有趣的地方了?你假期去什么有趣的地方了? 是的,我跟我家人去了贵州。是的,我跟我家人去了贵州。 Where did you go on vacation? Did you go anywhere interesting on vacation? Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. III. 汉译英。 中考

17、链接 He went _(野营(野营) with us and taught us how to put up a tent. camping go camping意为“去野营”。 Homework 1.Make a conversation about what you did last week. 2.Master the words in this unit and preview next part. Section A 2aSection A 2a- -2d2d To learn the past simple tense. To learn to talk about past e

18、vents. To enjoy the beautiful scenery,to enjoy our beautiful life. Objectives Words review anyone few quite a few most pron. 任何人任何人 adj. waited; rained; got wet and cold; couldnt see anything Yes Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week? Jane: I _ to Penang in _. Anna: Who _ you go wit

19、h? Jane: I went with my _. Anna: What did you do? Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries. went Malaysia family did 2d Jane: The weather was hot and _ on Monday, so we went _ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _ bicycles to Georgetown. Ann

20、a: Sounds great! Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good. My _ and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather _ really bad and rainy. We _ rode father waited sunny was paragliding a long time for the train and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _. Anna: Oh, no! Jane: And thats not all

21、! We also didnt bring _ money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. umbrella enough wet Thursday, July 18th Today _ (be) a beautiful day. My father and I _ (go) to Penang Hill again, but this time we _(walk) to the top. We _ (start) at 9:30 a.m. and _(see) lots of special Malaysian Imagine

22、 Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. went was started walked saw 2e flowers along the way. About one hour later, we _ (stop) and _ (drink) some tea. Then we _ (walk) for another two hours before we

23、 _ (get) to the top. I _ (be) quite tired, but the city _ (look) wonderful from the top of the hill! drank stopped got walked was looked 1. What a difference a day makes! e.g. What a lovely day! 多么好的一天啊!多么好的一天啊! What nice people they are! 他们是多么好的人呀!他们是多么好的人呀! 这是一个感叹句。英语语法规定,强调名词这是一个感叹句。英语语法规定,强调名词 时

24、,句首用时,句首用what。 Language Points 2. so we decided to played tennis. 1) decide to do sth. 决定干某事决定干某事 e.g. They decided to go to Hainan on vacation. I decided to go to Shandong for summer holiday. 2) decide not to do sth. 决定不做某事决定不做某事 e.g. I decided not to go there for a holiday again. 我决定再也不去那里度假了。我决定再

25、也不去那里度假了。 3. And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. 因为这糟糕的天气,我们看不到(山)下任何东西。因为这糟糕的天气,我们看不到(山)下任何东西。 (1) 此句中此句中 because of 为副词,后接短语,它引导原因状为副词,后接短语,它引导原因状 语从句,而我们学过的“语从句,而我们学过的“because”是连词,其后接句子。是连词,其后接句子。 because of 介词短语,介词短语,因为因为,后接名词、代词、动,后接名词、代词、动 名词或名词或what从句等。从句等。 because

26、连词,连词,因为因为,引导原因状语从句,表示,引导原因状语从句,表示 直接、明确的原因或理由。直接、明确的原因或理由。 【辨析辨析】because与与because of We couldnt go out _ the bad weather. 因为坏天气,我们不能出去。因为坏天气,我们不能出去。 He cant play with his brother _ he has class. 因为有课,他不能和哥哥一起玩。因为有课,他不能和哥哥一起玩。 because of because (2) below /b l / prep. on/beneath, over/under 4.We wai

27、ted over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 我们等了一个多小时火车因为人太多了我们等了一个多小时火车因为人太多了。 too many +pl. “太多的“太多的” 区分:区分:too much+U. “太多的“太多的” much too+adj./ adv.“太“太” (加深程度)加深程度) ex.There are _ people in the street. He eats _, so he becomes _fat. Dont eat _sugar.Its bad for your health.

28、 too many too much much too too much 5.My father didnt bring enough money . 我爸爸没带足够的钱我爸爸没带足够的钱 enough adj. adv. 充足的(地),足够的(地)充足的(地),足够的(地) 用法规则:名前形副后用法规则:名前形副后 eg. The boy is old enough to go to school. 这个男孩足够大能去上学了。这个男孩足够大能去上学了。 We still have enough time to make this birthday cake look beautiful en

29、ough. 我们仍有足够的时间使这个蛋糕看起来足够漂亮。我们仍有足够的时间使这个蛋糕看起来足够漂亮。 I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. There are many _ (different) in the two photos. Can you find them? 2. Lucy tried _ (run) quickly and she did well. 3. It was so far from here to the museum. They decided _ (go) there by bus. 4. That was an_(enjoy) experience for m

30、e. 5. I_(wonderful) who can help us do that. differences to run to go enjoyable wonder Exercises II. 汉译英。 1. 野营过得愉快吗?野营过得愉快吗? 2. 我们看不到下面的任何事物,因为天气太糟糕了。我们看不到下面的任何事物,因为天气太糟糕了。 Did you have fun camping? We couldnt see anything below because the weather was so bad. 3. 我们没带伞,所以被淋湿了,觉得特别冷。我们没带伞,所以被淋湿了,觉得特

31、别冷。 We didnt have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. 4. 我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。 I wonder what life was like here in the past. We shouldnt worryabout Mary. You are right. She is_to look after_. A. old enough; herself B big enough: herself C. enough old; her D. enough big; her 中考链接 “她足够大可

32、以照顾自己”。 enough放在被修饰词后面。 A 1. Remember the words we have learnt today. 2. Preview the next lesson. Homework Section B 3aSection B 3a- -Self CheckSelf Check To learn to talk about your holiday. To learn to write a travel diary. To use the Indefinite Pronouns and the verbs corectly. Objectives 日记是中考各省市

33、常考的题型。 记叙自己一天生活中所看到、遇到、想到和 做过的事情,特别是那些具有教育意义或值 得回忆、查阅或参考的事情,也可以用来抒 发自己当天对某些事件的感受,以及对将来 的打算等。 日 记 1.格式:英文日记和中文日记的写法大致相同。 一般是第一行写上日期、星期、天气状况。日期 通常顶格写,后面是星期,天气状况写在右上角。 表示天气情况的词一般用形容词,如:fine, cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, foggy等。正文部分另起一行。 2.人称:日记要用第一人称写。 3.时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午或晚上,有 时也有在第二天补记的。所记叙

34、的事情通常发生 在过去,所以常用一般过去时态。但如果要记叙 天气、描写景色、展望未来、议论某事或对话引 语等,可以使用一般现在时或一般将来时,以生 动再现当时的情景。 4.日记的写作顺序:日记一般要按照时间顺序 或事情的经过来写。语言要清楚、自然,内容 要连贯、完整。 记忆游戏记忆游戏 Did they .? went to the beach stayed at home went shopping went to New York City went to the mountains went to a park went fishing went to summer camp visit

35、ed museums f f b b a a d d e e c c h h i i g g Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. 3a hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August W

36、ednesday, _ 20th Today the weather was _. I went to _. It was _. We _. I liked this place because _. hot and sunny August beautiful a Beijing hutong took some photos I learned something important hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting

37、learn something important August For dinner we had _. It was _. In the evening, I felt really _. Beijing duck delicious tired Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took. 1. Where did you go? 2. Did you go with anyone? 3. How was the weather? 4. What did you do every day? 5. What fo

38、od did you eat? 6. What did you like best? 7. Did you dislike anything? 8. How did you feel about the trip? 3b Write a travel diary like Janes on page 5. Use your notes in 3b. _ _ _ _ _ 3c Thursday, August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum. It was cool. Then I went to visit the Great Wall. How g

39、reat it is! I took many photos there. In the afternoon, I went to Tiananmen Square. The square is very large. Today is Chinese Army Day. So there were many people there and it was very crowded. We had great fun playing there! At last, we traveled around a Beijing hutong on three-wheelers. The Chines

40、e people are very friendly. I felt very happy today, but I was really tired. Sample writing: Sunday, May 25th I arrived in Chengdu this morning with my parents. It was sunny and warm, so we decided to go for a walk near our hotel. We saw many pretty buildings and lots of good restaurants. For lunch,

41、 we had hot pot. It was very spicy but delicious. I love Sichuan food! In the afternoon, we went to see pandas in the zoo. Pandas are my favorite animals because theyre so cute. I was happy to know people are trying their best to save them. In the evening, we went shopping along Chunxi Road and boug

42、ht many things. I felt tired but happy. Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China. You meet each other at the airport on your way home. Talk about what you did on your vacation. 4 Make a survey and complete the chart. 1. Make questions about vacation. 2. Ask the questions yourself. 3. Ask

43、your classmates the questions. 4. Discuss with your classmates the best place for a vacation. 5. Write a report on students vacations. Questionnaire Name: Mary age: 12 sex: female date: May 1 Place Summer Palace Beijing Stadium Activities go boating go roll-skating Food fast food noodles Weather sunny cool souvenirs sun glasses a cap Here is an example: 1. A: Did go on vacation with you last month? B: Yes, my family went to the countryside with me. 2. A: Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend? 1 Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box. anythi


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