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1、译林英语上册六年级期中过关自测试卷含听力材料 听力部分(30 分)听力部分(30 分) 一、 选出你所听到的内容。 (听两遍)(10 分) ()1. A. broughtB. boughtC. caught ()2. A. drawB. drewC.drawing ()3. A.behindB. besideC.between ()4. A.hereB. threeC.there ()5. A.houseB. horseC.home ()6.A.paperB. PeterC. Newspaper ()7. A. rainB. rainyC. Raining ()8. A. letterB. l

2、itterC. little ()9. A.readB. readsC. Reading () 10. A. ateB. eggC. eight 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 (听两遍)(8 分) ()()()() ()()()() 三、听问句,选答句。 (听三遍) (5 分) ( )1. A. Theyre my clothes.B. It was beautiful.C. Theyre beautiful. ( )2. A. I lost my kite.B. Its on the desk.C. Its a kite. ( )3. A. Yes, it s windy.B. Yes, i

3、ts sunny.C. No, its sunny. ( )4. A. I go to Beijing.B. I am in a park.C. I played games. ()5. A. Its yellow.B. Its six oclock.C. Its Sunday. 四听录音,完成短文。 (听三遍) (7 分) I have a good friend. He is a _ boy. He likes _ jeans. Hes fat and he likes _ juice. His mother often _ stories for him in the evening.

4、At the weekends, he usually _ _ and _on the Internet. But last Sunday, he didn t. The weather was _ and _. He _ to a park and _ a kite _ his parents there. He was very _ . - 1 - 笔试部分(70 分) 五、选择题。(10 分) () 1.-Where did youlast holiday? - I went to a farm and picked a lot of apples. A. went B. goC. go

5、es () 2. Wehungry and tired yesterday. A. wasB.wereC. are () 3.-Itstoday. Lets go to fly kites. -Good idea! A. rainy B.windyC.snowy () 4.-This morning, Ian egg and some bread. How about you? - Isome noodles. A had, ateB. eat, ateC. eat, eat () 5. Look, the bus for Tianshengqiao Park is coming. Let s

6、the bus. A get onB. get offC.by () 6. Liu Tao isnt good at. A. singB. singsC. singing () 7.I go to school at halfseven in the morning. A. atB.toC. past () 8. Some children are sitting on the grass anda chat now. A.hadB. haveC. having () 9. -Does Mike oftenkites at the weekends? -No, but hekites with

7、 me last weekends. A. fly; flyB.flew; flewC. fly; flew () 10.Its late. Helenget up quickly. A. having to B. has toC. have to 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(7 分) 1Grandma often _(have ) a rest at noon. 2 Mike _(read ) in the classroom just now. 3 What _(do ) people _(do ) last Christmas? 4 Sometimes the boys _( pla

8、y) basketball at the weekends. 5 I _(be) a student in 1900. 6 Lily and Lucy _(write) e-mails in the study now. 7 Peter _(have) lunch in the classroom just now. 8. Jim _(like) _(swim) very much. 9. Listen! The girls _(sing) in the music room. 10. _ you _(have ) a good time in London? 11. Mr Bai _(dra

9、w) a lot of oil paintings yesterday. 七、按要求改写句子。 (10 分) 1. My uncle lives in a small town.(对画线部分提问) - 2 - your uncle live? 2. Wang Bing is taking off his sweater. ( 改为一般疑问句) Wang Bingoff his sweater? 3. I watched a film last Sunday.(对画线部分提问) youlast Sunday? 4. I went to the farm for the holiday. (对画线

10、部分提问) youfor the holiday? 5. There were some cows on the farm. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) -therecows on the farm? -No,. 6. My holiday was great fun. (对画线部分提问) was your holiday? 7. It was cloudy yesterday.(对画线部分提问) _ _ the weather _ yesterday? 8. Mikes father showed us some stamps. Mikes father showed _ to _. 八

11、、从栏中选出栏中句子的答语,将序号填入括号。 (10 分) () 1. Why did you call me?A. I often go skating. () 2. Did you water flowers this morning?B.I lost my football. () 3. How did you get to the park?C. Last Sunday . () 4. Was it rainy yesterday?D. My family visited it. () 5. Whats the matter?E. On foot. () 6. Dont climb u

12、p the hill.F. Because I wanted to play with you. () 7. How do you spend your weekend?G. Y es, he was. () 8. When did you go to the Museum?H. All right. () 9. Who visited the Tiananmen Square?I. No, I didnt. () 10. Was your father at home yesterday? J. No, it was cloudy. 九、根据中文提示完成句子。(10 分) 1. 这里最初有很

13、多树。但现在没有了。 Therelots of trees at, but there are no trees now. 2. 我昨天在客厅里看报纸的。 Iin the living room. 3. 快点,亲爱的!快轮到你了。 Be _, dear! Its your. 4. 30 年前,我们只能通过写信和打电话和朋友们联系。 Thirty years, weletters andthe telephone to call our friends. 十.完型填空。 (7 分) - 3 - The Frog(青蛙) Prince Long long ago, there was a litt

14、le lovely princess( 公主). One day, she1to a forest carrying her dear golden(金色的) ball. While(当) playing with the ball, it suddenly fell into the water and the princess2loudly. At that time, an ugly(难看的) frog turned up and told the princess he would help her to pick up the ball if she promised (承诺)him

15、 to make friend with him. The princess promised him and the frog dived (跳入)along into the river and3up the ball. However (然而) , the princess didnt keep her promise and ran away. The frog went to the palace(皇宫) the next day and the king soon understood what had happened. He was not4with the princess

16、because the frog helped her. She should keep her promise. Then the frog had a meal with the princess. He wanted to sleep with the princess. She was very5and threw(扔) the frog to the wall rudely(粗鲁地). Magically(令人 惊奇地), the frog6into a prince. At last, the princess and the frog prince lived _7_ toget

17、her. ()1. A. goB. wentC. goes ()2. A. laughedB. saidC. cried ()3. A. pickedB. lookedC. took ()4. A. foolishB. cleverC. happy ()5. A. angryB. happyC. sad ()6.A. turnB. turnedC. turns ()7. A. happyB. happilyC. happyly 十一、阅读理解。 (10 分) (A) 下面是英国女孩 Becky 的一封信: Hello! My name is Becky Sharp. Im eleven yea

18、rs old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes fourteen. I havent any sisters. We live with grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north( 北部) of England. My friends and I often go to the cinema on Saturdays. Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United( 曼

19、联队). I sometimes play football with my brother. Im excellent(棒极了)but he isnt very good. I have seven pets - two birds and five goldfishes. I want a dog and a cat, but my mother doesnt like them. Becky () 1. The girl wants to find a_. A. sisterB. brotherC. penfriend () 2. The girls mother doesnt like

20、_. A. birds or goldfishesB. birds or dogsC. dogs or cats - 4 - Please write to me soon. () 3. There are_ people in Beckys family. A. threeB. fourC. five () 4. The girls family live in_. A. a big houseB. the west(西部) of EnglandC. a small house () 5. What does pet mean in Chinese? A.朋友B. 宠物C. 玩具 ( B )

21、 One morning, Bill said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Bill, “Whats the matter, young man?” Bill answered, “Im feeling sick, I am having a headache. I cant go to school today, Im afraid.” The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his moth

22、er, “What did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the football match.” The mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.” The doctor smiled again,

23、 “This afternoon, the biggest(最大的) football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss(错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see. ” () 1. Bill and his mother went to see the doctorthat morning. A. by busB. by taxiC. on foot () 2. Bill hadfor his breakfast. A.

24、 some breadB. some milkC. a lot of food () 3.The doctor didnt give Bill any medicine, because. A. he didnt think Bill was ill B. Bill didnt like having medicine C. Bills mother didnt have enough(足够的) money () 4. There wason TV. A. a volleyball gameB. an English playC. a football match () 5.in fact(事

25、实上),. A. Bill was ill. B. Bill liked watching football matches C. Bill was an honest(诚实的) boy 十二作文(6 分) 你肯定有过令你难忘的一天,请以“What a day!”为题写一篇 作文,注意用上过去时,不少于 5 句话。 - 5 - 六年级上册期中听力材料六年级上册期中听力材料 一、选出你所听到的内容。 (听两遍) 1.I caught a big fish last Sunday. 2.I could draw pictures ten years ago. 3.Whats behind the

26、door? 4. Mike was three years old last year. 5.I can ride a horse. 6.Give me a piece of paper, please. 7. Look out of the window, its raining. 8.Twenty days ago, Lily wrote a letter to Helen. 9.Thirty years ago, people read newspapers for news. 10.Make a sentence with“egg”. 二、 听录音,给下列图片排序。 (听两遍) 1.

27、We had a picnic last Sunday. We all had a good time. 2. -How do you spend your weekends? -I usually play football with my friends. 3. -Where did you go this summer holiday? -I went to the Great Wall with my parents. 4. I went fishing with my dad. Its very interesting. 5. People laughed at the king b

28、ecause the king wasnt wearing any clothes. 6. -What are you doing? -Im watching cartoons. 7. In spring, it is warm. I can fly kites. 8. It is raining. Linda is reading a book in the study. 三、听问句,选答句。 (听三遍) 1. Look at my new clothes. 2. Whats the matter? 3. Is it sunny today? 4. What did you do yeste

29、rday? 5. What day is it today? 四听录音,完成短文。 (听三遍) I have a good friend. He is a _little_ boy. He likes _wearing_ jeans. He s fat and he likes _drinking_ juice. His mother often _tells_ stories for him in the evening. At the weekends, he usually _watches_ _news_ and _reads_e-books_on the Internet. But last Sunday, he didnt. The weather was _windy_ and _sunny_. He _went_ to a park and _flew_ a kite _with_ his parents there. He was very _excited_ . - 6 -


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