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1、高考备考词块汇总()高考备考词块汇总()字母字母 UZ U ugly an ugly smell 令人作呕的气味 an ugly incident 可怕的事件 *ultimate an ultimate goal / aim / objective / target 最终目标 umbrella put up / fold an umbrella 撑开 / 收起伞 under the umbrella of 在的保护下 unable (be) unable to do sth 不能做某事 uncertain (be) uncertain of / about 对不确定 unconditional

2、 unconditional love 无条件的爱 unconscious (be) unconscious of 未发觉 under under the age of 岁以下 under control / pressure 在掌控之下 / 在压力下 under construction / repair 在建设 / 修理中 under discussion 在讨论中 under the name of 用名字 underground by underground / on the underground 乘地铁 underground stations 地铁站 understand und

3、erstand sb to be 认为某人是 make oneself understood 尤指用另一种语言 把自己的意思说清楚 understanding beyond understanding 不可理解 come to / arrive at / reach an understanding with sb 和某人达成共识 undertake undertake to do sth 同意做某事 *undo undo a button / parcel 解开纽扣 / 打开包裹 What is done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。 undo his post 撤销他的职

4、位 uneasy feel uneasy with strangers 与陌生人在一起不自在 feel uneasy about the future 担心未来 unemployment unemployment problems 失业问题 high / low unemployment 高 / 低失业率 unexpected an unexpected guest / visitor 不速之客 the unexpected 意外情况 unfair (be) unfair on / to 对不公平 by unfair means 用不正当的手段 unfit unfit for sth 不适合某

5、事 unfit to do sth 不适合做某事 unforgettable an unforgettable experience / moment / memory 难忘的经历 / 时刻 / 回忆 unfortunate an unfortunate accident 不幸的事故 unhappy (be) unhappy at / with / about (doing) sth 不高兴(做)某事 uniform wear school uniforms 穿校服 in uniform 穿着制服 union the Students Union 学生会 the European Union

6、欧盟 Union gives strength. 团结就是力量。 unique unique to (某地)独有的 unit a unit of time / length / weight 时间 / 长度 / 重量单位 unite unite with 与联合 united the United States (US) 美国 make a united effort 同心协力 universal a universal truth 普遍真理 universal languages 世界通用语言 university at university 在上大学 go to university 去上

7、大学 unlikely (be) unlikely to do sth 不大可能做某事 it is unlikely + (that) 从句 不大可能 unnecessary it is unnecessary that sb (should) do sth 某人没必要做某事 unrest social unrest 社会动荡 be in a state of unrest 处于不安的状态之中 until until late / recently / then 直到很晚 / 最近 / 那时 not until 直到才 it is not until that 直到才: unusual an

8、unusual voice 独特的嗓音 it is unusual for sb to do sth 某人做某事少见 up adv Times up. 时间到。 Whats up? 怎么了? eat up 吃光 be up to sb 由某人决定;是某人的义务 up and down 上上下下;前前后后 up to 1 达到;最多有 2 直到 3 从事于;忙于 up until 直到 n ups and downs 好运和坏运的交替;盛衰;沉浮 prep go up a hill 登山 walk up the road 沿着公路走 adj an up line (铁路的) 上行线 be up

9、and cheerful 兴高采烈 His blood is up. 他怒火中烧。 *upgrade upgrade to 把升级到 upper upper class 上流社会 upset adj an upset stomach 肠胃不适 (be) upset to do sth 做某事感到心烦 / 失望 (be) upset about / at / by / over sth 对某事感到心烦 be upset with sb 生某人的气 *up-to-date up-to-date information 最新消息 up-to-date equipment 现代化设备 urban ur

10、ban life / development / areas / environment 城市生活 / 发展 / 地区 / 环境 urge urge sb to do sth 催促某人做某事 urge + that . (should) do sth 极力主张 urgent in urgent need of 迫切需要 use v use sth for / as 把某物用作 use sth to do sth 用某物做某事 use all ones effort 作出一切努力 use ones brain 动脑筋 use up 用光;耗尽 n come into use 开始被使用 have

11、 no use for 不需要;不喜欢 in use 在使用着 it is no use doing sth 做某事没有用 / 意义 make use of 利用 of use 有用的 (useful) put sth to use 利用某事物 used be / get used to (doing) sth 习惯于 (做) 某事 used to used to do sth 过去常常做某事 used to be 过去是 useful a useful tool 有用的工具 usual as usual 像平常一样;照例 字母 V vacation the summer / Christma

12、s vacation 暑假 / 圣诞假期 have / take a vacation 休假 on vacation 在度假 vague a vague idea / answer 模糊的想法 / 含糊的答复 vain in vain 徒劳;白辛苦 value market value 市场价格 be good / bad value 很划算 / 不值 value for money 划算 of value 有价值的;有用的 variety a variety of 种种;各种各样的 vary vary considerably / greatly / widely 大不相同 *venture

13、 n a joint-venture 合资企业 v Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 version electronic version 电子版 vertical a vertical line 垂直线 very not very 不很;根本不 at this very moment 就在这个时候 the very thought of 一想到 vice a vice-president (VP) 副总统 / 副总裁 victim fall victim to / become a victim to 成为的牺 牲品 victory a

14、chieve / gain / win a victory over the enemy 战胜敌人 view come into view 进入视线 in ones view 在某人看来 in view of 鉴于;考虑到 on view 在展出;展览着 violence domestic violence 家庭暴力 visit pay a visit to 参观;访问;拜访 vital of vital importance (= very important) 至关重要 vocabulary have a large / wide / small vocabulary 词汇量大 / 丰富

15、/ 小 voice in a low / loud voice 低 / 高声地 at the top of ones voice 扯着嗓子 the active / passive voice 主动 / 被动语态 volunteer volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 vote have / take a vote (on) (就) 进行投票表决 voyage go on / make / take a voyage 航海旅行 字母 W wage high / low wages 高 / 低薪 a weekly wage 周薪 wait wait ones turn. 等着轮到

16、某人 Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 wait for sb / sth 等某人 / 某物 wait (for sb / sth) to do sth 等(某人 / 某物) 做某事 cant wait 急切地;迫不及待地 be waiting (某物) 已准备好可供使用 wake wake up 醒来 walk v walk home / to school 步行回家 / 上学 walk a dog 遛狗 n go (out) for a walk 出去散步 take / have a walk 散步 a walk of life 行业;职

17、业;社会阶层 wander wander (through / around) the street 在街上游荡 want want to do sth 想做某事 want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事 want sb / sth (to be) done 想让某人 / 某事被 war at war (with) (与) 交战 declare war on 对宣战 warm adj a warm welcome 热烈的欢迎 v warm up (使) 暖起来 (heat up);(使) 兴奋起来 warn warn (sb) about / of sth 警告 (某人) 某事 wa

18、rn (sb) against (doing) sth 提醒 (某人) 提防 (做) 某事 warn sb to do sth 警告某人做某事 wash v wash clothes / dishes 洗衣服 / 碗 wash away 冲掉;冲走;消除的影响 wash off 洗掉;洗去 wash up (BrE) 洗餐具;(AmE) 洗手或洗脸 n have a wash 洗一洗 washing do some washing 洗洗涮涮 waste v waste food / energy / opportunities 浪费食物 / 能源 / 机会 waste sth on sb /

19、sth 把某事浪费在某人 / 某物上 waste sth (in) doing sth 把某物浪费在做某事上 n a waste of time 浪费时间 adj waste water / paper 废水 / 纸 watch v watch do / doing sth 看到做了 / 正在做某事 watch sb / sth done 看到某人 / 某物被 watch my step 谨慎行事 watch out (for) 当心 ();注意 () watch over 正式用语 保护;监视;照管 n wear a watch 戴手表 keep watch (for) 看守;警惕 on w

20、atch 守望;值班 water n running / fresh water 自来水 / 淡水 by water 由水路 hold water (容器等) 盛得住水; (论点等) 站得住脚 v water flowers 浇花 wave n give sb a wave 向某人挥手 sound waves 声波 v wave sb goodbye / wave goodbye to sb 向某人挥手道别 way show / tell sb the way to 告诉某人去的路 the way in / out 入口 / 出口 have a long way to go 有很长的路要走 t

21、he best way to do / of doing sth 做某事的最佳途径 its not sbs way to do sth 做某事不是某人的风格 in every way 在各方面 all the way 一直;自始至终;完全地 by the way 顺便说;顺便一提 by way of 经由;通过方法 give way (to) 让步 (于);屈服 (于) in a way 在某种程度上 in no way 一点儿也不;决不 in the / sbs way 挡某人的道;妨碍某人 keep / stay out of sbs way 避开某人 no way 不可能;决不;不行 o

22、ut of the way 不挡道;不碍事 weak weak points 弱点 (be) weak in 不擅长 weakness strengths and weaknesses 有点和不足 wear wear a smile 面带微笑 wear off 逐渐减少;逐渐消失 wear out 1 穿破;磨损 2 (使) 疲乏; (使) 耗尽; (使) 厌倦 web the World Wide Web 万维网 web pages (互联网的) 网页 spin a web 织网 on the Web 在网上 website build / visit a website 建 / 访问网站

23、wedding arrange / attend / have a wedding 筹备 / 参加 / 举行婚礼 week by the week 按周;按星期 the week after next 下下周 the week before last 上上一周 weekend at / on the weekend 在周末 at / on weekends 在周末 go for a weekend 去过周末 weep weep for joy 喜极而泣 weight lose weight / put on weight 减肥 / 发福;体重增加 by weight 按重量 welcome a

24、dj youre welcome 别客气;不用谢 int Welcome to our school! 欢迎光临我校! well as well 也;还 as well as 1 与一样好 2 除之外 (也) 3 不但而且 may / might (just) as well do sth 做某事也无妨 I dont feel very well today. 我今天感觉不太舒服。 well-known It is well-known that 众所周知 (be) well-known for 以而闻名 wet wet weather 下雨天 what (and) what is more

25、还有;而且 what () for 为什么 what if 如果会怎样 whatever or whatever 或诸如此类的东西 whenever whenever possible 只要有可能 whether whether or not 是还是不是 whether or 是还是 while once in a while 偶尔;间或 for a while 一会儿 take a short while 花点儿时间 whisper v whisper to sb 跟某人小声说 n speak in a whisper 低声说话 whistle give a loud / low whist

26、le 响亮地 / 轻轻地吹了声 口哨 blow a whistle 吹哨子 whole as a whole 总体上 on the whole 总的看来;总体而言 why why not 1 为什么不 2 好啊 Why sb? 为什么是某人? wide a wide range / variety / choice of goods 品种繁多的 / 各种各样的 / 大量可供选择的商品 The door was wide open. 门大开着。 Open your mouth wide. 把嘴张大。 widespread widespread use 广泛使用 wild adj wild ani

27、mals / fl owers 野生动物 / 野花 n in the wild 在野外 will have a strong will 有坚强的意志 an iron will / a will of iron 钢铁般的意志 make a will 立遗嘱 against ones will 不情愿地;违心地 at will 随意地;随心所欲地 willing be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 win win a race / a game / an election 在赛跑 / 比赛 / 选举中获胜 win the gold medal 获得金牌 wind strong /

28、 high winds 大风 wipe wipe sth with sth 用某物擦某物 wipe out 去除;消灭;摧毁 wise The older, the wiser. 越老越聪明。/ 姜是老的辣。 Life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry. 生活让智者微笑,让愚者哭泣。 a wise move / choice / decision 明智之举 / 明智的选择 / 明智的决定 wish v if you wish 如果你想的话 wish (sb) to do sth 希望 (某人) 做某事 n go against sbs w

29、ishes 违背某人的意愿 best wishes for a Happy New Year 祝新年快乐 within within reach of 离很近;伸手可及 witness be (a) witness to 是的目击者;是的见证人 wonder v I wonder if / whether 礼貌的请求 (我) 不知是否 n its a wonder that 是个奇迹 (it is) no wonder (that) 不足为奇 wood in the woods 在树林里 word break ones word 失信;食言 have a word with 与谈一谈 have

30、 words with 与争论 in a word 总之;简言之;一句话 in other words 也就是说;换句话说 keep ones word 遵守诺言 work v work as 从事工作 work on 从事于;致力于 work out 1 算出 (calculate);总共达 2 解决 (solve);把弄清楚 3 制定 (出) 4 产生 结果;被证明有效 5 锻炼;训练 n at work 在工作;在运转 out of work 失业 working hours / days 工作时间 / 日 world people all over the world 全世界人民 a

31、voyage around the world 环球航行 in the world 1 强调最高级 在全世界 2 加强语气 究竟 worn worn out 破旧的;筋疲力尽的 worried a worried look 焦虑的神情 be worried about 对感到担心 worse adv worse and worse 越来越坏;每况愈下 n for the worse 向更坏的方向 worth be worth sth 某事值得 it is worth doing sth 值得做某事 worthwhile a worthwhile job / cause 值得干的工作 / 崇高的

32、事业 it is worthwhile doing / to do sth 值得做某事 worthy (be) worthy of sth 值得某事 (be) worthy to do sth 值得做某事 (be) worthy to be done 值得被 write write to 给写信 write back 回信 write down 写下;记下 wrong adj its wrong to do sth 做某事是错误的 there was something wrong with 出故障了 Whats wrong with ? 怎么了? n be in the wrong 犯错误;

33、应负责任 do sb wrong 冤枉某人;不公平地对待某人 字母 Y year all (the) year round 一年到头 year after year / year in, year out 年复一年 year by year 年年;逐年 yell yell at the top of ones voice 声嘶力竭地喊 yell (sth) at sb to do sth 大声叫某人做某事 yesterday the day before yesterday 前天 yet not yet 还没 字母 Z zone residential zones 住宅区 a time zone 时区 economic and technological development zones 经 济技术开发区


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