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1、 初高中英语衔接学习材料(初高中英语衔接学习材料(6) 一一: 词汇积累词汇积累 1.What are the chief exports (export 出口,出口品出口,出口品) of your country? 你们国家主要出口什么? It can make much money to import (进口,进口品)进口,进口品) food. 进口食品可赚大量的钱。 2Internal (a. 国内的国内的,内部的内部的)and external (外部的,表面的外部的,表面的)use of water is a treatment for all forms of disease. 水

2、疗法水的外用和内服是各种病症的治疗方法 3They wondered (v. 惊奇惊奇, 想知道想知道,怀疑怀疑)at his learning. It is a wonder (n. 奇迹奇迹,惊奇惊奇,惊谔惊谔)that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building. 他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活着,真是奇迹。 4Please hang your coat on the hook (n. 钩子钩子 v. 钩住钩住). 5The government has banned (ba

3、n v. 禁止禁止)the use of chemical weapons. 政府已经明令禁止使用化学武器。 6The password was not valid (a.有效的有效的,正当的正当的), so he couldnt open the computer. 7He was removed (remove v. 搬开,挪开,移开搬开,挪开,移开)from the post.他被从那个岗位上开 除了。 8The salesman refused to bargain (n. 廉价货廉价货 v. 讨价还价讨价还价)over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价。 9The new l

4、aw forbids smoking in offices. 新法律禁止在办公室抽烟。 Their father forbade them to go. 他们的父亲禁止他们去。 forbid 禁止, 不允许禁止, 不允许 常用结构:常用结构: forbid doing forbid sb. to do 动词动词 allow, permit 也有相同用法,也有相同用法, 即即 allow/permit doing allow/permit sb. to do 10There is a heated debate (n. 辩论辩论,讨论讨论 v. 辩论辩论)over the problem . 关

5、于那个问题有着激烈的争论。 11At length(= finally), we began to understand what she wanted. 最后,我们总算弄清楚她到底要什么。 He talked at length(= in details) about his work. 他详细地谈了他的工作。 at length 终于终于,最后最后;详细地详细地 诚信自测诚信自测: 1.What are the chief exports (_)of your country? It can make much money to import (_) food. 2._ (a. 国 内 的

6、国 内 的 , 内 部 的内 部 的 )and external (_)use of water is a treatment for all forms of disease. 3.They _ (v. 惊奇惊奇, 想知道想知道,怀疑怀疑)at his learning. 4Please hang your coat on the _ (n. 钩子钩子 v. 钩住钩住). 5The government has _ ( v. 禁止禁止)the use of chemical weapons. 6The password was not _ (a.有效的有效的,正当的正当的), so he c

7、ouldnt open the computer. 7He was _ (搬开,挪开,移开搬开,挪开,移开)from the post. 8The salesman refused to bargain (n. _ v. _)over the price. 9The new law forbids(_) smoking in offices. 10_ _(= finally), we began to understand what she wanted. 二二: 句型积累句型积累 1. 帮助急需帮助的人是一件很愉快饿事情,那也是在中国我们应该发扬光大的一种 美德。 It is a great

8、 pleasure to help others who are badly in need , which is also a virtue we should promote(促进,发扬) in China. 句中的 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式 to help others,who are badly in need 是定语从句,修饰现行词 others, which 也引导一个定语从句,指代 “帮助急需 帮助的人”这件事情。 2. 事实上,我们经常面临着帮还是不帮别人的问题,如果他人的要求超出了我们的 能力,当然,我们应该拒绝。 In reality, were often

9、 faced with the question of helping or not. if the request from others is reasonable but beyond our ability,certainly ,we should also say “No”. beyond ones ability 超出某人的能力。Beyond “超出,超过”。 3.学生的行为象一面镜子,反映出他们的文化素质和学校的形象。 Students manner is like a mirror which can reflect(反映)their cultural quality and

10、the image(形象)of the school. 三三: 文章阅读文章阅读 The Hand A Thanksgiving Day editorial (社论) in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to b

11、e thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables with food. The teacher was taken aback with the picture Douglas handed in -a smile childishly drawn hand. But whose hand? The class was captivated(迷住) by the abstract image(抽象的画). “I think it must be the hand of

12、God that brings us food,” said one child. “A farmer,” said another, “because the servant grows the turkeys.” Finally when the others were at work, the teacher bent over Douglasss desk and asked whose hand it was.” Its your hand, Teacher,” he mumbled. She recalled that frequently at recess she had ta

13、ken Douglas, a scrubby( 矮 小 的 ) forlorn(孤独的)child by the hand. She often did that with children. But it meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps this was everyones Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others. 词汇突破:词汇突破: 1.actually ktjul

14、i ad. 实际上,真的 2.bend bent bent bend v.使弯曲,低垂 3.mumble mmblvt.含糊地说 4.frequently fri:kwntli ad. 频繁地 5.material mtiril n. 物质,材料 6.be taken aback 惊讶 我积累的词汇短语我积累的词汇短语 _ _ _ 我摘抄的美句我摘抄的美句 _ _ _ 四、开心一刻四、开心一刻 A businessman walks into a bank in San Francisco and asks for the loan (贷 款) officer. He says he is g

15、oing to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan. So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept

16、 the car as collateral(抵押 品)for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the banks underground garage (停 车场)and parks it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, We are very happy to have had your business,

17、and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire(千 万富翁). What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000? The businessman replied, Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two weeks for $15 bucks?


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