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1、 高考冲刺卷高考冲刺卷(三三) 第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.Encouraged by his father, my cousin quickly developed a for table tennis, and specialized in the sport later. A.taste B.talent C.concern D.plan 答案 A 解析 句意为:在他父亲的鼓励下,我的堂弟很快喜

2、欢上了乒乓球,后来专攻了这项运动。taste 爱好,志趣,符合语境。develop a taste for sth. 开始喜欢某物。talent 天资,天赋;concern 担心,忧虑; plan 计划。 22.About 70 to 75 bicycles will be to Jacksonville according to a bike-share program that VeoRide,an Indiana company,is expected to roll out later this year. A.applied B.classified C.circulated D.a

3、llocated 答案 D 解析 句意为:根据印第安纳州的 VeoRide 公司预计在今年晚些时候推出的一项共享单车计划, 大约有 70 到 75 辆自行车会被分配到杰克逊维尔市。 allocate 分配, 配给, 符合语境。 apply 应用; classify 分类;circulate 循环,传播。 23.By the end of October,214 project agreements with investors from outside Hainan, according to the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce. A.ha

4、ve been signed B.had been signed C.have signed D.had signed 答案 B 解析 句意为:据海南省商务厅统计,截至 10 月底,海南已与海南之外的投资者签署了 214 份项 目协议。根据句中的“By the end of October”可知,此处表示到某个时间已经完成的动作,应用过去 完成时;又 agreements 与 sign 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故选 B。 24.It wont be long before we complete our scheme. you want to make any change,please

5、 keep me informed before tomorrow. A.Shall B.Could C.Should D.Might 答案 C 解析 句意为:我们很快会完成我们的方案。如果你想作任何改变的话,请在明天之前告诉我。 should“(表示可能)假如,万一”,符合语境。此处涉及条件状语从句中省略 if,将 should 提到句首, 句子用倒装语序的情况。 25.When Jackson was young, he was really a child, always hanging out, coming home late and making his parents upset

6、. A.contrary B.contradictory C.conservative D.considerate 答案 A 解析 句意为:杰克逊小的时候是一个非常叛逆的孩子,他总是在外面闲逛,回家很晚并让父母 失望。 contrary 乖戾的, 逆反的, 符合语境。 contradictory 矛盾的; conservative 保守的, 守旧的; considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的。 26.This plan looks good , but few people believe that it will work in a real-world environment. A.on

7、 average B.on paper C.in place D.in store 答案 B 解析 句意为:理论上讲,这个计划看起来很好,但是很少人相信它会在真实环境中奏效。空处 与句中的“in a real-world environment”相对, on paper 理论上, 符合语境。 on average 平均来看; in place 在正确位置;in store 准备着,即将发生(在某人身上)。 27.The second season of Memoirs of Canton, a documentary series Cantonese culture, ran on CCTVs

8、 documentary channel recently. A.having reflected B.to reflect C.reflecting D.reflected 答案 C 解析 句意为:最近,反映广东文化的系列纪录片广府春秋第二季在中央电视台纪录频道播 出了。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,reflect 与 series 之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作后 置定语。故选 C。 28.If your skin easily,its important to wear sun-protective clothing or a high SPF sunscreen to prot

9、ect your skin from the sun. A.burns B.was burnt C.will burn D.is burning 答案 A 解析 句意为:如果你的皮肤容易晒伤,穿防晒服或涂抹防晒指数高的防晒霜对于保护皮肤免受 阳光照射是很重要的。此处应用一般现在时来说明 your skin 的特性;又 burn 可作及物动词,表示“使 晒伤”,也可作不及物动词,表示“晒伤”,故结合选项可知选 A。 29. it took China 30 years to finally release the classic Japanese animation My Neighbour T

10、otoro in mainland cinemas,fans of Hayao Miyazaki felt delighted. A.Unless B.Since C.Now that D.Even though 答案 D 解析 分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”,应用 even though。 30.One of the features of the hotel to be built next month is that it should at least 90 percent of the area for non-smokers. A.lay down

11、B.put away C.set aside D.give out 答案 C 解析 句意为:下个月要建的旅馆的特征之一就是有百分之九十的地方要留给不吸烟的客人。set aside 留出(时间/空间/金钱),符合语境。lay down 放下,规定;put away 把收拾起来;give out 分 发。 31.With her light hair and blue eyes,Mary seems to her mother,but in character she is more like her father. A.take to B.take on C.take in D.take aft

12、er 答案 D 解析 句意为:玛丽有浅色头发和蓝眼睛,这使她看上去像她的母亲,但在性格上她更像她父亲。 take to 喜欢上;take on 承担,呈现;take in 领会,欺骗;take after(外貌或行为)像(父或母)。故选 D。 32.Against medical experts have been saying for years,a new study suggests salt may not be as bad for the heart as commonly believed. A.that B.which C.what D.how 答案 C 解析 句意为:和医学专

13、家这些年说的正相反,一项新的研究表明盐对于心脏可能并没有人们所 普遍认为的那么不好。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,表示“ 的东西(事情)”,应用 what。 33.Its here.I cant get a job because I havent got any experience,but without a job, how can I get experience? A.a wet blanket B.a catch-22 C.a white lie D.a tough nut 答案 B 解析 句意为:这是个让人左右为难的处境。因为没有工作经验我找不到工作,

14、但是没有工作, 我又哪来的工作经验呢?a catch-22 进退维谷的局面,无法摆脱的困境,符合语境。a wet blanket 泼冷 水的人,扫兴的人;a white lie 善意的谎言;a tough nut 难对付的人。 34.All of us couldnt understand why he left without saying anything in such an important event _ we expected to hear his voice. A.that B.which C.when D.where 答案 D 解析 句意为:我们所有人都不能理解在如此重要的

15、场合下他一句话都没说就离开了,我们原本 期待会听到他的意见。分析句子结构可知,此处应用关系副词 where 引导定语从句,先行词 event 在此 表示抽象的地点概念。 35.Ive decided to go back to school for some training in programming. ,Philip.When would you like to start? A.Good for you B.You said it C.You are kidding me D.Take my word for it 答案 A 解析 句意为: 我决定回学校进修程序设计。 太好了, 菲利普

16、。 你打算何时开始?good for you(称赞某人)真行,真棒,符合语境。you said it 你说对了;you are kidding me 你在开玩笑吧;take my word for it 相信我的话。 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Happy Maggie During my childhood I experienced greater hardships than most people go through in a lifetime.In my sh

17、ort 17 years of life, I have been 36 five divorces of my parents.Having a new stepmother or stepfather every few years was 37 ,but the constant moving was worse.My fathers cancer diagnosis 38 me apart, and his two heart attacks and 39 with diabetes put a huge pressure on the family.By age 13, I was

18、40 and emotionally scarred.I felt like I had no one to 41 and that nothing would ever get better.Then I met Maggie,and my attitude towards life changed. For many summers,I 42 at a horse-riding camp for people with special needs.We taught children and adults specialized skills 43 their abilities.For

19、example, we would teach a child with autism(自闭症) 44 skills,or a child with cerebral palsy(脑瘫) strength-building exercise.Each volunteer was 45 a specific child during eight weeks.A few weeks later,I was asked to 46 another volunteer who was sick.That was the day my 47 on life changed forever. As I b

20、egan to work with her,I looked through her file to get more information,which was 48 .She had been physically abused as a newborn and throughout her infancy.Her birth parents 49 her so badly that they caused her a serious brain injury by the age of two.Her skull had been broken; however, the amazing

21、 thing about Maggie was her 50 attitude. When I met Maggie,she was 12,and she would say 51 but “Im happy!”.If you asked her “How old are you?”,“Im happy”she replied each time.Everyone at the camp 52 her “Happy Maggie”. My life growing up was a huge struggle, 53 Maggie taught me not to get in the way

22、 of happiness.Nothing bad in life should be enough to change 54 I am.She gave me 55 .If I learned anything from Maggie,it would be,no matter what,be happy. 语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者在经历了一系列的挫折后,感觉无助和沮丧, 于是选择在夏天自愿加入给特殊人群设立的骑马营地。在营地里作者遇到了从出生到婴儿期 都在遭受虐待的玛吉,并被她永不灰心的“快乐”态度所打动,改变了作者的人生观。 36.A.beyond B.with C.thro

23、ugh D.in 答案 C 解析 beyond 超出;with 用,随着;through 通过,经历;in 在里面。句意为:在我短短的十 七年的生命中,我已经经历了五次父母离婚。through 此处表示“经历”,故选 C。 37.A.rough B.exciting C.charming D.independent 答案 A 解析 rough 令人不快的,艰难的;exciting 令人兴奋的;charming 迷人的;independent 独立的。 句意为:每隔几年就有一个继父或者继母是很令人不快的。故选 A。 38.A.broke B.tore C.defeated D.turned 答案

24、 B 解析 break 打破;tear 撕开;defeat 击败;turn 转动。句意为:我父亲的癌症诊断使我崩溃了。tear sb. apart 撕开,使崩溃,故选 B。 39.A.recovery B.suffering C.concern D.battle 答案 D 解析 recovery 恢复;suffering 受苦;concern 关心;battle 斗争。根据上文可知,父亲得了癌症, 经历了两次与心脏病以及和糖尿病的战斗给家庭带来了巨大的压力。battle with 与战斗,故选 D。 40.A.depressed B.confused C.confident D.pleased

25、 答案 A 解析 depressed 沮丧的;confused 困惑的;confident 自信的;pleased 高兴的。根据下文的 “emotionally scarred”可知,作者非常“沮丧”,故选 A。 41.A.look after B.turn to C.appeal to D.take after 答案 B 解析 look after 照顾;turn to 转向,求助于;appeal to 吸引,呼吁;take after 与相像。句意 为:我感觉就好像我没有任何人可以求助,没有什么会好起来。turn to sb. 求助于某人,故选 B。 42.A.volunteered B.

26、handled C.admitted D.recommended 答案 A 解析 volunteer 自愿; handle 处理; admit 承认; recommend 推荐。 根据下文“Each volunteer was.” 可知,作者是自愿去了骑马俱乐部,故选 A。 43.A.compared with B.based on C.judging from D.owing to 答案 B 解析 compared with 与相比较; based on 以为基础; judging from 根据判断; owing to 由于。根据空后的 their abilities 可知,作者是基于他们

27、的能力教孩子或者成人特殊技能,故选 B。 44.A.analyzing B.creating C.communicating D.calculating 答案 C 解析 analyzing 分析;creating 创造;communicating 交流;calculating 计算。根据空前的“a child with autism(自闭症)”可知,我们会教他沟通技能。故选 C。 45.A.acquired B.separated C.promoted D.assigned 答案 D 解析 acquire 取得;separate 分开;promote 促进;assign 委派。根据语境可知,每

28、个志愿者会被 委派给一个特殊的孩子,故选 D。 46.A.interview B.employ C.replace D.dismiss 答案 C 解析 interview 采访;employ 雇用;replace 代替;dismiss 解散。根据下文“another volunteer who was sick”可知,作者是去代替一名生病的志愿者,故选 C。 47.A.decision B.evaluation C.principle D.outlook 答案 D 解析 decision 决定;evaluation 评价;principle 原则;outlook 展望,观点。根据下文可知,正是

29、 那一天永远改变了作者的人生观,故选 D。 48.A.heart-breaking B.spirit-lifting C.disappointing D.surprising 答案 A 解析 heart-breaking 令人心碎的;spirit-lifting 激励的;disappointing 令人失望的;surprising 令人 惊讶的。根据“She had been physically abused as a newborn and throughout her infancy.”可知,这个孩子 从出生到整个婴儿期都被虐待,作者了解到了这一令人心碎的信息,故选 A。 49.A.te

30、nded B.treated C.opposed D.protected 答案 B 解析 tend 倾向,照顾;treat 对待;oppose 反对;protect 保护。句意为:她的亲生父母对她很不 好,以至于在她两岁时就给她造成了严重的脑损伤。此处表示亲生父母对待她不好,故选 B。 50.A.unreasonable B.unacceptable C.unforgettable D.unsinkable 答案 D 解析 unreasonable 不合理的;unacceptable 不能接受的;unforgettable 难忘的;unsinkable 不会下 沉的,不灰心的。根据下文可知,玛

31、吉是个永不灰心的孩子,故选 D。 51.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something 答案 C 解析 everything 一切;anything 任何事;nothing 没什么;something 某事。句意为:当我遇到玛 吉时,她 12 岁,她只会说“我很开心!”nothing but 只有,故选 C。 52.A.gave B.complained C.translated D.nicknamed 答案 D 解析 give 给予;complain 抱怨;translate 翻译;nickname 给取绰号。根据“Happy Maggie” 可知

32、,营地里的人都给她取绰号为“快乐的玛吉”,故选 D。 53.A.and B.yet C.so D.otherwise 答案 B 解析 and 并且;yet 然而,但是;so 因此;otherwise 否则。句意为:我的成长是一场巨大的痛苦, 但玛吉教会我不要成为幸福的绊脚石。前后文为转折关系,故选 B。 54.A.why B.where C.who D.that 答案 C 解析 why 表原因,为何;where 表地点,哪里;who 指人,谁;that 那个。句意为:生活中没有 什么坏事足以改变我。本句引导宾语从句,指人,故选 C。 55.A.hope B.ambition C.strengt

33、h D.lesson 答案 A 解析 hope 希望;ambition 野心;strength 力量;lesson 课程。根据文章可知,玛吉给了作者希望, 故选 A。 第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Smooth 2010 Gran Reserva(特级珍藏).HALF price while stocks last! Now only119.8859.88 per case,plus free delivery. A gorgeous 7-year-old Gran

34、Reserva from Spain for under 5 a bottle?Grab a case while you can! As famous wine critic Robert Parker says, “Spain leads the world to wonderful wine bargains of character and soul.” And one of our favorites is this velvety(醇和的) 2010 Gran Reserva from Valencia.Its been wowing judges for years and in

35、 2016 won “Best of Show” at the famous MUNDUS VINI.Above the orange groves and paella rice fields of Valencia,conditions are ideal for grape growing.Winemaker Maria Angeles Camara selects the finest,hand-harvested Tempranillo for this wine, which she ages for 30 months in oak(橡木) followed by years i

36、n bottle in the cellar(地窖). A wonderfully fragrant,silky red with dark,juicy flavors and soft vanilla tones,Palacio del Conde is in its element with mixed tapas,roast chicken or lamb and strong cheeses. Order 12 bottles today for a remarkable 59.88 and SAVE 60.Delivery (usually 7.99) is FREE.Terms a

37、nd conditions applysee below. ORDER TODAY ORDER ONLINE AT sundaytimeswineclub.co.uk/W7F1C OR CALL 03330 142 776 830 am to 1930 pm Monday to Friday 900 am to 1800 pm Saturday 1000 am to 1600 pm Sunday THE CLUBS GUARANTEEIF YOU ARENT HAPPY WITH A BOTTLE, DONT PAY FOR IT 语篇解读 本文是一则广告,主要向读者推荐了一款制作精良、味道醇

38、厚的西班牙葡萄 酒并吸引人们来购买。 56.What can we know about the recommended Palacio del Conde? A.Its stored in oak all the time. B.It contains superior paella rice. C.It sells best both at home and abroad. D.Its made from high-quality raw materials. 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据文中的“Above the orange groves and paella rice field

39、s of Valencia, conditions are ideal for grape growing.Winemaker Maria Angeles Camara selects the finest,hand-harvested Tempranillo for this wine”可知,这款葡萄酒由产地优良、品种优良的葡萄酿造而成。故选 D。 57.Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage? A.To attract people to a famous wine cellar. B.To briefly introduce a

40、classic wine brand. C.To appeal to people to buy a Spanish wine. D.To popularize peoples knowledge of wine. 答案 C 解析 写作意图题。根据文中的“Smooth 2010 Gran Reserva(特级珍藏).HALF price while stocks last!”“Now only119.8859.88 per case,plus free delivery.”“Order 12 bottles today for a remarkable 59.88 and SAVE 60.De

41、livery (usually 7.99) is FREE.Terms and conditions applysee below.”等订购信息可知,作者写作本文主要是吸引人们购买这款葡萄酒中的特级珍藏。 故 选 C。 B When you were at school,the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your weekends going to work.There was homework to do,sport to play and fun to have.But our parents probably persu

42、aded us to find a job to earn some money and get some life experience.When I was a teenager I had a paper round:delivering newspapers to peoples homes.I then progressed to a Saturday job in a supermarket:stacking shelves and working at the checkout. Today in the UK you are allowed to work from the a

43、ge of 13,and many children do take up part-time jobs.Its one of those things that are seen almost as a rite of passage(成人仪式).Its a taste of independence and sometimes a useful thing to put on your CV(简历).Teenagers agree that it teaches valuable lessons about working with adults and also about managi

44、ng their money. Some research has shown that not taking up a Saturday or holiday job could be deleterious to a person later on.A 2015 study by the UK Commission on Employment and Skills found that not participating in part-time work at school age had been blamed by employers organizations for young

45、adults being ill-prepared for full-time employment,but despite this,recent statistics have shown that the number of schoolchildren in the UK with a part-time job has fallen by a fifth in the past five years. So,does this mean that British teenagers are now afraid of hard work? Probably not.Some expe

46、rts feel that young people feel going out to work will affect their performance at school,and they are under more pressure now to study hard and get good exam results and a good job in the long term.However,Geoff Barton,general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders,told BBC News

47、 that “Properly regulated(控制的) part-time work is a good way of helping young people learn skills that they will need in their working lives.” In reality,its all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest. 语篇解读 本文为一篇议论文。研究和调查表明,适当的兼职会让学生们学会独立

48、、获 取阅历、 为将来工作做好准备, 同时还要在做兼职和有足够的时间学习和休息之间取得平衡。 58.How did the author feel about doing part-time jobs on weekends when he was a teenager? A.Unwilling. B.Interested. C.Delighted. D.Angry. 答案 A 解析 观点态度题。 根据第一段第一句“When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your weekends going to work.”可知,作者认为当你在学校的时候,你可能最不想做的 事情就是周末去上班。故作者的态度是不情愿的,选 A。 59.Which of the following may NOT be the benefit of sc


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