外研剑桥版五年级上册英语unit 4 what do you collect?—joe's favourite hatppt课件.ppt

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1、LOGO Unit4 A story Joes favourite hat. Say the chant What do you collect? Stickers, stickers, I collect stickers. What do you collect? Stamps, stamps, I collect stamps. What do you collect? Comics, comics, I collect comics. What do you collect? Postcards, postcards, I collect postcards. What do you

2、collect? Autographs, autographs, I collect autographs. What do you collect? Football pictures, football pictures, I collect football pictures. Joe cowboy Cowboys live here. Map of 地图地图 America 美国美国 Puma Ranch (美洲豹大牧场美洲豹大牧场) A story-Joes favourite hat. What do you want to know? (看到标题你可以提什看到标题你可以提什 么问

3、题?么问题?) 提示: how many , how much, what colour , where, what happened,why Q1: How many main characters (主(主 要人物)要人物)are there in the story? Who are they ? Task 1: Listen and answer. (听故事回答下面的问题)(听故事回答下面的问题) Q2: Where do they live? Q3: Which hat is Joes favourite? 两人一组讨论,预测故事。两人一组讨论,预测故事。 Joes favourit

4、e hat Q1: How many main characters (主(主 要人物)要人物)are there in the story? Who are they ? Q2: Where do they live? Q3: Which hat is Joes favourite? Task 1: Listen and answer. Puma Ranch 美洲豹大牧场美洲豹大牧场 Q1: How many main characters (主(主 要人物)要人物)are there in the story? Who are they ? Q2: Where do they live?

5、Q3: Which hat is Joes favourite? Task 1: Listen and answer. Activity1:Listen and look at picture2, 3, What happened(发生)? Task 2: Mime and learn. The black hat is . (不见了)(不见了) gone thief i:f Stop crying. . Ive got an Ive got an idea.idea. Oh, no! Oh, no! Wheres Wheres my black my black hat?hat? A thi

6、ef, a A thief, a thief! My thief! My black hat black hat is gone!is gone! My beautiful hat. What can I do? If you were Joe, what can you do? 假如你是假如你是Joe,你会怎么做?你会怎么做? Call 110? Buy a new one? Write a poster(海报;寻物启事海报;寻物启事)? lostlost Avtivity2: Make a lost in groups. Choose the words or sentences, sti

7、ck them in the right place. A hundred A hundred dollars for dollars for a hata hat?! ?! Thats a lot Thats a lot of money.of money. I collect I collect hats. hats. Its my Its my best hat.best hat. Activity3: Read and find the truth. (真相真相) Who takes (拿拿)the hat? At the Puma Ranch Sorry, Brownie. I ne

8、ed the hat. 需要需要 Why does Sarah need the hat? I need a new dress. . Sorry, Sarah. We havent got money. the Later, does Sarah get the money? (后来,后来,Sarah得到钱了吗?得到钱了吗?) 首先首先 Heres the Heres the hat.hat. Wonderful! Wonderful! Thanks, Thanks, Sarah. Sarah. Give it to me.Give it to me. Give me the Give me

9、 the hundred dollars hundred dollars first.first. A hundred A hundred dollars? Here dollars? Here you are.you are. Thank you, Thank you, darling. Stop darling. Stop crying.crying. Lets read.分角色 读并体会人物的心 情变化。 Now Sarah, lets go shopping(购物购物). buy calm 平静的 sad happy sad like crying mean 小气的 stupid un

10、lucky need a dress buy a dress clever (聪明的)(聪明的) need a hat There is no thief. Just a white lie. 善意的谎言善意的谎言 (生活的艺术)(生活的艺术) The truth(真相真相): When we face the problems(当(当 我们面对难题时)我们面对难题时), we should think hard, Then maybe well have an idea.(我们应该认真思考,那么也许我(我们应该认真思考,那么也许我 们会有一个主意。)们会有一个主意。) Listen and

11、repeat.(跟读)(跟读) Joes favourite hat Task3: Act and show. Act the story in your groups. (选择图片组合进行表演)(选择图片组合进行表演) 1: 1: 小组长负责将组内成员分角色。小组长负责将组内成员分角色。 2: 2: 小组内按照分好的角色读故事。小组内按照分好的角色读故事。 3: 3: 小组展示。小组展示。 读音正确读音正确 声音洪亮声音洪亮 表情动作丰富表情动作丰富 A thief, a thief! My black hat is gone! Stop crying. . Oh, no. Wheres m

12、y black hat? My My beautiful beautiful hat. What hat. What can I do?can I do? Ive got Ive got an idea.an idea. Heres the Heres the hat.hat. Wonderful! Wonderful! Thanks, Sarah. Thanks, Sarah. Give it to me.Give it to me. Give me the Give me the hundred dollars hundred dollars first.first. A hundred A hundred dollars? Here dollars? Here you are.you are. Thank you, Thank you, darling. Stop darling. Stop crying.crying. Homework: A. Read the story. B. Act the story with your friends. The hero The golden necklace Joes favourite hat Continue


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