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1、江苏省无锡市梁溪区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题一、听录音选图片1How will the girl and her mother go to Beijing? ABC2When are the two speakers going to the bank? ABC3Which drink does Lisa want? ABC4What is Peters favourite hobby? ABC二、听短对话选答案5How much does the toy ship cost? A300 yuan.B100 yuan.C200 yuan.6What does Raymond

2、 think about Nancys dress? AIt is too long for her.BHe likes the new style.CHe likes long dresses.7What will Millie do first? AAsk her mother if she can go.BGo to the zoo.CStay at home.8Why does John dislike Lindas hair? AIt is yellow.BThe red hair is difficult to wash.Cit is very short.9How often d

3、oes the bus come? AEvery 3 minutes.BEvery 5 minutes.CEvery 8 minutes.10What does Simon really need? ASome water and food.BSome clothes.CSome medicine.三、听长对话选答案听对话,回答下列两个小题。11Why did the man quarrel (争吵) with his neighbour?AHer children were very noisy.BHer dog often went to his room.CShe played loud

4、 music.12How was the problem solved?AThe woman agreed to turn the sound down.BThe woman agreed to sell her dog.CThe woman agreed to talk with her children about good manners四、听录音完成表格(含选项)听短文,回答下列小题,完成信息记录表。WhereThe library is 13 .WhatIt has 14 .How longI can keep them for 15 .13Anear my schoolBin th

5、e centre of townCnear my home14Abooks, magazines and CDsBnewspapers and e-booksCbooks only15Athree weeksBtwo weeksCone month五、听短文选答案听短文,回答下列各小题。16Why was Christine inviting Timmy to a party?AIt was Halloween.BIt was new Year.CIt was her birthday.17What was Timmy going to be ?AMonkey King.BA king.CA

6、ghost.18Why did Timmy go to the sweet shop?ABecause he wanted to buy a present for Christine.BBecause he wanted to buy some sweets for mother.CBecause Christine was in the shop.19What did the little children in the shop do?AThey laughed at Timmy.BThey cried very loudly.CThey went out of the shop.20W

7、hich of the following is NOT true?ATimmy ran out of the shop.BTimmys costume was too good.CThe shopkeeper did not shout at Timmy.六、单项选择21I hear he has given up his project.It _ be true. As far as I know, hes a strong-minded person.AcantBcanCmustntDmay22Does the colour red represent good things in Ch

8、inese culture? Yes. But writing ones name in red is not good, and we usually _ it.AavoidBadviseCallowDaccept23Jacks parents dont have any spare time for him, do they?_. Thats why Jack often feels lonely at home.AYes, they doBYes, they dontCNo, they dontDNo, they do24A nice day, isnt it? Lets go fish

9、ing, John!Hmm., no. I _ do some reading at home.Awould likeBwould ratherCwould preferDprefer25My friend said he would try his best to help me, and he was _ his words.Aas soon asBas long asCas well asDas good as26 Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer holiday? OK, let me see.Aho

10、bbiesBsuggestionsCknowledgeDinformation27_ Lisa _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home to take care of the poor dog.AEither; orBNeither; norCBoth; andDNot only; but also28Did you see John yesterday? I never thought he _ a soldier.Yes. He is beyond everyones expectation.Abecomes

11、Bhas becomeCbecameDwould become29Jane won the first prize in the English speech contest. _ big progress she has made! She used to be weak in English.AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a30I stayed up late to finish my report last night and I feel tired now._. Sleep is also important.ADont burn the candle at both e

12、ndsBActions speak louder than wordsCDont put all your eggs in one basketDMany hands make light work31Its said that eating chocolate can help improve our eyesight.Oh, really? As a chocolate lover with poor eyesight, thats _ news Ive heard recently.Aa betterBthe bestCa worseDthe worst32Why do you reco

13、mmend this documentary?Because it shows _ poor kids life is like and encourages everyone to do something.AhowBwhereCwhatDwhich33What do you think of my article, Mr. Andrew?Er, it is wonderful _ there are some spelling mistakes.AsinceBthoughCifDwhile34You must find this website page attractive._. It

14、makes no sense.AIt dependsBNot in the leastCSo it isDNo wonder七、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 One summer evening as I was cooking dinner, there was a knock at the door. I 35 it and saw a truly bad-looking man. But his voice was 36 as he said. “Good evening. I come to see if you hav

15、e a 37 for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from eastern shore (岸), and theres no bus till next morning.” He told me he had been hunting but with no 38 . I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch (门廊). I went inside and prepared dinner. When we were ready, I ask

16、ed him if he would like to 39 us. “No, thank you. I have plenty.” When I had 40 the dinner, I went out to talk with him. It didnt take a long time to see that this old man had oversize (过大的) heart crowded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to 41 his daughter, her five children, and he

17、r husband, who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury (伤害). At bedtime, we 42 a bed in the childrens room for him. On his next trip, as a gift, he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters (牡蛎) I had never seen. In the years he came to 43 overnight (过夜) with us, and there was never a time he did

18、 not bring us some fish or vegetables from his garden. I know our family will always be thankful to have known him, from him we learn what was to accept the bad without a complaint and the good 44 thanks.35AfeltBopenedCrepairedDpainted36AboringBangryCscaredDpleasant37AroomBbusCtelevisionDcake38Asucc

19、essBdinnerCjobDproblem39AcallBvisitCjoinDinvite40AcheckedBfinishedCpreparedDcooked41AprovideBtakeCeducateDsupport42AputBplantedCcoveredDdiscovered43AhelpBplayCworkDstay44AfromBforCwithDwithout八、阅读单选Chinese online literature is on the rise. According to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Soc

20、ial Sciences in April, in 2021 the number of online literature readers in China reached 502 million. This number includes more Gen Zers born between 1995 and 2009. Chinese web novels cover various genres (体裁) and they are also popular overseas.45Which of the following people belong to Gen Zers?APeop

21、le born in 1994.BPeople born in 2000.CPeople born in 1990.DPeople born in 2020.46This passage is probably taken from the field of _.Aliterature booksBscience fictionsCsocial scienceDonline novels47Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?AChinese web novels are only popular

22、in China.BMore than 100,000 web novels are popular abroad.CQidian website had over 200,000 overseas writers in 2020.DGen Zers are getting more and more interested in sci-fi literature.Tracy Lester is with us in the studio. Welcome Tracy! We are all interested to know about yourlife as a child actor.

23、 Youre only fourteen years oldyet you are already famous.Tracy:Yes. Im reallylucky to have a chance to do so many things that other young people havent yet.Interviewer:So Tracy, the first question ishow old were you when you made your first movie, peanuts?Tracy: Well, I was only fourso I didnt have

24、a big partand that movie wasnt really successful.Interviewer: So what was your first successful movie then?Tracy: Chocolate Aliens. Did you see it?Interviewer: Yes. My favourite scene was when you cleaned out the fridge for your mum, and you found interesting chocolates in there.Tracy:Yeahthat was a

25、 cool scene, wasnt it?Interviewer:Have you appeared in any commercials (商业广告) yet, Tracy?Tracy:Yes, quite a few. The last one was for a chocolate company. I love chocolate, but they made me eat so much. I felt sick after that. I never want to eat chocolate again.Interviewer: What a pity! Now, tell m

26、e about your latest movieyou havent finished it yet. But do you think you might win an award for this one?Tracy: Oh, I hope so. But if I dont win this time, maybe I will some day. Ill continue to work hard.Interviewer:And one last question TracyId like to ask you if you enjoy being famous.Tracy: Tha

27、ts a difficult question to answer. Id like to tell all my young fans that it isnt easy being famous. Mostly, I miss being a kid. So enjoy being a kid, and dont grow up too quickly.Interviewer: Thanks for coming, Tracy. Youre a great kid. I wish you luck in the future.48How many questions does the in

28、terviewer ask Tracy?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.49We can find a cool scene with interesting chocolates in _.APeanutsBChocolate AliensCa commercialDher latest movie50What does Tracy think of being famous early?AShe thinks its easy to become famous.BBeing famous brings her all good things.CShe still enjoy

29、s being a kid though she is famous.DShe feels unlucky to do more things than other children.Visitors to England love going to see the many palaces, castles and grand old houses that are open to the public. A lot of these buildings have beautiful grounds around them with green hills, small lakes or s

30、treams and, perhaps, an old ruin(废墟)half-hidden among some distant trees. These landscapes look like the natural countryside. But many ofthemare the work of Englands most famous landscape architect(建筑师), Lancelot “Capability” Brown.In the early 1700s, English gardens copied French ones like the famo

31、us gardens at Versailles(凡尔赛), near Paris. In these gardens, owners wanted to show their power over nature. Trees were planted in long lines. Flowerbeds and paths made symmetrical patterns(对称模式)on the ground. But Capability Brown changed all that. He didnt want to see patterns in a garden. He wanted

32、 a piece of countryside.In 1716, Brown began his working life as a gardeners helper. At twenty-five, he went to work for the well-known gardener William Kent at Stowe House, northwest of London. Kent was beginning to design more natural gardens and it was here that Browns ideas began to form. He was

33、 allowed to design gardens for other homes and was soon working for many wealthy families. When he first looked at the land for a garden that he was going to create, he often used to say “It has great capabilities” (meaning he was sure he could improve it) so everyone began to call him “Capabilities

34、” Brown.To make his gardens, he pulled everything out and started again. He sometimes told his gardeners to move whole hills or change the path of a stream. Carefully placing trees, hills, water and bridges, he created a “dream” of nature an idea of England that is still much loved today.51In the fi

35、rst paragraph, the underlined word “them” means.Athe buildingsBthe countrysideCthe green hillsDthe landscapes52Browns first job was.Awith William KentBat Stowe HouseCto work for wealthy familiesDto be a gardeners helper53The writer wrote this passage.Ato explain how landscape architects workBto desc

36、ribe how Capability Brown became a landscape architectCto describe the work of the landscape architect Capability BrownDto design gardens for other homesAre you interested in the idea of space travel? More than ever before, it is becoming a reality.In July 2021, Richard Branson, the founder of Virgi

37、n Galactic, and Jeff Bezos, the founder of space company Blue Origin, flew into space aboard spacecraft developed by their own respective companies.When explaining the importance of space travel, Branson told Daily Mail that many people are not “fully educated as to what space does for Earth”. He sa

38、id that “we need more rocketships going into space because they can help us to know more about things like climate change”.“We have to build a road to space so that the younger generation and their kids can build a future,” Bezos told MSNBC He added that space tourism is the first step toward moving

39、 people (and heavy industry) into space to prevent an energy crisis on Earth.But some people have different opinions. They think it is part of the so-called “billionaire space race”, which offers whats seen by some as “joyrides” for the super-wealthy.According to Forbes, one open seat on the Blue Or

40、igin rocket was sold for $28 million (181 million yuan) at auction (拍卖会) in June.“A lot of people believe there is a market for space tourism, but right now its at the very high end,” Howard McCurdy, a space policy expert at American University in the US, told the website Technology Review. “If were

41、 going into space, whos the we? Is it just the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent?”So with the sky-high prices, should ordinary people give up their dream of space exploration?Maybe not. US flight engineer Bobak Ferdowsi said that we are at the point at which space tourism is a privilege (特权) preser

42、ved for the super-rich, but that doesnt mean the trend will last forever. He predicts that the price will come down. “Maybe in 10 to 15 years, its a decision between do I buy a new car, or do I go into space? We should invest (投资) in a future that allows us to live somewhere else.”54What does the un

43、derlined word “crisis” mean in this passage?AA big chance.BA bad situation.CA special type.DA power station.55What do Branson and Bezos think of space tourism?AIt is too dangerous for humans.BIt is meaningful to the future generations.CIt is a privilege for the super-wealthy.DIt may cause problems l

44、ike climate change.56If there will be, what might be the next timeline according to the passage?A2030s Space tourism: Joyrides for all.B2020s Space tourism: Joyrides for private citizens.C2030s Not only super-rich went into space.D2020s The public enjoyed space exploration.57Which of the following i

45、s NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe first non-government astronaut from the US went into space in the late 20th century.BPeople with different opinions think the market for space tourism is at the very high end.CBlue Origin plans to cut down the price so that ordinary people can go into space.DVirgi

46、n Galactic and Blue Origin sent their founders into space with their own spacecraft.九、根据汉语提示填空58Your (粗心) will surely lead to a great loss in your work and life.59He was rudely refused by the company (仅仅) because of his ugly appearance.60This plan (要求) careful thought.61It doesnt (要紧) to me if I miss the train, because theres anothe


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