Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx

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Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx_第1页
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Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx_第2页
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Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx_第3页
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Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx_第4页
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Unit 5 The Value of Money Words and expressions词汇课件PPT-(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册 .pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 5 The Value of MoneyWords and Expressions 时文语法填空:时文语法填空:Latest scandal(丑闻丑闻)hits engineering managerA scandal involving a former official from a company _(attach)to China National Petroleum Corporation(中石油)over a video clip _(show)him holding hands with a woman has once again sparked public att

2、ention in the fight _ corruption(腐败)in State-owned enterprises.The clip showing a man _(wander)along a street in Chengdu,capital of Sichuan province,holding hands with a young woman _(go)viral on Wednesday.The woman,_is seen wearing a long,pink off-the-shoulder dress,is neither his wife nor his daug

3、hter.The incident,_(know)as hand-holding gate by some media,soon topped the most-searched list on a number of social media websites,with netizens _(attempt)to divulge(泄露)more information about the pair.It added that punitive(惩罚的)measures _(take)in line with(与.一致)the results of the investigation.atta

4、chedshowing againstwanderingwentwho known attemptingwill be taken1.basisbase n.基础,底座;基础,底座;v.以以.为基础为基础 be based on 以以.为基础;基于为基础;基于basic adj.基础的,基本的基础的,基本的on a regular basis 定期的定期的on the basis of 基于基于.The car was already equipped with Porsches native charging planner,which can suggest stops _(base)on

5、 information like the vehicles state of charge and expected traffic conditions.基于你现在的健康状况,我强烈建议你定期锻炼,并买一些基础的健身设备。based On the basis of/Based on your current state of health,I strongly recommend that you work out on a regular basis and purchase some basic fitness facilities.vi 道歉;表示歉意道歉;表示歉意:Try to f

6、orgive someone when they apologise.Its not easy for anyone to say sorry.apologise(to sb)for(doing)sth:今天早晨我意外碰了你的车,我向你道歉。n C&U 道歉;歉意道歉;歉意:make an apology to sb.for sth.accept sbs apology owe sb an apology As the backlash(强烈抵制)grew,Li,who insulted the military,canceled all his performances while the

7、entertainment company that represents him,Shanghai Xiaoguo Culture Media,issued an apology.(CNN,17 May 2023)2.apologyapologiseI apologise to you for hitting your car by accident in the morning.3.judge v.vi&vt 判断判断 to form an opinion about sb/sth:Judging from/by the opinion polls,he seems to be succe

8、eding.vt&vi 评价评价 to be critical about sb,to decide whether sb is good or badThere is no agreed standard about how to fairly judge their performance.She was asked to judge the English speech competition.n C 法官;裁判员;鉴定人:法官;裁判员;鉴定人:She was sitting as a temporary judge of the case.我写信真诚地邀请您做这次英语演讲的评委。您可以

9、根据选手们的表现和您以前的经验极好地来评判参赛者。judge from/by 根据根据.判断判断Im writing to sincerely invite you to be a judge for the English speech competition.You can judge the contestants perfectly by their performances and your former experience.make a judgement on/about 对对.进行评价进行评价You cant judge a book from its cover.不能以貌取

10、人。4.scene场记板场记板是上面写着是上面写着场次场次(scene)、镜次()、镜次(take)、导)、导演、片名、影片公司等资料的演、片名、影片公司等资料的小木板。一端可以开合,打板小木板。一端可以开合,打板时发出清脆的响声,以便剪接时发出清脆的响声,以便剪接时使用。时使用。(戏剧等的戏剧等的)一场;(电影的)一个镜头;场景:一场;(电影的)一个镜头;场景:The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment.常用单数常用单数 事发地点;现场:事发地点;现场:Police are urging drivers to seek alter

11、native routes as firefighters were on the scene immediately when the fire broke out.Photographs of the crime scene began to arrive within less than twenty minutes.景色;景象景色;景象 a view that you see:The beauty of the scene moved every spectator.情景;场面:情景;场面:The happy scene of children playing in the garde

12、n reminded him of his childhood!scene n C5.spot n C 污点;斑点;污点;斑点;My dog has a big,black spot on his back.Some of the teenagers worry about their changing voice,weight problems or spots.地点;场所:地点;场所:A scenic/beautiful spot The most beautiful spot along the Yangtze River is the Three Gorges.This is the

13、spot _the car accident happened.on the spot 当场;立即;在现场:当场;立即;在现场:An ambulance was on the spot within a few minutes.vt 不用于进行时不用于进行时 看见;看出;发现看见;看出;发现 to see or notice:Michael,youre my bother,I can spot you anywhere regardless of your make-up.spot sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事发现某人正在做某事A cook will be immediatel

14、y fired if he is spotted _(smoke)in the kitchen.be spotted with 满是满是.His shirt was spotted with oil.wheresmokingn C 种类;类型种类;类型(type/kind):This sort of of behavior will not be tolerated.I have tried all sorts of drugs,creams,pills and potions.What sort of car do you drive?vt 把把分类分类/整理:整理:Now sorted y

15、our list into two categories-positive and negative emotions.s.sort out(from)(从(从中)挑选出;整理;处理:中)挑选出;整理;处理:Leaving children to sort out their own problems can sometimes be good to their development.6.sort 苹果按照大小和质量被认真分拣和贴标签。Apples are well sorted and labeled by size and quality.7.be about to do be abou

16、t to do.when.=be on the point of doing.when.即将,正要即将,正要做做.这时这时.be doing.when.正在做正在做.这时这时.have just/hardly/scarcely done.when.刚做完刚做完.这时这时.毕业生们正要去吃散伙饭,这时学校通知清空校园。Graduates were about to attend a farewell party when the announcement of emptying the campuses was made.神州十六号宇航员们刚“入住”天宫,他们就拍了一张全家福。The three

17、 astronauts aboard Chinas Shenzhou-16 spaceship had just entered the countrys space station“Tian Gong”when a group picture was taken.8.indicate vt 正式用语正式用语 指示;指出指示;指出 to direct sbs attention to sb/sth,especially by pointing:表明;显示表明;显示 to show that sth is probably true or exists:The size of his offer

18、 indicates that he is eager to buy the house.示意;暗示示意;暗示 to say or do sth to make your wishes,intentions etc.clear:He smiles and nods,_(indicate)that everything is fine.indication n C&U 迹象;表示;标示迹象;表示;标示标志牌上的箭头指示朝哪里走。The arrow on a sign indicates the way to go.indicatingintend vt 打算;想要打算;想要 to plan or

19、 mean to do sth intend doing/to do sthWhat do you intend doing/to do when you get there?intend+that 从句:从句:We intend that/It is intended that these plants(should)be set up next month.intended adj(为(为)打算的:)打算的:His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.9.intendintention n C&U 意

20、图;目的意图;目的 (aim/purpose)This program was established with the intention of/in the hope of providing help for children in rural areas.这个项目的建立旨在为山区的孩子提供帮助。时文语法填空:时文语法填空:Cyberbullying fueled by online influencersTen days after losing her son in an accident,his mother committed suicide.After her son died

21、 when he _(hit)by a teachers car at his primary school,the mother accepted media interviews _ she expressed her grief and insisted that the teacher _(concern)be punished.Yet in the comment sections of the news reports,rather than sympathy she received a torrent of abuse(洪水般的辱骂).Some accused her of w

22、anting a better price for her sons death,_ some even picked on _ she was wearing.Online accounts with enormous followers have such a huge influence in the public opinion field _ their followers could easily blindly follow their comments.These accounts should use it _(responsible)rather than _(be)the

23、 leaders of cyber bullying.was hitwhereconcernedwhilewhatthatresponsiblybeing10.pursuepursue vt 正式用语正式用语 追赶;追捕:追赶;追捕:The criminal,who _(pursue)by police right now,is a thief.追求:追求:pursue a career/a goal/an aim/an objective一些人渴望名望和财富而另外一些人追求幸福is being pursuedSome people hunger for fame and fortune wh

24、ile some others pursue happiness.11.hesitateBetween genius and diligence,I do not hesitate to choose diligence.Einstein hesitation n U&C 踌躇;踌躇;犹豫犹豫:I agreed with her without the slightest hesitation.hesitate to do sth:Never hesitate to ask the police if you have any questions regarding safety.hesita

25、te about/over:我犹豫我是否该参加音乐剧比赛。在天才和勤奋两者之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋。爱因斯坦I hesitate about whether I ought to attend the musical competition.The issue will be solved in a(n)_(方式)that is fair to both sides.way12.manner/manner 常用单数常用单数正式用语正式用语 方式;方法方式;方法She smiled to me again in a friendly manner.in an aggressive/a rela

26、xed/a cool/a critical manner 复数复数 礼貌;礼仪礼貌;礼仪 Its bad manners to do sth.做某事是没有礼貌的table manners 从你的信上判断,你对中国的餐桌礼仪了解不多。因此,我写信告诉你吃饭从你的信上判断,你对中国的餐桌礼仪了解不多。因此,我写信告诉你吃饭时让老人先吃是有礼貌的。嘴里含着饭说话是没礼貌的。时让老人先吃是有礼貌的。嘴里含着饭说话是没礼貌的。Judging from your letter,you have little knowledge of Chinese table manners.As a result,Im

27、 writing to tell you that it is good manners to let the elderly eat first at table.And it is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.宽阔的;广阔的宽阔的;广阔的 反反 narrow:a broad street/smile(外貌描写)He was tall,muscular with broad shoulders and a beard.广泛的广泛的 反反 narrow:I have a broad range of knowledge because I

28、read extensively.Two broad predictions about the subject spring to my mind.broaden vt&vi(使)变宽;(使)扩大:(使)变宽;(使)扩大:Reading is really good to a persom because we can learn a lot from books and broaden our horizons.13.broad adj概括性的;粗略的概括性的;粗略的外国人在中国居住和工作,需要有居留许可证(residence permit)、就业证(employment permit)。

29、residence permit 居留许可证居留许可证employment permit 就业证就业证14.permit&permission admit 承认;容许进入 commit(使)做出保证;犯.commit to doing/commit suicide transmit 输送;传送permit vt 许可;准许许可;准许 反反 forbid:Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library.(2013天津)permit sb to do sth/permit doing sth.When clo

30、sed,hikers _(permit)to enter for any reason.vi&vt(使)成为可能:(使)成为可能:We hope to visit the newly-built airport if time _(permit).Well start tomorrow,weather _(permit)are not permittedpermittingpermitspermit n C 许可证;执照许可证;执照:permission n C 许可;准许:许可;准许:He cannot leave the country without permission.注意动词和名词

31、注意动词和名词发音不同发音不同名词动词化说出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。说出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。1.The tailor tailored a business suit specifically for the customer._2.The judge was asked to judge the childrens poetry competition._3.Suddenly the boy spotted the male bird had a red spot on its head._4.Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into three sorts:plastics,glass and paper._5.The bank has loaned the software company a loan of$600,000._6.The man bet$2,000 on the final score of the game.At last he won the bet._ 英语中有很多名词可转化为动词,常表示具有该名词的活动特点或性质特征的动作。专门制作专门制作 /定做定做评判评判把把分类分类借给借给下赌注下赌注发现发现 /看到看到


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