语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx

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语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx_第1页
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语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx_第2页
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语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx_第3页
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语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx_第4页
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语法填空时政专题:神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx_第5页
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1、 The Shenzhou XVI mission crew returned to Earth on Tuesday morning,concluding a historic,five-month mission that involved the first Chinese civilian astronaut.今天上午(今天上午(10月月31日),神舟十六号机组人员返回地球,结束了为期日),神舟十六号机组人员返回地球,结束了为期五个月的历史性任务,其中包括中国首位民用宇航员。五个月的历史性任务,其中包括中国首位民用宇航员。The Shenzhou-16 crewed spaceship

2、 will be launched at 9:31 a.m.on Tuesday Beijing Time from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China,the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA)announced at a press conference on Monday.中国载人航天局(中国载人航天局(CMSA)周一在新闻发布会上宣布,神舟十六号载人飞船将于北京时间周二上午9点31分从酒泉卫星发射中心发射。The trio,the first crew after the CSS en

3、tered the application and development phase in 2022,is made up of three types of astronauts,said the agency.航天局表示,这三名航天员是在航天局表示,这三名航天员是在2022年中国空间站投入实年中国空间站投入实施应用和发展阶段后的第一批航天员,他们分别代表了三施应用和发展阶段后的第一批航天员,他们分别代表了三类不同类型的航天员。类不同类型的航天员。Coming from the astronaut brigade of the Peoples Liberation Army,Jing an

4、d Zhu will be mainly responsible for direct control and management of spacecraft and carrying out technological experiments.景海鹏和朱杨柱来自中国人民解放军的航天员大队,他们景海鹏和朱杨柱来自中国人民解放军的航天员大队,他们将主要负责对飞船进行直接控制和管理,并进行技术试验。将主要负责对飞船进行直接控制和管理,并进行技术试验。神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆神舟十六号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆 Chinas Shenzhou 16 astronauts land safely

5、 after space station mission 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。或括号内单词的正确形式。The three astronauts of Chinas Shenzhou 16 mission returned to Earth Oct 31,2023 after completing a five-month mission aboard the countrys space station.Astronauts Jing Haipeng(the missions commander),Zhu Yan

6、gzhu and Gui Haichao 1._(touch)down in their Shenzhou 16 spacecraft return capsule at the Dongfeng landing site around 8:10 a.m.,according to the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA).The Shenzhou 16 spacecraft separated 2._ the Tiangong space station at 8:37 pm Monday on Monday,CMSA stated.Jing and compa

7、ny had 3._(early)handed over control of the space station to the Shenzhou 17 crew,who arrived on Oct.26.Zhu and Gui were the first 4._(member)of Chinas third astronaut selection group to fly to space,with Gui also being the first payload specialist to fly to Tiangong.Mission highlights included Jing

8、 and Zhu conducting 5._ eight-hour extravehicular activity,or spacewalk;cultivating vegetables;and a live,interactive lecture,which notably involved 6._(light)a match on the space station.Shenzhou 16 was the 7._(five)crewed mission to Tiangong and Chinas eleventh astronaut flight overall.China aims

9、to keep Tiangong operational and 8._(permanent)occupied for at least a decade.The nation also plans to expand the T-shaped space station,9._ currently consists of three modules and is about 20%as 10._(mass)as the International Space Station.1.touched,考查谓语动词的时态。此动作发生在过去,因此用过去时态。2.from,考查介词。separate f

10、rom与.分开。句意:CMSA表示,神舟16号飞船于周一晚上8:37与天宫空间站分离。3.earlier,考查副词的比较级修饰谓语动词。句意:Jing和他的同伴早些时候将空间站的控制权交给了10月26日抵达的神舟17号机组人员。4.members,考查名词的复数形式。members指代Zhu and Gui两人,因此要用复数。the first members 第一批人员。5.an,考查不定冠词。eight 为元音开头,因此用an。an eight-hour extravehicular activity 一个八小时的车外活动。6.lighting,考查非谓语动词。lighting a mat

11、ch on the space station在which引导的定语从句中充当谓语动词involved的宾语。7.fifth,考查词性转换。the fifth crewed mission 第五次载人任务,因此要用five的序数词形式fifth。8.permanently,考查词性转换。此处修饰动词keep occupied,因此要用permanent的副词形式permanently。句意:中国的目标是让天宫继续运行和永久占领至少十年。9.which,考查定语从句。此处关系代词指代先行词the T-shaped space station,在非限制性定语从句中做主语,因此要用which。10.

12、massive,考查词性转换。as+形容词/副词+as 表比较,像.一样,此处充当is 的表语,因此要用mass的形容词形式massive。句意:美国还计划扩大T型空间站,它目前由三个模块组成,其规模约为国际空间站的20%。“人物介绍人物介绍”,神舟十六号航天员怎么写?,神舟十六号航天员怎么写?引出人物引出人物Do you know(引出人物)?She/He ls(人物身份)详细介绍人物详细介绍人物She/He is tall and(身材).Her/His hair is(头发).She/He always wears(表情)and gives us the impression that(

13、每人的印象).She/He is always willing to(性格).She/He is good at(特长).She/He always helps me out whenever I.Once(引出事列)To my surprise,(她他的做法)做出评价,表达感想做出评价,表达感想She/He is.and I hope(表达愿望).外貌特征外貌特征|appearance characteristics tall 高高 He was over six feet tall.他身高六尺。slim 苗条苗条 The girls were slim.这个女生很瘦。obese 肥胖肥胖

14、Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.肥胖的人往往比瘦人血压高。wellbuilt 体格健美的体格健美的 Sir Henry was a small,healthy,wellbuilt man.亨利爵士长得短小精干,身材健康,体态硬朗。overweight 超重超重 Why are so many of us overweight?为什么我们中的许多人会超重?medium height 中等个头中等个头 The young man was of medium height for his age.这个年

15、轻人在同龄人中属中等身高。well-dressed 穿着考究的穿着考究的 Shes always well-dressed.她总是衣着讲究。smart 聪敏聪敏 He thinks hes smarter than Sarah is.他认为他比萨拉更聪明。goodlooking 好看好看 I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was goodlooking.她说:“我骗珍妮说,她的男朋友很英俊。beautiful 美丽的美丽的 She was a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。感性特征感性特征|

16、Emotional characteristics sensitive 敏感的敏感的 The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a childs needs.课堂教师必须理解孩子的需求。good humoured 幽默的幽默的 How can Mr.Bingley,who seems good humour itself,and is,I really believe,truly amiable,be in friendship with such a man?彬格莱先生的性情那么好,而且他的为人也极其和蔼可亲,怎么会跟这样一个人交起朋友来?bad-

17、tempered 坏脾气的坏脾气的 When his headaches developed,Nick became bad-tempered and even violent.尼克的头疼起来时,他变得焦躁易怒,甚至暴躁。moody 情绪化的情绪化的 He sat and stared moodily out the window.他坐在那里,闷闷不乐地盯着窗外。intelligent 智慧的智慧的 They are incapable of thinking intelligently about politics.他们在考虑政治问题时缺乏头脑。unintelligent 愚纯的愚纯的 He

18、 certainly was not unintelligent.他绝对不傻。snobbish 自命不凡的自命不凡的 They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors.他们很势利眼,不喜欢才智和社会地位不如自己的人。introverted 内向的内向的 Machen was a lonely,introverted child.梅琴是个孤独,内向的孩子。extroverted 外向的外向的 Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as

19、 children become self-conscious in early adolescence.一些在孩提时候随和且外向的年轻人在青春期初期变得害羞了。easygoing 平易近人的平易近人的 They thought she would be popular,warm and easygoing,but not demanding and difficult.他们认为她会是受人欢迎的,温情的,随和的,而非挑三拣四难以追求的。obedient 听话的听话的 What if they hadnt been faithful and obedient to do their part?如

20、果他们没有信靠和服从去做他的那部分工作那会怎么样?阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Shenzhou-16 spaceship atop the Long March-2F rocket blasted off from Jiuquan Satllite Launch Center in Northwest China 11 9:31 a.m.The spaceship will conduct a fast automated rendezvous once in orbit and dock at the radial port of the Tian

21、he core module,12 (form)a combination of three modules and three spaceships.The Shenzhou-16 mission 13 (crew)by three Chinese astronauts.Jing Haipeng,14 became the first taikonaut to go into space for a fourth time with this mission,serves as the commander and spacecraft pilot.15 (previous),the vete

22、ran has participated in the Shenzhou-7,Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-11 manned missions,and served as commander in the last two missions.Zhu Yangzhu,16 former university teacher with a doctoral degree,fufills the role of the space fight engineer.Zhu will be the first flight engineer 17 (enter)Chinas space

23、 station.Gui Haichao,a professor at Beihang University,astonished numerous social media 18 (user)when China revealed the crew on Monday as the nations pioneering spectacled taikonaut.Gui serves as the payload expert.Upon his arrival,the space station will welcome 19 (it)first payload specialist.Earl

24、ier this month China also 20 (launch)the Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft to Tiangong to deliver supplies for the six-month-long Shenzhou-16 mission.11at 12forming 13is crewed 14who 15Previously 16a 17to enter 18users 19its 20launched【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了神舟16号发射升空的情况以及三名中国宇航员。11考查介词。句意:上午9点31分,神舟16号飞船搭载长征2F

25、火箭从中国西北部酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。空后“9:31”是具体的时刻,其前用介词at,故填at。12考查非谓语动词。句意:一旦进入轨道,飞船将进行快速自动交会,并停靠在天和核心舱的径向端口,形成三舱和三艘飞船的组合。分析句子成分可知,空处应为非谓语动词,且为自然而然的结果,故用现在分词形式作结果状语。故填forming。13考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:神舟16号任务由三名中国宇航员组成。分析句子成分可知,空处应为谓语动词。且句子为客观描述,且主语The Shenzhou-16 mission和动词crew之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,主语表示单数意义,be动词用is。故填is

26、crewed。14考查定语从句。句意:景海鹏是第一个第四次进入太空的宇航员,他担任指挥官和飞船飞行员。分析句子成分可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Jing Haipeng,指人,且关系词在从句中充当主语,故用关系代词who。故填who。15考查副词。句意:此前,这位老兵曾参加过神舟七号、神舟九号和神舟十一号载人飞行任务,并在最近两次任务中担任指挥官。空处应为副词作状语,修饰整个句子,首字母应大写。故填Previously。16考查不定冠词。句意:拥有博士学位的前大学教师朱杨柱扮演了太空作战工程师的角色。teacher是发音以辅音音素开头的可数名词,此处用不定冠词a泛指,故填a。17考查

27、非谓语动词。句意:朱将成为首位进入中国空间站的飞行工程师。flight engineer前有序数词修饰,故此处应用动词不定式作后置定语,故填to enter。18考查名词复数。句意:北京航空航天大学教授崔海超周一公布了中国首批戴眼镜宇航员的消息,震惊了众多社交媒体用户。user用户,可数名词,由“numerous”可知应用复数形式,故填users。19考查形容词性物主代词。句意:在它抵达后,空间站将迎来第一位有效载荷专家。空处应填形容词性物主代词,修饰名词specialist,故填its。20考查时态。句意:本月早些时候,中国还向天宫发射了天舟6号货运飞船,为为期6个月的神舟16号任务运送物资

28、。根据时间状语“Earlier this month”可知,句子应用一般过去时,故填launched。The Shenzhou-16 crew members on board Chinas orbiting space station completed their first spacewalk at 9:40 p.m.(Beijing Time)on Thursday,according to the China Manned Space Agency.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,20日日21时时40分,分,神舟十六号航天员乘组首次出舱,圆满完成全部既神舟

29、十六号航天员乘组首次出舱,圆满完成全部既定任务。定任务。Shenzhou-16 crew members 神舟十六号航天员乘组神舟十六号航天员乘组crew(轮船,飞机等上面的)全体工作人员例:Inthedistancethecrewsightedland.船员发现在远处有陆地。China Space Station 中国空间站中国空间站 补充:中国空间站简称 CSS,又称天宫空间站。the China Manned Space Agency 中国载人航天工程办公室中国载人航天工程办公室 spacewalk 太空行走太空行走/speswk/Jing Haipeng,Zhu Yangzhu and

30、 Gui Haichao collaborated to pull off all set tasks with the assistance of the space stations robotic arm.Jing and Zhu have since returned to the Wentian lab module safely.神舟十六号航天员景海鹏、朱杨柱、桂海潮密切协同,在神舟十六号航天员景海鹏、朱杨柱、桂海潮密切协同,在空间站机械臂支持下,圆满完成全部既定任务。随后,航空间站机械臂支持下,圆满完成全部既定任务。随后,航天员景海鹏、朱杨柱安全返回空间站问天实验舱。天员景海鹏、

31、朱杨柱安全返回空间站问天实验舱。collaborate 协作协作/klbret/pull off 成功完成成功完成set task 既定任务既定任务robotic arm 机械臂机械臂lab module 实验舱实验舱with the assistance of 在在.的帮助下的帮助下 China on Tuesday launched the Shenzhou XVI manned spaceship,sending three astronauts to its space station combination for a five-month mission.The spaceship

32、,atop a Long March-2F carrier rocket,blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.The Shenzhou XVI astronauts will conduct large-scale in-orbit tests and experiments in various fields as planned.They are expected to make high-level scientific achievements in the study of n

33、ovel quantum phenomena,high-precision space time-frequency systems,the verification of general relativity,and the origin of life.The crew,consisting of Jing Haipeng,Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao,will witness the dockings of the Tianzhou-5 cargo craft and the Shenzhou XVII manned spaceship,as well as the departures of the Shenzhou XV manned spaceship and Tianzhou-5.


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