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1、外研版外研版英语英语三年级三年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 7 Unit 1 Whats this? 第一课时 唱一唱 desk 1 chair bird pen pencil cake cap cat dog 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Revision. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 teacher my teacher This is my teacher. New words. pupil a pupil Im a pupil. school my school This is my school. English my English teacher Thi

2、s is my English teacher. classroom my classroom This is my classroom. class(班级) + room(房间) = classroom (教室) This is my/a. This is my/a. 眼疾脑快眼疾脑快 老师随意走到一名同学身边,指着任意一个物品, 例如课桌,椅子、钢笔、铅笔等,这名同学快速说 出句子“This is my/a ”,反应快的加分奖励。 Game. Watch the video. This is my teacher, Ms Smart. This is my teacher, Ms Smar

3、t. This is my teacher, Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ha ha Listen, point and say. Try to say. _ my teacher, Ms Smart. _ my teacher, Ms Smart. _ my teacher, Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ms Smart. Ha ha This is This is This is Listen again and read after it. Role play and act out. Whats thi

4、s? Its a pencil. Whats this? Its a cat. 男生问 女生答 女生问 男生答 Watch the video. Good morning, Lingling. How are you? Whats this? Its a desk. Whats this? Its a chair. Ooh! Whats this? Its a bird. Hello, Tweet- tweet. Ha ha Im fine, thank you. Listen, point and find “Whats this?” Good morning, Lingling. How

5、are you? Whats this? Its a desk. Whats this? Ooh! Whats this? Its a bird. Im fine, thank you. Its a chair. Hello, Tweet- tweet. Ha ha Listen again and read after it. Try to say. Good morning, Lingling. How are you? _? Its a desk. _? Ooh! _? _ a bird. Im fine, thank you. Its a chair. Whats this Whats

6、 this Whats this Its Hello, Tweet- tweet. Ha ha Role play and act out. 选一选。 ( ) 1. _ this? Its a bird. A. Whats B. What C. whats ( ) 2. _ my classroom. A. Here B. This C. This is A C Try to do. What have you learnt? 1. teacher, pupil, school, classroom, English 2. 询问这是什么及询问这是什么及回答:回答: Whats this? It

7、s a 3. 这这是是 :This is Sum up. 1.练习新单词,会认、会读、会说。 2.听课文录音跟读并表演。 3.准备图片,用“This is ”和“ Whats this? Its a ”对话 。 Homework 第二课时 Whats this? Its a dog. This is a dog. Whats this? Its a bird. This is a bird. A: Whats this? B: Its a chair. A: Whats this? B: Its a desk. Listen and say. Whats this? Its a Point,

8、ask and answer. Practise. Pair Work Group Work 小组内,一个学生拿出一件物品提问:Whats this? 其他成员抢答,谁先说出答案,谁就接着提问。 Class Work 一名学生站起来指着教室里一件物品提问:Whats this? 全班同学抢答,谁先说出答案,谁就接着提问。 Write and say. 美国的教室布置 在美国的学校,走进一间科学教室,感觉像走进一个小 博物馆:天花板上悬挂着各类飞行物模型,四周橱柜中摆放 着动植物标本。在美国的高中,一般分专业上课,即我们现 在所说的“走班制”:固定教室和老师,流动的是学生。在 专业教室,四周墙壁

9、和天花板上张贴着与科目有关的资料和 图片。如历史、地理学科专用教室,贴的就是地图、历史事 件、研究专题等;语言教室中则张贴着写作知识、经典语录、 名人演讲等。 美国的教室布置 此外,教室内多配置了壁橱,供学生存放学习、生活用 品。教室内有图书角、动物角、玩具角、卫生角、植物角、 电脑角等。 教室桌椅摆放的形式也各不相同。有的朝一个方向摆成 半圆状;有的摆成几个小圈;有的分成若干个大组,相对而 坐;有的甚至一组朝前,一组朝右,一组朝左,五花八门。 每间教室的桌椅,都是教师根据自己的教学需要来摆放的。 比如,在一节实验课上,教师讲解实验要求时,教室的音响 里播放着轻松的音乐,学生们在教室里可以随意

10、走动和讨论。 一、根据图片选择填空。 3. Whats this? Its a _. A. cap B. classroom C. school C 1.This is my _. 2. This is my _. B A Try to do. 二、连词成句。 1. pen, Its, red, a (.) _ 2. my, school, This, is _ 3. pupil, a, Im _ 4. is, What, this (?) _ Im a pupil. This is my school. Its a red pen. What is this? 1. -Whats this? -Its a 2. This is my/a 询问这是什 么及回答。 描述近处的人或物。 Sum up. 用“This is my ”和“ Whats this? Its a ”着着自己熟悉的物品做口语练 习。 Homework


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