人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation -Section B 2a —2e-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:22851).doc

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人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation -Section B 2a —2e-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:22851).doc_第1页
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人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation -Section B 2a —2e-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:22851).doc_第2页
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人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation -Section B 2a —2e-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:22851).doc_第3页
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1、 1 Teaching Plans for Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? Section B 2a-2b Teaching Aims: 1. Students can know the meaning and usage of the new words. 2. Students can read a long passage and have a good understanding of it. 3. Students are able to use guessing, fast reading and detailed reading to

2、get the general idea of a passage. 4. Students can talk about their feelings about a trip using linking words, time order phrases and Simple Past Tense. 5. Students can write a short passage using what they have learned. Teaching Important Points: 1. Lead the students to use reading strategies. 2. E

3、ncourage the students to write a travel diary in English. Teaching Difficult Points: Help the students know how to write a travel diary and encourage them to do so by reading , changing words and learning . Attitude and emotions: Enjoy study. Work harder and well go far. Enjoy our time with family a

4、nd friends. Cherish every single day to make ourselves a better man. Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching procedures: Procedures Teachers activities Students activities Purpose Step1 Warming up Self introduction. Ask students about their vacations. Review Simple Past Tense and questions. Listen to th

5、e teacher. Ask and answer questions. 自我介绍, 询问学 生假期生活, 为下 面的活动做好准 备。 Step2 Pre-reading Show some pictures of the teachers vacation activities. Present new words in need. Review vacation activities and learn the new words. 利用教师自己的 暑假生活复习引 入话题。 在呈现时 可分为室内活动 和户外活动, 发散 学生思维, 让学生 2 先看图预测, 并在其中融入阅 读中的部分生词,

6、 降低长文章中生 词对学生的干扰。 Step3 While-read ing (the first diary) Fast reading Guess the main idea by looking at the picture before reading. Ask the students to go through the passage and answer the questions. Questions: 1. Is it a letter or a diary? 2. Did Jane have a good time on Monday? Find clues(线索) 3.

7、Whats the best title( 标 题 )of this passage(文章)? A. Delicious food in Malaysia B. Life in Malaysia C. A wonderful day in Malaysia Go through the passage and answer the questions. 引导学生利用看 图预测,寻读,略 读的策略获得文 章大意并在使用 这种策略中体会 速读的魅力。 通过让学生找支 持答案的线索, 就 是等于巩固形容 词来表达感受的 用法, 鼓励学生找 到更多的表达作 者感受的单词和 句子, 为学生自己 写游记做

8、示范。 Step4 While-read ing Detailed reading Ask the students to read the diary carefully and then finish the tasks. 3tasks: a.精读答;精读答; b.排排站;排排站; c.写:补一补,变一写:补一补,变一 变,写一写变,写一写 Ask the students to choose the right Read the diary carefully and then finish the tasks. 将阅读任务先分 解一个一个小的 任务, 每个任务的 目的不同。 引导学 生

9、对文本有再回 忆的过程。 生僻的地名造成 难度, 改词写作更 能贴近学生生活, 3 Guessing game 连连 看 numbers to match the questions and their answers. (猜并任意 组合一对数字,使数 字背后的问答匹配) Take an active part in the game. 他们有话说想要 说, 为学生作业写 游记做铺垫。 Step5 While-read ing (the second diary) Fast reading Ask the students to go through the passage and answe

10、r the questions. Go through the passage and answer the questions. 另外一篇阅读也 是先采用略读方 式, 这也是对上面 学到的阅读策略 的巩固。 Step6 Detailed reading Ask the students to read the letter carefully and then finish the tasks. a.Underline the verbal phrases with Simple Past Tense. 划一划 b.Circle the linking words and phrases.

11、圈一圈 Read the letter carefully and then finish the tasks. 利用第二篇日记 进行阅读方法的 强化训练更有效。 让学生动手划出 过去时态的动词 短语和圈出连接 词,以便加深印 象, 为其丰富自己 的游记做准备。 Step7 Groupwork Five students a group to discuss what things we should pay attention to when writing a travel diary e.g. tense, 5“WH”,1 “ H ”, feelings, linking words,

12、time order phrases. Discuss how to write a travel diary using what we have learned 阅读之后一定要 有巩固的环节, 让 学生进行小组讨 论, 可以互相提醒 写游记的注意事 项, 还可以增加他 们团队合作的精 神。 Step8: Summary And homework Summarize the points students should pay attention to and ask them to write a travel diary and show feelings bravely. Review and learn. 渗透价值观, 让学 生合理安排假期 生活, 适度放松并 调整心态, 始终保 持积极乐观。


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