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1、浙江省绍兴市诸暨市2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A group of children came together around their grandfather. They were filled with 1 and curiosity (好奇). That day, there had been a big fight between two adults, which made them 2 . And their grandfather was

2、called in to 3 their problem. The children were curious to hear what he had to say about 4 . One granddaughter asked the grandfather a question that was puzzling (困惑) her. “Grandfather, 5 do people fight?”The old man replied, “Well, do you know, my child, we all have two 6 with us? They are in our c

3、hest (胸膛).and they are fighting each other from time to time.” 7 everyone had two wolves inside the chest, the eyes of the children had grown big. “In our chests too, Grandfather?” asked a grandson. The grandfather 8 his head in agreement. “And in your chest too?” asked another grandson. The grandfa

4、ther replied, “Of course.”The grandfather surely had all the childrens attention now, and 9 , “There is a white wolf and a black wolf. The black wolf inside us is filled with 10 , fear, worries, anger, impatience and so on. 11 , the white wolf is filled with love, hope, kindness, truth, courage.And

5、do you know there is always a 12 fight between these two wolves?”Then the grandfather stopped. All the children were 13 him, completely in silence. Finally, the granddaughter that asked the first question could not wait anymore and 14 broke the silence, “But grandfather, which wolf wins?”The old man

6、 smiled and replied, “Thats simple.the one whom we feed 15 .” The children were lost in thought and soon realized what to do when the two wolves meet next time.1AexcitementBpolitenessCdisappointmentDshyness2AactiveBfamousCintelligentDmad3AshowBsolveCseeDdescribe4AitBmeChimDher5AwhyBhowCwhenDwhere6Aw

7、olvesBpersonsCgodsDpupils7AMemorizingBRecallingCHearingDSeeing8AshookBnoddedCraisedDlowered9AsuggestedBcontinuedCrequiredDchanged10AsadnessBvictoryCsupportDenergy11ASoBBesidesCAlsoDHowever12AsmallBrapidCsimpleDterrible13Alooking up atBpointing atCdealing withDtalking back to14AhumorouslyBnaturallyCe

8、xactlyDsuddenly15AlittleBlessCmuchDmore二、阅读理解Are you dreaming of being an inventor? Have you got any new ideas? Here is some information about the competition you want to know: Bring your entries (参赛作品) to the Invention Competition to show your talent for invention! The organizer: Sunshine School, B

9、each CityTime & place: Next Friday(October 11th)& the School HallGroups of competition: Individual Competition GroupTeam Competition GroupPrizes: Of all, there are 2% first prizes, 6% second prizes and 10% third prizes in either group. Even if you havent won any prize, youll still get a pres

10、ent thats used to encourage you to take part in this competition. And as a competitor, you should know the following rules: You must be a student from Sunshine School. You are allowed to bring at most two inventions for the competition. However, you can only compete in either group. Your “invention”

11、 may be your creative idea that has been written into words. But you need to explain it clearly to the judges (评委). You cant take your invention away at once after the competition. All the inventions winning the prizes will be on show in the school hall for at least two weeks. 16If there are 100 ent

12、ries in the Team Competition Group, there will be_ prizes in total.AtwoBsixCtenDeighteen17To take part in the competition, competitors_.Ashould teach in Sunshine SchoolBhave to bring two inventionsCcan only compete in one groupDmust write their creative idea down18Where is this article probably from

13、?AA school notice board.BA history book.CA science fiction.DA sports magazine.The Forbidden City (also called Zijin Cheng) is a 72-hectare (公顷) palace in Beijing that was used by the emperors of China from AD1420 to 1911. The Forbidden City turned 600 years old in 2020. Over the last six centuries,

14、there have been many cultural exchanges inside the high walls of the worlds largest palace. Ancient China had little communication with the outside world until Matteo Ricci made his way to the imperial court (皇室) during the Ming Dynasty. Ricci made contributions (贡献) to the fields of science and ast

15、ronomy in China. He worked together with Chinese scientist Xu Guangqi to translate the first six books of Euclids Elements into Chinese. He also brought new knowledge about map-making and taught people that the world was round with the first European-style world map in Chinese. Lots of foreigners fo

16、llowed in Riccis footsteps. Lang Shining was one of them. The talented painter was sent to China to work for a church in 1715 and was later invited to the imperial court to produce paintings for the Qing Dynastys Emperor Kangxi. He designed many murals (壁画) in the Forbidden City using techniques tha

17、t were popular in Europe. From then on, a new style of painting appeared in China. It combined (结合) Western realism with traditional Chinese ways of painting. The first Westerners to the imperial court also provided firsthand reports to Europe through their letters, notes and books about China. They

18、 made the West realize there was a country with great culture which was different from theirs. Their stories are just a small piece of the cultural communication between China and the outside world. But they show that the Forbidden City has provided a bridge for the communication.19Before Ricci visi

19、ted the Chinese imperial court, _.Ahe had known a lot about ChinaBthe outside world had known little about ChinaCChina had communicated with the West very oftenDcultural exchanges had taken place in the Forbidden City20Thanks to Ricci, China made progress in the fields of_. science astronomy map-mak

20、ing paintingABCD21The underlined word “It” refers to_.Athe Forbidden CityBthe western cultureCthe imperial courtDthe new painting style22According to the passage, the Forbidden City plays an important role in_.Amural developmentBstory sharingCcultural exchangesDbridge buildingWhen I was in the third

21、 grade, I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had practiced with me. But no matter how well I performed at home, as soon as I stepped on stage, every word disappeared from my mind. Finally, my teacher told me that she had written a narrators (叙事者) part to t

22、he play, and asked me to change roles. Her words deeply hurt my heart. I didnt tell my mother what had happened when I went home. But she sensed my unease, and asked If I wanted to walk in the yard. It was a lovely spring day. Under the trees, we could see yellow dandelions (蒲公英) popping through the

23、 grass. “Im going to dig up all these weeds,” my mother said, “From now on, well have only roses in this garden.”“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful, even dandelions.” My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesnt it?” she add

24、ed, “And that is true of people too. Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that.”After realizing that she had guessed my pain, I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled. “The narrators part is as important as the part of a princess,” she said, reminding me of how much

25、I loved to read stories. Over the next few weeks, with her encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. A few minutes before the play, I felt nervous, and my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. Just looking at it, knowing my m

26、other was out there, made me proud. After the play, I took the flower home. My mother pressed it in a dictionary. We were perhaps the only people who would value such a sorry-looking flower.23From the story, we can know_.Athe writer was pleased to be a narratorBthe mother didnt like dandelions at al

27、lCreading stories was the writers hobbyDthe teachers encouragement made the writer succeed24The underlined word “protested” probably means “_”.AlaughedBdisagreedCsuggestedDpromised25The mother in the story is _.Aunderstanding and patientBintelligent and talentedCstrict and seriousDwise and honest26W

28、hat can we learn from the story?AEach coin has two sides.BBad times make a good man.CLearning is a lifelong journey.DEveryone has his own way to shine.Can thinking about yourself too much make you sick? Many psychologists (心理学家) now think so. “Self-focus” means thinking about yourself. In the old da

29、ys psychologists used to tell patients with depression (抑郁) to pay more attention to themselves. They wanted patients to talk about their problems and feelings. They thought that “self-focus” would cure (治疗) depression. Then, some psychologists began wondering if they were wrong. They realized that

30、depressed people talked about themselves much more than non-depressed people. Psychologists began to wonder if it is possible for “self-focus” to cause depression. So psychologists began thinking of different ways to treat depressed people. They thought that patients would feel better _. Some even t

31、hought that they could cure depression by having patients focus on other people. Scientists at the University of Michigan studied older men. Some of the men volunteered to help others; others did not volunteer. The men who volunteered lived much longer. Duke University scientists studied patients wh

32、o had heart disease. Some patients were told to volunteer. The patients who volunteered were happier and healthier than the others. As a result of this research, scientists began recommending (推荐) volunteerism. University leaders think community service can improve the lives of students. Some medica

33、l doctors recommend volunteerism to their patients. Each of us experiences pain, sadness, and loneliness. One of the best ways to overcome these feelings is to help others who are experiencing difficulty. Thinking about others all the time is not going to solve all your problems, but it is nice to k

34、now that by helping others, you can help yourself, too.27Patients with depression were encouraged to _ in the past.Atalk about themselvesBdo volunteer workCthink about othersDfocus on health28Which of the following can be put into _ in paragraph 3?Aif they stopped thinking about their own problemsBa

35、s long as they spent more time volunteeringCwhile they paid more attention to themselvesDwhen they recommended others to volunteer29Scientists found the possible value of volunteerism by _.Amaking surveysBdoing researchesChaving interviewsDholding meetings30Which is the best title for the passage?AH

36、elp Others by Doing Volunteer WorkBImprove Lives by Focusing on OthersCCure Depression by Helping OthersDHelp Yourself by Helping Others三、选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。badleave outworthexceptpoliceman31We are supposed to care for the old, or they will feel .32William was hurt in an accident but he stil

37、l faced his life bravely.33During the rush hour, are often seen to keep order on the roads.34It is the trouble if you want to pass the interview.35My grandmother cant remember anything my mothers name.四、短文填空根据所给汉语意思及文章内容, 写出单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词)Around meal time, a special kitchen next to Jiangxi Cancer H

38、ospital is always crowded with relatives of the hospitals patients. They use the kitchen which 36 (处于) in an alley (小巷) to cook food for their family members.Wan Zuocheng and Xiong Gengxiang have run the kitchen for 18 years. They provide the 37 (民众) with stove(炉子)and other cooking materials. Becaus

39、e of the kind couple, patients can enjoy a meal at a very 38 (低)price only one yuan.The couple makes a living by selling breakfast next to the hospital and 39 (收到) orders from the hospital. One day, a woman passed their kitchen and made a 40 (请求) to cook food on the stove for her son who was in hosp

40、ital. The couple agreed. Later, more people came to ask for help. As word 41 (广泛) spread about their warm-hearted acts, people who had used their kitchen began to call it the “kitchen of love” that brought them 42 (温暖) “by stomach and by heart.”When asked about their acts, Wan and Xiong said they ha

41、d never 43 (后悔) letting people use their kitchen. “Family members of cancer patients have a harder time than us. Im willing to listen to their 44 (令人痛苦) experiences to help them feel at ease,” Xiong says. It is normal to see Xiong and her husband busy with their 45 (日常) work, from morning to night.

42、They insist on running the kitchen as long as they have the strength to work.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中单词的适当形式填空。Clapper talk, or Chinese kuaiban, is a traditional art form. Performers talk and sing 46 a pair of bamboo clappers. I am a big clapper talk fan. Ive been learning it since I was six

43、years old. The 47 (one) time I watched a clapper talk performance, I was shocked by its free style and lively language. So I decided to learn it. However, learning clapper talk is not 48 easy job. It requires good rhythm (节奏) control as well as good coordination (协调) of both 49 (hand). Each of these

44、 skills should 50 (repeat) over and over again. After training for a whole morning, my hands feel tired and my throat is dry. Sometimes I think about giving up, but I keep telling myself that where there is a will, there is a way.Finally, I made 51 .After years of hard practice, I 52 (master) these

45、skills so far. Also, I start to understand its cultural value-it shows the beauty of rhyme (韵律) and rhythm in the Chinese language. And the creativity 53 comes from playing the clappers in different ways adds beauty to it. Without doubt, my love for clapper talk is much 54 (deep) than before. Perfor

46、ming on stage has helped me enjoy this art form even more. I can put what I want to express into my performance 55 (direct), such as my self-introduction, interesting historical stories, or my love for my hometown of Zhejiang. I will continue studying it and make more progress!六、任务型阅读根据文章内容,补全表格信息。(每空限填一词)Falling leaves and cold winds mean the arrival of another season. Lidong is one of the 24 solar terms (节气) of China. It means the beginni


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