Unit 2 Making a Difference Reading and interaction 教学设计-2024新上教版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.docx

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1、主题单元教学设计主题单元标题上教版高中英语选择性必修第一册第二单元Making a difference教师姓名上海市XX中学 XXX学科领域(在*内打P表示主属学科,打表示相关学科)*思想政治*物理*地理*美术*语文*化学*体育与健康*心理健康*数学*生物*信息技术*社会实践*英语*历史*劳动技术*其他适用年级高二年级所需时间7课时主题单元学习概述本教材单元的主题为“做出改变”,主题语境属于“人与自然”,介绍了自然环境与人类社会发展之间的关系这一主题。Reading部分:主阅读板块描述了岛上人们的生活如何受到全球变暖的影响,邀请读者思考我们的未来。Grammar部分:以行动呈现倡导环保的快闪

2、现象,在此学习和实践未来的连续性。Listening and Speaking部分:讨论了在城市中建立更好社区的不同方法。Writing部分:写作板块为学生提供了一个练习写作技巧的机会,以选择支持的慈善机构。Cultural focus部分:文化焦点部分的阅读段落讲述了一个体育赛事的故事,该赛事作为筹款和慈善工作的载体,视频介绍了英国一家名为蓝十字的宠物慈善机构。主题单元学习目标(说明:依据新课程标准要求描述学生在本单元学习中所要达到的主要目标)1. Describe how climate change affects the people and culture of the island

3、s in the South Pacific (Reading and interaction)2. Use the future continuous correctly in the given context (Grammar activity)3. Make suggests on improving school services (Listening and speaking)4. Write an opinion essay on supporting a charity using appropreate language and convincing arguments (W

4、riting)5. Interpret the social value of the Run for Charity event. Appreciate the value of protecting animals. (Cultural focus)对应课标 (Reading and interaction)2-8 能判断和识别语篇的意图,获取其中的重要信息和观点。2-8 能推断陌生语境中语篇所包含的隐含意义。2-4 在比较陌生的语境中,能口头描述人或事物的特征,阐释和说明观点。 (Grammar activity)2-11 能理解语篇中特定语言的使用意图。2-6 能在口头表达中有目地选择

5、语法结构。 (Listening and speaking)2-1 在听的过程中,能抓住熟悉话题语篇的大意,获取其中的主要信息、观点和文化背景。2-4 在比较复杂的语境中,能阐释和说明观点。2-5 能根据交际场合的正式程度和行事程序,选择正式或非正式、直接或委婉的语言形式表达建议。 (Writing)2-13 能在书面表达中有条理地阐述观点,表达情感态度。2-14 能有目的地选择词汇和语法结构,确切表达意思,体现意义的逻辑关联性。 (Cultural focus)2-12 能识别语篇间接反映或隐含的社会文化现象。2-3 能借助多模态媒介,理解视频所传达的有关陌生领域的事实性信息。专题划分专题一

6、:阅读(课时数:2课时)专题二:语法(课时数:1课时)专题三:听说(课时数:1课时)专题四:写作(课时数:1课时)专题五:文化聚焦课时数:2课时)专题一阅读所需课时2课时专题学习目标(说明:描述学生在本专题学习中所要达到的学习目标,注意与主题单元的学习目标呼应)At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:1.Use appropriate reading skills to understand the main idea of the text. 2.Describe the impact of climate change

7、on the lives and culture of Carteret Island residents.专题问题设计What is life like on the Carteret Islands?What first impression of the islands does the writer give? 3. What causes the islanders to leave their home? 4. How do you understand the last sentence “He is the human face of climate change”?5. Ho

8、w would you respond to John Sailikes worries? 所需教学环境和教学资源信息化资源视频、多媒体教案PPT常规资源黑板教学支撑环境教室、视频播放软件、PPT软件其他纸笔、教案学习活动设计第一课时Reading and Interaction【Learning Procedures】I. Pre-readingInteractive Task 1: Pre-reading*T: Ask students to look at the title and the picture on page 24 and answer the following ques

9、tions.*Ss: Look at the title and the picture on page 24 and answer the following questions.Purpose: Introduce the topic and warm the class. Guiding Questions:1. What do you think the story is about?2. How do you imagine the life on the island? II. While-readingInteractive Task 2: Read para. 1 and ma

10、ke predictions.*T: Ask students to read para.1 and make predictions.*Ss: Read para.1 and make prediction.Purpose: Enable students to get the main idea and structure of the text.Guiding Instruction:1. Who is John Sailike?2. Why is he sad?3. What is the story probably about?Interactive Task 3: Match t

11、he headings by skimming.*T: Ask students to skim the text and match the headings.*Ss: Skim the text and match the headings.Purpose: Enable students to get the main idea and structure of the text.Guiding Instruction:1. Skim the text and match paragraphs 2-6 with the main ideas.Interactive Task 4: Sca

12、n paragraph 2 and answer the following questions. *T: Ask students to Scan paragraph 2 and “Fact file: Carteret Islands” on page 25 and answer the following questions.*Ss: Read and answer relevant questions.Purpose: Help students to describe life on the Caeteret Islands.Guiding Questions:1. What is

13、life like on the Carteret Islands?2. What first impression of the islands does the writer give? 3. What caused the islanders to leave their home?Interactive Task 5: Scan paragraphs 3-4 and complete the following table. *T: Ask students to scan paragraphs 3-4 and complete the following table.*Ss: Sca

14、n paragraphs 3-4 and complete the following table.Purpose: Help students know about the impact of global warming on the islanders. Guiding Questions:1. What causes the islanders to leave their home? Interactive Task 6: Scan paragraph 5 and complete the following table. *T: Ask students to scan parag

15、raph 5 and complete the following table.*Ss: Scan paragraph 5 and complete the following table.Purpose: Help Ss find out efforts to help the islanders.Interactive Task 7: Scan paragraph 6 and answer the following questions. *T: Ask students to scan paragraph 6 and answer the following questions.*Ss:

16、 Scan paragraph 6 and answer the following questions.Purpose: Help Ss know about the consequences of our actions towards the environment and theus make us care for our planet.Guiding Questions:1. How do you understand the last sentence “He is the human face of climate change”?2. How would you respon

17、d to John Sailikes worries? III. Post-readingInteractive Task 8: Discuss and share opinions on the following questions. What are your feelings and thoughts after reading the island story?_ Can you think of some other ways to support and help the islanders? _IV. Assignments1. Listen to the audio recording of the text and read the text at least twice.2. Finish Exercise 2 on page 26 in the textbook.3. Do some research on the causes and effects of climate change.


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