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1、英语试卷 第 1 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 英语试卷 第 2 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 绝密启用前 南昌 市 2015 年初中毕业暨中等学校招生考试 英 语 (满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 一、听力测试 (25 分 ) A)请听下面 6 段对话。每段对 话后有一小题 ,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有 10 秒钟的时间 来 回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分 ) 1. Who is playing basketball? A. Carla. B. Mario. C. Bill. 2. Where is Da

2、ve now?k. A. At home. B. At Pauls. C. At school. 3. How can the man get to the airport? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By subway. 4. When did Eric come to Canada? A. 5 years ago. B. 12 years ago. C. 18 years ago. 5. Why does Jack like the film? A. The story is very interesting. B. The music is really bea

3、utiful. C. The acting is very creative. 6. What does the woman mean? A. The hotel is fine but dark. B. She doesnt like the hotel. C. She wants to live in the hotel. B)请听下面 5 段对话或独白 。每段对话 或 独白后有几 个 小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话 或 独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题 5秒钟 ; 听完后 , 各小题 将 给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (每小题

4、 1分 ) 请听第 1 段材料,回答 第 7, 8 小题。 7. What color does the woman like? A. Blue. B. Black. C. Red. 8. What size does she want? A. Size 9. B. Size 10. C. Size 11. 请听第 2 段材料,回答第 9, 10 小题。 9. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 10. What are they going to take to the beach? A. Sunglasse

5、s. B. An umbrella. C. A hat. 请听第 3 段材料,回答第 11 至第 13 小题。 11. When is Ann going to New York? A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Friday. 12. Why is Ann going to New York? A. To learn English. B. To visit friends. C. To spend holidays. 13. Which is true according to the conversation? A. Ann will b

6、uy a watch for Kevin. B. The weather may be cold in New York. C. Hospitals are not expensive in America. 请听第 4 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 小题。 14. What does Mr. Smith do? A. A college teacher. B. A newspaper reporter. C. A computer programmer. 15. Which of the following is true? A. Mr. Smith doesnt sleep well.

7、B. Mr. Smith works in a factory. C. Mr. Smith exercises every day. 16. What can we get from the conversation? A. Mr. Smith works too much. B. Mr. Smith is tired of his new job. C. Mr. Smith lives far from his office. 请听第 5 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 小题。 17. How old is Liz? A. 15. B. 16. C. 17. 18. Where are th

8、ey having the birthday party? A. In the house. B. In the park. C. In the garden. 19. What is Lizs mum doing for the party? -在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效- 毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _ 提示:配详细答案解析,请到 搜索并免费下载! A. Doing Lizs hair. B. Blowing up balloons. C. Marking a chocolate cake. 20. What can we learn from the monologue? A

9、. Rita can not go to the party. B. Liz is wearing a white dress to the party. C. Lizs grandparents are away on holiday. C)请听下面一段独白, 根据独白内容 完成下列句子,每个空格不超过 3 个单词。听独白前你将有 50 秒 钟 的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。 (每小题 1 分 ) 21. Frank is working at a _ shop when he is not at school. 22. He works _ a week from 7:00 pm unt

10、il 10:00 pm. 23. On the first day, he _ where everything in the shop is. 24. He would like to buy _. 25. His phone number is _. 二、 语言 知识运用 (30 分 ) A)单项填空。请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (每小题 1 分 ) 26. Our teacher was very happy because _ failed the examination. A. somebody B. nobody

11、C. anybody D. everybody. 27. There will be less pollution _ more people use public transportation. A. but B. though C. unless D. if 28. Fresh food is good for you. But you have to _ it first because sometimes it is a little dirty. A. taste B. smell C. wash D. plant 29. There are lots of _ that stude

12、nts have to follow in school. A. exercises B. problems C. skills D. rules 30. Ben and Sue arent home, are they? No. They _ to London on business. A. have gone B. go C. have been D. will go 31. The scarves are all beautiful. I cant decide which one to choose. Oh, look at this red one. I think its _.

13、A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. less beautiful 32. Nathan likes his job because he _ enjoy the beauty of nature. A. can B. must C. should D. is supposed to 33. I lost my ticket, but _ the travel agent gave me another one. A. actually B. firstly C. luckily D. exactly 34. Do yo

14、u have any plans for tonight? Yes, I _ at the new Italian restaurant in town. A. eat B. have eaten C. ate D. am going to eat 35. You cant wear shoes inside this place. It _. A. doesnt allow B. isnt allowed C. hasnt allowed D. wasnt allowed 36. Sally used to be _, but now she takes part in different

15、activities and makes many new friends. A. active B. quiet C. honest D. outgoing 37. Excuse me .I wonder _ there is a bus here to go to Downing Street. Yes. Bus No.223. A. that B. when C. why D. whether 38. I have passed my driving test. _ So you are going to buy a car. A. You did! B. Good idea! C. T

16、hats OK. D. Congratulations! 39. I really love this band! _ Ive got every CD theyve made so far. A. Me, too! B. Sounds good. C. I disagree. D. I hope so. 40. Hi, Maria. You look great today. _ Thank you. It feels quiet soft and smooth. A. How is it going? B. What a nice dress! C. The weather is fine

17、. D. Why are you happy? B)短语填空。请阅读下面各小题,选择方框中所给 的 短 语 填空 。每个 短语 限用一次 。 (每小题 1 分 ) A. check out B. ran away C. would rather D. a couple of E. is harmful to F. ever since G. took up H. without doubt I. in silence J. was responsible for 41. He _ football when he was 6 years old. 42. She has lived in th

18、is house _ she came to the village. 43. I dont want to go out. I _ have a quiet night in front of TV. 44. If you go to his home tomorrow, please make a phone call to _ his address. 45. Four men sat _. They were thinking over the problem. 46. The boy _ from his home quickly when the earthquake happen

19、ed. 47. Police believe the same man _ the other traffic accident in the city. 48. There are _ teachers waiting for you outside. Hurry up. 英语试卷 第 5 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 英语试卷 第 6 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 49. Jo is _ one of the best swimmers in the school. He got many prizes. 50. Dont read in the sun. It _ your eyes. C)补全

20、对话。请阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个适当的句子完成对话。其中有两个句子是多余的。 (每小题 1 分 ) (D=Darren, C=Carol) D: Hi, Caro! 51 C: Oh, hi, Darren. Im just getting ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow. D: Oh really? Well, Im free this afternoon. 52 C: Actually, Ive nearly finished. Jim and I are going to put up some ads la

21、ter, though. Could you please help us with that? D: 53 C: Thats wonderful! Oh, theres one more thing. Would you mind coming early tomorrow to help sell tickets at the door? D: Not at all. 54 C: Around six would be great. D: OK. 55 C: Great. Thanks, Darren. A. No problem. B. See you then. C. Of cours

22、e not. D. What are you doing? E. Can I give you a hand? F. What time shall I be there? G. Have you finished your homework? 三、完形填空 (20 分 ) A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握 其大意,然后 从各小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项 。 (每小题 1 分 ) Most of us have three meals a day .We take food for granted(想当然 ). And we dont think abou


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