新人教版七年级上册英语Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag.Section B 1a-1e课件ppt(公开课).ppt

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1、Section B (1a-1e) Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? tape player hat radio clock New words tape model plane 1. radio _ 3. tape player _ 5. tape _ 2. clock _ 4. model plane _ 6. hat _ a f d e bc Match the words with the things in the picture. 1a Look at the picture in 1a. Stand up quickly to tell the names

2、of the things you see. Which group is faster? (看 1a中的图片。快速起立并说出你看到 的物品名称。每答对一个则该组前进一 步 , 最后看哪个小组最先夺得城墙上的红 旗。 ) 1b Boys Girls PK 1b Toms room Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. 听录音,圈出房间里汤姆想要的物品 Tape player English books clock ruler notebook tape Model plane radio 1c 1d Listen again. Where are Toms things? Write them down. ? 再 听一遍录音,汤姆的物品在哪里?记录下来。 ? The English books are under the radio. ? The ruler is on the bed. ? The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase. ? The tape is in the tape player.


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