牛津译林版七年级下册英语Unit 1 教学案(含练习题及答案).docx

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1、 牛津译林版七年级下册英语Unit 1 教学案7BUnit1 Dream homes (Teacher)第一部分 知识点梳理Comic strip and welcome to the unit1. dream adj.理想的 梦想中的n.梦想 梦 v.做梦a dream place for children to play. 一个给孩子们玩的地方My dream is to become a singer when I grow up. 我的梦想是当我长大后成为一名歌手。Do you often dream? 你经常做梦吗?dream of 梦想 渴望 dream to do sth. 梦想

2、做某事 dream about 梦见,设想 2. would like to do= want to do想要做I want to live in a palace. =I would like to live in a palace. 我想住在一座宫殿里。注意:Would you like sth.? Yes, please. No, thanks.Would you like to do sth.? Yes, Id like/love to. Id like/love to, but比较:Do you want some tea?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Do you

3、 want to have some tea? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3. palace (n.) 皇宫,宫殿 the Summer Palace 颐和园the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆4. livenext toa restaurant/ liveneara restaurant居住在一家餐馆旁边next to意为“在的旁边;贴近;紧挨着”。Our house is next to the park. 我们的家在公园旁边。You can sit next to Millie at dinner. 吃饭时你可以靠着米莉坐。拓展:next作形容词时意为“下

4、一个的,接下来的”,通常作定语。next time/day/week/month/year 下一次/接下来的一天/下周/下个月/接下来的一年5. town (n.)镇;城镇pl. townstown一般比村village大,比city小。在城里 in town,town前无需定冠词the。去城里go to town。但可以说:in our town。6. Which is your favourite? = Which do you like best?哪个是你最喜爱的。7. thebiggestone最大的一个句中one是不定代词,指上文的restaurant;one还可以作数词用,意为“一

5、”。 The chair is expensive. Can you show me a cheaper one? 这张椅子很贵,你能给我一张便宜的看看吗? We exercise one hour every day. What about you, Tom? 我们每天锻炼一个小时。汤姆,你呢?辨析:one与itone 指代上文出现过的同一类事物。 I dont like this shirt. Would you please show me another one? 我不喜欢这件衬衫,请你拿另一件给我看看好吗? it 指代上文出现过的同一个事物。 The book is very int

6、eresting. Would you like to have a look at it. 这本书很有趣,你想看看吗?8. Which country is this photo from, Simon? 西蒙,这张照片来自哪个国家?country作名词,意为“国家”,侧重指国土或疆土,它的复数形式为countries。China is a large country. 中国是一个疆域广大的国家。拓展:country除了表示“国家”外,还有一个常见意思为“农村,乡村”,前通常要用定冠词。 Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the cou

7、ntry?你是更喜欢住在城里还是住在乡下?注意:country没有相应的形容词形式,若需用于名词前作定语,可直接用名词形式。此时它表示“乡村的”。 country music 乡村音乐 country life 乡下生活9. the capital of.的首都Beijing is the capital of China. = The capital of China is Beijing.北京是中国的首都。拓展:(1)capital作为名词,意为“省会”。the capital of.意为“的省会”。 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. 南京是江苏的省会。

8、(2)capital作为形容词,表示“大写的”。 The capital letter of “g” is “G”. g的大写字母是G。Reading10. live in a town 15 miles (away) from London住在距离伦敦15英里的一个小镇上mile名词,意为“英里”,复数为miles,表示距离。固定结构“基数词+mile(s)+from+sp”表示“离某地多少英里”。对“数词+表距离的名词”提问,特殊疑问词用how far。How far is your home from the school? 你家离学校多远?My home is 3 miles from

9、 the school. 我家离学校三英里远。拓展:与mile有类似用法的有:metre(米)和kilometre(千米)。11. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea. 我和我的家人常常坐在那里喝茶。 family意为“家人;家庭”,为集体名词。当强调整体时,表示单数概念,指“家庭”;强调其中成员时,表示复数概念,指“家人”。 My family is a big one. 我家是个大家庭。 All my family live together in a large house. 我们全家一起住在一栋大房子里。辨析:f

10、amily,house和home family,集体名词,“家人,家庭”,是一种社会意义的团体,与住房无关。There are four people in my family. 我家有四口人。house,名词,“房子,房屋”,侧重指居住地的地点和建筑物。There are many new houses in our village. 我们村里有许多新房子。home,(1)名词,“家”,指一个家庭成员共同生活的地方,也可以指一个人出生或成长的地方。包含建筑物(house)和里面居住的人(family);(2)地点副词,“在家;回家”,与动词连用时,要省略home前面的介词。His home

11、is near the school 他的家就在学校附近。 I must go home. 我必须回家。12. havefun=have a good time=enjoy oneselfhave fun doing = have a good time doing开心地做某事比较:have fundoing& It is funto do13. I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.我住在莫斯科市中心的一个公寓里。介词短语in the centre of 意为“在中心”,centre为名词,意为“中心”。The supermarket is in

12、the centre of our city.那个超市在我们市中心.辨析:centre 与 middlecentre,位于空间,比如方、圆等中心位置。There is a statue in the centre of the square. 广场中央有一座雕像。middle,到两边或两点距离相等的中央或中间部分。She is standing in the middle of the line. 她站在队伍的中间。14. I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和我的姐姐同住一间卧室。share意为“分享,合用”,既可以作及物动词,又可以作不及物动词。It is

13、 raining now.Lets share the umbrella.天正下雨,咱们合用这把伞吧。May I share the umbrella with you?我可以同你合用这把伞吗?拓展:(1)share用作不及物动词时,常用短话有:share out分配;分发 share with 分享 share in 分担(2)用作及物动词时,常用搭配有:share sth.合用/分享某物share sth.with sb.和莱人分享某物share sth.between sb.在某人之间分享15. listen to music in bed (躺)在床上听音乐(1)in bed 意为(躺

14、)在床上,bed 前无冠词修饰。(2)on the bed表示某样东西在床上16. It has 8 rooms. = There are 8 rooms in it. 它有8个房间。17. own(adj)自己的用在所有格后加强语气,常用句型为“ones own+名词”或“名词+of ones own”I have my own bedroom. = I have a bedroom of my own.我有我自己的房间。I need a room of my own.我需要一个属于自己的房间。拓展:(1)常用短语:on my own = all by myself 靠自己,亲自动手I do

15、 my homework on my own. = I do my homework all by myself.我的作业都是独立完成。(2)own用作动词,意为“所有,拥有”。Which of these would you most like to own? 这些东西,你最想拥有哪一个?(3)owner,名词,意为“拥有者”。Mr.White is the owner of this shopping mall. 怀特先生是这家购物中心的老板。18. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我真喜欢坐在那儿往外看

16、着沙滩和大海。ex.My sister_(love)to chat and_(watch)TV in the living room.(1)look out at the beach 意为“向外看着海滩”,look out意为“向外看”,不能直接跟宾语,加介词后才能跟宾语。Dont look out of the window.别往窗外看。注意:look out 还可以表示“当心”,常用来提醒注意,相当于be careful 或take care.Look out.A car is coming.小心,有辆车开过来了。look 的相关短语:look for寻找 look at看look on

17、旁观look like 看起来像look up 向上看;查询 look after 环顾look into朝看;直视 look back on 回顾look down on 瞧不起look up and down 上下打量 look forward to 期盼look around 环顾四周(2)sea作名词,意为“海”,常和the连用,in the sea意为“在海里”。There are many kinds of fishes in the sea.海里有许多种鱼。19. the best place to chat 最佳的聊天之处the best place to do sth.做某事

18、的最好地方,句中动词不定式to chat and watch TV作后置定语,修饰the best place。The balcony is the best place to grow flowers.阳台是种花的最好地方。The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.商场是跟朋友见面并且玩得开心的一个好地方。I have a lot of homework to do at weekends.我在周末有很多作业要做。拓展:(1)the first to do sth.第一个干某事的人He is always the first

19、to come to school.他总是第一个来学校。(2)the last to do sth.最后一个干某事的人Im the last to leave the cinema.我是最后一个离开电影院的。Grammar20. 熟记下列数字的拼写:one - firsttwo-secondthree-thirdfour-fourteen-forty-fourth five-fifteen-fifty-fiftheight-eighteen-eighty-eighth nine-nineteen-ninety-ninthtwelve-twelfthtwenty-twentieth hundre

20、d-hundredth21. 基数词表达方式4,056four thousand and fifty-six4,886,103 four million,eight hundred and eighty-six thousand,one hundred and three注意:百位和十位之间要用and,and 轻读注意:在非正式文体中,2,300也可写作 twenty-three hundred.22. area 地区,面积(1)people from about 180 countries and areas来自大约180个国家和地区的人(2)have an area of.有.的面积in

21、area 在面积上(类似:in size)France has an area of 260,000 square miles.France is 260,000 square miles in area.法国面积有260,000平方英里。Red Square is about 91,000 square metres in size.红场面积大约91,000平方米。23. There are about 8,000,000 people living in Tokyo. 大约有8,000,000人居住在东京。(1) 表示某地有.,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则(2) 表示有事情要

22、做,用 there be sth.to do.(3)表示有某人正在做某事,用 there be sb.doing sth.24. over(1)“越过”,介词Look!The dog is jumping over the wall.看!那只狗正跳过墙。(2)“在上方”,介词There is a lamp over the desk.课桌上方有一畿灯。(3)“遍及”,介词There is some water over the floor.地板上有些水。(4)“在期间(during)”,介词He often works over night.他经常通宵工作。(5)“结束的;终了的”,形容词Th

23、e game is over.游戏结束了。(6)“翻转;从一边到另一一边”,副词We flew over to the US to visit my aunt.我们飞往美国去探望我的姨妈.(7)“多余,超过(more than)”,介词There were over 3000 people present at the meeting. 超过3000人出席了会议。25. The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall.结构:数词+量词+形容词5 years old 1.70 metres tall 2 kilos heavy 2000 feet high 3000 kilome

24、ters long26. Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.莫斯科的红场在大小上是9.1万平方米。(1)square 形容词,意为“平方的;正方形的”。The room is about 30 square metres.这个房间大约30平方米。拓展:square作名词,意为“正方形;广场”。(2)metre 名词,意为“米,公尺”,复数为 metres。The river is about 50 metres wide.这条河大约有50米宽。拓展:kilometre 作名词,意为“千米”,复数为kilomet

25、res。(3)in size 介词短语,意为“在大小上”。My pencil box is different from yours in size. 我的铅笔盒的大小和你的不一样。拓展:类似的固定短语有:in area 按面积计算,在面积方面 in weight 在重量上 In age 在年龄上in colour 在颜色上in length在长度上27. on the eighth of March= on March8 = on March 8th = on 8th March28. I live on the 7th floor.(提问)Which floor do you live o

26、n?29. the first to come to school 动词不定式作定语I have a lot of homework to do.我有许多作业要做。Its my first time to visit China.这是我第一次来中国。He is the last to get to the playground.他是最后一个到操场的。Integrated skills30. knives 刀knife名词,意为“刀”,复数为knives。拓展:英语中以-f或-fe结尾的名词,变为复数时,一般要将-f或-fe改为-ves。口诀:妻子持刀去砍狼,那个小偷发了慌;躲在架后保己命,半数

27、树叶都落光。(wife-wives,knife-knives,wolf-wolves,thief-thieves,shelf-shelves,self-selves,life-lives,half-halves,leaf-leaves)31. Thanks for sth. 因为感谢Thanks for doing 因为做.Thanks for helping me with English. = Thanks for your help with my English.谢谢你在英语方面帮助我。32. be different from. 和不同be the same as. 和相同(反义)Y

28、our bike is different from mine.你的自行车和我的不一样。His coat is the same as yours.他的外套和你的一样。拓展:different 的名词为 difference,意为“不同点,不同的地方”。Can you tell me the differences between the two words? 你能告诉我这两个单词之间的不同点吗?33. be full of. 满是My garden is full of flowers.我的花园里都是花。辨析:be full of与 be filled withbe full of,强调状态

29、,尤其强调“满满的”状态。The box is full of food.盒子里装满了食物。be filled with,侧重动态的过程,意为“被装满”。This balloon is filled with air.这个气球充满了空气。34. I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有一天能去你家拜访。(1)hope to do. 希望做某事hope that从句 希望I hope to visit your home some day. = I hope that I can visit your home some day.(2)some day 将

30、来有一天,总有一天one day 某一天(可以指过去,也可以指将来)the other day 前几天(常用于一般过去时)35. take a message 捎口信message 是可数名词,意为“音讯,音信”,复数形式为 messages。短语 take a message意为“捎个信儿”,是接电话的人常用的短语,与介词 for搭配。Can I take a message for him?我能给他捎个信儿吗?There were no messages for me at the hotel.旅馆里没有给我的留言。拓展:message 构成的短语:send a message 发送信息

31、leave a message 留下信息36. Can you ask him to call me back? 你能让他给我回电话吗?(1) ask sb.(not)todo.要求某人(不要)做The teacher asks us not to talk in class. 老师让我们不要在课堂上谈话。tell sb.(not)to do.告诉某人(不要)做My mum tells me to visit my grandpa tomorrow.我妈妈告诉我明天去拜访我的祖父。(2)call sb.back 给某人回电话,相当于 ring/phone sb.back.She is call

32、ing her mother now.她现在正在给她妈妈打电话。拓展:(1)call动词,意为“叫,喊”。I hear someone calling for help.我听见有人在呼救。(2)call动词,意为“访问,拜访”,常用短语有:call onsb.拜访某人 call at sp.拜访某地He wants to call on you at your office tomorrow.他明天想到你办公室拜访你。(3)英语中打电话给某人的表达方式有:call/ring/phone sb.(up)give sb.a call/ringmake a telephone/phone call

33、to sb.37. 电话用语:May I speak to.?This is.(speaking).Who is that(speaking)? Hold on,please./Wait a minute.Sorry,.is not at home.Can I take a message?38. may(model v.)可以;也许,可能(1)表示许可或征求对方的许可,有“可以”的意思。May I speak to Daniel?我可以和 Daniel 通电话吗?May I use your computer?我用一下你的电脑可以吗?(2)回答以 may 开头的疑问句有如下表达法:May I

34、smoke here?我可以在这儿抽烟吗?Yes,you may./Yes,please.请抽吧。No,you cant./you mustnt./youd better not.请不要抽烟。(3)表示猜测,通常只用于陈述句。You may be right. = Maybe you are right.你可能是对的。39. double 双的;两倍的(1)用作限定词,意为两倍。His books is double hers.他的书是她的两倍。(2)用作形容词,主要表示双的(指包括两个相同或结合在一起的东西)。The room has double doors.这房间有双层门。Study s

35、killsTask40. last name = family name 姓first name = given name 名字41. study 书房辦析:study与 learnstudy,强调学习的过程,有“研究,钻研”的意思。I am studying English.我在学英语。learn,侧重学习的成果,有“学会”的意思。It takes a long time to learn drawing well.学会画画要花很长时间。42. at the foot of a hill 在山脚下The visitors are taking photos at the foot of th

36、e Great Wall. 游客们正在长城脚下拍照片。There is a small house at the foot of the mountain.在大山脚下有一间小屋。拓展:on the top of在顶部 in the middle of在中间 at the bottom of 在底部43. There is a football field behind my house and a swimming pool beside it. 在我家后面有一个足球场,旁边有一个游泳池。field名词,意为“地,田”,a field of wheat麦田;football field 足球场

37、;on the football field 在足球场上。拓展:其他体育活动场地:playground 操场badminton court 羽毛球场swimming pool 游泳池tennis court 网球场volleyball court 排球场golf court 高尔夫球场44. invite my friends to watch films with me 邀请我的朋友们和我一起看电影(1)invite + sb. 邀请某人Tomorrow is Jims birthday.He wants to invite you.明天是Jim的生日,他想要邀请你。(2)invite +

38、sb.+to do .邀请某人做某事They invited us to dinner.他们邀请我们赴宴。(3) invite + sb.+for. 邀请某人I will invite my cousin for coffee tomorrow night.明天晚上我请我的表哥喝咖啡。(4)invite + sb.+to do sth. 邀请某人做某事He didnt invite me to have dinner with them.他没有邀请我和他们一道吃饭。(5)invite+sb.+to a place(指一个地方) 邀请某人到某处Our headteacher will invit

39、e Liyang to our school.我们校长将要邀请李阳来我们学校。45. come and stay here 来这儿呆着stay 是动词,意为“停留,逗留”。stay out待在外面;stay at home待在家里;stay at.停留在;stay with sb.和某人呆在一起I stay at the bus stop and wait for you.我待在汽车站等你。stay 还可以作名词,意为“停留,逗留”,a short stay一次短暂的停留。I hope you enjoy your stay here.我希望你在这儿过得愉快。第二部分 典型例题1根据中文提示,

40、写出句中所缺单词(南京中考)Cindy told me it was her _(第二)time to visit Jiangxinzhou Islet during Grape Festival.导析 句中意为“第二次”参观,故用序数词second。2词性转换(恩施中考)He is going to celebrate his _(forty) birthday this Saturday.导析句意为“他准备这个周六庆祝自己的四十岁生日”,故用forty序数词fortieth.3. 单项选择(锦州中考)More than two_years ago, people knew little a

41、bout the universe.A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of导析句意为“两千多年前,人们对宇宙了解的很少。”thousand, hundred, million 前有了具体的数字不加s, thousands of 意为“成千上万的”。答案为:B.4. 句子翻译(扬州中考) 你为什么不学会与你的家人分担烦恼呢? _your family member? 导析 “和某人分担”用share sth. with sb. 答案为:Why dont you learn to share your worries with

42、。5用中文翻译: I would like all my friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time. 导析 这是would like sb.to do sth. 句式,意为“想让某人去做某事。”have a shower 意思为“淋浴”, have a bath 意思为“洗澡”,at the same time 意思为“同时”。答案为:我想让我所有的朋友能同时淋浴或洗澡。6用所给数词的适当形式填空。 (1) He doesnt look old in his _ (fifty).(2) _(thousand) of people a

43、re traveling in the beautiful place. 导析 本题也考查数词的用法。题(1) 用基数词的复数形式表达年龄,fifties。 题(2)中有of, 所以of前的thousand应加s,意为“许许多多”。7改错 河上有座桥。 There is a bridge on the river. 导析 on, over 都表示“在上面”,但是on表示两个物体相接触的“上面”,既垂直又接触;over 表示两物体只垂直,不接触的“正上方”。根据句意答案为改on为over。 8改错。 我们教室前面有一张地图。 There is a map in front of our clas

44、sroom. 导析 in front of意思是“在前面”,表示在某地方或物体之外的前面;in the front of也意为“在前面”,指在某地方或物体之内的前面。答案为在front前加the。第三部分 同类习题练习一、 单项选择1. There are no _ students in the school. A. another B. the other C. other D. others2. Many Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year _ red packets. A. by give B. in give C. with g

45、ive D. by giving3. He always _ his exercise book at home. A. forget B. forgets C. leave D. leaves4. Mr. Scott loves his _ very much and he would like to do everything for them. A. home B. family C. house D. flat5. Now, children, turn to page _ and look at the _ picture in Lesson Two. A. twentieth; one B. twenty; on C. twentieth; first D. twenty; first6. Wednesday is the _ day of a week. A. fifth B. fourth C. forth D. third7. I have _ dolls already. I wan


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