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1、Additional Materials Background Information 1 2 Challenge Yourself Index Background Information a historical and geographical region centered on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe other Nordic countries, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands sometimes included Scandinavia Appalachian Tra

2、il (Appalachian National Scenic Trail) generally known as the A.T. a 2,174 mile (3478 km) marked hiking and camping trail in the eastern United States extending between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine a part of the Arctic Ocean a rather deep shelf sea (average depth 230 m) l

3、ocated in Northern Europe, from 53N to 66N latitude and from 20E to 26E longitude bounded by the Scandinavian Peninsula one of the most fascinating areas in the world BACK The Barents Sea Challenge Yourself 1. Watch the video and fill in the following blanks. holiday and business travelers alike. gr

4、eat attractions and 1) Los Angeles is a favorite destination for _ 2) Wherever you go, you will find _ _ lots of entertainments. 2. Watch the video and retell the information you get from it. Tips: Amazing, visitors, pace, energy, exciting, tiring, fabulous attractions, ferry, carriage, the central

5、park, greatest sights Thank You! AfterAfter- -readingreading Unit One Index Answers to Exercises After-reading Activity Review of the Text Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text. Write T for true and F for false. _When I heard one guy hiked the Appalachian Tr

6、ail by himself, I started thinking about doing a trip somewhere. _The author plans to cycle to Norway from his home. _The author made a good preparation for his solo journey. T F F Review of the Text _ The author met difficulties at the very beginning of his trip. _The authors six-week trip through

7、the Scandinavian wilderness was full of loneliness and difficult challenges. _From the text we can infer that the author may invite some people to travel with him next time. T T T BACK Vocabulary 1. 1) persevered 2) maintained 3) sketched 4) steep 5) adjusted 6) grateful 7) drained 8) remote 9) hike

8、 10) assembled 11) marked 12) average 13) await 14) purchase 15) humid Answers to Exercises 2. 1) When a man began to prosper, he was inclined to think about things that he used to wish for. 2) The flight leaves in twenty minuteswell never make it. 3) They decided to stick with their original plan.

9、4) His writing style is marked by precision and wit. 5) I came across an old diary in her desk. 6) Dont count on a salary increase this year. 7) The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier. 8) Im looking for something out of the ordinary. 1. 1) Whe

10、rever she goes 2) Whichever you buy 3) Whoever wants to speak to me on the phone 4) whatever happens 5) however cold it is Structure 2. 1) Arriving at the station, he found his train gone. 2) Being poor, he could not afford to buy books. 3) Not wanting to give offence, they did so all the same. 4) T

11、urning to the left, you will find the post office. 5) I dont like to sit here doing nothing. Translation 1) 无论是暑假还是中学毕业无论是暑假还是中学毕业,只要有可能只要有可能,我都喜欢把我都喜欢把 冒险融入生活冒险融入生活。 2) 一方面一方面,我思家心切我思家心切,怀疑自己是否真能完成这次旅怀疑自己是否真能完成这次旅 行;另一方面行;另一方面,我急不可待地要向自己和国内的家人我急不可待地要向自己和国内的家人 证明证明,我具备所需的一切实力我具备所需的一切实力。 3) 虽然感觉像早先一样

12、又冷又沮丧虽然感觉像早先一样又冷又沮丧,但我庆幸刚到挪威但我庆幸刚到挪威 时就买了一个便宜手机时就买了一个便宜手机。 4) 虽然我证明了自己具备坚持不懈和恪守计划的品性虽然我证明了自己具备坚持不懈和恪守计划的品性, 但我怀念有熟人相伴的感觉但我怀念有熟人相伴的感觉。 5) 我听说了这样一句瑞典格言:我听说了这样一句瑞典格言:“与人分享的快乐是双与人分享的快乐是双 倍的快乐倍的快乐。” BACK AfterAfter- -reading Activityreading Activity Make a checklist of the necessities you would take when

13、 traveling. Tips: ID card and/or passport , money, credit card, clothes, tent, raincoat, laptop, sun hat, sunglasses, rubber/waterproof boots, medicine, heatstroke preventive, suntan lotion, mobile phone, mp3, mp4, favorite novels, etc. TRAVELING Unit One 2 Class Hours Listening on the other hand, I

14、 was ready to prove to myself and my family members that I had the right qualities to finish the solo trip. 一方面,我思家心切,怀疑自己是否真能完成这次旅一方面,我思家心切,怀疑自己是否真能完成这次旅 行;另一方面,我急不可待地要向自己和国内的家人行;另一方面,我急不可待地要向自己和国内的家人 证明,我具备所需的一切实力。证明,我具备所需的一切实力。 have what it takes have the right qualities or skills required for su

15、ccess 具有成功所需的品质或技能 e.g. I dont think Rebecca has what it takes to be a ballet dancer. Do you have what it takes to become a general manager? In contrast to the hot, humid temperature I left in Illinois, the arctic weather in the north of Norway was in the 30s. (P.6) 我离开伊利诺伊州时,天气潮湿、炎热,可挪威北部的我离开伊利诺伊州时

16、,天气潮湿、炎热,可挪威北部的 北极气候截然不同,只有北极气候截然不同,只有30多华氏度。多华氏度。 Note that Fahrenheit is widely used in the United States and less so in Britain as a temperature scale with freezing-point at 32F and boiling-point at 212F; Fahrenheit to Celsius: (F-32)5/9. Celsius to Fahrenheit: (C9/5)+32. The humidity and the hea

17、t drained me more than I counted on. (P.9) 超乎想象的高湿度和高温使我精疲力竭。超乎想象的高湿度和高温使我精疲力竭。 During that stretch of days it was tough to maintain my 60 miles per day average. (P.9) 在那段日子里,要保持平均日行在那段日子里,要保持平均日行60英里真够呛。英里真够呛。 Although I proved I had what it took to persevere and stick with my plan, I missed being

18、with people I knew. (P.10) 虽然我证明了自己具备坚持不懈和恪守计划的品性虽然我证明了自己具备坚持不懈和恪守计划的品性, 但我怀念有熟人相伴的感觉但我怀念有熟人相伴的感觉。 I came across a Swedish proverb that says, “A shared joy is a double joy.” (P.10) 我听说了这样一句瑞典格言:“与人分享的快乐是双倍我听说了这样一句瑞典格言:“与人分享的快乐是双倍 的快乐。”的快乐。” Being alone, I discovered how true that really is. (P.10) 独

19、处时,我发现这真是千真万确。独处时,我发现这真是千真万确。 Note that the adverbial V-ing phrases are used in place of adverbial clauses to express time relationship, cause or reason, circumstances, etc. And they may follow after, since, while and when(ever). e.g. After throwing down his jacket, the stranger moved threateningly

20、towards me. Having spent nearly all our money, we couldnt afford to stay in a hotel. Having taken the medicine you gave me, I feel much better. WORD STUDY STRUCTURE Unit One Text Structure Skim the text quickly and answer the following questions. What does the author plan for his solo journey and ho

21、w does he feel? Tips: Norway and Sweden; map; sketch the route excited; expecting (Paras. 1-2) Which paragraphs focus on his solo journey experience? Tips: Paras. 3-9 What does he think of his solo journey experience? Tips: a feeling of loneliness and difficult challenges A shared joy is a double jo

22、y. (Para. 10) 1What is the authors itinerary and how does he get to these places? Questions for Paras. 3-9 Set off from Chicago (in U.S.A) Stockholm (in Sweden) (A) Oslo (in Norway) (B) Tromso (in Norway) (C) Honningsvag (in Norway) (D) Nordkapp (in Norway, the northernmost point in Europethe starti

23、ng point (E) of the authors planned itinerary) Nordkapp (in Norway) (E) Kiruna (in Sweden) (F) Umea (in Sweden) (G) Termination: Karlskrona (in Sweden, the southernmost section of Swedenthe end point (H) on schedule) Map Route 2Use some words to describe the authors feeling when the following happen

24、ed. 1) The Arctic weather in the north of Norway was in the 30s. Tips: cold, regretful 2) Id purchased a cheap cell phone when I first arrived in Norway. Tips: grateful, happy 3) There was nobody around for miles, but there were mosquitoesmillions of them. Tips: unexpected, annoyed 4) I reached my destination on the 40th day. Tips: satisfied with himself and missing being with people he knew BACK SENTENCE STUDY


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