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1、吉林地区第三次模拟答案一听力部分:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B11. A 12. C 13. A14. C 15. B16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A二阅读理解:A篇:21-23 CDBB篇:24-27 CDABC篇:28-31 DCBCD篇:32-35 BADB七选五:36-40 FECAD三 完型填空:41-45 ACDDB 46-50 CBDAC 51-55 ABBCD四语法填空56.attracted 57.dating 58. or 59.which 60.its 61.repeatedl

2、y 62.diversity 63.on 64.harmonious 65.have been brought/are brought四应用文范文Recently, a survey on students participation in housework has been conducted in our school , revealing that only 18% of students regularly engage in housework, with 17% doing so occasionally, and 65% not participating at all.So

3、me reasons are likely to take responsibility for this situation. Firstly, the busy schedules often leave students with little free time. Besides, parents may not expect their children to assist with housework, further reducing the chances of student participation.Personally,for students, its importa

4、nt to do regular housework,which can not only help them learn life skills and appreciate parents efforts but also develop a sense of responsibility and independence.And Schools and parents should encourage regular participation in housework to help students grow into responsible individuals.五续写参考范文(

5、务请认真阅读阅卷说明,心中有尺再行批阅)Just then, an idea came to Mr. Taylor. “How about if I make you a loan? Ill let you use a plot of land in my yard. When your garden starts to prosper, you can repay me with a few tomatoes.” On hearing that, Mali nodded her head without the slightest hesitation. The two shook hand

6、s on this deal. The next day, Mali bought some tomato plants with all her pocket money. Mr. Taylor taught Mali how to prepare the soil and place the plants. Finally, Mali was instructed to place stakes in the ground to help hold the plants up. Mr. Taylor explained, “Once the tomato comes, the heavy

7、fruit makes the branches bend.” Then all they could do was water and pull weeds regularly, waiting in eager anticipation for the tasty fruit. When the fruit ripened, there were more juicy, red tomatoes than even Mali could have imagined. “There is no way I can eat all these,” she realized. On Saturd

8、ay, Mali and Mr. Taylor carried several crates of ripe tomatoes to the market, and by the days end they had sold them all. Not only did Mali get back the money she invested, but she also made a profit of twenty dollars. Remembering the loan, she handed the note to Mr. Taylor. “This is the wage you h

9、ave earned,” Mr. Taylor said softly. The bright and diligent girl beamed and suggested, “Maybe you can sell some of your daffodils and we can run a market stand together.” What a good idea! Picturing a garden of fragrant flowers and fruitful plants, and more importantly, the smiles on peoples faces

10、when they get those, they started looking forward to the next summer. 听力原文:Text 1M: The thing I love about maths is all the problems you have to work out.W: I know what you mean, but numbers arent my thing. (1) Im better at shapes and angles.Text 2W: My shoulder has been hurting for three days. Do y

11、ou think I should go see a doctor?M: Have you tried taking some medicine?W: My brother bought some types of medicine, but I dont know which one to take. (2)Text 3M: I dont get it. Youre always reading travel books, yet you never actually go anywhere!W: Well, I cant afford it right now Not everybody

12、is the son of a banker, you know. But when I finish studying and have a doctors salary, (3) Ill travel the world. Youll see! Text 4 M: From what Ive learned in lectures, to cure an infection, we have to clean the wound first. Then, we must close it.W: But we dont have medical tools outdoors, and Mic

13、hael is getting worse. (4) Run back to the car and call an ambulance.Text 5 M: What time is your mother arriving?W: She was supposed to catch the noon bus, but she called me to say she missed it. So she plans to take the 3:00 bus, which will get her here around dinner time. (5)Text 6W: My friends ha

14、ve good intentions, but sometimes theyre so negative. Honestly, it brings me down sometimes. (6)M: Thats common at your age, Gina. I think life in high school is great. However, with life changing so quickly, its easy to be at a loss.W: But youre always in such a good mood. How do you maintain such

15、an optimistic attitude? (7)M: Situations arent necessarily good or bad. It just depends on how you look at them!W: Youre right, Papa. Ill try to convince my friends of this.M: Just show them a positive example. Eventually, theyll follow!Text 7M: Welcome to the busiest seaport in the world the Port o

16、f Shanghai is essential to the connection of our planet.W: Im just a student now, but I hope to manage a shipping port like you one day. (8)M: Great I was just like you, at your age. Id love to explain this ports role in global trade more clearly.W: Thanks. Ive only studied the Port of Singapore in

17、my hometown. (9)M: Yes, that citys port, from which you just arrived, is an important link for Shanghais trade. This critical route connects through Singapore, onto India and Africa, and ends in Italy or beyond.W: I heard this port dates back to 1842 is that true?M: Exactly. Now, over 30 million uni

18、ts are processed yearly, with a couple thousand ships departing every month.Text 8 (第10题为总结题)M: In the future, many of our current jobs will be done by robots. W: The future is closer than you think. Several of my friends were fired in a car factory, because robots are now replacing them.M: Robots d

19、o offer better output(产量) for less cost. (11) They can operate all day and night.W: This is true, but my friends are no longer earning any money. M: Hopefully they will be able to find other jobs.W: It is getting harder to find a job that will not be replaced in a few years time.M: This is true. I r

20、ead a report that said in this decade, 3% of jobs were at risk from machines. (12)W: I read the same report. That number would jump to 33% during the next decade. (12)M: Yes, but they also pointed out that robots and artificial intelligence could boost the global economy by $15 trillion.W: Do you th

21、ink they will replace lawyers like us?M: Not anytime soon.W: We have to work long hours, but at least we have job security.Text 9W: What do you think when you look through your telescope?M: Well, I think about my job, which is to look into space, look at planets and discover what knowledge they offe

22、r. (13)W: Yes, but what are your private thoughts about what you see?M: That is a good question. What is your name?W: Jenny.M: Well, Jenny, even after a quarter of a century in this job, I am still filled with wonder when I look at planets and stars.W: Do you wonder whether there is life there?M: It

23、 depends. When I look at Mars, Venus or the planet I am viewing today, the Moon, (14) I am pretty sure there is nothing living there. Further awaywell, maybe.W: At my school, we had a competition to draw what we thought a space creature would look like.M: Ha-ha. That is fun, as long as it doesnt sca

24、re you too much. Because the fact is, scientists and explorers have never found evidence that such things exist.W: Oh, I see.M: So, Jenny, what will you and your friends be doing next? Going back to school, or going home? W: I think we are going to have our lunch at the caf here. (15)M: Would you li

25、ke to look through my telescope before you go? (16)W: Ooh, yes please. (16)Text 10 Dear diary, its the 10th day of my bicycle journey from Beijing to Mongolia. (17) (19) Tomorrow will be one of the hardest days. To be honest, its not the physical challenge of cycling 10 hours per day, nor is it the

26、burning July sun in this desert-like part of northern China. (17) The real challenge is the loneliness of cycling for days without any company(陪伴). (18) The local people in the cities are so friendly, but Ive only just been able to make friends with people who can speak English. But tomorrow morning

27、 Ill have to say goodbye to the lovely family that housed me. I stayed here for an extra two days after this family helped me order food at a restaurant and invited me to stay at their home. (19) They generously offered me a ride around their town, and amazing introductions to local food and traditi

28、on. Ill miss them a lot as I continue riding north through the desert. I write this now, not just to motivate myself to continue, but to remind myself that each new friend I make on this trip could provide materials for my new book. (20) As I sit here, looking out into an empty desert road, I feel s

29、o thankful for the friends Ive made and so inspired by the experience of traveling.答案详解阅读A篇21.C. 细节题. 从Cookies 中的最后一句if you do not accept cookies from us, your ability to use some areas of our site will be limited.可以判断C正确。22. D. 细节判断题. 从最后一段细节第二行:you have left our Services and are sending informatio

30、n to a different website or application.可以判断D 正确。23. B. 文章类型判断。通过全文内容可以判断文章为网站的应用介绍。阅读B篇【文章大意】本文为记叙文,讲述了使用词典给作者带来的好处。24.C 根据首段尾句Looking up words felt less like a failing than an admission that there are lots of things I dont know and an opportunity to discover just how many. 可以判断C正确。25.D 根据第三段内容可知作者

31、举例orrey 是为了说明前文提到的自己的看法“They make me wonder what other things Im blind to.,可以判断D为正确选项。26.A 根据本段内容可知,词典可以简洁的方式解释复杂的问题,而其他网站则以更多的问题来回答你的问题,没有达到解决的目的。由此可知falling down a rabbit hole 意指没有解决问题反而遇到新的问题。可以判断 A正确。27.B 根据文章大意可知词典丰富了我的知识,打开了我的视野。阅读C篇【文章大意】本文为说明文,介绍了植物不仅可以探测到声音,对声音做出反应,并可能产生声音。植物与声音相互关系的研究也为我们的

32、生活提供了很多的实践价值。28 D.观点态度题。根据第一自然段King Charles suggested talking to plants, a thought initially mocked but now supported by evidence that plants can detect, react to, and potentially produce sound. 查尔斯国王建议与植物交谈,这一想法最初受到嘲笑,但现在有证据表明,植物可以探测到声音,对声音做出反应,并可能产生声音。可知人们最初的态度是反对的,故选D项。29.C细节理解题。根据第二自然段Leaves tha

33、t had been exposed had significantly higher levels of defensive chemicals, making them much harder for the caterpillars to eat. The research may have practical consequences, such as using drones armed with speakers to warn crops of pest threats, offering an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesti

34、cides.曾被暴露于毛虫咀嚼声音中的叶子含有更高水平的防御性化学物质,这使得毛虫更难吃到他们。这项研究可能产生实际的影响,比如使用配备扬声器的无人机来警告农作物害虫的威胁,为化学农药提供一种环保的替代品。故选C项。30.B推理判断题。根据第三自然段This finding could have implications for preventing damage to sewer systems caused by plant roots. The assumption had been that it was leaks that attracted the roots. The solu

35、tion, she says, might be to invest in pipes that are silent as water runs through them. 这一发现可能对防止植物根系对下水道系统造成损害产生影响。此前的假设是滴水声吸引了植物根系。她说解决方法可能是投资当水流经时,保持静音的管道。故选B项。31. C文章结构题。故选C项。文章第一自然段总体概括植物可以探测到声音,对声音做出反应,并可能产生声音。文章第二、三、四自然段分别介绍了植物可以探测到声音、植物可以对声音做出反应、植物可以产生声音的三个实验。文章第五自然段总结概括这些发现为植物感知和响应环境声音的能力提供

36、了新的视角。文章为总分总结构。故选C项。阅读D篇【文章大意】说明文,介绍了新闻正在引领人们的生活,成为用户指南。32.B细节理解题 根据第三段最后一句It fails to disclose that it does not merely report on the world, but is instead constantly at work crafting a new planet in our minds in line with its own often highly distinctive priorities. 新闻一直在我们的头脑中创造一个与它优选事项相一致的世界,可知新闻

37、提供给我们的是它更偏爱的世界。故选B项。33.A细节理解题 根据第四段第二句和第三句Fear has a lot to do with it. After even a short period of being cut off from news, our anxiety has a habit of building up.可知人们因害怕不能知道最新消息而连续不断地刷新闻。故选A项。34.D推理判断题 根据第五段What an achievement a moment of calm now is, what a miracle the ability to fall asleep or

38、to talk undistracted with a friend and what demanding discipline would be required to make us turn away from the messy news and listen for a day to nothing but the rain and our own thoughts.可知人们的正常生活已经受到新闻的严重干扰,远离媒体是有好处的。故选C项。35.B主旨大意题 纵览全文,可知人们正在新闻的指引下生活,即新闻正在成为用户的指南。故选B项。本文通过披露新闻的运作方法、剖析读者刷新闻的心理,展

39、示了新闻正潜移默化地影响读者的思想、干扰读者的生活,但并未改变人们的生活方式,故A项错误。七选五【文章大意】应用文,介绍练习太极拳的五点好处。36. F. 考察段内衔接。根据小标题 “Its easy on the body”(太极拳对身体来说很轻松,意思是对身体不会造成过多的压力或负担)” ,以及下一句 “as muscles remain relaxed without any stretching or straining” (因为肌肉保持放松,没有任何拉伸或紧张的情况)可知,F选项 “Its low-impact nature minimizes the risk of joint i

40、njury(它的低冲击力使得关节损伤的风险降到最低)” 符合要求。 37E. 考察段内衔接。根据小标题 “It could prevent falls.”(它可以防止跌倒) , 以及前一句 “Certainly, the emphasis is on balance, with sideways and backwards movements aiding in the strengthening of the muscles necessary for stability”(当然,重点是平衡,侧向和向后的动作有助于加强稳定所必需的肌肉),可知练习太极可以避免摔倒是因为该运动有助于加强稳定所必

41、需的肌肉。而E选项“They also improves flexibility and spatial awareness(侧向和向后的动作还能提高灵活性和空间意识)”是的另一个原因。其中also为语篇标志词,表示与上一句构成并列关系, they指代上句中的sideways and backwards movements。38. C. 考察篇章结构和段际衔接。根据语篇结构可知,在练习太极的五个原因中,前两个是对身体健康的好处,从第三个开始讨论对心理健康的好处。选项C. “The benefits arent just physical” 指出太极拳的好处不仅仅局限于身体上的,也包括了心理方面

42、的好处,起到了承接上下段的功能。39. A. 考察篇章结构和段内衔接。该段谈论了太极拳对心理健康的好处,包括减轻压力和焦虑,增强自信心。因此,从逻辑上来说,该段标题应该强调太极拳对心理健康的积极影响。选项A “It has the feel-good factor” (它让人感觉良好) 符合要求。40. D. 考察段内衔接。根据小标题 “You can do it at home”(你可以在家里练习太极),前一句 “Attending classes can be beneficial for receiving structured instruction and connecting wi

43、th like-minded individuals.”(参加课程对接受系统的指导和与志同道合的人联系是有益的),以及后半句 “providing an alternative for practicing at home(为在家练习提供了另一种选择)”可知D选项“But there are videos available online too.(但是网上也有视频)”符合要求。 这个选项提到了在线视频使得在家练习成为可能,与小标题提到的在家练习的内容相关,同时与前一句构成转折关系。此外,该段倒数第二句话中的one指代D选项中的 “video”。完形填空【文章大意】本文为记叙文,讲述了主人公K

44、im Stemple 因生病期间受到朋友送的礼物一块medal的鼓舞,从而成立一公益组织专门收集各种medal 送给有需要的病人帮助他们战胜病魔的故事。41. A. wrestling: Kim Stemple因患病而与抑郁抗争时,收到了一个意外的礼物。因此,这里的 “wrestling” 指的是与抑郁抗争。A. wrestle with 与.斗争,搏斗; B. compete with:与.竞争;C. quarrel with:与.争吵;D. part with: 放弃,交出。42. C. exercise:在Stemple生病无法锻炼之前,她曾是一名马拉松选手,而这枚奖牌唤起了她的比赛记忆

45、。A. live:生活;B. heal康复,痊愈;D. recover:恢复。43. D. reminding:提醒她曾经拥有的力量和毅力。文章提到这枚勋章是她急需的“提神剂”,让她想起了自己曾经拥有的力量和毅力。A. cheating:欺骗;B. clearing:清理;C. breaking:打破。 (注: “apick-me-up” means something that you have or do when you are tired or depressed in order to make you feel better. 提神的东西; 使人兴奋的东西。)44. D. Surp

46、risingly:勋章的效果出乎意料地好。文章提到勋章立刻使她振作起来,重新下定决心,这是出乎意料的。A. Causually随意地,漫不经心地;B. Desperately:绝望地,拼命地;C. Temporarily:临时地。(注 : “work like a charm” means to be immediately and completely successful. “work like a charm”是一个习语, 译为 “立见效果,完全奏效”。 “and then some” means considerably more in addition “而且还远不止此”。 例句:

47、The party was wild, and then some! 这个派对太疯狂了,这还不算什么。)45. B. lifting:lift ones spirits 译为“振奋某人的精神,提振某人的士气”,文章中提到勋章让她的情绪好转,振奋了她的精神。A. explaining:解释;C. discovering:发现;D. absorbing:吸收。46. C. experience:受这次改变人生的经历的启发,她开始思考这样一个简单的举动如何能给经历艰难时期的人带来希望。A. season:季节;B. plan:计划;D. solution:解决方案。47. B. tough:这些人面

48、临着困难,需要希望。根据第一段Stemple的经历 “faced terrible diseases”, 第三段的最后一句 “individuals in need”, 以及最后一段 “For those who were 52 in hospitals and battling health challenges”可知,勋章对面临困难处境的人们意义重大,给他们带来了希望。A. common:普通的;C. pointless:毫无意义的;D. dangerous:危险的。48. D. seed:于是,她的慈善机构 “We Finish Together” 诞生于这种启发性的经历,即从这个灵感的种子中诞生了。seed: 起因,萌芽。A. race:比赛;B. game:游戏;C. secret:秘密。49. A. collected:这项倡议从陌生人那里收集奖牌跑步者、舞者、游泳者、歌手,甚至是拼写比赛冠军并将它们捐赠给有需要的人。此外还可根据最后一段50题后 “donor” 得知,是捐赠者捐赠的,因此排除 C. borrowed(借用);D. bought(购买)。选项 B. assessed(评估)不符合题意。


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