Unit 2 Traveling Around Writing a travel plan (ppt课件)-2024新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、1.听到这些,我觉得自己的脸都红了。Hearing this,I felt my face turn red.2.尴尬和羞愧,我偷偷地抱怨那个女孩送给我这么愚蠢的礼物。Embarrassed and ashamed,I secretly complained that the girl gave me so stupid a gift.3.我甚至和其他女孩一起八卦我的秘密朋友和那个可怜的娃娃。I even joined other girls in gossiping about my secret friend and the poor doll.4.当我继续说刻薄的话时,坐在最后一排的一个

2、女孩站了起来,走了过来,向我投来愤怒和失望的目光。When I continued with mean remarks,a girl sitting at the last row arose and came up,casting me an angry and disappointed look.5.她泪流满面地承认。“我是你的秘密朋友,很抱歉收到礼物。”然后她跑出了教室。With tears streaming down her face,she admitted.Im your secret friend and Im sorry about the gift.Then she ran

3、 out of the classroom.6.我吓得浑身发抖,一句话也说不出来。Frozen with shock,I couldnt utter a single word.7.令我高兴的是,她原谅了我,后来我们成了最好的朋友。Much to my delight,she forgave me and later,we became best friends.8.事实上,她用真诚的心送给了我一份最珍贵的礼物。然而,我没有珍惜它,用如此残忍的方式伤害了她。Actually,she gave me a most valuable gift with her sincere heart.Howe

4、ver,I didnt treasure it and hurt her badly in such a cruel way.9.我太羞愧了,花了几天时间才鼓起勇气面对罗谢尔道歉。So ashamed was I that it took me a few days to pluck up my courage to face up to Rochelle and apologize.10.为了给我一份很酷的礼物,她把零花钱里的每一分钱都存了下来。She had saved every penny in her pocket money in order to give me a cool g

5、ift.11.原来我的秘密朋友是罗谢尔,来自一个贫穷的家庭。It turned out that my secret friend was Rochelle,coming from a poor family.Write a travel planHave you ever been to Xian?What is Xian famous for?What have you known about Xian?Dayan TowerXian City WallCold-Skin NoodlesSpicy Cumin Lamb BurgerLamb Pao-Mo SoupDo you know a

6、nything about the food there?Do you know anything about its history or culture?Xian used to be the capital city of China for 13 dynasties,so its rich in history and culture.Xian假期来临,我打算去西安旅游。假期来临,我打算去西安旅游。Im planning to travel to Xian for the coming holiday.西安是一个深受游客喜爱的旅游胜地,它有许多令人叹为观止的景色风光。对我来说,西安是一

7、个必去的地方。Xian is always a popular destination with lots of amazing sights for tourists.For me,Xian is a must-go place in China.XianOn the first day,Im going to visit the Terracotta Army.It is a famous and must-see site,and I cant wait to go.(第一天,我第一天,我打算去参观兵马俑,这是个著名而且必看的景点,我打算去参观兵马俑,这是个著名而且必看的景点,我已经迫不

8、及待了。)已经迫不及待了。)On the second day,I will visit the History Museum.Im looking forward to going to the museum,because it is known as“Chinese treasure house”.(第二天,我将去参观历史博物馆。我很期待去那儿因为它被誉为中国的宝库。)What impresses you most?Suggested sentence patterns1.impresses/amazes/surprises me most.2.It is amazing/unbelie

9、vable/incredible that .3.I am impressed/amazed/surprised by ._these warriors are all life-sized like real soldiers.最使我印象深刻的是最使我印象深刻的是What impresses me most is that _these warriors have different facial features.难以置信的是难以置信的是It is unbelievable that _the different colors of the warriors.让我惊讶的是I am amaz

10、ed by Suggested sentence patterns1.impresses/amazes/surprises me most.2.It is amazing/unbelievable/incredible that .3.I am impressed/amazed/surprised by .Read the brochure on P30 and answer“What impresses you most?”Read the Richards travel plan on P30 and find out the following infomation.1.Where wi

11、ll he go?2.When will he go?3.Who will he go with?4.What will he visit?5.Why will he go there?6.How will he go there?WhenWhoWhereWhatWhyWhatWhyWhatHowWhat should a What should a travel plan includetravel plan include?Paragraph Main ideadetail1Main purpose for the trip2Other plans for the trip3transpo

12、rt4Final thoughtsReadingRead Richards email and fill in the table.go to Xi an to see the Terracotta Army go to the Shaanxi History Museum,the Xian City Wall,other famous sights train write soon again and send photosretell the sentences with what you learnedUnderline the expressions used to express e

13、motion?1.The sight amazes me a lot.2.It is amazing that we will enjoy a wonderful sight.3.I am amazed by the sight.1.I almost cant believe the story.2.Its hard to believe the story.3.It is an unbelievable/incredible story.Underline the sentence patterns used to express future plans?Copying在寒假期间,我和父母

14、打算去山西游览古城并感受experience明清文化。_我们也打算去山西其他的地方。_我们先从四平坐火车到沈阳,再飞到太原,在寒假开始那天出发。下午4:30分到达_With the winter holiday approaching,my parents and I are about to go to Shanxi to visit the ancient city and experience the culture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.We are also intending to pay a visit to several other p

15、laces in Shanxi.We are taking the train from Siping to Shenyang,then fly to Taiyuan,leaving the day before holiday begins.We are arriving at 4:30pmWithcoming/approachingintend to pay a visit to.I am scheduled to make a trip toIt is an amazing sight.Its amazing that那是一个令人惊叹的地方,我那是一个令人惊叹的地方,我迫不及待迫不及待地

16、地想要去游览想要去游览(改成定语从句)(改成定语从句)它有着它有着2800多年的历史,有多年的历史,有3万居民居住在近万居民居住在近4千千座民宅座民宅old mansion,是中国保存,是中国保存preserved最完最完整的古城,真是非常神奇整的古城,真是非常神奇/它真是令人难以置信。它真是令人难以置信。_.is almost unbelievable.Its hard _.It is unbelievable thatIts an _ story,+定语从句定语从句.古城的故事是令人难以置信的,既古城的故事是令人难以置信的,既浪漫、迷人又悲壮浪漫、迷人又悲壮moving and tragi

17、c的。的。_I have been longing for.It is my dream destination.Ive always wanted to visit.Im dying to see.RevisionI have been longing for.It is my dream destination.Ive always wanted to visit.Im dying to see.我爸爸被五台山优美的风景我爸爸被五台山优美的风景scenery、动人的、动人的传说传说legend所吸引。所吸引。sb be attracted bysb be fascinated byhave

18、 a strong appeal to sb我听说它我听说它被誉为被誉为中国佛教四大名山。中国佛教四大名山。Four Buddhist Holy MountainsFinal thoughts/wishesHope to get a reply letter1.Im eager to hear from you.2.I am looking forward to your early reply.3.Im looking forward to hearing from you.WritingStep 2:draft your writing with what you learn this c

19、lass 本单元的写作任务是给朋友写一封介绍旅行计划的本单元的写作任务是给朋友写一封介绍旅行计划的电子邮件。电子邮件。“旅行计划旅行计划”类书信是就去某地旅游给朋友类书信是就去某地旅游给朋友写的一封书信,时态上应用现在进行时表示将来,或用写的一封书信,时态上应用现在进行时表示将来,或用一般将来时:一般将来时:1.1.首段:首段:开门见山说明旅游目的和思想参观的景点开门见山说明旅游目的和思想参观的景点2.2.主体段落:介绍具体的计划和安排主体段落:介绍具体的计划和安排3.3.尾段:表达自己的想法和对对方的期待尾段:表达自己的想法和对对方的期待 At the last of Richards em

20、ail,he said“Do you have any plans for the coming holiday?Hope to hear from you soon.”Writing taskWriting task 假定你是李华,十月假期你和家人要去海南岛旅假定你是李华,十月假期你和家人要去海南岛旅游,请你给游,请你给Richard写一封回信,告诉他你的安排。写一封回信,告诉他你的安排。目的地目的地中国第二大岛中国第二大岛-海南岛海南岛时间时间10月月1日日-10月月6日日活动活动岛上远足,海上冲浪,岛上宿营岛上远足,海上冲浪,岛上宿营感想感想增长知识,拓宽视野增长知识,拓宽视野一、审题:

21、确定写作体裁和主题一、审题:确定写作体裁和主题 体裁体裁:应用文应用文-告知信告知信 主题:给主题:给Richard回信,告诉他自己的假期旅行计回信,告诉他自己的假期旅行计划。划。二、确定时态和人称二、确定时态和人称 时态:一般将来时时态:一般将来时 一般现在时一般现在时 人称:第一人称、第二人称人称:第一人称、第二人称【指导】【指导】三三、明确写作要点、明确写作要点对对Richard的来信做出评价和的来信做出评价和反馈反馈具体的旅游计划(旅行的目的、交通方式、活动等具体的旅游计划(旅行的目的、交通方式、活动等)旅游的心得体会旅游的心得体会四四、布局、布局第第一段:写信目的;一段:写信目的;第

22、二第二段:主体部分,详细介绍旅游计划;段:主体部分,详细介绍旅游计划;第第三段:体会三段:体会+期待回复期待回复【常用语块】【常用语块】1.1.参观参观 _ _ 2.2.有悠久的历史有悠久的历史 _ _ 3.3.旅游景点旅游景点 _ _ 4.4.名胜名胜 _ _ 5.5.欣赏自然美景欣赏自然美景 _ _ 6.6.远足远足 _ _ 7.7.海上冲浪海上冲浪 _ 8.8.开阔视野开阔视野 _ _a place of interesthave a long historytourist attractionpay a visit toenjoy the scenery of naturego hik

23、ingsurf at the seabroaden ones horizon【常用语块】【常用语块】9.收到的消息 _ 10.观光 _ 11.即将到来的假期 _ 12.惊人的场面 _an amazing sight go sightseeingthe coming holidayhear from1)谢谢你写信告诉我你在西安的旅行)谢谢你写信告诉我你在西安的旅行,这真是特别令这真是特别令人惊奇的旅行。人惊奇的旅行。(非限制定从非限制定从)2)我写信是想告诉你一些关于我即将到来的假期计划。)我写信是想告诉你一些关于我即将到来的假期计划。Thank you for your letter abou

24、t your trip to Xian,which is amazing.I am writing to tell you something about my plans for the coming holiday.【写作提示】【写作提示】3)国庆节就要到了,我打算去海南旅游,看看那里美丽国庆节就要到了,我打算去海南旅游,看看那里美丽的风景。的风景。4)我们选择海南岛旅游,因为它的风景优美。我们选择海南岛旅游,因为它的风景优美。5)5)我迫不及待地欣赏那儿令人惊奇的日出我迫不及待地欣赏那儿令人惊奇的日出The National Day is coming,and I am going to

25、 travel to Hainan to see its beautiful scenery.We choose to travel to Hainan Island because it has beautiful scenery.I cant want to enjoy the amazing sunrise there.6)我打算乘火车去那儿,然后乘飞机回来。我打算乘火车去那儿,然后乘飞机回来。7).依我看,旅游不仅可以让我增长知识,而且还可以拓依我看,旅游不仅可以让我增长知识,而且还可以拓宽视野。宽视野。8)8)你认为我的旅行计划怎么样?你认为我的旅行计划怎么样?In my opini

26、on,travel can not only enrich my knowledge,but also broaden my horizons.I am planning to go there by train and come back by air.What do you think of my travel plan?How do you like my travel plan?Writing(15 minutes)假定你是李华,十月假期你和家人要去海南岛旅假定你是李华,十月假期你和家人要去海南岛旅游,请你给游,请你给Richard写一封回信,告诉他你的安排。写一封回信,告诉他你的安排

27、。目的地目的地中国第二大岛中国第二大岛-海南岛海南岛时间时间10月月1日日-10月月6日日活动活动岛上远足,海上冲浪,岛上宿营岛上远足,海上冲浪,岛上宿营感想感想增长知识,拓宽视野增长知识,拓宽视野Exchange drafts1.Is there a clear purpose for the trip?2.Does each paragraph have a clear main idea?3.Does the writer use the present continuous tense for future plans?4.Does the writer use commas,stop

28、s,and question marks correctly?5.Are all the words spelt correctly?6.Are all the proper nouns capitalised?assess each others work according to the checklist参考范文参考范文Dear Richard,Thank you for your letter about your trip in Xian,which is amazing.I am writing to tell you something about my plans for th

29、e coming holidays.With the National Day coming,I am going to travel to Hainan Island to see its beautiful scenery with my family.We will spend 6 days there,from Oct.1th to Oct.6th.Its because of its beautiful scenery that we choose to travel to Hainan Island.Other than hiking on the island,we have p

30、laned many other activities like activities like surfing in the water,spending the nights in the tents.I am sure we will have a wonderful holiday.In my opinion,travel can not only enrich my knowledge,but also broaden my horizons.Look forward to your early reply.Yours,LiHuaThanks地点介绍介绍信介绍信介绍某地(旅游景点)介

31、绍某地(旅游景点)景点介绍属于说明文。写作时要注意理清与写作主题有关的景点介绍属于说明文。写作时要注意理清与写作主题有关的地理位置、人口、面积、气候等内容地理位置、人口、面积、气候等内容。文章结构为三层。文章结构为三层,开开头部分引出所需介绍的内容头部分引出所需介绍的内容;正文详细描述所需介绍的景点正文详细描述所需介绍的景点的特色的特色;结束部分表达出美好的祝愿。时态应以结束部分表达出美好的祝愿。时态应以现在时现在时为主,为主,人称以人称以第三人称第三人称为主。为主。【常用表达】【常用表达】1地理位置地理位置:.be located in/be situated in.位于位于2面积面积:.c

32、overs an area of.square kilometers 的面积是的面积是多少平方公里多少平方公里 如:如:Lianjiang covers an area of 2,835 square kilometers.Lianjiang is a city with an area of 2,835 square kilometers.3人口人口:.has a population of.有有人口人口 如:如:Lianjiang has a population of more than 1.5 millionLianjiang is a city with a population o

33、f more than 1.5 million4历史历史:.has a(long)history of.有多长时间的悠久历史有多长时间的悠久历史 如:如:Lianjiang has a long history of more than 300 years.Lianjiang is a city with a long history of more than 300 years.写作写作句式句式:如何把位置、人口、面积、历史,任意两项组合一个句子。如何把位置、人口、面积、历史,任意两项组合一个句子。如:如:廉江廉江位于位于广东广东省西省西南南部,占地面积部,占地面积2835平方公里,人口约平

34、方公里,人口约150万,有万,有300多多年的历史。年的历史。Lianjiang is located in the southwest of Guangdong province.Lianjiang covers an area of 2835 square kilometers.Lianjiang has a population of about 1.5 million.Lianjiang has a history of more than 300 years.(1)位于位于广东广东省西省西南南部,部,廉江廉江占地面积占地面积2835平方公里。平方公里。Located in the s

35、outhwest of Guangdong province,Lianjiang covers an area of 25,000 square kilometers.(2)廉江廉江市人口约市人口约150万,有万,有300多多年的历史。年的历史。Lianjiang has a population of about 1.5 million with a history of more than 300 years.(3)位于位于广东广东省西省西南南部,部,廉江廉江市人口约市人口约150万。万。Located in the southwest of Guangdong province,Lian

36、jiang has a population of about 1.5 million.(4)位于位于广东广东省西北部,省西北部,廉江廉江市市有有300多多年的历史。年的历史。Located in the northwest of Guangdong province,Lianjiang has a history of more than 300 years.(5)廉江廉江市占地面积市占地面积2835平方公里,平方公里,有有300多多年的历史。年的历史。Lianjiang covers an area of 25,000 square kilometers with a history of

37、 more than 300 years.(6)廉江廉江市占地面积市占地面积2835平方公里,人口约平方公里,人口约340万。万。Lianjiang covers an area of 25,000 square kilometers with a population of about 1.5 million.5气候特征气候特征表示天气:表示天气:pleasant climate 宜人的气候宜人的气候warm in winter and cool in summer冬暖夏凉冬暖夏凉neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter夏天不太热,冬天

38、不太夏天不太热,冬天不太冷冷这里气候宜人,夏天不是太热,冬天不是太冷。这里气候宜人,夏天不是太热,冬天不是太冷。The climate here is pleasant,neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.6名胜景观、特产特色名胜景观、特产特色名胜:名胜:places of interest旅游景点:旅游景点:tourist attractions自然资源:自然资源:natural resources 自然风景:自然风景:natural scenery 如:如:某地有很多著名的旅游景点,例如某地有很多著名的旅游景点,例如There

39、are many famous tourist attractions in,such as.7.交通:交通:Transportation here is very convenient.这里的交这里的交通非常便利。通非常便利。8.文化:文化:traditional cultures and customs 传统文化风俗传统文化风俗9.特色:特色:special snacks 特色小吃特色小吃 delicious dishes 美食美食 special local products 特产特产如果是书信,分三段内容,首段参考句型如下。非书信分两段。Dear Cindy,I am more tha

40、n delighted to know that you want to pay a visit to.I am writing to give you more detailed information.As a famous tourist attraction,.attracts a large number of visitors from home and abroad every year and you wont miss it.(Welcome to+地点地点.Im sure youll have a good time.)实战演练实战演练假定你是李华,你加拿大的朋友想来你的家

41、乡廉江游玩,请你用英语给你假定你是李华,你加拿大的朋友想来你的家乡廉江游玩,请你用英语给你的加拿大笔友的加拿大笔友Cindy介绍你家乡廉江的情况,要点如下:介绍你家乡廉江的情况,要点如下:廉江的基本情况:廉江的基本情况:(1)地理位置地理位置(广东省西南部广东省西南部)(2)人口人口(150多万人多万人)(3)面积面积(2835平方公里平方公里)(4)历史历史(300多年多年)(5)特产:红橙特产:红橙(red orange)(6)景点景点(鹤地水库鹤地水库Hedi Reservoir 塘山岭塘山岭 Tangshan Mountain 樱花公园樱花公园the Cherry Blossom Pa

42、rk)(7)气候,交通气候,交通注意:注意:1词数词数80左右;左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Cindy,_Dear Cindy I am more than delighted to know that you want to pay a visit to Lianjiang,my hometown.I am writing to give you more detailed information.Located in the southwest of Guangdong Pr

43、ovince,Lianjiang is a city with a population of more than 1.5 million,covering an area of 2,835 square kilometers.Whats more,it has a long history of more than 300 years,which is attractive.Because Lianjiang is famous for the red orange,the tourists from many other places come to enjoy its delicious

44、 fruit.Besides,there are many famous tourist attractions in Lianjiang,such as Hedi Reservoir,Tangshan Mountain and the Cherry Blossom Park.More importantly,It is the nice weather as well as convenient transportation here that can make your trip more enjoyable.Welcome to my hometown.Im sure youll have a good time.Yours,Li Hua


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