Unit 3 Sports and fitness重点单词 配套测试 (ppt课件)-2024新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Vocabularies Part 11.event e along 3.host n.&v4.track n.&v.5.work out6.sweat n.&v.7.make it(1)被北京大学被北京大学录取录取(be admitted to.)是我人生中的是我人生中的一件大事一件大事。(4)今天晚上你愿意今天晚上你愿意和和我们我们一起一起来玩王者荣耀吗来玩王者荣耀吗?(Honor of Kings)(7)何炅是一位何炅是一位著名的著名的电视节目电视节目主持人主持人。(10)沿着这条泥泞的沿着这条泥泞的小路小路,我发现了野生动物的,我发现了野生动物的足迹足迹。1.event n.1.ev

2、ent n.(1)被北京大学被北京大学录取录取(be admitted to.)是我人生中的是我人生中的一件大事一件大事。Being admitted to Peking University is an important event in my e along e along(4)今天晚上你愿意今天晚上你愿意和和我们我们一起一起来玩王者荣耀吗来玩王者荣耀吗?(Honor of Kings)Would you like to come along(with us)to play Honor of Kings.3.host n.&v.3.host n.&v.(7)何炅是一位何炅是一位著名的著名

3、的电视节目电视节目主持人主持人。He Jiong is a famous/renowned/celebrated/selbretd/television host.4.track n.&v.4.track n.&v.(10)沿着这条泥泞的沿着这条泥泞的小路小路,我发现了野生动物的,我发现了野生动物的足迹足迹。Along this muddy track,I found the tracks of wild animals/the wild animals tracks.5.work out5.work out6.sweat n.&v.6.sweat n.&v.7.make it7.make i

4、tstadium vs gym(gymnasium)stadium 露天露天/周围有看台周围有看台 体育场体育场gym 体育馆体育馆/健身房健身房1.被北京大学被北京大学录取录取(be admitted to.)是我人生中的是我人生中的一件大事一件大事。2.今天晚上你愿意今天晚上你愿意和和我们我们一起一起来玩王者荣耀吗来玩王者荣耀吗?(Honor of Kings)4.沿着这条泥泞的沿着这条泥泞的小路小路,我发现了野生动物的,我发现了野生动物的足迹足迹。Vocabularies Part 21.legend n.2.athlete n.3.master n.&v.4.honour n.&v.5

5、.glory n.6.determination n.7.fall apart 8.injure v.-injured adj.-injury n.9.strength n.10.failure n.11.seem to do.1.Living Legends 当代传奇(人物)-legend n.Legend has it thatLegendaryText:They must be athletes(运动员)who are masters(高手,大师)in their sports and also set good examples for/to(为作榜样)others.athletic/

6、letk/athleticMasters degreeText:As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.honour rollText:As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.n.great respect and admiration for.尊敬,敬意尊敬,敬意ofhonouredText:As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.glorio

7、usText:When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested(考验/检验).determined to set up/foundgreat determinationdeterminedText:The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.郎平组建的团队分崩离析。Text:The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.郎平组建的团队分崩离析。I can

8、t _the twins _.tell.apart 把把区分区分/辨别开辨别开b.Its easy to _ a watch _,but it is difficult to put it together.take.apart 把把拆开拆开c.I finished all the questions _ the last one.apart from.除了除了之外;之外;(other than)tellaparttakeapartapart fromText:One of the best players had been injured,and the team captain had t

9、o leave because of heart problems.The injuredwereinjuredinjuriesText:Jordans skills were impressive,but the mental strength(精神力量)he showed made him unique.Captain Americaa.He has superhuman a.He has superhuman physical strength.physical strength.他有着超越常人的他有着超越常人的体能体能。b.He has a firm belief and owns r

10、emarkable strength strength of will(mental strength)of will(mental strength).他有着坚定的信念和非凡的他有着坚定的信念和非凡的意志力意志力。c.He has many strengthsstrengths:honesty,bravery,persistence and great character.他有很多的他有很多的优点优点:正直、勇敢、坚持和高尚的品德。:正直、勇敢、坚持和高尚的品德。优缺点优缺点/强项和弱项强项和弱项strengths and weaknessesstrengths and weaknesses

11、d.A group of super heroes join together and make the Avengers,a group with great strengthstrength.一群超级英雄聚集在一起组成了一群超级英雄聚集在一起组成了非常有非常有实力实力的群体的群体复仇者联复仇者联盟。盟。e.e.美国队长的盾牌由美国队长的盾牌由“振金振金”制成,制成,强度强度 (strengths)(strengths)很高,能抵抗雷神之锤的攻击。很高,能抵抗雷神之锤的攻击。优点优点;长处长处 体力体力实力实力浓度浓度勇气勇气Text:Jordan says the secret to hi

12、s successs is learning from failures.“I can accept failure;everyone fails at something.But I cant accept not trying.停电:停电:power failure心脏衰竭:心脏衰竭:heart failureText:Jordan says the secret to his successs is learning from failures.“I can accept failure;everyone fails at something.But I cant accept not

13、trying.11.请从Micheal Jordan的文段中找到两个seem to do.所在的句子a.When Micheal Jordans feet left the ground,time seemed to stand still.b.In the final seconds of a game,Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.seem to be+adj./n.似乎是似乎是to haveto have changed Vocabularies Part pete v.2.make sense 3.pretend v.4.even

14、if/though5.cheat v.6.positive adj.7.diet n.8.make a difference9.rather than10.cut pare A with/to B12.stress n.&pete petitorscompetitivecompetitionwith/againstforin2.When my mother came in,_ (我假装正在写作业我假装正在写作业)I pretended to be doing homeworkeven if/thoughas if/thoughSurprisingly,the emperor believed

15、two cheats.cheat n.骗子 消极的:消极的:negative/netv/积极的心态寻找解决问题的办法;消极的心态寻找逃避问题的各种借口。(3)正的,阳性的正的,阳性的-负的,阴性的负的,阴性的negativeThen I read an article that said instead of asking“Am I fat?”I should be asking“Am I fit?”I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!Once(一旦)I started thinking about fitness rathe

16、r than weight,things began to change.Once(一旦)I started thinking about fitness rather than weight,things began to change.other thanrather thanmore thanRather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.cut offCut upcut incut downcut acrossFinally,I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face and pared12.stress n.&v.stressfulstressed12.stress n.&v.


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