人教PEP版六年级下册英语Unit 1 How tall are you 单元整体教学设计(教案).docx

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1、人教PEP版六年级下册英语Unit 1 How tall are you ?单元整体教学设计主备人辅备人上课时间课时共6课时审核人单元主题本单元教学内容为人教版英语六年级下册第一单元,属于“人与自我”,主题是关于“生活与学习,自信乐观,悦纳自我,有同理心,形成正确的比较观”,内容是围绕比较事物这一话题展开。单元子主题及课时安排 How tall are you? (建构正确比较观)感知和描述差异分析差异之间的联系正确对待差异,合理选择Part B Read and writePart C Lets check & Lets wrap it upPart A Lets try & Lets ta

2、lkPart A Lets learn&Do a survey and reportPart B Lets try & Lets talkPart B Lets learn & Match and say学情分析六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期应做好后进生的转化工作。教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。单元教材分析本单元为PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 6 How tall are you?本单元的教学重点在于让学生学会使用英语中的形容词

3、比较级和最高级,并能熟练地将其运用在实际生活中,询问身边人的身高、体重、年龄或事物的长度及尺寸,并用比较起来,回答把本单元的新授词汇巧妙地融入到新句型中,使学生在真实的英语语言情境中更好地感知、体验和操练新单词和新句型。单元总目标1. 能听懂会说认读本单元关于形容词比较级的单词。2.能听、说、读、写 Lets learn中黑体部分的内容和 Read and write中要求的内容。3.能用目标语言完成本单元的任务型活动。4.能够听、说、读Part A、Part B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。5.了解Story time等部分的内容。6.培养和保持学生学习英语的积

4、极态度和学习信心,引导学生养成良好的英语学习习惯。7.加强学生英语学习策略的培养,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。8.了解常见的中西方鞋码标注法。 Unit 1 How tall are you ? 第1课时课时内容Part A Lets try & Lets talk上课时间审核人教材分析本课时围绕“恐龙 的身高”展开话题。本节课主要是通过谈话的情景学会如何表达询问动物或物体的身高并引导学生了解恐龙的知识,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。本课时的重点是能在情景中运用 How tall are you? Im How tall is it? Its Its / Im than 及课文对话的理解。Lets t

5、ry 是听力训练,呈现的是关于恐龙的材料。Lets talk呈现的是张鹏和Mike在博物馆讨论恐龙的场景。在学习新知的过程中,引导学生整体感知对话,局部处理语言,帮助学生更好的理解和运用语言。最后在通过游戏的环节巩固语言。教学目标1.能够听、说、认读单词:dinosaur, hall, meter, both, tallest。 2.能够听、说、读、写句型How tall is it? Its How tall are you? Im Its/ Im than 3.能够独立完成 Lets try。 4.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 5.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 6.鼓励学生大

6、胆发言,激发学生用英语表达的热情。教学重难点重点 :1.能够听、说、认读单词 dinosaur, hall, meter, both, tallest。2.能够听、说、读、写句型How tall is it? Its How tall are you? Im Its/ Im than 难点:1.单词 dinosaur, hall, meter, both , more, tallest 的理解2. 句型 How tall is it? Its How tall are you? Im Its/ Im than 的巩固和运用。3.教具准备PPT课件、课文录音、视频教 学 过 程个性修改Step1

7、:Warming up1.Greeting.2. Ask and answer. T: How tall are you? / How old are you? S1: Im S2: Im 绘画导入教师画恐龙的简笔画,学生猜。Step 2:Presentation1. Listen to the tape and finish “Lets try”.2. 展示动画课件T: Zhang Peng and John are in the dinosaur museum. What are they talking about? Guess.Ss: Dinosaurs. T: How tall is

8、 the big dinosaur? How tall is Zhang Peng? 引导学生猜测问题的答案。3.Listen to the tape with the questions. 4.Read the text by yourselves and discuss in a group. Questions: How tall is the big dinosaur? How tall is Zhang Peng? Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur? Which dinosaur is taller, the green

9、one or the brown one? 5.Report the answers. T:How tall is the big dinosaur? S1: Maybe 4 meters. T: Yes, the big dinosaur is maybe 4 meters.Maybe means “可 能”。由 may 和 be 两个单词组成。Its the tallest dinosaur in this hall. tallest “ 最高的”,xxx is the tallest in our classroom.Who is the tallest basketball playe

10、r in China? Ss: Yao Ming. T: Good. How tall is Zhang Peng? S1: Its 1.65 meters. T: Yao Ming is taller than both of Zhang Peng and Mike together. both of “两 者 都” Its taller than both of us together. Whats the meaning? Ss:它比我们俩加起来都高。T: Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur? S2: Zhang Peng. T

11、: Yes, Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur. 6. Read the text. 听录音跟读课文,分角色互读课文,齐读课文。 7.Do a survey. 教师先让学生写下自己的身高,然后小组内调查谁比自己高,并写下来。 Step 3:Practice1 . Make a chant. Lets chant: How old are you? How old are you? Im 12. Im 12. You are older than me. How tall are you? How tall are you? 1.65 me

12、ters. Im taller than you. 4. Do and say. 动手测量身边事物的高度、长度,互相问答操练。句型:How tall is? Its meters.How long is? Its meters. Step 4.:Extension1.Play a game. “应聘篮球运动员”。四人小组活动,有意加入篮球队的学生,是“应聘者”。其他担任 “面试官”。“应聘者”作简单的自我介绍,然后面试官提问。最后由“面试官”选出应聘的学生。“面试官”提问参考句型:How tall are you? Do you often play basketball? 作业板书设计教学反

13、思Unit 1 How tall are you? 第2课时课时内容Part A Lets learn & Do a survey and report上课时间审核人教材分析本课时是人教版六年级下册第一单元第二课时。围绕How tall are you?这一话题展开、主要通过对话学习词汇有younger, older, taller, shorter, longer及句型How tall are you? Youre older than me的表达,引导学生了解一些简单的构词规律,发音规律,培养学生学习英语的热情,树立学好英语的信心。本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握以及能够运用四会单词介绍并使用

14、比较级,包括Lets learn和Do a survey and report两个版块。在设计教学过程时、遵循以学生为主体的原则、采用猜一猜、说一说、读一读、玩一玩、儿歌等多种教学手段调动全体学生的积极参与。通过活动教学法、合作探究教学法等引导学生自主学习。教学目标1.能听、说、读、写“Lets learn”部分形容词的比较级形式。2.能用句型“How tall are you? Im.metres.”询问和描述自己和他人的身高。3.能用表示比较的句型对身高、年龄等进行比较。4.能调查同学的年龄和身高,并就调查结果进行分析比较和汇报。5.能通过情景表演,体验英语的交际功能。6.引导学生关注自己

15、身边的人和物。教学重难点重点:能够理解和掌握本课时的重点词汇和句型。难点:能够在情景中恰当运用含有形容词比较级的句型。教具准备PPT课件课文录音相关视频等。教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1: Warm up1. 师生问候2. Sing a song.Step 2:Review师生对话,谈论本班的各科老师,复习学过的形容词。T:Who is your music teacher?S:Hes/Shes. T: Whats he/she like?S: Hes/Shes tall/young/strong. Step 3: Presentation1. Lets learn.教师出示一张画有身高、

16、体重测量器的图片,问:“How tall am I? Do you know? Guess!.教师可以用“up and down”的方式帮助学生猜出准确的数字。教师让猜中自己准确身高的学生站起来,问:“How tall are you?”,并拿出卷尺帮助他/她测量身高,然后教师说:“He/She is taller than me.”或“Im tal-ler than him/her.”。(教师可以边说边做手势,帮助学生明白单词 tall 和 taller的区别)2.教学新词汇。教师在黑板上画出表格,调查同学身高。教师用句型,如“A is.metres. B is taller than A.

17、 C is taller than B.”谈论表格中学生的身高。板书单词“taller”和“shorter”,并带学生读几遍。教师拿出一把短尺子和一把长尺。This is a long ruler. It is longer.This is a short ruler. It is shorter.(强调单词 shorter 和 longer)板书单词:shorter longer3.教师在黑板上列出自己家人的年龄,说:“My mother is 54. My father is 56. My father is older than my mother. My aunt is younger

18、 than my father, but she is older than my mother. How old is she?板书单词“older”和“younger”,并带学生读几遍。Step 3: Practice1.规则:教师大声读单词,学生就小声读单词;教师小声读单词,学生就大声读单词。2.播放两遍“Letslearn”部分的录音,学生跟录音读。学生同桌之间用句型“How tall/old are you?”和“Im.metres/years old. Im taller/shorter/older/younger than you.”谈论彼此的身高和年龄。3.学生同桌之间分角色练

19、习读本部分的词汇和对话。Step 4: Consolidation and extensionPlay games.教师依次请几位身高差别比较明显的学生走向讲台,让其他学生用学过的句型比较这几位同学的身高。然后让几位学生按从高到矮的顺序站好,并说:“Line up from taller to shorter.接着让学生按从矮到高的顺序站好,并说:“Line up from shorter to taller. ”,帮助学生明白词组“line up”的意思。让学生在小组内做本部分游戏。然后请同学上台表演。作业板书设计教学反思Unit 1 How tall are you? 第3课时课时内容Pa

20、rt B Lets try& Lets talk上课时间审核人教材分析What: 这是一段Wu Binbin和Mike 在商场试鞋的对话,他们聊起了鞋的尺码。Why: 通过本课学习,作者旨在引导学生关注自己的体重等变化,引导合理膳食和运动。How: 主要句型为How heavy are you? Imkilograms. / is heavier than主要词汇为bigger, heavier, kilogram.教学目标1.能理解并会朗读 Lets talk 部分的对话。2.能在实际情境中灵活运用所学句型,力求做到发音准确,语调自然。教学重难点重点:能够理解和掌握本课时的重点单词和句型。难

21、点:在情景中恰当运用句型“What size are your shoes? Size”“How heavy are you? Imkilograms.”教具准备PPT课件课文录音视频、卡片等教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1 :Warmingup1师生问候。2Sing a song.Step 2:Revision1 句子接龙。将学生分为四大组,学生在小组内进行句子接龙游戏:第一位学生用比较级造一个句子,第二个学生重复并新造一个,以此类推。2游戏:量一量。让学生拿出尺子,量一量课本,文具等物品的长度,然后同伴对话。Step 3 :Presentation1Lets try.教师出示问题:Wha

22、t do Wu Binbin and Mike want to do first?What are they going to buy?然后播放录音,带着问题听并选出合适的答案。2教学Part B Lets talk(1)教师播放Part B Lets talk的视频要求学生带着问题看视频:How heavy is Wu Binbin? Who is taller? How big are Mikes feet? 视频播放完毕后,让学生来回答这三个问题。(2) 再次播放Part B Lets talk的视频每句后暂停,全班跟读。Step 3: Practice1.Read and act.两人

23、一组,分角色扮演Part B Lets talk部分的内容,然后请一些学生到台前表演。2.I can dub.Step 4:Consolidation and extension同桌之间相互调查身高体重鞋码,并记录。请两位同学示范读对话。教师引导学生分析比较调查结果并汇报。Step 5: Sum-up师生一起总结本课时所学的重点知识。作业板书设计教学反思Unit1 How tall are you? 第4课时课时内容Part B Lets learn & Match and say上课时间审核人教材分析本课时是六年级第一单元第四课时,主要围绕孩子们郊游的情景展开。本课时主要内容是形容词的比较级

24、用法。要求学生能用形容词的比较级来谈论自己,朋友及其他事物,能在活动中准确表达。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式“smaller,bigger,thinner,heavier,stronger”等。核心句型“How heavy are you ? Im. Youre .than me.通过本节课学习,引导学生关注自己身边的人和事物,培养学生分析观察的能力。教学目标1.通过图片、实物、课件等并结合孩子们郊游的情景,听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式“smaller,bigger,thinner,heavier,stronger”等。2.熟练运用上述单词描述人物和事物的特点。3.了解部

25、分形容词由原形变成比较级时需要双写词尾字母再加-er或者变y为i再加-er这个规则。4.运用B部分所学的词汇与句型描述并比较小朋友们钓到的鱼的特征,达到运用语言的目的。教学重难点重点:1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式“smaller,bigger, thinner,heavier,stronger”等。2.能够灵活运用所学的形容词比较级描述人物和事物的特征差异。难点:能够掌握单词heavy,thin和big的比较级的构成方式。教具准备PPT课件课文录音视频、实物、纸鱼等。教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings.2.边说边做。Big,big,make

26、 your eyes big. Bigger,bigger,make your eyes bigger.Small,small,make your eyes small. Smaller,smaller,make your eyes smaller.Long,long,make your arms long.Longer,longer,make your arms longer.Short,short,make your arms short.Shorter,Shorter,make your arms Shorter.3. 猜字谜。I can blow it bigger and bigge

27、r. I also can make it smaller and smaller. We need lots of them in a party. What is it?Step 2: PresentationLets learn1. Learn the words “bigger, smaller”.(1)拿出一个气球,邀请一名学生上来吹。边吹,教师边引导学生去去说bigger,并在黑板上展示。T:Look! I can make it smaller.教师一边让气球变小,一边引导学生去说smaller,并在黑板上展示。(2) 呈现迈克和吴斌斌图片。T:They are looking

28、at their feet. Whose feet are bigger?S:Mikes.T:Yes. Mikes feet are bigger than Wu Binbins. Wu Binbins feet are smaller than Mikes.2. Learn the words “heavier, thinner”.(1) 呈现一张有关“小猪佩奇”图片。T:How heavy is it?Ss:It is about 50 kilograms.T:Is it heavy?Ss:Yes,it is.(2) 呈现一张有关“曹冲称象”图片。T:How heavy is it?Ss:

29、It is 5,000 kilograms.T:Is it heavy?Ss:Yes,it is.(3) 比较Who is heavier?板书:heavyheavier.(4) 邀请一名同学上台。T:Do you think he is heavy?Ss:No,he is thin.T:Good answer. Can you find a thinner student in our class?Ss:. is thinner than him.T:Good! Who is thinner than. in our class?Ss:板书:thinthinner.(3) 呈现吉米和约翰图片

30、。T:How heavy is Jim?Ss:He is 52 kilograms.T:Who is thinner? And who is heavier?Ss:John is thinner. Jim is heavier.T:Do you know why Jim is heavier? Maybe he eats too much fast food. So we should eat less fast food and exercise more. Then well be more healthy.3. Learn the word “stronger”.呈现张鹏和萨拉图片。T:

31、Zhang Peng is a helpful boy. Look,Sarahs bag is too heavy. She cant carry it. Zhang Peng helps her. Do you know why Zhang Peng can carry this heavy bag?Ss:T:Because he is strong.(教师用肢体语言解释并做动作) So who is stronger,Sarah or Zhang Peng?Ss:Zhang Peng is stronger. T:Wonderful! So if you are strong,you ca

32、n help others, too. 板书:strongstrongerStep 3: Practice1. Watch and read.教师播放Lets learn. 学生边看边跟读2. Play games.(1) Work in pairs. 两人一组比较学习用品或身体部位大小。示范:My bag is smaller than yours.(2) 找不同。教师呈现一幅图,引导学生去找不同。示范:Lily is younger than Lucy.对表现好的学生进行奖励。轮流几回合后,总结规则。Step 4: Extension“Match and say” 呈现图片萨拉及其朋友钓鱼

33、的场景并尝试去介绍他们各自钓鱼的场景。eg:Mikes fish is bigger than Sarahs.作业板书设计教学反思Unit 1 How tall are you?第5课时课时内容Part B Read and write上课时间审核人教材分析本课时主要围绕小鸭子和老树谈论影子为何随着太阳下山而变长的一则寓言故事,通过阅读文本学习countryside,lower,shadow, smarter,become等词及如何用比较级描述一件事情。通过本课学习,引导学生学会观察和思考,并能通过观察、思考、请教等方式去探索科学问题或现象。教学目标1.听、说、认读单词“countryside

34、,lower,shadow, smarter,become”。2.朗读、理解课文内容,并完成练习部分的任务。3.通过阅读活动,逐步培养学生的阅读技巧,提高学生的自主学习能力。4.提高学生的自我表达能力以及与他人交往的能力。教学重难点重点: 能够朗读、理解课文内容,掌握基本的阅读技巧。难点: 能通过阅读活动提高阅读能力,并进行大胆思考。教具准备PPT课件课文音频、人物头饰、视频等。教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1: Pre-reading1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a song about spring. 3. 呈现一些关于春天美景的图片(1)自由讨论:看到有关春天哪些美景T:

35、 Spring is coming! The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter. How about the weather?Ss: The weather is warmer.The grass turns green. The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter(2)欣赏图片并勾选出属于春天的图。T:Spring is so beautiful! Wu Binbin and his family are going on a trip to the countryside.

36、 Wu Binbin will tell a story to Robin. 呈现一张农村的图片,并教“countryside”. Step 2: While-readingRead and write 展示课件1.Fast reading.T:Who is in this story? Watch the cartoon of “Read and write”. Then read the story fast and answer this question.2. Careful reading.(1) 精读并完成任务。完成 “Read and circle”练习,并核对答案。圈出文中的形

37、容词及比较级。(2)呈现文本,引导学生学习形容词及其比较级的形式及变化。 (3) Learn the word “smarter”.(用肢体语言理解smarter)T: Why does Little Duck ask his friend Old Tree questions?Ss:Because Old Tree is older and smarter.T: Great! Youre smart. And youre all getting smarter and smarter.(4) Learn the word “shadow”.展示影子的图片,并用镜子及阳光在教室呈现真正的影子。

38、T:What is Little Duck doing?Ss: He is watching the sun go down.T: Good answer! And he is watching his shadow.3. Read again.(1)小鸭子对影子产生了疑问,Read the story again and finish the dialogue,并核对答案。(2) Teach “lower and lower” and “longer and longer”.邀请一位学生采用远近方式,再通过镜子及太阳,呈现影子,让学生很好的理解当阳光与影子之间的关系。(3) 跟录音读文本,并

39、注意语音语调。Step 3: Post-reading1. Group work.思考:Do you agree with Old Tree? Why?2. Play a role.两人一组,分角色扮演老树和小鸭子,并回答出小鸭子的问题。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Enjoy a video about the changes of time. 鼓励学生说出感受并谈谈视频中母子的变化。The teacher makes a model:The mother is getting older and older. 2. Free talk.小组成员之间

40、互相讨论,他们父母的变化,并分享。作业板书设计教学反思Unit1 How tall are you?第6课时课时内容Unit1 Part B Lets check & Lets wrap it up&Part C Story time上课时间审核人教材分析本课时是Unit1的最后一个课时,与前几课时紧密相连。围绕本单元的重点词汇和句型展开。主要通过Lets check.和Lets wrap it up.检测本单元的A、B部分的核心词汇和句型。Story time巩固本单元句型。增加学生语言的输入。本课时是对前几课时重点知识的回顾。本课时的重点是复习本单元的知识和完成听力练习。教学目标1.能够听

41、、说并讲述本节课的简单小故事。2.学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的、有针对性地去听录音,听后完成任务。3.培养学生良好的听力习惯,以持续提高学生的听力水平。教学重难点重点:1.掌握本板块形容词的比较级形式及其变化规律,并能灵活运用。2.能理解Story time 部分的故事。难点:将本单元的词汇、句型运用到实际情景中。教具准备PPT课件课文录音视频图片等。教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a songMy small cat. 3. Lead-in.Look and say:Show some pictures. Each p

42、icture presents two objects, animals or people. Let students use comparative forms of the adjectives to describe and compare them. Step 2: Presentation1. Lets check.(1) Listen and tick.Show the pictures of “Lets check”.Let students talk about them. Play the recording.Students listen and tick the rig

43、ht pictures.Check the answers together.Ask some students to choose pictures and talk about the reason why they choose.(2) Listen again and write the answers to the questions.Play the recording again.Check the answers together.Present the listening materials to help students train their listening ski

44、lls. 2. Lets wrap it up.(1) Show the comparative forms of the adjectives on the left in this part. (2) Divide students into three groups. Let the three groups PK and find the words belonging to their group as quickly as possible.(3) Groups show their words one by one and try to explain the reasons.

45、(4)After the PK,ask students to write down the comparative forms in the book. Then check the answers together. (课件出示:答案图片)Step 3: PracticeStory timeA goalkeeper wanted!”1. The teacher talks about something about football and the goalkeeper with students freely.Show a picture of a goalkeeper. (出示课件)2. Show the six pictures in this part one by one. Let students observe and guess the main idea of this story. (出示课件)3. The teacher asks som


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