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1、牛津译林版八年级上册英语:书面表达 学案书面表达主要考查考生以笔头的形式进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点等综合运用语言的能力。该题型要求考生能根据题目所提供的内容或情景,灵活运用所掌握的英语知识,写出意思连贯、语言简洁明了的短文。写作内容一般贴近学生的学习和生活,提供情境的方式丰富多样,有文字、图画、图表、提纲等。解题技巧主要有以下几点:1.认真审题。一看到题目不要急着开始写,而应做到“四审”:即审文体、人称、时态和语态。动笔前,通过仔细阅读试题,明确写作目的和要求。通过审题可以达到:(1)明确体裁。书面语和结束语都是基本要点,不可遗漏。(2)确定内容。弄清题目设置的情





6、 Dick 听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请你根据所给提示,用英语写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。周末活动(减负前)周末活动(减负后)白天:上课、做作业白天:参观博物馆,学习电脑、绘画等晚上:做作业晚上:看新闻、读书、看报纸就寝时间:晚上11:30就寝时间:晚上10:30注意:(1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;(2)词数90 左右,短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;(3)短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。参考词汇:减轻学习负担 reduce learning loadsDear Dick,How nice it is

7、to hear from you again! Yours,Li Hua1.认真审题,明确要求。(1)由汉语提示可知应用第一人称完成短文。(2)在写作过程中要突出减负给学习和生活带来的便利。(3)在写作过程中要根据表格中的汉语提示,写成一篇行文连贯、条理清楚的文章,而不宜将表格中的中文直译成英语。2.审视表格,列出要点。(1)过去忙于上课、做作业。(2)现在有时间参观博物馆、学习电脑等。(3)现在有时间看新闻、看报纸等。(4)不必再熬夜。3.依据要点,编拟提纲。(1) I used to have to do endless homework and attend classes even a

8、t weekends.(2) Now I have more free time to visit museums, take computer lessons and so on.(3) In the evening, I can watch news on TV or readnewspapers.(4) I can go to bed earlier.4.按照文体,组织语篇。One possible version:Dear Dick,How nice it is to hear from you again! You want to know what is going on at t

9、he schools in China, right?In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning loads. I dont know about others,but I used to have to study even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. I didnt get enough sleep either. Now I have more free t

10、ime. I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums, taking computer and drawing lessons. In the evening, I can watch news on TV, read books or read newspapers. Whats more, Ican go to bed an hour earlier.As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new ar-rangement for thing

11、s.Yours,Li Hua专题七 书面表达特训A假设你是 Simon,你的英国笔友 Paul想要结交更多的朋友。你通过电子邮件,把你最好的朋友 Daniel 介绍给他,Daniel的情况见下表: Daniel个性真诚的朋友,从来不说任何人的坏话学校生活在校有许多时间进行课外活动,非常享受学校生活爱好对 DIY 着迷,曾经给妈妈制作过生日卡片其他情况对了解不同种类的鸟类感兴趣,经常帮助濒危的鸟类最喜欢冬季,因为(自由发挥一点)愿望人人能保护地球,因为(自由发挥一点)注意:1.词数90左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.内容必须包括表格中所有信息,并作适当的发挥。Dear Paul,How

12、 are you? Im writing to introduce my best friendDaniel to you. Yours,SimonB所有生物都是地球的主人,人与动物共享同一家园。假如你是阳光中学八(6)班学生 Lily,请你以Protect the Earth andLove Animals 为题写一篇演讲稿,在学校举办的“第六届年度英语节”活动中作专题演讲。要求:1.演讲内容包含所有要点,省略号部分要作适当发挥;2.条理清晰,字迹工整,词数 90左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Your idea和其他的生物分享同一个家园 Problems1. 砍伐树木和森林2.为了

13、金钱捕猎动物3. 为农场和建筑物制造更多的空间 Ways1. 政府: 制定法律去保护野生动物2. 我们学生: Importance如果我们,/如果我们不,Protect the Earth and Love AnimalsGood morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report about protecting the Earth and loving ani-mals. Thats all. Thank you very much!C假如你是 David,你的 QQ 好友 Li Ming想要亲自制作一张

14、贺卡,他来信向你了解这方面的情况。请认真阅读他的邮件,根据信中的内容及你的实际情况用英语回复。 To: davidwoodlandschool From: limingsunshineschool Subject: DIY Dear David, Glad to hear from you last month. My fathers birthday is coming, I am going to make a card by myself, but I know little about it. I have known you often do DIY jobs in your fre

15、e time. Im writing to ask you for advice. The following is what I want to know about the DIY job. What materials do I need for that? What tools do you think I need? Can you tell me some tips for making a card carefully? Best wishes, Li Ming注意:1.词数 80左右,回信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;2.文中不得提及真实的人名和校名等个人信息;3.回复应

16、包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯通顺、符合逻辑。Dear Li Ming,Thank you for your letter. Im glad you are interested inDIY jobs. Now I give you some advice. Happy birthday to your father. I hope you will love DIYjobs. Im looking forward to your letter.Best wishes,David专题七 书面表达特训ADear Paul,How are you? Im writing to introdu

17、ce my best friend Daniel to you.He is a true friend and never says a bad word about anyone. He has much time to do after-school activities at school, so he enjoys school life very much. He is crazy about DIY. He once made his mother a beautiful birthday card. He is interested in learning about diffe

18、rent kinds of birds. He often helps birds in danger. His favourite season is winter because he can have snowball fights and make snowmen with his friends.He hopes that everyone can protect the earth because it is the only home of humans and animals.Yours,SimonBProtect the Earth and Love AnimalsGood

19、morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report about protecting the Earth and loving animals.I think that we should share the same home with other living things. But in fact, there are many problems in our society. People often cut down trees and forests and hunt animals for mo

20、ney. So they make more space for farms and buildings. So our government should make laws to protect the environment and wild animals. And then, students can help more people to understand the importance of protecting the animals.If we do this, our earth will become comfortable for us to live in. But

21、 if we dont, terrible things will happen. So lets act together to make a more beautiful home for us humans and animals.Thats all. Thank you very much!CDear Li Ming,Thank you for your letter. Im glad you are interested in DIY jobs. Now I give you some advice.First of all, you have to prepare the mate

22、rials for making cards, such as thick paper,colour pencils, stickers and so on. DIY tools are also important. I think you at least have a pair of scissors, tape and glue. And then you must think about what words and pictures on the card. At last, you can start to make the card by yourself. Please fo

23、llow these steps.Cut out pieces of card with the scissors. You should care about its size and shape.Write some words or a sentence on each card. You had better be careful enough, dont make mistakes when writing.Draw a picture about the words or the sentence on the other side of the card.Colour the p

24、icture. Make sure your father will enjoy it.Stick the cards. You can decorate the front and back covers with some stickers your father likes.I believe you can complete the birthday card by yourself!Happy birthday to your father. I hope you will love DIY jobs. Im looking forward to your letter.Best wishes,David第 12 页 共 12 页


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