读后续写微专题之动物描写(ppt课件) -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.pptx

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1、读后续写微技能狗【外貌】【外貌】a pair of large watery eyes 一双水汪汪的大一双水汪汪的大眼睛眼睛two big round eyes 两只圆溜溜的大眼睛两只圆溜溜的大眼睛 a nose like a small black gem 一颗黑宝石般的鼻子一颗黑宝石般的鼻子long/muscular/skinny/spindly legs 长的长的/肌肉发达的肌肉发达的/皮包骨的皮包骨的/干瘦的干瘦的 腿腿fur is as white as snow 皮毛像雪皮毛像雪一样洁白一样洁白a long little tail 一条长长的小尾巴一条长长的小尾巴 【动作】【动作】

2、摇尾巴摇尾巴嗅嗅 狗吠狗吠 舔舔把耳朵竖起来把耳朵竖起来 抖动全身抖动全身保持前腿弯曲保持前腿弯曲wag the tail smell/sniff bark/yap/yelp lick put the ears up shake the whole body keep its fore legs doubled up I.The dog sat patiently with its tongue hanging out of its mouth狗耐心地坐着,狗耐心地坐着,舌头伸出嘴外。舌头伸出嘴外。2.he dogs ear pricked up at the sound.狗听到这个声音,耳朵

3、狗听到这个声音,耳朵竖了起来。竖了起来。3.Upon his masters arrival,the dog leapt to his feet,snorted cheerfully and bounded forward.主人一到,这只狗一跃而起,欢快地打着响鼻,向主人一到,这只狗一跃而起,欢快地打着响鼻,向前奔跑。前奔跑。4.The dog let out a string of roaring barks狗发出一连串咆哮的叫声。狗发出一连串咆哮的叫声。5.The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement狗兴奋地又蹦又跳,摇头摆尾。狗兴奋地又蹦

4、又跳,摇头摆尾。6.The dog licked his hands and pushed its head against his leg.狗舔着他的手,把狗舔着他的手,把头抵在他的腿上。头抵在他的腿上。【例句】【例句】1.忠诚的狗摇动着尾巴,迫不及待地等待着主人的归来。忠诚的狗摇动着尾巴,迫不及待地等待着主人的归来。The loyal dog wagged its tail vigorously,eagerly awaiting its owners return.2.年迈的狗卷缩在它最喜欢的垫子上,闭上眼睛发出满足的叹息,陷入了甜年迈的狗卷缩在它最喜欢的垫子上,闭上眼睛发出满足的叹息,陷

5、入了甜蜜的梦乡。蜜的梦乡。The old dog curled up on its favorite cushion,letting out contented sighs as it dozed off.3.小狗热切地向主人摇着尾巴,期待着一场欢快的散步。小狗热切地向主人摇着尾巴,期待着一场欢快的散步。The little dog wagged its tail eagerly,looking forward to a joyful walk with its owner.4.在主人的呼唤下,狗欢快地跳跃着,表达着无尽的快乐。在主人的呼唤下,狗欢快地跳跃着,表达着无尽的快乐。In respo

6、nse to the owners call,the dog jumped joyfully,expressing boundless happiness.鸟【动作】【动作】1.circle/hover盘旋盘旋,glide滑翔滑翔,soar翱翔翱翔 2.hop跳跳on the twig3.extend,stretch,spread,unfold its wings 展开翅膀展开翅膀 4.flap(flutter,beat)its wings 拍打翅膀拍打翅膀5.preen(itself)整理羽毛整理羽毛 6.twitter,warble 鸟叫鸟叫1.The sparrows were_peck

7、ing at whatever they could find.麻雀在啄食它们麻雀在啄食它们能找到的任何东西,能找到的任何东西,2.The bird tucked its head under its wing小鸟把头藏小鸟把头藏在翅膀下面。在翅膀下面。3.The swan flapped/fluttered its wings and flew away.天鹅拍打着翅膀飞走天鹅拍打着翅膀飞走了。了。4.The bird swooped down to the lake.鸟儿俯冲到湖边。鸟儿俯冲到湖边。5.The bird soared into the sky.小鸟翱翔天空。小鸟翱翔天空。6

8、.Perching on my palm.she chirped/squeaked merrily.eyes fixed on mine again.它栖息在我的手掌上,它栖息在我的手掌上,欢快地鸣叫着,眼睛又盯着我。欢快地鸣叫着,眼睛又盯着我。【例句】【例句】7.When I opened my hand,the bird did not fly away,she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.当我张开手时,小鸟并没有飞走,而是坐在那里用她明当我张开手时,小鸟并没有飞走,而是坐在那里用她明亮的眼睛看着我。亮的眼睛看着我。8.It seemed

9、that the bird was waiting for me,its beady eyes locked on mine as if trying to convey some deep,unspoken gratitude.这这只鸟似乎在等我,它炯炯有神的眼睛紧紧盯着我,似乎想表达某种深深的、只鸟似乎在等我,它炯炯有神的眼睛紧紧盯着我,似乎想表达某种深深的、难以言表的感难以言表的感【例句】【例句】1.这只优雅的鸟在天空中轻盈地飞翔,它的翅膀捕捉着阳光。这只优雅的鸟在天空中轻盈地飞翔,它的翅膀捕捉着阳光。The graceful bird soared effortlessly throu

10、gh the sky,its wings catching the sunlight.2.以迅猛的俯冲,鸟儿一头扎入水中,片刻后带着一条闪闪发光的鱼在嘴里以迅猛的俯冲,鸟儿一头扎入水中,片刻后带着一条闪闪发光的鱼在嘴里冒出水面。冒出水面。With a swift dive,the bird plunged into the water,emerging moments later with a glimmering fish in its beak.3.金丝雀(金丝雀(canary)发出一系列悠扬的音符,为)发出一系列悠扬的音符,为清晨奏响悦耳的歌曲,使空气充满迷人的旋律。清晨奏响悦耳的歌曲,

11、使空气充满迷人的旋律。With a series of melodious notes,the canary serenaded the morning,filling the air with its enchanting song.马1.The unexpected appearance frightened my horse,which made it run wildly.这突如其来的出现吓到了我的马,让它狂奔起来。这突如其来的出现吓到了我的马,让它狂奔起来。2.The horse snorted,tossed its head and then galloped away.马儿打了个

12、响鼻,甩马儿打了个响鼻,甩了甩头,然后飞奔而去。了甩头,然后飞奔而去。3.Alan took hold of the reins and the small horse started trotting艾伦拉住缰绳,小马开始小跑。艾伦拉住缰绳,小马开始小跑。4.The horse seemed restless,too,stamping its feet,and snorting这匹马似乎也很不这匹马似乎也很不安分,跺着脚,打着响鼻。安分,跺着脚,打着响鼻。5.The horse rose up on his hind legs and struck her with his front ho

13、ofs.那匹马后腿站立那匹马后腿站立,用前蹄踢她。用前蹄踢她。【例句】【例句】1.这匹马已经竭尽全力了。这匹马已经竭尽全力了。The horse was fully exhausted.2.他那匹灰马在他身边不安地喘着粗。他那匹灰马在他身边不安地喘着粗。His grey horse was snuffling uneasily around him.3.这匹马被这突如其来的这匹马被这突如其来的事件吓了一跳,飞快地冲出跑道,向另一个方向跑去。事件吓了一跳,飞快地冲出跑道,向另一个方向跑去。Badly startled by the sudden incident,the horse sped o

14、ff the track into another direction.4.最后,马儿终于安静了下来,但我们似乎迷路了,无法回到山路上。最后,马儿终于安静了下来,但我们似乎迷路了,无法回到山路上。Finally,the horse calmed down,but we seemed to get lost,unable to go back to the mountain road.熊1.Probably angered by the spray,the bear started attacking the fence even more violently.可能是被喷雾激怒了,熊开始更加猛烈

15、地攻击栅栏。可能是被喷雾激怒了,熊开始更加猛烈地攻击栅栏。2.The bear stopped pounding the fence and walked towards the bread,but went back again in a minute when he finished the bread.熊停止了对栅栏的攻击,熊停止了对栅栏的攻击,朝面包走去,但一分钟后吃完面包又走了回来。朝面包走去,但一分钟后吃完面包又走了回来。3.The noises of the helicopter frightened the bear away,leaping clumsily into the

16、 bush直升机的直升机的噪音吓跑了熊,它笨拙地跳进灌木丛中。噪音吓跑了熊,它笨拙地跳进灌木丛中。4.The polar bear let out one last roar and then scampered off.北极熊发出最后一声吼叫,然后一溜烟跑了。北极熊发出最后一声吼叫,然后一溜烟跑了。5.The enormous grizzly bear roared with rage and its dripping.巨大的灰巨大的灰熊愤怒地咆哮着,滴水的下巴张得大大的。熊愤怒地咆哮着,滴水的下巴张得大大的。6.The bear rose up and roared at me,barin

17、g its razor-sharp teeth灰熊站起来,向我怒吼,龇着锋灰熊站起来,向我怒吼,龇着锋利的牙齿。利的牙齿。【例句】【例句】1.熊咆哮着向他们逼近。熊咆哮着向他们逼近。The bear snarled at them,inching closer.2.熊立刻停了下来,慢慢地往回走,好奇地嗅着,耳朵警惕地听着,熊立刻停了下来,慢慢地往回走,好奇地嗅着,耳朵警惕地听着,眼睛努力想看穿灌木丛的奥秘。眼睛努力想看穿灌木丛的奥秘。The bear stopped at once and moved back slowly,sniffing with curiosity,his ears a

18、lert,his eyes striving to pierce the mysteries of the thicket.3.他们后腿着地,像人一样肩并肩地走着。他们后腿着地,像人一样肩并肩地走着。They were on their hind legs,walking like men,shoulder to shoulder.狼1.Seeing this,the wolf still howled outside the door for some time and then left unwillingly.狼见此情景,仍在门外嚎叫了一阵,然后不甘心地离开了。狼见此情景,仍在门外嚎叫了

19、一阵,然后不甘心地离开了。2.Quick as lightning it turned round,its eves flaming and its mouth wide open in a howl of rage.它快如闪电它快如闪电地转过身来,双眼冒火,张大嘴巴,发出愤怒的嚎叫。地转过身来,双眼冒火,张大嘴巴,发出愤怒的嚎叫。3.The wolf glared at her for a moment in silence,lashing his tail wrathfully.狼默默地瞪了她一会儿,愤怒地甩着尾巴。狼默默地瞪了她一会儿,愤怒地甩着尾巴。4.Abruptly the wol

20、f let out a long snarling,terrible shrill and charged at him like a gray arrow.突然,狼发出一声长长的咆哮和可怕的嘶叫,像一支灰色的箭向他冲去。突然,狼发出一声长长的咆哮和可怕的嘶叫,像一支灰色的箭向他冲去。5.In a flash,the wolf slunk into the thick forest,and trotted south.转眼间,狼溜进了茂密的森林,转眼间,狼溜进了茂密的森林,小跑着向南跑去。小跑着向南跑去。【例句】【例句】1.狼靠近了那个人,呲着牙,饥饿地嗅着。狼靠近了那个人,呲着牙,饥饿地嗅着

21、。The wolf came close to the man,bared its teeth.and sniffed in hunger.2.在远处在远处,一头狼在哀号。一头狼在哀号。In the distance,a wolf howled mournfully.3.狼非常愤怒,一直咆哮着,狼非常愤怒,一直咆哮着,猛烈地撞击着窗户。猛烈地撞击着窗户。So angry was the wolf that it kept roaring and smacking the window violently.【动物类话题结尾的主题升华句】1.Elli and I learned our lesso

22、n(学到一个教训):Be aware of a bear with a toothache.2.Despite the chill autumn wind,their home was filled with the warmth of love and reunion(充满爱和团聚的温暖).3.Appearing to be feeling better,the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Beckys hand as if to express thanks(好像在表达感谢).What a warm scene!4.And it was at that moment that I realized why Spotty,our little dog,returned to me-he had forgiven me for what I had done(他已经原谅我所做的事情)


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