不定式+动名词+分词在句子中的所有成分 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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不定式+动名词+分词在句子中的所有成分 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx_第1页
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不定式+动名词+分词在句子中的所有成分 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx_第3页
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不定式+动名词+分词在句子中的所有成分 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx_第5页
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1、黑色 副词红色 谓语动词蓝色 代词黄色 关系词绿色 介词紫色 名词灰色 形容词粉色 冠词橙色 连词墨绿 数词按照非谓语动词的形式分类1. 非谓语动词不定式21.1 不定式作主语=it是形式主语21.2 不定式作宾语41.2.1 不定式作形式宾语41.3 不定式作表语=可以与主语互换位置51.4 不定式作宾补61.5 不定式作定语81.6 不定式作状语101.7 不定式做独立成分112. 非谓语动词动名词=doing=v/n.112.1 动名词作主语11形式主系表真正的主语112.2 动名词作宾语122.3 动名词作表语132.4 动名词作定语153. 非谓语动词分词=doing+done=ad

2、j./adv.163.1 分词作表语163.1.1 现在分词作表语163.1.2 过去分词作表语173.2 分词作宾补183.2.1 现在分词作宾补183.2.2 过去分词作宾补183.3 分词作定语203.3.1 现在分词作定语203.3.2 过去分词作定语213.4 分词作状语223.4.1 现在分词作状语223.4.2 过去分词作状语221. 非谓语动词不定式1.1 不定式作主语=it是形式主语To give as much help as possible is our duty.To give as much help as possible is our duty.To give

3、is our duty. To do=n.=主To give is our duty. 主 系 表 as much help as possible 比较状语as.as.副词比较级(同级比较)To give as much help as possible is our duty.主 状语 系 表To give is our duty. To do=n.=主系表To do=n.=itit is our duty to give.(形式)主系表(真正的主语)It is our duty to give as much help as possible (形式)主系表(真正的主语)比较状语To l

4、earn well is our goals.主 系 表=It is our goals to learn well.(形式)主系表(真正的主语)状语To go a great university is my hope.主 系 表=It is my hope to go a great university.形式主系表(真正的主语)To demand is a perfect plan.主 系 表=It is a perfect plan to demand.to refuse his offer is not right.主 系 表=It is not right to refuse hi

5、s offer.To/go prepare a party for her.give her a prepared party1.2 不定式作宾语I cant afford to buy a car.I cant afford to buy a car.to buy a car =n.I cant afford to buy a car.主 谓 宾 I prepare to eat an apple.主 谓 宾 Im preparing to go on a holiday.主 谓 宾 1.2.1 不定式作形式宾语You may find it necessary to finish the

6、work ahead of time.You may find it necessary to finish the work ahead of time.主 谓 形式宾 宾补 真正的宾 状 =You may find to finish the work ahead of time necessary.You may find to finish the work ahead of time necessary.主 谓 真正的宾 状 宾补 1.3 不定式作表语=可以与主语互换位置To see is to believe.To see is to believe.To see=n.to bel

7、ieve=n.To see is to believe.主系表=To believe is to see.To believe is to see. 主系表Hearing is to fake.Hearing=n.to fake=n.Hearing is to fake.主系表To hear is to fake.to fake is hearing. to fake is to hear.主系表His wish is to become a teacher.主系表To become a teacher is his wish.主系表We are to meet at the school g

8、ate at six.Be to do表安排要做的事情We are to meet at the school gate at six. 主 谓 地点状语 时间状语To meet at the school gate at six are we.To meet at the school gate at six are we. 表 地点状语 时间状语 系 主 (错误)1.4 不定式作宾补She asks me to wash the dishes.She asks me to wash the dishes.主 谓 宾 宾补I require him to finish his homewor

9、k.I remind her to go to school at 6 oclock.主 谓 宾 宾补 时间状I hear him sing a song.I hear him (to) sing a song.主 谓 宾 宾补He was heard to sing a song.He was heard to sing a song.主 谓 主补He helped me (to) clean the room.He helped me (to) clean the room.主 谓 宾 宾补I look at her (to) dance.主谓 宾 宾补She was looked to

10、dance.主 谓 主补I saw him (to) play basketball.主谓 宾 宾补He was seen to play basketball.主 谓 主补He help me to plant trees.I can help you to clean the room.1.5 不定式作定语This is a good opportunity to help me.主系 表 定This is the first to dance.主系 表 定He is a man to finish his task best.He is a man to finish his task

11、best.主系 表 定语 状语=He is a man who is to finish his task best.He is a man who is to finish his task best.主 系 表 主 系 表 状 Do you have anything to say?You do have anything to say.主 谓 宾 定This is a delicious cake for you to eat.This is a delicious cake for you to eat.主 系 表 状 定Their decision to divorce was ve

12、ry firm.Their decision to divorce was very firm. 主 同位 系 状 表 Their decision =to divorceHe is a man to cook a delicious meal.He is a man to cook a delicious meal.主系 表 定语 =He is a man who is to cook a delicious meal.He is a man who is to cook a delicious meal.主 系 表 主 系表 He is a famous person to speak a

13、t the meeting.He is the first person to speak at the meeting.主 系 表 定 状 =He is a famous person who is to speak at the meeting.=He is the first person who is to speak at the meeting.主 系 表 主 系 表 状 It is an interesting story to tell you.It is an interesting story to tell you.主 系 表 定 He wants a book to r

14、ead.He wants a book to read.主 谓 宾 定 It is a good idea to go for a walk with you.主 系 表 同位 状 状Their decision to trip is good.Their decision to trip is good.主 同位 系 表 1.6 不定式作状语14.We hurried to the classroom only to find none there.We hurried to the classroom only to find none there.主 谓 宾 状 状I go to the

15、 supermarket only to find everyone there.主谓宾 状 状I arrived at the shop only to find it was closed.主谓 宾 状 The girl was so kind as to help the old man off the bus.The girl was so kind as to help the old man off the bus.主 系 表 状 状1.7 不定式做独立成分To tell you the truth,I dont like it. To tell you the truth,I d

16、ont like it. 谓 直宾 间宾 主 谓 宾 To be honest=honestly speakingTo be frank=frankly speakingTo be general=generally speaking2. 非谓语动词动名词=doing=v/n.2.1 动名词作主语Finding work is difficult/easy.Finding work is difficult/easy.主 系 表=It is difficult/ easy finding work.It is difficult/ easy finding work.形式主系表真正的主语Sle

17、eping is useless.Sleeping is useless.主 系 表=It is useless sleeping.形式主系表真正的主语Going to sleep is useless.Going to sleep is useless.主 系 表=It is useless going to sleep.形式主系表真正的主语Swimming is a good form of exercise.Swimming is a good form of exercise.主 系 表=It is a good form of exercise swimming.形式主系表真正的主语

18、2.2 动名词作宾语I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.主 谓 宾 定语 状 状I avoid finishing my novel so quickly.I avoid finishing my novel so quickly.主谓 宾 状 I kept studying English two hours yesterd

19、ay evening.I kept studying English two hours yesterday evening.主谓 宾 状 状I look forward to receiving your letter soon.I look forward to receiving your letter soon.主 谓 宾 状They are busy (in) preparing for the exam.They are busy (in) preparing for the exam.主 谓 宾 状I am used to drinking milk for breakfast.

20、主 谓 宾 状I have fun (in) going to the supermarket.主 谓 宾 I am used to waking up early everyday.主 谓 宾 状 状I am busy (in) doing my homework.主 谓 宾 2.3 动名词作表语What I hate most is being laughed at. 主 系 表=being laughed at is what I hate most 表 系 主 =主 系 表My favorite hobby is reading.=Reading is my favorite hobb

21、y. His job is managing the team.=managing the team is His job.One of their goals is reducing waste.= reducing waste is One of their goals.Her main responsibility is taking care of the children.=taking care of the children is Her main responsibility.The biggest challenge is finding a solution.= findi

22、ng a solution is The biggest challenge. Our main concern is keeping everyone safe.= keeping everyone safe is Our main concern.The key to success is working hard.= working hard is The key to success.His passion is playing the guitar.=playing the guitar is His passion.The most important thing is stayi

23、ng positive.=staying positive is The most important thing.Their task is organizing the event.=organizing the event is Their task.Your help is my needing.=my needing is Your help.Our work is serving the people.=serving the people is Our work.2.4 动名词作定语He may be in the reading room.He may be in the re

24、ading room. 主 谓 (定)宾There are about 200 students studying in this school.There are about 200 students studying in this school.There be句式 主(定)The experiment was an amazing success.The experiment was an amazing success. 主 系 (定)表The tall building being built now is our new school. The tall building bei

25、ng built now is our new school. 主(定) 系 表Samoyed dog is called Smiling angel. 主 谓 (定)宾I want to collect the card writing by Tom.主 谓 宾(定)I find a moving robot.主谓 (定)宾3. 非谓语动词分词=doing+done=adj./adv.3.1 分词作表语3.1.1 现在分词作表语Surfing the internet is time-consuming.Surfing the internet is time-consuming. (动名词

26、)主 系 表The movie was boring.主 系 表The story is interesting.The car is shining.3.1.2 过去分词作表语You looked frightened.You looked frightened.主 系 表 This shop is now closed.This shop is now closed.主 系 状 表That story sounds scared.主 系 表The cup is broken.主 系 表3.2 分词作宾补3.2.1 现在分词作宾补I feel my heart beating at high

27、 speed.I feel my heart beating at high speed.主 谓 宾 宾补 状语I heard him singing in the classroom.I heard him singing in the classroom.主 谓 宾 宾补 状语The boy seen the dog swimming in the pool.The boy seen the dog swimming in the pool.主 谓 宾 宾补 状语I found him waiting at the bus stop.She caught them playing in t

28、he park.We saw her working on the new project.The teacher noticed the students chatting during the lesson.They observed the baby sleeping peacefully.3.2.2 过去分词作宾补I saw an old man knocked down by a car just now.I saw an old man knocked down by a car just now.主谓 宾 宾补 状 状The doctor found the document w

29、ritten by the nurse.The doctor found the document written by the nurse.主 谓 宾 宾补 He thought himself misunderstood by his classmate.He thought himself misunderstood by his classmate.主 谓 宾 宾补 状He got his tooth pulled out yesterday.He got his tooth pulled out yesterday.主 谓 宾 宾补 状The father wants his dau

30、ghter taught Japanese.The father wants his daughter taught Japanese.主 谓 宾 宾补With the work finished, he went out for a walk.With the work finished, he went out for a walk. 宾 宾补 主 谓 状I found the door locked when I arrived.She left the window broken after the storm.We considered the plan approved by th

31、e board.They found the document misplaced on the desk.He had his car repaired at the garage.3.3 分词作定语3.3.1 现在分词作定语China is a developing country.China is a developing country. 主 系 (定) 表ECMO is a circulating system. 主 系 (定) 表The girl dancing on the stage is my sister.The girl dancing on the stage is m

32、y sister. 主 (定) 系 表He is the boy singing in the room.He is the boy singing in the room.主 系 表 (定) 状= He is the boy who is singing in the room.He is the boy who is singing in the room.主句:He is the boy . 主 系 表从句:the boy is singing in the room. 主 谓 状3.3.2 过去分词作定语The disease was caused by polluted water.

33、The disease was caused by polluted water.主 谓 (定) 宾The cooked meal smells delicious.The cooked meal smells delicious. (定) 主 系 表The river polluted by daily waste is now dirty and smelly.The river polluted by daily waste is now dirty and smelly. 主 (定) 系 表 The broken vase is red. The broken vase is red.

34、 (定) 主 系 表 The abandoned building is our school. The abandoned building is our school. (定) 主 系 表The delighted children is brother.The delighted children is brother. (定) 主 系 表The well-written report is a newspaper.The well-written report is a newspaper. (定) 主 系 表3.4 分词作状语3.4.1 现在分词作状语He went out, shu

35、tting the door behind him. He went out, shutting the door behind him. 主 谓 状(谓 宾)Being ill, she stayed at home.Being ill, she stayed at home.状(系表),主 谓 状He turns on the computer, playing games.He turns on the computer, playing games.主 谓 宾, 状(谓 宾),3.4.2 过去分词作状语 Seen from the top of the hill (= When it

36、is seen from the top of the hill), the school looks like a big garden.Seen from the top of the hill,状(= When it is seen from the top of the hill), 主 谓 状the school looks like a big garden. 主 系 表Given more attention (= If it was given more attention), the fire could have been avoided.Given more attent

37、ion,状(= If it was given more attention), 主 谓 宾the fire could have been avoided. 主 谓If they are supported by strong beliefs, dreams can be achieved.(If they are supported by strong beliefs, ) 主 谓 宾=supported by strong beliefs, (非)谓(状) 宾dreams can be achieved. 主 谓If knowledge is shared, wisdom will co

38、ntinue.If knowledge is shared, wisdom will continue.If knowledge is shared, 主 谓=shared, (非)谓(状)wisdom will continue. 主 谓surrounded by love and understanding, children will thrive.状 主 谓seized, success is within reach.状 主 系 表 understood and accepted, society will be more harmonious.状 主 系 表neglected, q

39、uality of life will decline.状 主 谓polluted, the Earth will face a crisis.状 主 谓 宾cherished, relationships will endure.abandoned, dreams become difficult to realize.状 主 系 表Encouraged (= As she was encouraged) by the teacher, the girl was very happy.Encouraged,状 (= As she was encouraged) by the teacher,

40、 主 谓 宾the girl was very happy. 主 系 表Left (= Although she was left) alone at home,Jenny didnt feel afraid at all.Left alone at home,状=Although she was left alone at home, 主 谓 状 状Jenny didnt feel afraid at all. 主 系 表Surrounded by his students, the teacher went into the lab. (= The teacher was surround

41、ed by his students and he went into the lab.)Surrounded by his students, 状the teacher went into the lab.主 谓 宾 (= The teacher was surrounded by his students and he went into the lab.)主 谓 宾 并列连词 主 谓 宾填词并分析句子基本句型以及非谓语动词在句子中作什么成分It is important _ (study) hard for the exams._ (exercise) regularly is beneficial for health.She decided _ (join) the club.He hopes _ (travel) around the world.They promised _ (help) us with the project.We plan _ (move) to a new city next year.I find i


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