高考应用文续写高频写作词组 清单-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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高考应用文续写高频写作词组 清单-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx_第1页
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高考应用文续写高频写作词组 清单-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx_第2页
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1、高中英语高频写作词组为.做安排:make arrangements for与.保持联系:keep in contact with用尽全力:with all ones strength决心做某事be determined to do sth做某事对某人来说很荣幸it is an honor for sb to do sth为.纪念in honor of一种荣誉感a sense of honor做.没有意义there is no sense/point in doing sth埋头于be buried in对.产生影响have an effect on努力做某事struggle to do sth

2、挣扎着站起来struggle to ones feet胜任做某事be equal to doing sth如果.,我将不胜感激Id appreciate it if.试图做某事make an attempt to do 做某事是值得的it is worthwhile doing sth有可能做某事be likely to do sth为.做贡献make contributions to 激起 stir up/arouse当谈到when it comes to曾经有一段时间there was a time when正是这个原因it is for this reason that采取措施做take

3、 measures to do sth移除某人的困惑 remove ones doubt提升某人意识raise ones awareness 旨在做be intended to do sthbe meant to doaim to do经历go through追踪keep track of陪伴某人keep sb company下定决心做make up ones mind to 使.沮丧what upsets sb is使某人能够做.enable sb to do sth利用take advantage ofmake use of充分利用 make the most/best of消散fade

4、away尽管in spite of不管 regardless of对.尊重show respect for sb对.了解have a good knowledge of将生命/时间致力于做.dedicate ones life/time to doing sth养成.习惯get into the habit of不言而喻 it goes without saying that优先考虑 give priority to荣幸做:feel honored to do认为.理所当然take sth for granted对.骄傲take pride in某事值得考虑deserve considerat

5、ion 认真对待take sth seriously给某人一种成就感give sb a strong sense of 我怀疑是否I doubt whether句子变得日益become increasingly adj急需做There is an urgent need to do sth响应.号召respond to the call of回首look back on向下/歧视look down(on)仰望/尊敬 look up保持.的平衡keep the balance of对.怜悯have mercy on sbshow mercy to残忍地without mercy表达某人衷心的感激

6、extend ones heartfelt gratitude to驱使某人做.drive sb to do sth迫使某人做force sb to do激发某人做stimulate sb to do必定做.be bound to do为.做准备make preparations for结果是一个成功turn out to be a success感到舒适feel at home能够做.be capable of doinghave the capacity to do sth将.分发为.distribute sth to高度赞扬speak highly ofsing high praise

7、for给.留下深刻印象leave a deep impression on一群a flock of一束a bunch of少量a handful of与.保持联系keep in contact with将.视作regard/consider sth asview sth as优于be superior to有做.强烈的欲望have the urge to do sth have a strong desire to do 减少/消失fade/fall away权衡利弊weigh the pros and cons of陪伴某人做accompany sb in doing.的价值the valu

8、e of一系列 a wide range of对.有一个清晰的认识have a clear picture of不言而喻it goes without saying that.被颁发给.be awarded to做.没有意义it doesnt make any sense to do同情某人be sympathetic to sb某人努力得到回报ones efforts paid off倡导做advocate doing sth跟上/赶上catch/keep up with试一试give it a try与.通信correspond with sb不如.某人认为/想象那样not as.as s

9、b thought/imagined承诺做.make a commitment to do 做.取决于it is up to sb to do sth将.撕成碎片tear sth into pieces对.置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to做一件好事do a good deed反对做.oppose/object to doing冒险做take risks doing放弃做.abandon doing sth忍受做.tolerate doing sth最终做end up doing否认做过deny doing sth决定做.resolve to do每况愈下go from bad to

10、 worse更糟糕地上worse still,让事情更糟糕地上to make matters worse要不是.if it werent for.主句与.和谐相处live in harmony with积极参与take an active part in发起一个运动launch a campaign远离keep/stay away from摆脱break away from阻止某人做keep sb from doing sth强调put/lay/place emphasis on再强调.也不为过sb cant emphasize sth too much为.奠定基础lay the founda

11、tion for将.牢记 keep/bear sth in mind全神贯注fix ones mind on某事略过心头sth flashed through ones mind使某人放松put sb at ease减轻某人的ease/relieve sb of sth轻易地 with ease 用.奖励/回报reward sb with sth导致某人做cause sb to do sth使.鲜活起来bring sth to life恢复生机/苏醒come to life与.有关/无关have something/nothing to do with精通 have a good comman

12、d of除了做.别无选择have no alternative but to do.出现了问题there is something wrong with某人碰巧做 sb happen to do sth拜访某人 drop in on sb以.为代价at the expense/cost of一看到/想到at the sight/thought of帮助某人 do sb a favor请某人帮忙 ask sb a favor赞同in favor of询问某事inquire about sth由于缺乏 for lack of某人缺乏sb be lacking in给某人搭车 give sb a l

13、ift振奋精神 lift ones spirits相反on the contrary与.对比in contrast to sth因.向某人道歉apologize to sb for sth在.的领导下under the leadership of在.的指导下under the guidance of在.影响下under the influence of在共同的努力下with joint efforts与.合作team up with sb坚持.习惯stick to the habit of密切关注keep a close eye on区分distinguish between A and B重

14、视 attach importance to正如言语所说as the saying goes追求梦想pursue ones dream接受挑战take up the challenge与.互动interact with按计划 as scheduled/planned开展一个激烈辩论conduct a heated debate难以描述/想象/辨认beyond description/imagination/recognition处于绝望/恐慌/危险/困难in despair/panic/danger/trouble匆匆忙忙做be in a hurry to do sth将.强加于某人 impo

15、se sth on sbbe +adj+介词专心致志于be absorbed in对.热情 be passionate about对.担忧 be concerned about对.渴望 be eager/dying/thirsty to对.贪婪 be greedy for对.满意 be content/satisfied with被.替代 be replaced by对.羞愧 be ashamed of意识到 be aware of埋头于be buried in对.厌烦 be fed up with忙于 be occupied with对.熟悉be familiar with对.无知 be i

16、gnorant of暴露于 be exposed to热衷于 be keen on对.嫉妒 be jealous of 对.资格be qualified for 预计做.be scheduled to do致力于 be committed/devoted to对.吸引be fascinated by对.印象深刻be deeply impressed by配备/具备be equipped with沉缅于 be abandoned to doing对.谨慎be cautious of困在.中be stuck/trapped in面临 be faced with感到.be seized by情名对做

17、.上瘾 be addicted to沉浸于 be drowned in挤满了 be crowded with续写词组怒吼shout with anger勃然大怒explode with anger突然大笑burst into laughter笑得合不拢嘴laugh from ear to ear 来回踱步pace up and down挤出一个微笑force a bitter smile不知所措feel at a loss哽咽地.choke with情名如鲠在喉have a lump in sbs throat脸上微微皱眉have a slight frown on ones face脸羞红了

18、sbs face flushed with embarrassment/shame脸吓地苍白sbs face paled with fright脸焕发了光彩sbs face lit up with delight动作表达冲向dash/rush for拖着脚drag ones feet挣扎着站起来struggle to ones feet尖叫求助scream for helpr撞到knock down敲门knock on the door怒视 stare at直视某人 look sb straight in the eye给某人一个鼓励的眼神cast/give sb an encouraging

19、 glance心情沉重 ones heart sank鼓起勇气做.gather up ones courage to do sth不忍心做.not have the heart to do风暴般的欢呼与鼓掌在人群中爆发A strom of cheers and applause erupted from the crowd陷入进退两难be trapped in a dilemma 看见一线希望see a ray of hope拨动某人心弦strike ones heartstringsa round of applause 一阵掌声陷入深思be lost in deep thought作为对耐力测试serve as a test of endurance


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