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1、应用文常用句型总结报道开头句:1. (2022届江苏省百校大联考12月月考)Knowing that you are interested in the activity held in our city, Im more than delighted to share it with you.听说你对在我们市举办的活动感兴趣,我很高兴地和你分享下。2. (2020新高考1卷)Last Sunday witnessed (a 5km cross-country running race), in which both students and teachers of our school pa

2、rticipated.上周日,全体师生都参加了一场在我校举办的5公里越野赛跑活动。3. Our school organized an activity (called “Learning from Farmers”), where we students helped (the farmers pick apples on a farm.)我校组织了一次学农活动,我们学生在农场帮助农民们摘苹果。4. Last week I took part in a farm practice with my classmates, which has impressed itself on our me

3、mory.上周我和我同学参加了一个农场实践活动,给我们留下了深刻印象。5. In order to encourage students to pay more attention to physical exercise, an exciting tug of war was held on our school playground last Sunday.上周日,为鼓励学生们更加重视体育锻炼,我们学校在操场上举行了一场激动人心的拔河比赛。篇中句:1. (2022届江苏省百校大联考12月月考)To raise peoples awareness of (environmental poll

4、ution), our city held an activity themed “(The Earth Is Our Only Home)” on (Peoples Square last Saturday). 为了提升人们对环境污染的意识,我市在人民广场举办了主题为“The Earth Is Our Only Home”的活动。2. In the activity, a diversity of (environmental problems) were listed and various kinds of solutions were shared. All the people pr

5、esent promised to do their part to (reduce the environmental pollution), thus making the earth cleaner and more beautiful. 在此活动中,探讨了环境问题的方方面面和各式解决方法。所有在场的人都承诺要尽力减少环境污染,让世界更干净美丽。3. To raise our awareness of labor, the social practice was held at the Gardening Base near our school last Friday.为提高我们的劳动

6、意识,社会实践活动于上周五在我校附近的园艺基地举行。4. To promote (Chinese folk culture), the Art Festival was held last Sunday at the Art Theatre downtown.为促进中国民间文化,艺术节于上周日在市中心艺术剧院举行。5. On arriving at the farm, we began with the area of fruit trees and then moved on to the vegetable field.一到农场,我们就从果树区开始,然后转到菜地。6. The activi

7、ty began with a video showing the history of painting facial masks in Peking Opera.活动从一段展示京剧脸谱画历史的视频开始。篇尾句:1. It is through the fruit-picking activity that we are aware of the value of working hard.正是通过采摘活动,我们才意识到劳动的价值。2. It turned out to be a rewarding experience, from which they benefited a lot.这是

8、一次有益的经历,他们从中受益匪浅。3. Through the activity, we benefited a lot. Not only did it enrich our school life, but it let us further realize the importance of building up our body and working as a team.通过这次活动,我们受益匪浅。活动不仅丰富了我们的生活,而且让我们进一步认识到锻炼身体和团队合作的重要性。文章:学生艺术作品展 Yesterday witnessed a student art exhibition

9、 successfully held in our school hall, intended to show artistic achievements of students and develop our school culture. First, the schoolmaster gave a speech, and then various pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, and paper-cut were on show. Some paintings were so good that people in them lo

10、oked like real. The art exhibition was highly thought of by teachers and students, through which we not only have acquired some knowledge, but we have also seen something new and wonderful.(2020新高考1卷)A Cross-Country Running Race Last Sunday witnessed a 5km cross-country running race, in which both s

11、tudents and teachers of our school participated. The route started from our school gate to the foot of Nanshan Mountain. The whole course was extremely challenging, especially the part near the mountain, narrow and rough. However difficult it was, no participants gave up halfway. At last, all the ru

12、nners held on to the finish line. The activity was highly thought of, because not only did it provide a chance for us to exercise, but it was also of great benefit to the participants, physically and mentally.抗疫志愿者活动Together Against the Pandemic as Volunteers Ten students in our class went to Peace

13、Community to work as volunteers last Sunday. Our main task was to help the elderly living in the community. Some of us assisted them in applying for the health QR code to show their physical condition while the others helped them gain access to their daily necessities. Tired though we were, we all a

14、chieved a sense of fulfillment and learned a lot from this activity. As high school students, it is high time that we should build a better world and light up the future by involving ourselves in meaningful voluntary work.英语喜剧表演比赛An English Drama Competition An English drama competition was successf

15、ully held in our school hall on May 4th. Aimed at encouraging English learning and application, the competition covered varieties of forms, ranging from new plays to classics or adapted ones. Great numbers of students took a keen interest and got actively involved in it. Not only did it offer a plat

16、form to show our talents, but it got us immersed in the charm of English drama. Its hoped that such activities would be held more often in the future.建议信:开头句:1. I have been thinking about the question you wrote in the letter. In my opinion, you should.我一直在考虑你在信中写的问题。在我看来,你应该2. As to the problem you

17、mentioned in the last letter, here are any suggestions.关于你在信中提到的问题,以下是我的建议。3. Since you have asked me for advice regarding. I will try to make some constructive/practical suggestions.既然你问我关于的建议,我试图给你些有建设性的建议。4. Im delighted to receive your letter, in which you asked me for advice on how to focus on

18、online courses.我很高兴收到你的来信,你在信中向我征求如何专心上网课的建议。5. When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you should .当提到这样的情形,我想建议你应该篇中句:1. Personally/as far as Im concerned, it would be a wise choice if you stay at home and avoid going outdoors unless necessary.在我看来,除非必要,待在家里避免出门是明智的。2. Why

19、not join a volunteer club? If you do this, you can not only help others but make friends.为什么不参加志愿者俱乐部?如果这样的话,你不仅能帮助他人也会交到朋友。3. In addition, I strongly suggest/advise you arrive on time or a little earlier.此外,我强烈建议你准时或早点到。4. Another suggestion is that you should wear protective mask to prevent yourse

20、lf from getting infected if you go outdoors.另一个建议是,戴上防护口罩,以防外出时被感染。5. If I were you/Were I you, I would work out regularly in order to keep healthy,如果我是你,我会经常锻炼以保持健康。6. Youd better exercise regularly, which is the most important way to help you stay away from any infections.你最好经常锻炼,这是帮你远离感染的最重要的方法。篇

21、尾句:1. I would appreciate it if you could follow my suggestions.你要是采取我的建议,我会非常感激的。2. It would be an honor to me if you could take my proposal into account.如果你考虑我的建议,我会感到无比荣耀。3. I hope you can benefit a great deal from my suggestions.我希望你从我的建议中获益良多。害怕感染新冠,向你征求建议:Dear Jim, As for your letter asking abo

22、ut how to avoid being infected at this particular time, Id like to offer you some practical suggestions. First of all, my suggestion is that you stay at home and avoid going out unless necessary, which is beneficial to yourself and others. Furthermore, do wear a protective mask outdoors and wash han

23、ds frequently and properly. Whats more, strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly, thus enabling you to stay away from any infections. I hope my advice will be of some help to you.如何安排课余时间:Dear Jack, As for how to use your free time more effectively, Id like to offer you some practical su

24、ggestions. First of all, reduce your screen time and stop using any before school and at mealtimes. Furthermore, increase real-time communication with your friends and family and be “present” and connected. Whats more, it makes sense to lead an active life, so make the most of your free time to get

25、actively involved in some after-school activities. I hope my advice will be of some help to you.建议如何与母亲沟通不再在朋友圈发照片Dear Lily, Im sorry to learn you feel upset because your mother is always posting your photos on WeChat Moments without your permission. I truly understand how you feel and here are my o

26、pinions. Above all, its wise to have a face-to-face communication with your mother. Tell her about your true feelings and she will understand how you feel. Personally, if your photos are constantly shared on WeChat Moments, your privacy will be exposed to the public, which will have a bad effect on

27、you in the long run. I do hope my advice will be helpful to you.邀请信:开头句:1. There will be a music festival to be held in our school next Friday. Im writing to invite you to.下周五我校将举行音乐节。我想邀请你参加。2. To enrich our after-class life, our school will organize a cultural festival next Sunday. Im delighted to

28、 invite you to participate in it.为丰富我们的课余生活,我们学校将于下周日举行文化节,我很高兴邀请你参加。3. A volleyball club has been formed recently in our school. Learning you are enthusiastic about it, Im writing to invite you to join it.我们学校最近成立了排球俱乐部。知道你喜欢排球,我写信邀请你加入俱乐部。篇中句:1. The activity is to promote the traditional Chinese c

29、ulture as well as improve our ability to appreciate art.活动的目的是弘扬中国传统文化,提高我们欣赏艺术的能力。2. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.活动下午2点开始,持续两个小时,在此期间,15位参赛选手会进行演讲。3. The activity is scheduled to last approximately three hou

30、rs, from 8.30 am to 11.30 am活动从早上8.30到11.30, 间隔三小时。4. If you are interested in table tennis, register for our school team by July 20th.如果你对乒乓球感兴趣,请在7月20日前报名参加我们的校队。篇尾句:1. I sincerely long for your attendance if you are available.我真诚地期待你的参加。2. Id appreciate it if you could confirm your participation

31、at your early convenience.如果你能尽早确认的话,我会非常感激的。3. I do hope you will seize the opportunity to join the club and have fun.我真的希望你能抓住机会加入俱乐部并玩得开心。(2022新高考1卷)邀请外教做访谈,“Talk and talk”Dear Caroline, I am Li Hua, a student in charge of our Campus Broadcasting Station. Im writing to sincerely invite you to an

32、interview in our program. Mainly focusing on our varied and colorful campus life, “Talk and Talk” enjoys great popularity among us. Actually, fully aware of your abundant experience in teaching and rich knowledge of literature, we desire a talk concerning how to improve writing ability. Would 3 pm t

33、his Saturday be convenient for you? Your presence will definitely impress and benefit us considerably. Id appreciate it if you could confirm your coming at your earliest convenience.邀请交换生参加跳绳比赛Dear Steven, I cant wait to inform you a rope skipping competition will be held on our school playground ne

34、xt Friday. Id like to invite you to participate. To encourage us students to stay healthy and energetic, the competition will be held in the form of single skipping rope and team skipping rope. The student or the team who skips most will win first prize. Furthermore, many prizes will be given to the

35、 players who rank in top 10. Surely, it will be a fantastic activity, and Id appreciate it if you could confirm your coming at your earliest convenience.邀请朋友加入游泳俱乐部Dear Peter, To enrich our campus life and build up our health, our school has formed a swimming club recently. In light of your great pa

36、ssion about swimming, Im writing to invite you to join it. Various water-based activities will be held, ranging from routine practice to regularly-organized matches, which will cultivate the sports spirit and sharpen swimming skills. Additionally, more appealing water games will be arranged for us t

37、o get refreshed. Sign up in Mr Smiths office before next Friday. Such a great chance is it that it cant be missed. Im convinced that it will live up to your expectations.邀请朋友参加国画培训班Dear Jack, Knowing that you are keen on Chinese culture, Im eagerly writing to invite you to attend the training of tra

38、ditional Chinese painting that is scheduled to start next Monday at the art building. Chinese painting is a great treasure combining art with culture. Therefore, learning traditional Chinese painting can be of great benefit to you in various ways. Not only can you appreciate classic works of great m

39、asters, but you can also have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture. I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.通知:开头句:1. In order to encourage us students to take physical exercise and keep healthy, our school is to hold a marathon rac

40、e.为鼓励学生锻炼身体,保持健康,我们学校将举行一场马拉松比赛。2. Aiming to promote the traditional Chinese culture, the Student Union is to hold a poetry recitation contest.为了弘扬中华传统文化,学生会将举办一场诗朗诵比赛。3. As scheduled, the contest is supposed to be launched next Sunday in the school lecture hall. 按计划,比赛将于下周日在学校演讲厅举行。篇中句:1. The lectu

41、re is expected to last three hours, from 2p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday in the hall of the main building.讲座将于周五下午2点到5点在主楼大厅举行,预计持续3小时。2. The activity focuses on Chinese folk music, aimed at promoting deeper appreciation of traditional Chinese music.活动以中国民族音乐为主题,旨在促进对中国传统音乐的更深理解。3. We are informed that fr

42、om today to tomorrow afternoon, the lift service will be suspended owing to repair.我们获悉,从今日至明日下午,电梯将会因维修而暂停。4. Those interested in the activity are supposed to sign up at our office by the deadline.对活动感兴趣的人应该在截止日期前到我们办公室报名。篇尾句:1. All the teachers and students are required to be present on time. Your

43、 participation will surely make a difference.要求全体师生按时参加。你的参加一定会起作用。2. If there is any change, we will keep you informed ahead of time.如有任何变化,我们会提前通知你。3. Everyone is required to attend it on time and do not ask for leave without special reasons.要求全员按时参加,没有特殊原因不准请假。(全国卷2)观看英语短片Growing Together To lear

44、n more about the development of our school, all the students are expected to watch an English short film Growing Together, which is related to the history of our school. If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about its future, dont miss the golden opportunity! As scheduled,

45、the film will be shown in the school hall from 2 to 3 this Friday afternoon. We encourage any kind of feedback on the film from our viewers. Hopefully, you can send your advice or opinions to us by the school QQ or Wechat.英语讲故事比赛 As scheduled, our school is to launch an English speech competition ne

46、xt Monday. Its meant as part of our plan to welcome the visiting American students, aimed at promoting our awareness of the richness of Chinese traditions as well as improve our spoken English. The speech should be focused on stories related to traditional Chinese culture. You can tell stories relat

47、ed to the origins of traditional festivals and some legends concerning Chinese culture. Anyone interested in it is supposed to sign up at our office by the deadline, this Friday afternoon. You are welcome to share your story with us.英语艺术节 To enrich our campus life and promote students interest in En

48、glish, our club is to hold an English Art Festival at 8 am next Saturday in the art hall. Many performances are expected to be shown, including English songs, English plays as well as playing the instruments and making English speeches. Most importantly, your performances should highlight our theme: Showcasing Youth Excellence. Anyone who wants to sign up for i


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